Inteview with Laxity

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Is this the man Melon Dezign
write antidemos against?

Did Krueger leave Kefrens because he thought this man
decided everything?

Is this the man who coded Guardian Dragon II?

Is this the man every 1Mb Chip owner don't like because
his demos don't work on their Amigas?

YES! It's Laxity_/_Kefrens and in the following pages
we've got an interview with him!

Laxity was the main coder behind the production "Guardian Dragon II".
Certainly one of the Best demos this year. The demo scored very high
on it's original design. The drawback of this demo was the compatibility.

First RAW must congratulate you with the "comeback" of Kefrens. It seems like
the power of the almighty god Kefren will last forever. Do you really believe
that this god Kefren exists?

Hmm... Well, personally I am not the religious type. However, I think that
one should keep an open mind to every possible solution to the question of
us being here. If you consider the three physical dimensions with time as the
fourth, you will realize that we constantly move forward on this fourth axis.
My theory is that nothing in this universe has the velocity of zero. We can
conclude from this that someday, it might be possible to travel back in time,
but time can never stand still.  I do not know if any other members of Kefrens
believe in our "lord", but I think I can honestly say that it is mainly a

In your demo "Guardian Dragon 2" you used a lot of time to design the
demo. You made terrific links between the different parts. How important
do you think the design of a demo is?

The design is THE most important thing, certainly. I think we have a lot of
examples at the scene of very skilled coders who doesn't know a shit about
design! Some years back you could win a democompetition easily if you just
had some good code. But that has changed, and I think we all know who made
this change a fact! However, if you want to improve your designing skills
you should try to examine a lot of musicvideos, trailers, whole films etc.
(believe me, I HAVE!)

You maybe know that your demo doesn't work with 1-2 megabyte chipmem. It 
bugs up with faster processors and you can't use df1: for the second disk. 
Isn't compatibility important for you?

Oh-oh! I have waited for this remark with fear. I know the demo is VERY
incompatible (due to lack of time), and I will surely try to make my next
demo run on as many comps as possible. However, the part with the faster
processors I will ignore, since this is out of the purpose with my demoes.

At the Hurricane party there was promised HIGH prizes. But as RAW understand
they didn't pay the winners at all. If you had been aware of this, would you
have released the demo at this party?

First of all, I want to say that I feel sorry for Hurripain. Everyone seems
to rub their faces in the dirt and call them nicknames. However, I do think
that the whole party ran COMPLETELY out of control, and that it was VERY
bad arranged. But I do not know if we had released the demo if this stood
clear to us before.

In your demo you had a vector land, But don't you think it's silly to put
pyramids in the town?

Why?!? I mean, suppose that these pyramids contained all energy and powersupply
for the entire city? Or what about food storage or a cemetary? Anyway, Vention
did the main design, and therefore also the pyramid, so ask him.

Which effect in Guardian Dragon 2 is the most revolutionary, and why?
Hmm... It would probably have to be the chessmapped balls... I do not know.
I mean, when I made the GD2-demo I mainly thought of the design and the looks
of each part, I did not actually want to break any records. I guess I mainly
wanted to show the importance of a good design and story.

When I see a good demo, I am always curious to hear what the coder has
done before. Could you please tell us which demos you have coded?

Well, I am not too proud, I must say. I actually only have two other previous
demoes, and I personally don't really like them. The first (GD1) was probably
mainly popular because of the fact that it announced our reopening of the
forces. And EGREGIOUS (that IS how it is spelled!) was so lousy designed that..
Well, we HAD to release GD2 in order to compensate for this.

RAW knows that there has been a dispute between Kefrens and Melon Dezign.
What happened?

Well, I think most of the readers have seen the HADTRO from Melon Debil.
I liked it all, except the dragon, but what can you expect from Seen the Mean,
right? After all, he is only jealous because it was not him, who recreated
the forces, and because he cannot cum in front of other people. I hear there
is going to be a new Hadtro from Mellow Divine, something like "New Kefrens On
The Block", right?  Well, I just think that Malowne Desire should quit the
demoscene and start making HADTROs for a living, as they are MUCH better at
that!!! (they are good at copying things and making them uglier!)

Which demo do you think is the Best one in 1992 (Except GD II) ?

I think we all know that! Something with.. Arh, what the fuck was it?!. 
Har. Hard. Hardcore? NOOOO! Harem. Hardfucked? NOOO! Then HARDWIRED? Yeaaah!!!
It would have to be the best demo yet! (till I beat it, ofcourse! (?))

Do you have any Favourite Coder? Which coding effect have amazed you 
most ?

If we do not consider design for a while, I would say Chaos/Sanity. He is
years ahead of other coders at the scene. But the reason for his lack of
popularity would be his design, and it is such a shame. Just think what the
result would be if he had all the design skills that it required? Shit, it
isn't good to think of! Take a look at the Optimum Fuckup-demo. It contains
a VERY nice zoom-routine, no one has made it before, and it IS quite cool!

After this superb demo, have you started a new project, or are you just
resting after the work of Guardian Dragon II?

Since GD2 we have only released some introes and stuff, some coded by me, some
with music by me. Now for The Party '92, we are NOT making GD3 (!), but another
trackdemo, which I will not reveal the name, nor the design of.

What do you think of the scene today (postive/negative) ?

Quite positive. I would say that the scene is developing just the way it
should. Many people will decrease or increase their skills and popularity,
but mainly we will get a lot of very good demoes from now on, I think.
As for diskmags, I hear many people saying that there are too many, but
I think that we cannot get enough. A good diskmag is always nice to read,
and if we only have a few, we will only get the scene from limited points
of view, and we must not let that happen, must we?

Do you have something else you want to share with the RAW readers?

Hmm... Well, I want to express my feelings towards the poor individuals who
think they can stand up against the forces of King Kefren, The Ankh and the
pyramids. But they will soon find out that you cannot beat forces so strong
with merely a simple, human mind!

Furthermore, I want to tell Milkskaeg/Anarchy DK, that we KNOW that R.W.O is
just a lousy graphician compared to HIM (just take his Bart in "Hardcore" -

Ofcourse there was no code in GD2, it was all animations, played with the
SetBob-function in graphics.library. I'm SOOO sorry that there was ONE SINGLE
person out of billions whom I couldn't fool, and I envy you alot for your
brilliant mind, so annoying! I wonder why you aren't a coder?!?!