Inteview with Crusader

found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadsThe Night Train 1
on The Party 1996
AGA Chipset required - interviews
Axm - Keldon - Spot - ...
          Keldon/Giants Interviews One Of The Best Ascii Artist
             C R U S A D E R / S E S S I O N / M O ' S O U L 

keld: Hello.. Crusader please introduce yourself for the readers...

 Cdr: hmmm..I'm pretending to be a swapper in SESSION, but my main thing on 
      the scene is doing ascii's for my ascii group MO'SOUL, which is one of 
      the top asciigroups on the asciiscene these days!. I'm also a IRC freak,
      I'm on the net each day/night..

keld: Please give us some more personal info.. 

 Cdr: I'm 20 years old(propably 21 when this is released!), currently 
      unemployed, so I'm looking for a job. I'm one part of the famous Kotta 
      twins on the scene aka Crusader&Candyman :)

keld:Can you tell us about your scene carrier from the start to this 
     nice year 1996 ?...

 Cdr:Started swapping in the early summer 1993, joined a HANGOVER as my 
     first ever demo group the same summer. On the winter same year I left 
     Hangover and joined DEPTH. In early 1994 I made my first attempt on 
     doing ascii's, I was terrible at that time, but hey that's history now :)
     on summer 1995 I got offered to join EPSILON DESIGN which is a pure 
     asciigroup and ofcourse I accepted it, so now I was a doublemember in 
     It was me + D-Coy who in the winter of 1994/95 started thinking of 
     leaving Depth and start a new crew, and so we did. 
     We formed GIANTS in early 1995. On the autumn 1995 I joined the
     army and took more or less a break from the scene for about 8 months
     and rejoined the scene in may 1996, in february 1996 I was offered to 
     join MO'SOUL and I accepted it since it was the group where I got my
     best friend MARK RYDER + that there was only very talented ascii 
     artists there, so I left e^d and joined mo'soul instead..
     Also I was offered to join SESSION in the spring of 1996 so I joined
     them as they were more active than giants was at that time.

keld: The army, was that hard time?, or was it fun ?..

 Cdr: The armytime was for me a pure hell, but I can't say I regret beeing
      there! I was quite lucky, since I made my military service together 
      with my brother, so we both ended up beeing in the same company, so we 
      both got more or less the same captains etc..
      Me and my brother still do talk of the good memories from the 
      army, eventhought when you ARE in the army you HATE IT, but now when 
      you've finished the military service, you just think back and laught at
      it all :D

 keld: Okey.. :) Apart the scene, do you have other hobbies ?..

  Cdr: I've been bodybuilding/weightlifting since 3 years back, and I'm still 
       doing it, eventhough not that much as i used to! Ofcourse I'm intrested 
       in computers othervise I wouldnt be on the scene, lately internet has
       got my attention, i really enjoy beeing on the net! For those people 
       who aren't on the net, i just have to say come here and see what its all 
       about, you dont know what youre missing!  Ofcourse I also enjoy going
       to parties and booze and all that like all other human beings..

 keld: So you will not swap like you do before ?..And make ascii ?

  Cdr: SWAP: When it comes to swapping, I have come to a point where I think
       that it's not that fun anymore, mainly since I dont have time for it 
       anymore + that I do already see many of my contacts on IRC and also 
       have gotten alot of new friends on the IRC, also these days most 
       demoreleases get spread on internet and on the boards, so I dont feel
       like that swapping is that needed anymore!!! 
       Every guy with a modem can leech all demoreleases from any local board,
       so sending it by mail seems unessesary, especially these days when most 
       swappers own a modem..
       I'm still swapping, but now i only swap with my REAL friends on the 
       scene and the module and gfx contacts that i have! So people with ALOT
       of mods or gfx can feel free to write to me!.
       ASCII: I will continue doing ascii's, ascii's is what keeps me going
       on this scene, I enjoy doing asciis alot mainly since the *GOOD* 
       reponce I've got from doing them.. I'm now a member in MO'SOUL which 
       belongs to the scenes top 3 ascii groups so I don't see no reason for
       stopping it!

 keld: So will be more at the ModemScene these days ?..

  Cdr: Well.. I'm not trading THAT much on the boards, I'm mainly hanging 
       there since i do ascii, but sure i do trade just for fun, not that i 
       want to be the best or anything.. I'm just helping out some friends of 
       mine whos running boards.. Also on the modemscene i do have alot of 
       friends, so for all those people who say that here is no friendship,
       I have to say that its not true at all, atleast my experience of the
       modemscene has been positive so far!. I prefer beeing on the IRC.

 keld: What was the motivation to start doing ascii ? 

  Cdr: Well.. I remember one day when candyman was sitting and 
       doing ascii and i remember laughting at him and telling him that it 
       looked like crap and then he says that i should try it myself and see
       that it aint that easy to do it! So one day I loaded my CED and 
       started doing my first ever ascii, it looked like crap, but I
       remember i got hooked of it right away! I still remember the firsts
       asciicollections i ever saw, it was collys from DANZIG/ARCLITE,
       MAMMOTH/EPSILON DESIGN those were the absolute first ones i saw and 
       i was totally impressed of their styles(and still love them!), so i
       thought I'll release a colly myself and so i released a my first ever
       collection in the summer of 1994.. 

 keld: Hehheh.. okey so now i know the hole ascii story.. :) Well do you
       have a girlfriend ?

  Cdr: I don't have any girlie right now, but I'm currently fooling around 
       with MIA a 23year old girlie! We are not a couple or anything yet, 
       but maybe soon :D

 keld: I have heard that you are not so mutch for demoparties why ?..

  Cdr: Yes, i have never attended to a demoparty, not that i never wanted,
       but it has always been something else that has come in the way or it
       has just been that i havent got enough money to travel ie to DK or so..
       The only "scene happening" that ive been on was a Giants meeting in
       Örebro, but thats also it..

 keld: And this year you will come to tp6 ?...

  Cdr: No, I will not come there! Mainly, since the past year my intrest in
       the demoscene has decreased so I'm not really intrested in putting alot
       of money on travelling do DK! But ill be on IRC at #theparty so maybe
       ill get some live party reports from there :D

 keld: Hahah..Will Session release something now at tp6 .... 

  Cdr: Session is working on a Demo and a Intro for TP6, they will be 
       finished right at the party place and will ofcourse be released there
       if everything goes as planned!.

 keld: What kind of Music do you like ?.. i have heard that you was at the 
       Kiss concert and how was that ?..

  Cdr: Yes, lately i have restarted listening to good old heavy metal groups
       like KISS, ozzy osbourne,accept,iron maiden,dio,metallica a.s.o.. and 
       yes i was on a kiss concert on 6:th december it was really a experience
       to see them play live, i mean i listened to kiss when i was a kid and
       now 10 years later i see them play live! really a mighty feeling to 
       be there and see the whole show! It also was my first concert i ever
       been on, so to start with Kiss is just perfect! :)
       But I'm not just into heavy metal stuff, i do also listen to oasis,bad 
       religion,house of hot chili peppers a.s.o.. i do also 
       listen to some rave/techno music, i listen to most kinda music..

 keld: Please can you tell me the five best ascii artist at the SCENE now ?

  Cdr: Ah a VERY hard question, since all artists have their unique style! 
       I have about 20 guys who i think are really great artists, but if i
       should mention five it would be: 1)Exocet/Arclite 2)Stylez/Contra 
       3)Mogue/Arclite 4)Mark ryder/Mo'soul 5)H2o/Contra.

  Keld: And the best demo you have seen ever ?..

   Cdr: Would be Love/Vd or Arte/Sanity, or Nexus7/Andromeda.. 
        all of them are good..

  keld: Now I give you some space for to greet people or something alls 
        fell free to write what you want!..

   Cdr: First of all I will say sorry to all of my contacts whom ive dropped
        the past months, but you all know the reason for it! I'm never going 
        to forget you guys, you are all friends for me, if you ever come 
        to IRC be sure to say hi to me! some special greets to these 
        REAL FRIENDS on the scene, you are the guys who keep me going! 
        Case78,Devistator,Markryder,Trasher! greets to all IRC friends 
        aswell.. To all guys who have ALOT of modules or graphics contact
        me for some quality swapping, i have over 300mg mods and 50mb of gfx

  keld: Crusader, it have been very nice to talk with you..Thanks! And I
        hope you get a merry christmas and a happy new year!...

   Cdr: No probs, been a pleasure :)