Party Review for Low Density Party 94

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Latex (Germany)
Anti - Cedrix - Flynn - ...
added 9/24
We finnally found the party place
                                        without too much problems. The hall
Low Density Party-Report II	was pretty big, there was room for
more than 1000 people. Unfortunatelly
Like every saturday morning at 6:30 am  only about 100 people were present.
I am coming back from work & jump
myself in my bed.  Unfortunately I      We ran over the organisators to ask,
won't sleep for a long time, I`ve to    if we really were at the BIGGEST
wake up at 11:30am.  Just the time to   BELGiAN AMiGA PARTY!?!?!  A therapy
take a shower eating some cold pizza    member told us that it was a bit
and starting to fill my car with some   early, and that a lot of freax would
computers.                              come later on by train ...  22:00 and
                                        still no more guys around ...  The
12:30, I am leaving my place, driving   room started to be fuckin cold! 24:00
to LIEGE to catch TOXiC (world leader,  beginning of the competitions, lack of
sysop) & ALCiD (gfx-man).  After        people, lack of entries of coz !
having over-crowded my car with
computers and strange thingz (huh?) we  Here are the results of the AMIGA
finnally left LIEGE in order to have    competitions :
PARTY! (...)
                                                -> Turn Page ->
INTROS:                                 The bar was open 24/24H but the prices
1 st: CHRYSEIS                          were HUGE! (200fb for a 1l. coca-cola
2 nd: SATURNE                           bottle!)  Okay, time to greet the
3 rd: !NO ENTRY!                        friends I met there : VODKA/SATURNE
                                        (hey Vincent!), THE COLLECTOR/TMG
MUSIC:                                  (Patriiiiick), and all OUTLAWS AMiGA
1 st: ARPEGIATOR/OUTLAWS                members : TOXiC, ALCiD, GANDALF,
2 nd: UNIX/CHRYSEIS                     HE-MAN, SIGMA 909...  Without forget-
3 rd: ?/?                               ting OTL's PC section.

GFX:                                    Please note that OUTLAWS AMIGA, WAS
1 st: HE-MAN/OUTLAWS                    NOT and has NEVER BEEN involved in ANY
2 nd: DNSS/THERAPY                      way with this party!

I am enable to give u the PC results,
who gives a fuck bout it anyway ?
After that ???  NOTHING! Nearly
everybody was leaving the place, so we

                                        Flynn/Outlaws signing off