Inteview with Tal

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added 8/11
 Interview with Tal/S!P


Q-   Hello   TaL.    Please  introduce
yourself to our readers.
Hallo  Sane!   My  name is Tal i'm the
main  organiser  of the French section
of  Surprise!   Productions.   and i'm
also  cosysop on Ordinary Madness BBS.
I'm 23 years old, i live in France the
country  of  your  favorite friend Mr.
Chirac He!  He!

Q- Please tell us your scene-history.

A-  Pwew!  back up head-file is coming
up...........   It all began on C64 in
a  small  group  called  'Red  Vision'
swapping games.  It was in 1986.  Then
in  1988 i put steps in Atari ST scene
on  a friends machine but it wasn't so
great  as  the  Amiga scene!  I finaly
bought  an  amazing A500 which was the
Rolls Royce of computers at da time :)
People  surely remember the bloody war
VS  Commodore  &  Atari-ri!   :) I ran
around  swapping during diz time, then
in  1989  i  joined Krom as a swapper.
Later   'Krom'   changed   name   into
'Rapace'  we released only 1 lame demo
and a few people left for other groups
as  the organisation was lame.  I left
with  dudes to 'Exact' we released sum
intros  &  a  pack serie.  Near 1990 i
changed  my A500 for a powerfull A2000
and  i  moved  from 'Exact' and joined
'Nova'  as  a  guest  member  in 1992.
Then   i   joined   'Interactive'   as
organiser  of  the French section that
was  in  1993.   Then finnaly i joined
the      forces      of     'Surprise!

Q-  What  are  the  plans of Surprise!
Productions   for  1996?  

A-  We  are  planning to release a BBS
intro   for   'Ordinary  Madness'  and
probably  a  slide show with Moonchild
artworks.  Who knows?

Q- You are French, right?

A-  Yes,  i'm  supposed  to be French!
But  my  roots  are  in  Africa  as my
parents  came from Algeria, an Arabian
country  located  in North Africa.  As
ya  probably  know  France  was in war
with  Algeria  and  colonised it until
1962.   And  guess what happened there
during  that bloody colonisation time?
The  13 February 1960 da first fucking
French   Plutonium  bomb  explosed  at
Reggane  in  the Sahara desert!  :( As
ever they contamined peoples who lived
in  the  desert  but do French peoples
care  about that?  Naaaaa!  they still
make    shit    over   next   colonial
countries!    That   makes  me  really

Q-  What do you think about Chirac and
his government?

Sorry!   that's  a nervous reaction to
this  word  'Chirac  Government'  :) A
bunch of fucking bastards you must say
that!!!!!!    Chirac   has   too  much
ambitions   like   our  old  president
Degaulle  ...   Chirac  is his perfect
clone.   As ya probably see/read at TV
or  any  newspapers our entire country
was  paralysed by stykes!  Due to this
fuckin'lame   governement,  'ThE  VeRy
BeSt'!   Who  didn't  want to stop the
stupide  social  proposition  plan  by
Mr.Juppe  :( Diz asshole want to break
the  social  security  for  the  whole
public  sector!   It  means  that many
people will work till 60 years old for
leaving in retreat.  It's very lame!!!
like  that we will get more unemployed
people!   Diz  dweeb-governement wants
to make France like USA-FuCk!

Q- Did you vote for Chirac?

(R.P.R  SUXX!!!!)  I  voted for Jospin
(Socialist) he is more clever than diz
dweeb Chirac!

Q-  What  your  is  opinion  about the
nuclear tests on mururoa?

A-  I  think it's a real shame for the
French!   I'm  against  this  horrible
tests!!!!     One    day   they   will
understand  that  we  don't  need this
shit anymore!!!  (will They?!  -ed) We
got  the  choice  of the Simulation by
computer   which  was  safe  and  less
expensive,  but  people  chose  a lame
president    who    decided    to   do
nuclear-tests again and that indeed is
the  reason that many countrys boycote
French     products    (food,    wine,
cars,...).   And what about the amount
of   monney   delayed  in  this  nasty
tests???  We will continue to pay more
&  more  taxes  but thoSe people don't
care....   Now French peoples begin to
understand   that   they  make  a  big
mistake!   Worse is that the millitary
says  that's  safe for people!  What a
joke!  There are Contamined people who
fly  over  France  on secret millitary
planes  on  best  French  Hospitals as
they    are    contamined    and   the
governement don't want any chats about
that!   A small cantity of toxic waste
goes away after the explosion over the
Measures  tube,  and it contamined the
ocean   where   people  usually  fish,
vegetables, water, animals.  It's sure
that  the  people  of  Mururoa will be
sick  for decades ....  Thank you very
much Mr.  Chirac!!!  (haleluja-ed!)

Q-  What  is the general opinion about
the  tests?  What do the people around
you think of the tests?

A-Near  60  percent  of the people are
against  the  atomic  tests.   But you
will  probably  ask why they voted for
Chirac   as   president  if  they  are
against these tests ??!  You must know
that  people  were  blasted of our old
president  Mitterand (Socialist) as he
was  our  president  during  14 years!
(from 1981 to 1995).  I know also that
Mitterand   made   nasty  things  (ed-
Rainbow   Warriors   gate,   financial
problems)  People  got  blasted,  they
want  to  change  of president so they
believe  on all the sweet promesses of
Chirac  and  that even if he says that
he  will continue the nuclear tests!!!
But   more   and   more   people  stop
believing  in  his broken promises and
here it is!

Sum  are  in doubtfull mind, they tend
to  trust  scientists if they say that
the risks are if not nil at least very

A  few  agree  totaly  with government
with  explanations  like  :  'it's the
best way against eventual enemies like
C.E.I, Irak, Iran' WeIrD Eh!?  But who
help Irak in 1975 for the construction
of  a nuclear reactor 'Osirak', that's
France!   even  the  risks  that  they
could make nuclear weapons!  They give
also  sum  lame  explanations as 'URRS
and  USA  made  also  lot of tests and
what   we   do   actually  is  nothing
compared  at  what  they  did before'.
And  do  you  figure  assholes that in
doing  more  shitty  tests  the planet
will be more safe???

The rest don't even care!  They got so
much   important   things   to   think
of...Chirac  and Jospé social politics
for example!

Q-  Please  give  a  brief reaction on
these words/sentences/names.
    -Nuclear Bombs
    -x-mass 1995
    -'if  it  is  so safe and pure why
      not test these bombs on the
      cote d'azur'

Chirac  :   He  is  the  world king of
lamers!   His handle is 'Appleman' Ha!
Ha!   Ha!   He is crazy!  the day that
he  won  the  elections, he drove over
Paris and that indeed is the fact that
there  was  no any protection systems!
i  mean that anyone could shoot him!!!
(Please do so! -ed!)
At least i still can't believe that he
is our President!!!

Nuclear  Bombs  :   The  most  deepest
plague  created  by  human race!!!!!!!
Just remember 6 August 1945 Hiroshima,
9  August  1945 Nagasaki.  Hiroshima =
70  000  peoples killed, Nagasaki = 40
000 peoples killed

-Mururoa   :    Mururoa/Fangataufa/Hao
Island   of   the  Tuamotu  polynesian
archypels.   Large  of  860mk²  with a
population  of  8  000 peoples.  There
the   11   september  1966,  near  the
archypel   of   Hao   a  nuclear  bomb
explosed.   And  that was the begining
of those hororibles nuclear tests!!!

-x-mass 1995 :  The beginning of a new
year and a day of World peace.

-'if  it  is  so safe and pure why not
test  these bombs on the Cote d'Azur':
First,  the  conditions  are  not  the
same.   There  is no lagoon there, and
due  to  a  lot  of accidents wich can
happen  with  nuclear  tests  we do it
elsewhere  .   You must also know that
Chirac  got  his  money  and his apple
trees  there  :) Do you figure that he
will  eat  contamined  apples?  no way
man!!!!    People   who  agree  totaly
Chirac  says  'more  it  is done away,
better is it!'.

Q-  Okay,  TAL,  enough  about nuclear
bombs!  What do you think about AGA.

A-  I agree with the STOP AGA movement
done  by Rufferto of Cover Action Team
(Raw#6) I don't understand why so many
people   make   stuff   only  for  AGA
machines...    There  are  sum  groups
which   produce  ECS  &  AGA  releases
(Trinity!)  why  others don't make the
same?   Why using a powerfull computer
and make things that you can do on ECS
machines?   Sum  people  say  that AGA
looks   like  a  new  fashion,  is  it
possible?  I mean that what people had
to know is that AGA is an extension of
the  ECS  scene  and not the opposite!
AGA   is  the  same  example  of  what
happened in the Acorn/Archimede scene!
As   Acorn   dudes  who  got  ECS  Arm
Archimede   need  to  change  for  new
Archimede Risc PC to stay active :(

Q-  Do  you  like the scene as much as
you did before.  (lets say in 1989)

A-  Yes,  i prefer the scene as it was
before, like 1989 a very great year!!!
I  know,  i  know, but you can call me
nostalgic!  But everyone must remember
those  glory  days  where scene was at
the  top.   With  lot  of productions,
many   cooperations,  biggest  Partys,
Wars  ,  etc....   I  like  to see old
stuff  from  that  time; it gives me a
strange feeling :) It's still great to
watch  'Mental  Hangover' or the 'Trsi
Megademo'  and  see  the greatest step
that  the  scene made!  If you got any
Back  time  machine  to sell ...  Just
call me!!!  He!  He!

Q-  Please  name  your  top  3 (ever!!
Also old names!!) of:

A-  Very  difficult  choices  ya  ask!
Let's  see,  hmmm....  i think diz one
is right for me :



Dan  Malone/Bitmap  Brothers  
(Coolest friend!) 


Mister King/Scoopex

Hardwired/Tsl + Crionics
Mental hangover/Scoopex

Q-  Do  you think AGA will destroy the

A- Today we got 2 scenes:  the AGA and
the  ECS scene.  I think it's not only
the  fault of the AGA users, it's also
the  cause  of  the  wrong politics of
Commodore,  whitch  divided the people
by  bringing  incompatible  computers.
When  AGA machines cames, there were a
few  people  who were disapointed this
probably  explains  why  they left for
PC.   I  only  hope that the ECS scene
will survive as the C64 scene is still
alive  during  7-8  years!   The Amiga
scene  need  everyone  of  us  and  it
doesn't matter if you are an AGA or an
ECS user!

Q-  That was it.  Thanx a lot, TAL!!!.
The last lines are yours!

A-  I would like to send sum greets to
a  few  peoples  :  All the Monk dudes
for this coolest diskmag on scene!  :)

All  da  S!P  world  menbers  and  all
believers   of  Surprise  Productions!
Artwork(Damion)  - Cndc(Aleksi Eben) -
Essence(Dodger,Rufferto)             -
Digital(Flame)  Damage(Action)  -  Lsd
(Aquafresh,The  Fink) - Nova(Marc,Blue
Trsi(Dreamfish,Groovy,Overdose)      -
Citron - Intense - Depth - Interactive
Spoon(Encore)  -  Diffusion(Valiant) -
Rebels  -  Melon(Mack)  -  Freezer Dan
Malone,Joe   Walker(Kentish  town  Pub
rulez!!!)   -   Rob  Stevens(Palace  4

Reflex  - Antic productions - Oxyron -
Napalm and all others from the amazing
C64 scene!

To    all   those   dudes   from   the
Archimede/Acorn scene :  Simon Elzinga
-   The   ArcSailor-   Armagheddon   -
Armaxess  -  Hugo Fiennes Arced - Coca
Can - Armaniac - Clares - Greece - Tcd
-  Tnt - Tsk The Coconizer Suite - The
Arcangels  -  The  Keyboard  Trasher -

And  to all i know, respect, love!  or
simply admire.......


-UpdatE  (by  SanE):  right after this
interview  was  taken,  TaL heard some
nasty things about him concerning S!P.
He  doesn't  know  what he will do but
things  have to be changed.  Therefore
some  answers  of  him on my questions
may have been altered a bit.  The main
answers,   the  answers  on  questions
concerning the Nuclear tests of France
half  a  year  ago, are still good and
therefore  this  interview was placed.
The  core  of the interview stayed the
same and that's what matters!