Inteview with Destro

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Interview with Red Knight/TEK and
                      Destro/Dual Crew

       Done By Cloud 9/Vicious

Here's an interview with Red Knight of
TEK  and with Desto of Dual Crew, done
by  Cloud 9/Vicious on the 'Holland is
OK'  party by Legend on 23/24 January.
This interview was typed by Banana/TEK
because  Red  Knight  and Desto are to
lazy  and  I'm  not  used  to a German

Well,  let's  introduce yourself, like
your function, real name and hobbies.

RK:   I'm  Red  Knight  of  TEK and my
functions   in   TEK  are  Modem-  and
Mailtrading.   My  real Name is Oliver
and  I'm  still  going  to school.  My
hobbies are my girlfriend, my computer
and some other kinds of time killers!

DST:   Well,  my name is Desto of Dual
Crew  and  my  Jobs are also Mail- and
Modemtrading.   My  real  name is Ingo
and  I  also  still  go to school.  My
hobbies are computering and soccer.

How long are you in your group now and
in which groups have you been before?

RK:    My  first  (Amiga-)  group  was
Hypnotic then Exult and Awake and many
others.  I'm in TEK since April 1992.

DST:   Ok,  my  first group was called
Exort,   thereafter  I  joined  Amaze,
after Amaze died, I joined Addonic and
in  November 1992 I came to my current

Please tell something about your group
and forthcoming productions.

RK:   No comment, 'cause we don't want
any false rumours to be spread.

DST:  That's top secret, just wait and

What equipment do you own ?

RK:   hmmmmmmm...  a toaster, a coffee
machine, mircowave oven (8MB RAM!) and
of  course  a little Amiga 500 + Amiga

DST:   Well,  I have an Amiga 500 with
1MB   Ram,   two  external  drives,  a
printer,   a   16800   DST  modem  and
thousends  of  disk  with  all kind of

What kind of modem do you have?

RK:   I'm the owner of an U.S.Robotics
Dual Standart 16800.

DST: I have the same.

What  are  your  futureplans  for  the

RK:  I don't know, but I will still be
on the Amiga and PC.

DST:   I  want to release lots of cool
productions with Dual Crew.

What do you think of this party so far
(Holland is OK by Legend)???

RK:    It's  not  a  good  party  yet,
perhaps it will be better.  I wait for
the  competition and of course for the
striptease dancer (female!)

DST:  There are only a few interesting
guys  and  I'm  looking forward to the
competitions.   I  hope that the party
will improve in the next hours.

I  know  you  (Red Knight) has been to
Aars, how was it there???

RK:  It was a really great party and I
was  not  drunken  (like at the Sanity
meeting).   I  was  disappointed about
the  bad  releases  from Aars (1991 it
was better!).

What's your opinion on:

- Diskmags

RK:   I  think  it's very interesting,
but too many Diskmags are there, so it
often gets boring to read them all.

DST:   I'm only interested in the news
and the advertisments and so it's good
to have a lot of Diskmags.

- The German scene

RK:  The german scene is the best!  in
game  supplier!  And freaking!  I hope
that  it will stay that way, but crews
from   Denmark   and  east-europe  are
always good for some surprises...

DST:   The german scene is the best in
swapping and BBS's, but the best demos
still come from Scandinavia

- Andromeda

RK:   A  nice group.  I hope they will
carry on their good work.

DST:   They  are  my  favourite  group
after Melon Dezign.

Have you ever tried to draw/compose or
to code???

RK:   (Banana)  He  always tries(!) to
draw something...

DST:   Some  time ago, I drew a little
bit, but not for long.

Well, thanks a lot for this interview!
If you want to write something to your
contacts or friends then you can do it

RK:   Special  thanks  for great moral
support  to Captain Bifat, Desto, some
guys  from  Interactive  (who paid for
this  credits)  (just kidding), Banana
for  writing,  Chromag  and  to all my
friends  and  contacts in the scene on

DST:    I   also   thank  these  guys.
Special  thanks to Chromag for driving
to  the  Party and to you you, Cloud 9
for  these  nice questions (no fear, I
don't  forget  you,  Red  Knight) Also
greetz  to  my  contacts  around  this
globe...  That's all!