Inteview with Redlight

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Chromag - Conquest - Corny - ...
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performed by Conquest of ANARCHY!

Ok  dear  mate...let's  start  by  the
begining!!!     Tell    our    readers
everything about your person!

Well  except  being  Coder  in the Drd
nothing  much to say, at this date I'm
18,  I often play basket ball, and I'm
in Terminal(last year of college!)

What  is the story of your group which
is rather old,I think?

When  did  it  start  ??  yaa well 3-4
years  ago,  at this time DRD was Sun,
Kougar,  Croquik...   I  joined them 3
years  ago  ...   who did found it ???
This is still a mystery ...Kougar said
it's him ,Sun also, Croquik too ...

What  can  you  say about the state of
mind in DRD and your aim in the scene?

DRD  is  meant  to  be a cool team, No
business  or other boring shit,...  my
aim   at   the  scene  ???   bbaah  as
everybody  having  fun  with  all  the
others  guys,  and trying to make cool

You seem to be really proud of being a
100%   french   team!Can  you  explain
why?As  a conclusion what do you think
about  the  recent  changes within our
national scene?

No  we  are not proud of this, we just
want to show that you can build a cool
team  with only french guys !  No need
of  being  a division of a more famous
group...the  legends  of the self made
men...hem   The   recent  changes  ...
baaah  it's  not  my  problem...I only
care  about  DRD!   The  only  thing I
blame  to  France  is that some people
are  always trying to get trouble with
some  others...   the  worst  thing is
that  those  people  are claming to be
the   French  elite  dudes  ,  and  so
foreign   people   have  often  a  bad
opinion  of  France 'coz of those guys
...   that's  the  main problem of the
French scene to my mind ....

What about  parties  now? Do you enjoy
them   and  would  you  hold  a  party

Parties  are  fun,  we  can  meet each
others...some   are  more  interesting
than  others...We plan to make a party
DRD,Devils,Eoc     in     august    at
Montpellier (south of France, near the     that     mean    girls,

Moby has recently joined your group!So
would you prefer working on music disk
than  in  demos to release more of his
stunning pieces?  What about the other
musicians in DRD?

I  think making a jukebox is something
less  interesting  for  a coder, becoz
the  most  important thing is just the
music  and  the  design  ...  Besides,
it's  always a boring job coz you have
to  keep  a  lot  of  memory  for  the
modules,  so in many jukebox, the code
is  just a loader, a scroll and a menu
with  some  nice gfx ...  I think that
we  should give more importance to the
code  in  jukebox nowadays ...  but to
come  back to Moby's musics, I think I
don't have to make a lot of music disk
to release all his products...  But we
have  also  3 others musicians...  but
there  was only one I could
not  use  all  the tunes...but we will
soon  get  2 new coders so you will be
able  to  judge by yourself the musics
from  Sun,Kougar,Gryzor ( hehe -Sun- )
in  future  productions ...  just wait
and see !
As you're a coder,what do you think of
the  following  dudes?   and  can  you
explain why?
Great  coder but no design at all...he
always  tries  to make Dos File system
which   are  really  borrriiiing...I'm
sure  that he could optimize a bit his
routines  !  ( his 3d routine routines
are far behind the fastest ones ...  )
But  anyway,  he's  surely  one of the
best coder of the amiga scene ...

Again  a great coder...but as Thomas ,
no  design  at  all  !!!  even less...
But  his own made Cartridge was really
wonderful !!!  I'm still wondering how
he  managed to make such a great thing

Hello  of  the  best
french   coders   after  me...(huahaha
joke) It's a pity He has not much time
for  his  amiga nowadays (Studies) ...
But  he  will  come  back for sure one

He's  one  of  my  best friends in the
scene...   of course, he's also one of
the best coders. ( Ice was really cool
...   )  Hope  to see you at the beach
party  if it happens...Maybe you could
present you future demo there ?!?

Do  you have fave demos and artists on
the  scene?   Support  your  point  of

My favourite demos ???  maybe mine !!!
(just   kidding   ...)  That's  surely
Crionics' hardwired...why?  coz of the
cooool  ideas  and  new  effects...and
also  the  Cub-o-Matic for the coding.
My  favourite artist ?  mmmh just wait
for some work of our new gfx Zebig For
the  musics,  it's  Moby  of  course (
Pelforth  blues  rules !!!!!  ) I hope
you've  noticed  that  there were only
DRD members ...  hehe
Did  you  try  to develop software for
game  companies?  Would you make coder
as your job?

No  making  games is too much work for
my lazy brainS (yes,i've got 2 brains)
I  don't know what I will intend to do
...may  be  coder  (surely)  but i may
also  become a barman ...why not ??  (
DrinkCharts rules !!!  huahhuuahh)

SD-What do you think of piracy?

I  just  say that I would not be happy
if someone sold a product I've spent 6
months   to   realize,  just  for  his
business.   But  it's  true that games
are  too expensive...  anyway, I won't
make  a  game and the only game I play
with  is  KickOff  ...   so  piracy is
something I don't care too much ...

Do you think that the Amiga still have
some future?

I hope so !  why should it stop ?!?

Well,never heard of editors' pessimism
and  PC  competition?  Let's leave the
amiga for a while!What do you think of
your country?

I don't like the north of France...but
I'm living in...aaarghh rainy days But
there's  at  less an advantage...I can
sit in front of my computer...  French
government    is    also    a   shitty
government...  a too old goverment !!!
Do  you  like  french  food,musics and
movies?What   kind   of  them  do  you
particularly appreciate?

French Food is good and French Wine is
really  good  .   stop  here...  But I
really  prefer  italian  food  (pasta,
pizzas,  etc...   )  But French movies
and  especially  French musics are the
Most  Boring  ones...   ( BennyB rulez
....   huahhaha  ..  ) The only French
music  i'm  listening  to is ....  you
guessed it ???  ...  Moby's music , of
course ....

Hey...BennyB  are belgians!!Thanks God
they're  not  french...Lagaf  suffit!!
By the way,which foreign country would
you like to visit and why?

I'd  like  USA because they managed to
give  a  good  image  of themselves...
And  if  you're rich enough you can do
what you want !!!

Well,try the east's not bad
at   all!!surtout  les  nanas....   Is
there  anything  strange  that shocked
you lately so that you can speak about
it   now?Don't  hesitate  to  denounce

I (and moby) are still waiting for The
100meg HaRD-disk That Iris promised to
the  winner  of their demos comp...hem
hem...  To be serious, i hate army !!!
it's  just  a  waste  of  time !!!!  I
don't  want to go to the army ..nooooo
i won't, please forget me...ouuuiiiiin
(just  imagine Moby without Hair!  ,Hi
Gryzor i hope you have 'fun' there!)

SD-   more  victim  from  those
french  customers...Iris!   Ok!You can
send  some messys to your mates if you
want now!

SO   here  is  the  greetings  list...
Naaaahhh  I'm  not  going  to bore you
with  one more fuckin' greets list ...
anyway  mega  Coucou to all my friends
!!!!  And don't forget to vote for the
DrinkCharts !!!!

Don't  worry dude!Most of us will vote
as  your  charts  gave a change to the
scene!A la prochaine....

Conquest - Anarchy
