Party Review for Intel Outside 1

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AGA Chipset required
Amethist - Danny - Dope - ...
Full Report Written exclusive for Chit Chat by Magic+Sascha both Mirage (Than Applause) And Phantom                 (Ex-Applause...)

Magic is writing First...

This party was hold by Union & Mystic on the 10th and 11th of August in the capital city of Poland called Warszawa! Since we (Sascha and Magic) were on holiday anyway in Poland we decited to visit this cool party... When we arrived there we met Dreamer/Tpd (Hi Andrew!) and some others at the bus-station and then we went to the party place.

On our way Sascha and I decited to makea little joke so we told every one that we were

Facet and Danny of Spaceballs! (Oki Martijn, Danny cheers to you :-) When we were still outside the main organizer Mr.Root/Union arrived in his car and we spoke a little with him (We were still the Spaceballs dudes!) And he wanted to give us free entrance! (Now I don't no if it was because we were the only foreigners or because we said we were Facet,Danny...) Anyway we didn't want to wait until Mr.Root was back again, so we decited to pay the entrance fee (About $7) and we entered the party place! Again Mr.Root came to us and told us some secrets about the party! For example that there would be a striptease at night etc. etc. Soon the rumour was out that 2 Spaceballers were on the party so alot of guys talked to us! For example

Trash-Head/Mystic asked me if I knew Magic/Applause because he had written to him that he would come so I said to him that I don't know this person... Ofcourse some persons knew we were from Applause so we had alot of fun with this joke! Than at the press conference for Paper and Disk-magazines Mr.root  told every-one that Facet and Danny of Spaceballs were at his party! (Very proud ofcourse) Than somebody in the crowed shouted that the were Sascha and Magic of Applause! So Mr.root didn't know what to say, he just stood there for a second and than he quickly said: 'Well atleast we have two foreigners here!' (You have to know that on Polish party's there are almost no foreigners!) Later when we talked to Mr.Root

again he wasn't angry at us, he found it quite amusing I think...

Well about the party itself! It was hold in something like a nightclub, there was a (big) stage and enough disco lights for a real party. I was told that there weren't any disk/paper invitations spread so how is it possible that there were about 500 persons present?? Anyway There were 2 big screens, one in the main hall and 1 outside the main hall but why the screen outside was bigger I really don't know! Upstairs there was the sleeping area, which was big enough I think! Maybe to dark at night! And there was a bar to get some drinks and something to eat!

And now there will be some opinions from me (Phantom at the keys)...

Well, I'll start with the good points. First of all I think it was a nice idea that all the freaks were in one big room, because we could talk to others without any problems. (You should know that on previous party's there were about 15-20 small rooms with 1-4 groups inside. It was hard to find Your friends...) There were a lot of fun-competitions (but some competitions should have been excluded I think) but people liked it anyway. Some fun-competitions were:

1. Drink a litre of Cola as fast as possible... (Winner Python/TRSI)

2. Who can shout the loudest! (Winner The Very Drunk Sascha/Applause)

3. Male striptease competition. (Winner Sivy/Mystic)

4. The best Beavis & Butthead imitator. (Winner Katani/Mystic)

And at the party they had many prizes! That's a good thing. Usually on party's in Poland the prizes aren't that high. For example - on Primavera Party there was 2 000 000 zl (it's less than 100 $) for the 1st place in the demo competition. This time it was a new :) A1200! There was also a striptease-show, but some guys were so drunken that they pulled the

Kurwa(=Bitch) from the stage, so it was stopped earlier. (Hi there Andrew!!) Too hot guys ? 

About the party...

The entrance, it was too high for us (Poles). And they said that they had sponsors so what's the problem ? And as I wrote before - there were too much drunken persons !!! Well, I personally hate it. (Magic: Don't take it to personal Phantom...Ed.)

Ha, organizers said : - 'Alcohol isn't allowed' ...

And what ? NoThing. They didn't care about this. The toilets were totally puked - it's a

polish tradition I think.

They had some problems with the voting-system! Someone said that it was faked. To tell you the truth I don't know, but for me the results weren't so good. Forinstance how could a Coder from TRSI win the Musiccompetition? Because he used a tune from Scorpik/Ils.

Oki, here is Sascha writing my opinion about this Polish party.

At first you must know that this was my first Polish party, so I didnt knew what to expect. After a travel for 2 hours, we arrived at the party place. After waiting for the crowd to go

inside, we also went inside. my first expression was, looks o.k. nothing special, but nice for a party. I went into the big room, and it was just what I expected. It was a big room filled with Polish dudes looking at their monitors. But later on people started to drink, and it was starting to have a nice atmosphere in the place. One thing I noticed very quickly was that there were more girls than on the party 3 or any other (Scene) party I visited! I could even use the toilet of the orginizers  in the morning! (Thanx Mr.Root)

Well, too keep things short, I only have one thing to say, if there will be other Polish parties  in the future, then don't hesitate, but GO there! (Polish Vodka rulez all...) Thats

enough words for me....bye bye!

The results are like this: 1st place demo compo is for a Aga demo by Mystic 2nd place for demo by Beton Design. And the 3th place by a group called Illusion.

The music compo was won by Tap/TRSI a coder! 2nd by XTD/TRSI (Hi Pjottr) and the 3th price by Scorpik/Ils.

Gfx Compo was won by Yoga/Mystic and 2nd price by Lazur/Union. 3th price by Animal/of Union!

Well that's about it! The party was the best ever in Polish History! I (Magic) want to say hi to: Dreamer, Sascha, Python, Kopara, Phantom, XTD, Alice, Cia, Sky, Mr.Root, Easy Rider, Radium, Justus, Trash-Head, Backfire, Norby and Kamila! 

