Inteview with Tin

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Tin / Brainstorm in Stavanger

Written by Cesium / Balance

Some weeks ago, Norway was visited by a
prominent   person;  Tin  /  Brainstorm
Productions.   He  was  staying over at
TMB Designs / Spaceballs, and the eager
Upstream  correspondent  Cesium  was at
the spot, managing to make an exclusive
interview with him.

If  you've  seen  Musicland  I or II by
Brainstorm,   you've   for   sure  seen
graphics  by  Tin.  He also made a very
nice  clip  art  for  The  Eurochart  a
couple  of  issues  ago  (was  it #19?)
featuring   a  nice,  colorful  orange.
When  you  see  the coming slideshow by
TMB Designs / SB he's drawn a banana in
there somewehere (!).  And last:  Check
out  the  clipart  on  the side of this
article:   Is  this something which has
never  been  done  before?   A clip art
drawn  by  a  graphician especially for
his own interview!

Well, let's get on to it then.

Alex  Bartels,  which is his real name,
is  18  years  old.  His home is in the
land    of    the    Milk    Chocolate,
Switzerland.   Alex  is  an active boy.
When  his  not computing, he's watching
movies,  eating (bananas?) and he enjoy
going  to  concerts.  In wintertime, he
goes   snowboarding   and  crosscountry
skiing up in the Swiss alps.

Brainstorm was actually the first group
he joined after he'd started drawing on
the Amiga.  He joined in April 1992 and
he'd  then  been  drawing  for  about a

When Tin was in Norway, he travelled on
a   round   trip  across  the  country.
First,  he stayed at TMB Designs' place
for a week.  Then TMB Designs was going
to  Paris  with his parents for 7 days,
so Tin HAD to leave.  This time he went
over to Joachim / Crusaders.  There, he
met  persons  like  Jason /Lemon.  and
others,  and  it  seemed like Tin had a
great   time  there.   It  was  a  VERY
unhealthy stay, though.

-  We ate breakfast at 3 PM in the day,
ate  a  lot  of  snacks, chips, grilled
food  and  watched movies!  I learned a
lot  of French from Joachim:  Je suis a
toi!    Voulez-vous  couchez  avec  moi
maintenant?  (for the uncultivated ones
who  doesn't  understand  French:  It's
quite rubbish!)

So what's your impression of Norway?
Was it like you had expected??

-  Yes, very much actually.  The people
are  very  friendly  here.   You have a
beautiful  landscape,  though I've only
been  able  to  see  it from inside the

Over   to   the   scene...   Brainstorm
recently  changed  name  to  Brainstorm
Productions.  Can you tell us something
more about this??

- Yes, now the only members in the new
Brainstorm Productions are Rob Rose,
Axel and myself.

This  interview  did unfortunately have
to  be  cut  down  to less than half of
what I had expected.  I did this stupid
thing to wait too long before doing the
final  editing on disk, so when the day
came,  I didn't remember a shit of what
he  had  told  me!  Too bad, but I hope
you can excuse me, Tin!

We asked Tin to draw a self-portrait,
and just look what came out of it...
                               - Cesium