Invitation to The Gathering 1994

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downloadNevermind 52Packdisk
Broom - Chaos! - Dynamic - ...
added 10/11
                          PARTY POWER ON....

                   t h e   g a t h e r i n g   1 9 9 4

                  g e n e r a l   i n f o r m a t i o n

The Gathering is an annual event arranged primarily by The Crusaders with
the good help of resources from other parts of the computer scene. The event
is a mix between a sports competition and a computer symposium. Computer
user groups gather from all over the world and compete together with other
groups with their latest multi-media products.

You do not need to be a computer freak to attend, but it sure helps. A lot
of people attend just to see what small computers are capable of these days.

The Gathering 1994 will be held at a place called RYKKINNHALLEN just a few
kilometers south west of Oslo.

   The Gathering 1994 will be arranged in the middle of easter holiday on
   the following dates:

             The Gathering 1994 day 1:  Tue 29th of March
             The Gathering 1994 day 2:  Wed 30th of March
             The Gathering 1994 day 3:  Thu 31st of March
             The Gathering 1994 day 4:  Fri 1st of April
             The Gathering 1994 day 5:  Sat 2nd of April

27/3, 28/3, 3/4 and 4/4 are reserved for the arrangers and people working
with the arrangers.

The Gathering 1994 will open some time the 29th of March and there is NO
way of entering the hall before this time. If you have problems arriving
this day, you may stay AT the hall, but NOT inside. There is NO way of
reserving any tables or seats.

Entrance fees will be set to           200,- Norwegian kroners for those
                                             who pay at the entrance

                                       150,- Norwegian kroners for those
                                             who pay in advance using
                                             postal or bank giro

For 200,-/150,- you will have the opportunity to stay 24hrs for all
remaining days inside the hall. Price includes only access to the building.

We will also have a few special rooms for you to rent. These rooms are
meant for bus drivers etc who need something more than a sleeping bag.
All rooms have real beds and separate shower. The price per room is 200 NOK
per day.

Some foregin currencies will be accepted. You pay once for all days, which
means that once you've payed you can go in and out as you wish provided you
show proof of payment. The only way to attend The Gathering is to show proof
of payment. No short visit passes and V.I.P passes will be given out.

Member of the press will be allowed in for free, of course, provided they
show valid press cards.

                   t h e   g a t h e r i n g   1 9 9 4

       i n f o r m a t i o n   a b o u t   t h e   a r r a n g e r s

As of now, the only two people that are certain to act as arrangers are:

Dr. Outtasight / Crusaders, acting as head of operations.
E-Mail         : (Internet)

Shady / Crusaders, acting as Systems Supervisor

Dag Sondre Hansen, acting as economical and sponsor supervisor.
E-Mail         : (Internet)

Mail address   :  Romerike Dataforening
                  Lovenstadveien 8a
                  2006 Lovenstad

                   t h e   g a t h e r i n g   1 9 9 4

                    c o m p e t i t i o n   r u l e s

        a m i g a   d e m o   c o m p e t i t i o n   r u l e s

The term 'demo' is defined as a stand-alone executable program compiled
or assembled by the use of anything from a hi-level compiler to pure
machine code.

The arrangers require that the demo runs on *ALL* Amiga models.
The entries will be tested on the following machines:

      Amiga A1200, Amiga A3000, Amiga A4000/030 and Amiga A4000/040

The demo _can_ and _should_ utilize the AGA chipset of the A1200/4000.
This means that the demos doesn't HAVE to, but seeing that AGA is the new
standard, it should. AGA demos will of course not work on an A3000, and
we don't expect them to.

 p c   ( c o m p a t i b l e )   d e m o   c o m p e t i t i o n   r u l e s

The term 'demo' is defined as a stand-alone executable program compiled
or assembled by the use of anything from a hi-level compiler to pure
machine code. The demo can and should utilize the full potential of the
graphics adapter it is viewed on. It can and should also utilize the full
potential in either Soundblaster 16 ASP or the Gravis Ultrasound music card.

The machine used during the compo will be 486-50MHz local bus, with ET4000
SVGA local bus card, and, after your own choice, either an Soundblaster
16 ASP or Gravis Ultrasound. The resolution should not exceed 640x480 due
to problems with the video signal converting.

All entries that WORKS will contend, and it's possible to test production
before the compo.

     a m i g a   i n t r o   c o m p e t i t i o n   r u l e s

The term 'intro' is defined as a stand-alone executable program compiled
or assembled by the use of anything from a hi-level compiler to pure
machine code. The size of the executable file before execution must not
exceed 40 kilobytes.
The arrangers require that the demo runs on *ALL* Amiga models.
The entries will be tested on the following machines:

       Amiga A1200, Amiga A3000, Amiga A4000/030 and Amiga A4000/040

The intro can and should utilitze the AGA chipset of the A1200/4000.
This means that the demos doesn't HAVE to, but seeing that AGA is the new
standard, it should. ECS intros will of course not work on an A3000, and
we don't expect them to.

           m o d u l e   c o m p e t i t i o n   r u l e s

The term module is defined by a file compatible with the standard
Amiga Protracker format. However, modules from other types of trackers
can compete, but a player for this format must be supplied.

The module can only use 4 channels, and will be played on a played on and
must be compatible with a standard off-the-shelf Amiga A1200 with no extra

The module will be played for up to 3 minutes unless the author has an
utterly good reason for playing it longer.
            p i c t u r e   c o m p e t i t i o n   r u l e s

The term picture is defined by a file consisting of one frame of
graphical data. Pictures from any platform can be entered, but a
picture viewer must also be supplied in case of very special formats.
Pictures from the Amiga platform will by default be viewed using the
latest version of DPaint. Pictures from PC platforms will be shown using
the latest CompuShow.

The maximum graphical resolution is 1024x768, and the maximum number of
bitplanes is 24.

The pictures can and should utilize the full potential of the graphics
adapter it is viewed on.

         a n i m a t i o n   c o m p e t i t i o n   r u l e s

The term animation is defined by a file of graphical frames viewed at
a certain frame rate. Animations from any platform can be entered,
but an animation viewer must also be supplied.

The maximum graphical resolution is 1024x768, and the maximum number of
colors is 256.
The animations can and should utilize the full potential of the graphics
adapter it is viewed on.

Animations from PC platforms will be shown using a Tseng ET4000
SVGA adapter.

Animations from Amiga will be shown using a standard off-the-shelf
Amiga A1200 with no extra hardware.

Animations from any other platforms (if any) will have to supply a
machine to view them on. This machine must supply a video signal
that is compatible with a 'multisync' monitor.

              v i e w i n g   o f   t h e   e n t r i e s

All demos, intros, pictures and animations will be taped to Broadcast
Quality video before viewing. All modules will be taped to DAT before
playing. This to ensure that everything goes well while playing them.
The time from the deadline to the viewing of the entries will therefor
be extended somewhat in order to copy all entries to their respective

              j u d g i n g   f o r   t h e   f i n a l s

As many of the competitions will have a lot of entries and there's no
time to play all the modules, show all the pictures and demos, the
arrangers will use a jury to select a percentage of the entries in each
competition to view/play for the finals.

The number of modules, pictures and so on is fairly uncertain, but it
seems to be wise to select as follows:

If the number of modules  exceedes 40, a jury will select 20%
                 pictures          40                     30%
                 intros            20                     30%

All other competitions (as of now) will show all entries.

The jury will consist of 20-30 randomly selected people from the party
attendants. The first 20-30 people that voluntair will be selected. A
maximum of two persons from each group can attend.

The arrangers will have absolutely NOTHING to do with the selection
except to play the entries for the jury in a closed room.
As far as it is possible, the name of the author of the product will not
be shown to the jury. This is to ensure that each product will be judged
by its appearance, not by the name of the guy that made it.

               j u d g i n g   t h e   w i n n e r s

The Gathering 1992 made use of a computer based voting system. This proved
to be quite ineffective. The Gathering 1993 used a paper based system
which proved to work quite well, but as usual there was a lot of
disagreements regarding the results.

The Gathering 1994 will therefor use a jury system where a group of jury
members who voluntair and have some background in the category they

No votes will be taken from other attenders or from the arrangers.

           s p r e a d i n g   o f   t h e   e n t r i e s

To make sure that as many people as possible get all the entries from
the competitions, we will make copies of disk sets which contain all
entries from all the competitions available to a selected group of people.
From this group of people you can copy the disks you want.
                   t h e   g a t h e r i n g   1 9 9 4

            w o r k i n g   w i t h   t h e   a r r a n g e r s

The event is taking place easter 1994 somewhere in Norway. As of now,
things are very un-detailed as almost nothing has been decided yet.
The reason is that the arrangers are planning a whole new ball game.
Well, not a ball game, but you get the basic idea anyway.

That's where YOU come in. From what we have learned after arranging two
computer partys, we now know that one group cannot arrange the whole thing
themselves. They might have the manpower, but they do not fully reflect
the 'scene'. Therefor, we want to hire YOU as a consultant.

If you're looking for a easy way to make money, turn off your computer now.
There is no such thing as a fast buck involved in arranging computer
partys. The only thing we can promise is free entrance, a place to spend
a couple of great days and all the fame and virtual fortune you can carry.

If you attended The Gathering 1992 and 1993, I bet you at some point said
to yourself that THAT could have been done better. If you also said that
it could have been done better by YOU, read on.
We are looking for a whole range of persons, and we do NOT mean mindless
people to carry tables and straighten chairs. We definetly mean
resourceful independant persons who can think for themselves and do a
great job.

So, if think you can in ANY way contribute to the arrangement of
The Gathering 1994, please do not hesitate to contact us.

   w h a t   w e   n e e d   h e l p   w i t h   a t   t h e   m o m e n t

It is unfortunately not possible for us to list exactly what kind of people
we are looking for. We thought we would adjust our needs as we went along
so to speak. However, we do have some detailed tasks that we need to fill.

Information Bulletin Operator
We're going to have a bulletin for information from us and other groups
active. For this we need a person or two that can operate such a bulletin.
Prefferably using the well known program "Scala". If you have some idea
on how such a source of information should look, please contact us now.
You will be receiveing verbal and written information on the run from the
arrangers and other groups. This information must then be transferred to
the information bulletin immediately.

                   t h e   g a t h e r i n g   1 9 9 4

                v i r u s   p r o t e c t i o n   f r o m
                            s a f e   h e x

Any attender of The Gathering 1994 who can show a valid proof of payment
of either 200,- or 150,- for access, can pick up the latest in
professional virus protection software at the Safe Hex International
stand at The Gathering 1994.

Through a very special deal with Safe Hex, all Safe Hex virus protection
software will be given out for *** FREE *** and Safe Hex will be there
to answer any questions.

                   t h e   g a t h e r i n g   1 9 9 4

         e v e n t s   h a p p e n i n g s   a n d   s o   o n

               h a p p e n i n g s   a n d   e v e n t s

                        b j o r n   l y n n e
                           p r e s e n t s
                          ' m o n t a g e '

Famous ex Crusaders musician Bjorn Lynne (ex Dr. Awesome) will be present
at The Gathering 1994. His brand new and already extremely popular Compact
Disc. The CD will have its official release at The Gathering 1994 and
Bjorn Lynne will be present to play pieces from it and give out signed

Bjorn Lynne is most famous for his numerous Crusaders Music Disks and
demos tunes, and for putting music to the famous Tobias Richter 'Space Wars'
video. Bjorn Lynne has also released many popular demo tapes.

                   e x t r a   c o m p e t i t i o n s

                  s n e a k e r   c o m p e t i t i o n

The Sneaker Competition is based on the word 'Sneaker' from the movie
by the same name. A hacker competition with a special twist so to speak.
You or you team will be given a task which must be dealt with using the
large object between your ears. Rules and description will be given out
when the competition starts.

           b e s t   c o d e r   h a t   c o m p e t i t i o n

Every good computer freak has a coder hat. Not only coders, but Sysops,
graphicians and musicians have hats that have been proven scientifically
to enhance their capabilities. Usually a coder hat cosists of a normal
baseball type cap modified with a truckload of electronic devices. The
rules are simple. The hat must be wearable like a hat, and the powersource
driving the gadgets must be contained on the hat. You can't have a battery
pack on your back. Whomever has the funniest and best looking hat wins.

           o u t d o o r   s o c c e r   t o u r n a m e n t

The competition that makes The Gathering the most popular party in the
universe. 2x5 minutes (or less) periods with teams consiting of the
worst football players in the world. No professional players or
professional gear like football shoes allowed!

                      . . . a n d   s o   o n

The following things doesn't fit anywhere else at the moment, so it's all
squeezed into one place.

                     i n f o   b u l l e t i n

We'll completely cover a 8x4m wall in the entrance hall where everyone can
write messages to eachother. You'll have to bring your own pens of course
and no spray-guns!

                  t h e   g a t h e r i n g   1 9 9 4

                      r y k k i n n h a l l e n

This is a short info file on Rykkinnhallen, which is the place for
The Gathering 1994. Rykkinhallen is a very modern sports hall which was
finished september 1993. It cosists of two large halls, one which will
be used for people who like things quiet and to do things with the lights
on, and one for people who like it noisy and doing things with the lights
off. The video projector and the sound system will be placed in the latter
of the two halls.

The locker area and every other available spot will be used for sleeping.
Unfortunately the space for this is very limited, so we will probably have
to rent some houses next door.

The cafeteria serves breakfast consisting of a normal diet meal with
everything from milk to bread with ham and cheese. As many as five different
types of dinner will be available along with lunch and the usual amount of
pizzas and burgers.
In conjuction to Rykkinnhallen, we have also rented a football field for
the outdoor soccer tournament with separate lockers and showers. There
is also a skateboard ramp just 10m from the hall for those of you who
skate and die. We're even working on keeping the swimming pool open
during the party!

We will also have a few special rooms for you to rent. These rooms are
meant for bus drivers etc who need something more than a sleeping bag.
All rooms have two real beds per room and separate shower. The price per
room is 200 NOK per day (24hrs). These rooms MUST be ordered and
payed for in advance, and you need to hurry! Contact sysop for more info.