Party Review for The Party 1991

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added 11/94
  PARTY REPORT FROM "THE PARTY 1991"      Ok... let's  go on  with the  party
    Written by Chead of Capital         report!!
-------------------------------------     Not much happend the first day, but
                                        in the  night from the first and  the
  This is  probably the most  awaited   second  day  there  was  a false fire
Party ever. It took place in a little   alarm. First I heard one of the orga-
city near (about 40 km.) Aalborg, the   nizers  saying that the false fire a-
4th  biggest  city in Denmark.  There   larm would cost them 4000 kr.  (about
were  expected about  1000  (or more)   $600), but later they informed people
people,  there  were 1300 people pre-   (on the infoscreen) that it would co-
sent.  So it was the biggest party e-   st them 20000 kr.  (about $3330)  and
ver!!!  The infoscreen was  genlocked   they  had  to cancel the graphics and
onto MTV,  and  tv-transmitted  so e-   music  compos,  but they  never  did.
verybody with an antenna and a tv we-   There were planed some 'Surprise Com-
re able to receive it! There was also   pos', but they got cancelled  (except
an HST,  but not much new stuff  were   the Kick  Off compo)  because of  the
downloaded!                             false fire alarm. In the same night a
  The party started  thursday 26th of   guy crashed his amplifier by smashing
december at 1000 CET and ended satur-   it on the floor and then throwing his
day 28th of december (ofcourse)  1500   speakers  on the amplifier  (weird or
CET.  The  party  was held in a  huge   what?).
conference center. There were two big     The second day the police (actually
halls,  one for sleepy people and one   only one policeman) visited the party
for the party.  A  funny thing:  Both   place.  Rumours  said that some  guys
rooms had the same size!!               from the party had  a fight with some

of  the local guys,  so that was  the   tion:
reason for the visit from the police.   
Other  rumours said that some drunken   1st price - $300 Iridon of Shining
germans  had  thrown some  flashlight               (NOT Shinida as the orga-
bangers,  which  are illegal in  Den-               nizers said)
mark!! Well..I don't know what to be-   2nd price - $200 Cougar of Sanity
lieve, but most important:  There was   3rd price - $100 R.W.O of Kefrens
no raid!!!  So..There have never been   
a raid  in Denmark,  isn't it wonder-   The democompetition took place in the
ful. The second day the graphics- and   morning of the last day.
musiccompos took place. There were 80   
music pieces, but only 30 of them we-   The competitors were:
re played.                              
The results  from  the  musiccompeti-   End of Century 1999
tion:                                   Dual Crew
1st price - $300 Overload by Tip &      Party Food
            Mantronix                   Panoramic Design
2nd price - $200 Hardcore by Static     Brainfuck
            of Rebels                   Agony
3rd price - $100 Backtracking by        Anarchy DK
            Nightlight                  Oxygen
                                        Shadow world
The results from the  graphiccompeti-   Aero                                 

Swampions                               which  was ok,  but on the second  (I
Razor 1999                              think)  only beers were allowed,  be-
Uli                                     cause  too many acted  were too  foo-
Cult                                    lish. The party was very cool, coz so
Crionics & Silents                      many  people  showed up.  Groups that
Anarchy GB                              were present, but didn't competed we-
Aurora                                  re:  Phenomena,  Budbrain,  Bastards,
Rednex                                  TRSI, Static Bytes, Light, Palace, A-
Kefrens                                 monia, Sanity, Amaze, Spaceballs etc.
Rebels                                  There  were also some C64s  and a C64
Horizon                                 democompetition,  which Light won  (I
Virtual                                 think).  Some  cool  things about the
Trackers                                party:  A lot of cool guys,  free bus
Anal Intruders                          from  Aalborg to the party place,  no
Alcatraz                                problems with the electricity,  Party
                                        place  close  to a baker,  everything
And finally  the democompetition  re-   that happend on the infoscreen (which
sults:                                  was genlocked onto MTV) were broadca-
                                        sted on a tv-transmitter. A cafeteria
1st price - $2000 Odyssey by Alcatraz   in the  building  and  a  HST  (Which
2nd price - $1000 Hardwired by  Crio-   wasn't  used  very much).  Major  bad
            nics & Silents              things: The false fire alarm, too ma-
3rd price - $500 Voyage by Razor 1911   ny people,  who couldn't  keep  their
                                        dirty   fingers   away   from   other
  Drinking  and smoking were allowed,   people's  harddisks and no one  could

hear  what  the organizers said  when
they used their  "Extremely  powerful
HI-FI  equipment to garantee  perfect
soundquality". I Hope you have enjoy-
ed reading this party report!

   The Party 1991