Inteview with Phil

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downloadPure Data 2Diskmagazine
Latex (Germany)
Anti - Cedrix - Flynn - ...
added 9/24
direction leads my taste of music
Interview with Phil/TDD
pd: Are you in a group? If yes, which
pd = Cedrix, Phil = Phil                one?
                                        Phil: Yep, "The Dark Demon"
pd: What`s your handle in the scene?
Phil: hmm well.. PHIL :)                pd: And what does you group do?
                                        Phil: They`re all lazy... next release
pd: Name some of your characteristics   will be the third (?) issue of the
please for the readers to get to know   diskmag called "MIDNITE MESS"
you a bit more.
Phil: So a short description or         pd: Have you been in a group before
something... well I`m a late-riser and  you joint TDD?
when ever possible I get up at 2:00pm   Phil: Nope.
or 3:00pm... and I spend much to many
time in my pad (room), but this will    pd: And what are you doing in TDD?
probably change this summer (coz I      Phil: Almost nothing, hehe.. writing
wanna by myself a 50er or a roler,      some articles, drawing some gfx for
hehe). And I`m mostly dressed totally   the mag and to put the stuff in the
in black, which normaly might be        board and so on..
described as "grofty" and in this                            Turn Page...

pd: For hour many years are you         pd: Do you think pURE dATA has a
involved in the scene?                  chance?
Phil: Since the 680XX-Convention in     Phil: Why not..?
Hamburg (Germany), but personally I`m
not so interested in the scene. I mean  pd: What game or demo made the
the persons themselves.                 greatest impression on you?
                                        Phil: Demo, the "Spaceballs"-demo,
pd: And what projects has your group    when it got released and game,
released in the past?                   "Frontier" and "Cannon Fodder" I like
Phil: Midnite Mess 1+2, but I was not   playing most times.
in at that time... in the last few
days nothing has been released, but     pd: Do you think the scene is okay the
this doesn`t bugger me to much.         way it is now?
                                        Phil: "All against all" instead of
pd: Your opinion about diskmags in      "workking together" I would say... :(
Phil: Some are interesting, but some
only if you know the persons
personally and understand the messages
of the people. At all I like them.                        Turn Page...

pd: Do you know sabine/afl?             pd: Some personal questions... Do you
Phil: No, although she was at the       have some more hobbies (except
680XX-Convention, but she didn`t stand  computers and falling asleep)?
out... generally speaking I don`t like  Phil: Other hobbies almost none, my
all those texts about her at all.       nici takes up all of my time (ed.: Who
Character assassination rules or        is nici?)
                                        pd: Do you have music you prefer?
pd: What will be the next Copy-Party    Phil: Gothic, Tekkno, strange, but
where we can meet you?                  true also: CULTURE BEAT... hehe
Phil: Nothing planned right now, but a
"BlubberNet"-Paaady would be great :)   pd: Do you like going to parties?
(ed.:BlubberNet is a Network in         Phil: Computer-Parties or normal?
Germany, leaded by Blowfly/LTX)         Generally yes, the Rainbow-Party
(ed.2:^^ Sorry, we got busted by cops)  detered me, coz of the talk about
pd: Do you think the A5000 will be      alcohol ands so on... I don`t like
released in 1994?                       drunken people, who maybe start
Phil: I guess yes, but in the end of    fiddling with my car.
1994 and not on the CeBIT as some
guessed.                                pd: And do you have any

                                        Most-Liked-Mini-Series on Tv?
                                        Phil: SeaQuest :) huahua, nope looks
really good till now..                  pd: What are you gonna do in the next
(ed.: All the effects in SeaQuest       5 minutes?
were done with an Amiga 4000)           Phil: Getting dressed and go to work
pd: And what about movies or books?
Phil: Hmmmm... I don`t have a           pd: yo, cool.. Thanx dude!
Most-liked movie, but I don`t like      Phil: Ciaoiee........
movies which could happen in reality.
It must be some kind of fictious.
Future or not doesn`t matter.. Book:
the "Vampire-Chronicles" by Anne Rice!     Why a Beer is better than a Woman:
	       When you are ready with your
pd: Do you still go to school?	         beer, you`ll get deposit.
Phil: Nope, ABI`90, hehe
(ed.: Left school at 1990.)

pd: And what are you doing now?
Phil: I`m at the Humbug-Muelleimer in
the Inner-Service.

	Interview by: Cedrix/LTX
                                                with: Phil/The Dark Demons