Inteview with Astro

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added 7/99

Interview with Astro/MoVeMeNt
Why   don't   we  start  of  with  the
not-so-normal first question?:

Wiz - How did you get contact with
     'the scene'?

Astro - pff ...  now THAT'S a long
        time ago !  ..  Let's see ..
        I guess I was visiting a local
        Amiga-computer club together
        with my mighty cool mate Joel
        the Dude ..  There I met some
        dudes who were kinda in the
        scene ..  That's how I got my
        first few demos from
        Blitterforce, the Champs etc.
        Then I got a COOL vectorballs
        Demo from Hypnosis and I sent
        a package to Rocket ...  there
        my real scene-involvement

Wiz - Tell us more about yourself
      (Age, Hobbies, Real name etc.):

Astro - Ok well My name is Casper (the
        friendly ghost ; old joke) ..
        I'm kinda 19 years young and
        still handsome ;) ..  I just
        finished my final-Exams for
        High-School and I think I
        actually made it!  Wooow!  So
        next year I'm planning to go
        to the School Of Journalism ..
	In my spare time I usually
        hang out my friends in some
        cool pubs in Downtown
        Amsterdam.  I also tend to
        visit some mighty Brill mellow
        parties in various discothekes
        in Both Amsterdam and
        Eindhoven ...  I hardly have
        time to do some scene-work

Wiz -   Which groups have you been a
        member of before you joined

Astro - Let's see ...  I started off
        in a group called 'The
        Magiclords' a loong time ago
        ...  then I met 911 and Mark
        (mark being a member of CnCd
        nowadays and 911 you probably
        know) ..  Then they were
        members of the old Desire ..
        Later I joined Realm and after
        about 4 months I joined Spirit
        together with 911 and Mark...
        after exactly 5 days
	we left and Joined The Silents
        ...  then some time later the
        3 of us joined Rebels ..  When
        they got really lazy we
        decided to build a new group
        with all active members ..
        this happened on exactly the
        first of January in 1993 ..
        Movement was born !  (the
        coolest group I've EVER been

Wiz -  Do you enjoy being a swapper or
       had you rather been a

Astro - I kinda like being a swapper
          ...  I used to do some music
        aswell but unfortunately I
        didn't/don't have time to do
        anything next to the swapping
        as I don't want to waste too
        much of my time sitting behind
	a monitor ...  (in weekends I
        almost never sit behind my
        thrusty Amiga)

Wiz -   For how long have you been
        active (And how long do you
        intend to stay) in the Amiga

Astro -  Let's see ...  we started The
         Magiclords about ..  hmmm ...
         6 years ago or so ..  So i
         guess I've been in the scene
         for 6 years now ..  sjeeees
         ..  that's way too long
         really ..  Well I think I
         kinda don't care as I always
         did loads besides computers
         so I guess I'll stick in the
         scene for as long as I feel
         like in the future ..  It's
         time to stop when you really
         start to look like a
         computernerd ..  yes ..

Wiz - Have you visited any
      Scandinavian countries (Swe,
      Fin, Den, Nor)?

Astro - Yes I actually visited Denmark
        at the party III (I never had
        money or time in the past to
        do so) ....  And I will be at
        the assembly this year so I
        finally see the country of my
        dreams :  FINLANDIA and meet
        all the wacky weird cool crazy
        friends there!

Wiz - Whom are your best friends in
      the scene (And why!?)?

Astro - My best friends in the scene
        are ALL Movement members,
        especially 911 ..  And all
        CnCd dudes ofcourse
        (especially Mark) ..
        Furthermore we have Nao and
        Facet/Spaceballs being really
        good friends aswell (tering
        michiel !  alweer reclame voor
        joe !  populaire man toch) and
	Dan and Spaceman are way too
        cool aswell (time to skin some
        up again right martin ?  visit
        michiel and me soon again!) ..
        anyway ..  and also all my old
        friends and contacts ofcourse
        !  (like you wizard!)

Wiz - What do you think about:
AGA:  Looks cool but I think AGA
      will have strong competition
      from the soon- to-be-released
      AAA machines.  I'll buy a 1200
      myself soon ..  yeah !

Neo-Nazis:  loosers who dunno which
            part of the society they
            belong to and eventually
            end up with the nazi-scum.

Demopacks:  Essential part of the
            swapper-scene and the
            scene in general.

PC's:  Cool games !

Elite BBS's:  Used to be an active
              modem-trader myself but
              the modemscene kinda
              destroys the essence of
              the scene in general ..
              Most modemtraders don't
              even look at the wares
              they trade ..  that suxx
              and is ultimately dumb!

Phenomena:  The old legend looks like
            to be back so I hope to
            see some new releases
            from them soon !  (hi

Me as a interviewer (Tihi):
      you're not doing too bad really
      !  ;) (even though you can learn
      from my interview in RAW#6
      hehehh ..  kidding!)

SceneWars:  what's the point really ?
            really childish!  (though
            funny sometimes)

Wiz - What's (Who's) your favourite:

Demo:  How to skin a cat, Mina
       Omistan, Kid

Coder:  Slammer and all movemental

Graphician:  Suny, Hof, Walt, Mack,

Musician:    Dizzy, Heatbeat, Dean,
             Groo, Reflex, Soul and
             even 911!  (arianne-dude)


Game:  Frontier, Cannon Fodder, Indy3
       adv, Arcade Pool

Food:  Spare Ribs without ANY doubt !

Drink: Verboden Vrucht beer and

Sports: Soccer (AJAX FOREVER!),

Movie:  all manga's, Naked gun-series,

Wiz - How's the Amiga scene in Holland
      (compared to other European

Astro -  The scene in Holland is quite
         boring really.  The only ones
         worth to be mentioned in the
         dutch scene are the
         Spaceballers, 911 and Mark.
  	 And some others aswell
         ofcourse.  There's simply too
         many people who have a big
         mouth and too few people who
         actually DO something.
Wiz - What kind of music do you listen

Astro -   I mainly listen to Mellow,
          Ambient (orb) and some
          AcidJazz aswell ..

Wiz -    How much time do you spend on
        computers every day?

Astro -  0-1 in weekends ..  weekdays
         about 3 hours a day or so I
         guess ..  (depends ..
         there's often days i don't
         touch my amiga.

Wiz -   Do you think it is hard to
        combine other hobbies with the

Astro - No it's not hard at all ...
        Just don't spend too much
        time on your Amiga and you'll
        manage just fine!
Wiz - Have you been involved in some
      kind of war in the scene?

Astro - Nope ...  even though I
        suddenly got a kind of
        aggressive message from a guy
        called 'Cloud/Cryptoburners'
        in latest issue of Chit Chat
	saying that I should stop
        talking shit about him or so
        ..  hmm ..  pretty weird as I
        don't even know the guy ?

Wiz - Do you find yourself kind to

Astro - Absolutely !  ...  I know what
        it's like to send out many
        letters and disks and not
        getting a reply at all ..  I't
        sooo frustrating !  There's
        only one reason I sometimes
        don't send people back :  I
        they send me BROKEN disks the
        first send ..  that's really
        REALLY lame and I'm not Santa
        you know !

Wiz -  What do you prefer, business or

Astro -  eerm ..  hu ?  ..  ah !  well
         ..  If you have quite some
         contacts it's kinda difficult
         to send a long letter to
         everyone, if that's what you
         mean, but I always TRY to
         send a personal note to
         everyone on PAPER since I
         hate diskletters ..  Even
         though I'm sometimes forced
  	 to do it myself too ..  (it's
         kinda handy you know) ..  I'd
         rather get a short note on
         paper than a huuge letter on
         disk ..  And I mean that !

Wiz -   What's your future plans in

Astro - My future-plans ?  Well I hope
        to become successful at the
        school of Journalism and I
        hope to get a steady girl in
        the near future again since,
        believe me, that's a whole lot
        better than one-night stands
        ..  ;) ...  hehe well and
        concerning the scene ...  hmm
        ..  I just keep on going the
        way I do now as it seems to
        work out just fine ..  I also
        look forward to all our new
        Releases we're planning now
        ...  but what I'm REALLY
        looking forward to now is
	visiting Finland in August !
        YEAH!  (and meeting all
        movemental dudes again !)

Wiz -   How could the scene become

Astro - by shooting all
        suppliers/ trainers etc.

Wiz -   Which groups/persons do you
        think have made most impact on
        the scene?

Astro -  well .. on the scene i guess
         Cryptoburners (TEC with 'the
         hunt for 7th October),
         Phenomena (Enigma and
         Crystal Symphonies), and I
         guess Most Anarchy releases
         and Kefrens' Desert Dream ...
         on me personally it was
         mostly the mighty finnish
         releases from Virtual Dreams
         and CnCd and Sonic really ...

Wiz -    I've heard about something
         called 'Fishing Trip', please
         tell us more about it as I
         know Movement is one of the
         organizing groups:

Astro - Yaps ...  Like last year
        Movement is once again
        involved in the Fishing Trip !
        ..  (The Choice of a New
        generation) ..  This year
	organised together with Rednex
        and Crystal (melon) ..  The
        Official invitation has been
        released already so get your
        hands on that !  (if you don't
        have it yet ; write me!) ..
        or get in touch with
	Toastmaster for details ..
        This is serious !!  (like last
        year) ..  The Fishing Trip is
        a REAL event with REAL fishing
        so don't think we're fooling
        you this time !

Wiz -  Okey, that's all for me, if you
       want to add some lines, please
       do so!

Astro -  ok ..  well ..  first of all
         thanks to you (wizard) for
         this nice interview ..
         Greets to all my friends and
         contacts in the scene and try
         to get your hands on my new
         pack called 'THE PAQ' !!  ..
         Every issue contains a new
         chiptune by a famous musician
         and always the latest wares
         included !  It's boot-loading
         so speed guaranteed !
         (something not seen too often
         anymore in today's
         pack-scene)..  Also look out
         for our future releases and
         meet me this summer on one of
         the Major Parties !  ..
         thank you ..  -aSTRO!

Interview      with     Astro/Movement
performed by Wizard/Defiance for BuZZ.