The Star Wars Picture (Graphics) by Ziq

in Break's - on YouTube - in the Hall Of Light - on Demozoo

Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

Individuals and Guests


  • Ziq (FI) (Fist Unlimited)


Direct Files

ASCII Art File Info (.diz file)

Title....................The Star Wars Picture
Author...................Ziq of Fist! Unlimited
Mode.....................352*290, 6 bpls, EHB

This picture was Ziq's contibution to the gfx-combo at the Party93, Herning,
Denmark. For some weird reason it was left out of the actual competition.

As you can probably see, this is not an original picture, but a copy of 
the brilliant painting by Hildebrandt. It was 'computerized' totally by 
hand without any kind of use of digitizers, scanners or other technical
equipment. I must also point out that this picture was actually finished
already in 1991, in other words 3 YEARS AGO.

The following software was used:


Hardware that made it possible:

	-A500 with 512Kb Chip + 512Kb slow RAM
	-2 floppy drives
	-7.09MHz MC68000 CPU