Bootblock v2.0 (Intro) by Impact Inc.

  • Released: 1990
  • Categorized as: Intro
  • This release was supplied to us by Mercure/End Of Century for the disk version (2017-03)
in Break's - on YouTube - in the Hall Of Light - on Demozoo

Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

Impact Inc. (Series Publishers)




Direct Files

Text Inside this Production

c        BOOTBLOCK V2.0                " IMPACT INC. 1990             p    HELLOS TO REBELS SCOOPEX ARMADA BIG RED DEFJAM ALIVE EXODUS ACME CRIME EXCEL UK. FREE ACCESS IPEC ELITE ORACLE NEUTRON DANCE SETROX UNIQUE CAVE ACTIVE               BBYE !!                                   *******************************************************************************************************                                        

               IMPACT INC.              
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