
Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

Progress (Group)


Individuals and Guests


Release Features

TitleTypeAuthorcontained asYear

Chipmods less 10K
9582 bytes / crc
added 2/11

Contained BBS Info

NamePhoneCountryOperated By
Liquid Assets+1-203-822-6225 USA
The Dream Park (aka Dream Park)+41 (0)61 88 00 26, +41 (0)61 80 15 410, +41 (0)61 85 10 026 SwitzerlandSpider
Traders World+49-it's-Privat GermanyCapslockman
Ultraworld+49 (0)816-169482 Germany
World Trade Centre+49 (0)30-4966037 GermanyShut Berlin


Direct Files

Files From Features



Supplied by Silver.

Death Row BBS:
PGS-RT01.DMS P 589736  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [01/05]· 
PGS-RT02.DMS P 724157  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [02/05]· 
PGS-RT03.DMS P 596287  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [03/05]· 
PGS-RT04.DMS P 727998  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [04/05]· 
PGS-RT05.DMS P 770976  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [05/05]· 
PGS-RT0I.NFO P  12098  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [iNFO!]· 
                                 [Update, Bugfixed V.1.07] [AGA-ECS] [German]
                                 · !!  READ THIS  BEFORE DL THE 5 DISC`s !! ·

Boondocks BBS:
PGS-RT01.DMS P 591936  11-25-95  ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [01/05]
PGS-RT02.DMS P 726357  11-25-95  ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [02/05]
PGS-RT03.DMS P 598487  11-25-95  ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [03/05]
PGS-RT04.DMS P 730198  11-25-95  ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [04/05]
PGS-RT05.DMS P 773176  11-25-95  ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [05/05]
PGS-RT0I.NFO N  10069  11-25-95  ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [iNFO!]
                                 Update, Bugfixed V.1.07] [AGA-ECS] [German]
                                 READ THIS  BEFORE DL THE 5 DISC`s

Cement City BBS:
PGS-RT0I.NFO P  12184  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [iNFO!]·
                                 [Update, Bugfixed V.1.07] [AGA-ECS] [German]
                                 · !!  READ THIS  BEFORE DL THE 5 DISC`s !! ·
PGS-RT01.DMS P 588827  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [01/05]· 
PGS-RT02.DMS P 723293  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [02/05]· 
PGS-RT03.DMS P 595423  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [03/05]· 
PGS-RT04.DMS P 727134  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [04/05]· 
PGS-RT05.DMS P 770112  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [05/05]· 

Northern Palace BBS:
PGS-RT01.DMS P 586222  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [01/05]· 
PGS-RT02.DMS P 720643  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [02/05]· 
PGS-RT03.DMS P 592773  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [03/05]· 
PGS-RT04.DMS P 724484  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [04/05]· 
PGS-RT05.DMS P 767462  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [05/05]· 
PGS-RT0I.NFO P  17599  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [iNFO!]· 
                       DL's: 02  [Update, Bugfixed V.1.07] [AGA-ECS] [German]
                                 · !!  READ THIS  BEFORE DL THE 5 DISC`s !! ·

The Fortress BBS:
PGS-RT0I.NFO P  14017  11-25-95                                              
                                     _________  ___/\_____________________   
                                    /  _  ) _ \/ _ \  __) _ \  __/ __) ___)  
                                  _/  ___/    \_ |  \(  \   \_ _)___ \__  \_ 
                                  |    |cU!_|__/____/_   \|__/___/___/     | 
                                  ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [iNFO!]·
PGS-RT01.DMS P 589736  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [01/05]·
PGS-RT02.DMS P 724157  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [02/05]·
PGS-RT03.DMS P 596287  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [03/05]·
PGS-RT04.DMS P 727998  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [04/05]·
PGS-RT05.DMS P 770976  11-25-95   ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [05/05]·

Guru's Dream BBS:
PGS-RT0I.NFO N  11813  11-26-95  ran-Trainer (Greenwood 1995) NFO
PGS-RT01.DMS P 590427  11-26-95  ran-Trainer (Greenwood 1995) 1/5
PGS-RT02.DMS P 724848  11-26-95  ran-Trainer (Greenwood 1995) 2/5
PGS-RT03.DMS P 596978  11-26-95  ran-Trainer (Greenwood 1995) 3/5
PGS-RT04.DMS P 728689  11-26-95  ran-Trainer (Greenwood 1995) 4/5
PGS-RT05.DMS P 771667  11-26-95  ran-Trainer (Greenwood 1995) 5/5
                                 [Update & Bugfixed V.1.07] [AGA-ECS][German]

ASCII Art File Info (.diz file)

    _________  ___/\_____________________   
   /  _  ) _ \/ _ \  __) _ \  __/ __) ___)  
 _/  ___/    \_ |  \(  \   \_ _)___ \__  \_ 
 |    |cU!_|__/____/_   \|__/___/___/     | 
 ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [01/05]· 
 ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [02/05]· 
 ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [03/05]· 
 ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [04/05]· 
 ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [05/05]· 
[Update & Bugfixed V.1.07] [AGA-ECS][German]

ASCII Art File Info (.diz file)

    _________  ___/\_____________________   
   /  _  ) _ \/ _ \  __) _ \  __/ __) ___)  
 _/  ___/    \_ |  \(  \   \_ _)___ \__  \_ 
 |    |cU!_|__/____/_   \|__/___/___/     | 
 ·ran-Trainer  (c) Greenwood 1995  [iNFO!]· 
[Update, Bugfixed V.1.07] [AGA-ECS] [German]

    \  ___    \  ______  __   \_  ______\  _____\  ______\    _____/  _____/
    /\/  /    /\/  /  /\/ /   /   \___  /\/  /  /\/____/ /\___   /\___   /
   /    /____/    /  /   /   /     /   /    /  /   /   //   /   /   /   /
  /____/    /____/  /_______/_____/   /____/  /_______//_______/_______/´95
  ::::.                          /___/                                .::::
 ::::                                            aSCii bY hUDSoN hAWK  ::::
 `                                                                         ´
 !  GAMENAME     :ran-Trainer                                              !
 |  FROM         :Greenwood Entertainment      Release note:               |
 |  STATUS       :Update & BugFixed Ver.1.07   This game is dedicated      |
 |  RELEASE DATE :25.11.95                     to Vanguard - where ever    |
 :  LANGUAGE     :German                       you may be.  We miss u!     :
 |  GAMETYPE     :Strategic Sport Simulation                               |
 .  PROTECTiON   :none found                   Special: Hd-Install incl.   |                            .
 :  CRACKED BY   :not necessary                Testing: Cujo & Malcom      :
 |  SUPPLiED     :Silver !                     Info: Capslockman & Cujo    |                                                                         .
 .                     PROGRESS - We let the kids play!                    .
 ! Further release note ! (Important!)                                     |
 | It took us some time to decide if we should release this game or not.   |
 | And without this release-note we won't do it anyway. Why ? Because      |
 | you already might have noticed this game is some months old.            |
 | So what the fuck are we doing here ? No way dudes, as you probably know |
 | the first version of Ran-trainer fucked up a lot of times and so it     |
 | was more or less a big piece of shit. Greenwood also knew this so they  |
 | decided to rewrite parts of the program and - "whoops here it is": the  |
 | new version of "ran-trainer", this time it realy works and IS playable. |
 | But is this worth a 5-disc release ? "!NO!", we thought. Although 'cause|
 | it seems they changed only some routines in the main-file on disc one   |
 | so we only had to re-release the first disc - !BUT! the first version   |
 | was such a crap that we think actualy no one has the four other discs   |
 | anymore. (also we didn't check out if they did anything because of the  |
 | upper reason...)                                                        |
 | We played it some time and no protection occured so we think there      |
 | is none. If we are false, contact us so we will correct this.           |
 | Finaly we would like to point out that if u don't belive that this game |
 | is an update, please check out the mainfile for the version-number and  |
 | the programmers finishing date.                                         |
 | For further questions go and ask your local software-dealer.            |
 |                                                                         |
 | And as always:                                                          |
 |                                                                         |
 |A game worth playing is a game worth buying                              |
 |                                   - test it and act according to this!  |
 |                                                                         |
 |                                                             cUJO/pGS!   |
 |                                                                         |
 |                                                                         |  
 /\______________________________/\    - pRoGresS! since 22.08.1993 - :)   |
 \ _ \_ ) _ \ ___/_ ) __/ ___/ ___/                                        |
_/ __/_ \ | // _/ _ \ _/___ \___ \                                         |
 |          oOo cALL tHIS pROGRESS bOARDS! WorLd-WidE: oOo                 |
 |                                                                         |
 |                - lIQuID AssEts      - P®oG®eSS  - uSHQ! -               |
 |                - Traders World      - P®oG®eSS  -  eHQ! -               |
 |                - World Trade Center - P®oG®eSS  -  aHQ! -               |
 |                - sEcReT  ciNEMa     - P®oG®e$S  -  bHQ! -               |
 |                - uLTRA woRlD        - P®oG®eS$  - uKHQ! -               |
 |                - dReAM pARK         - P®oG®eSS  -  gHQ! -               |
 |                                                                         |
 |                                                                         |

Text Inside this Production

     pROGRESS !     
ran-TRAINER update! 
   (c) Westwood !   
 VERS.1.07 GERMAN!  
SUPPLIED BY         
          KYLE CAINE
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