
Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

United Software Rebels (Group)





Moral Support

Individuals and Guests


  • M. Mayer (DE) (Bel Amiga) (Re-edit for spread as Bel Amiga 19)


Direct Files



This is maybe the very first megademo ever released on the Amiga in the facts, though it's not clearly stated as such with this label. All musics are sample loops: there was no music tracker as of 1987-02. End samples while quitting each part and the end credits clearly show a progression as in pure megademo style, and not as a patchwork of re-used intros succeeding themselves. It was released at the end of the Cebit 1987 or right after it.

This is not the original disk of this demo but the version spreaded by Martin Mayer as Bel Amiga 19. It contains all parts of the megademo, loading in the right order.

Each part has its own name and there are hints to these being coded in C:
1. First Demo
2. Cycle Demo
3. Line Demo
4. Planet Demo
5. Swing Demo
6. Abspann (Ende)

First Demo

united software rebels - coding between the poles of power - presents:*  ----- first demo by swa -----*  greetings to my friends i got during my time studying datatechnics :*  *  vic  - screaming and fighting around with me while playing leaderboard or *  swooper !!*  nagel  - also fighting but mostly for being so cool and schweebisch !!*  christel  - for getting states of chock while watching the things on amiga*  (she is a true fan of me !!).*  vera  - for showing me different things i would n
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Cycle Demo

- united software rebels -  *  -- cycledemo of swa --*  greetings to :  *  joke  - one of the last raiders of the  *  lost c-64 !!  *  berny  - our american voyager, cool  *  jacket !!  *  elmi  - hope you like my intros, hardrock *  is not the whole world !!  *  geli  - also soon a profi in datatechnics *  stiefel - yes i know, you can do it better !*  karin  - i hope to see you again, do you  *  like my graphics ??  *  timo  - your sharp is not very sharp !!

Line Demo

united software rebels - line demo ii -*  greetings to*  everyone i met on the c-bit*  like ...&  mystery masters - nice guys*  from aachen !!&  spreadpoint - they did not*  announce yet, but i hope soon&  explorer - he sent me the new*  aztec c compiler !!&  supra soft - they did not meet*  me, but i got their sticker !!&  raider of the lost bit - cool*  name; is living near kiel !!&  eca - one of them was there and*  took a look at my planet-demo !&  light circle - i like your*  last intro !!&
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Planet Demo

greetings to :*  ming of the star frontiers*  this demo is honoured to him&  !! because i gave away his *  intro without permission !!&  eli, ram, quark, pirx and the*  other star frontiers !!&  bitkillersoft for his prompt*  sendings !!&  gss hi baetzi and co. what*  is your amigaintro doing ?&  acc also from karlsruhe but*  i did not meet them yet !!!&  doctor mabuse, mr.highhorse*  do you like my intro ??&  everyone on the ce-bit*  i hope you enjoy it !!

Swing Demo

softwar arts inc. presents :*  --- swing demo ---*  introducing :*  this demo is an advertisment for my*  soon coming game !!&  it will fully be written in -c- and *  will run under kickstart 1.2 !!&  with the use of the whole screen !!!*  it is a conversation of centipede on&  the amiga, but it will have some features*  that makes it even better like....&  splitting screen, digitized sound effects*  saveable hall of fame, pseudo 3d graphics,&  nice trailer, gags en masse and of course*  playabl
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Abspann / Ende

Ende.  Programmings by  James C. Rogers  Graphics by  Chris Rogers  Sound by  Chris Moon  Text by  Chros Minch  Gags by  MAILRUNNER  Mailboxing by  Laui  Special help by  Nagel & Vic  Gummitrees by  Elliot Mathews  Pabbedeckl by  Andrea Uebe  Accepted by  Vera Siemienski  Car-Crush by  Christel  Teased by  W.Schaefer  More Teased by  Bergler  Dinners by  Mc.Donnalds  Snacks by  Corn Flakes  Noergelei by  Chris Orphall