Docs Disk 49 (Doc Disk) by LSD

in Break's - on YouTube - in the Hall Of Light - on Demozoo

Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

LSD (Series Publishers)






Release Features

TitleTypeAuthorcontained asYear

Bernard Sumner

18960 bytes / crc
added 3/97
downloadDocdisk 49 - introIntro
Fish - The Art
CrunchMania Normal
116556 bytes / crc


Direct Files

Files From Features



Death Row BBS:
LSD_049.DMS  P 833300  04-29-94  :      /\_        /\_______________/\      :
                                 O-----/o  |---.--/   ___________    o\-----O
                                 |    //   |___|\/\___    o\/    |    \\    :
                                 :   //    |     \    |    \\    |     \\   |
                                 O---\\____|_____/__________/__________ /---O
                                 |    \|    pRESENTS lSD dOCS #49     |/    |

ASCII Art File Info (.diz file)

:      /\_        /\_______________/\      :
O-----/o  |---.--/   ___________    o\-----O
|    //   |___|\/\___    o\/    |    \\    :
:   //    |     \    |    \\    |     \\   |
O---\\____|_____/__________/__________ /---O
|    \|    pRESENTS lSD dOCS #49     |/    |


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\               \/            \  /              \/  \  /                       /
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  \  _  _      _                                                _    _     _ /
   \  \  \      \         LSD dOcUMEnTs dISK #049!              /    /     //
   /		        Ż ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Ż                        \
  ///   /    /                                                  \    \     \\\
  \\\_  \_   \_ _ _____/\  __ _ ·R·E·A·D·M·E· _ __/\  _____  _ _/   _/    _///
   \                     \/                         \/                      /
   // _/    _/                                                  \_   \_    \\
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   \_ __________  /\______/  \    ____________/\  /\    ______/\__________ _/
                \/            \  /              \/  \  /
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Hi GuyZ!
	Here we are again with LSD Docs 49...  It's about time i did some LSD
Sprint Docs eh!  I'll do some in the next week or two! Not much to say in this
issue... I've allowed the Dune 2 Pictures on this issue, I know Dune 2 is 
oldish but these pictures have never been released so here they are... all 
thanx to DIT...  and Dit will be doing more docs for LSD in the future, so 
watch out for them...

	LSD have 2 more USA boards.. Zion Hideout & Masterbation Station list
below, so make sure to call them for the lastest LSD releases. We also have a 
new UK board.. The Tower.. This is only a trail period to find out if it's
worth having a UK board with the present situation with FAST! 

	We have just releases Shagratt's personal de-bugger... We called it
ShaggyBug... It's a powerful monitor de-bugger similar to Action Reply also we
have released the source code to it...  so for all you coders or learning
coders.. this is a MUST!

	There's no new updates to this menu, although I have decided to add a
Hard Drive Install program...  you know how to use it......  I have noticed a 
new set of docs disks around now... Fanatic Docs Collection..  nice to see
someone else joining in on the docs disks but all of the docs i have seen on 
this new collection are up to 3 years old...  buck your ideas up mate.. get
the very latest docs if ya want to be successful. 
	So I'll catch ya all on our next Docs Disk..  which is quite special
as it's the 50th LSD Docs Disk... We are the DOCS KINGS!

				L8r m8`s...

                  tHE rAPToR	  a N d		CYGNuS

   -> LSd dOCdISKS <- Get them NOW!!! And Don`t settle for nothin` less!

\                                                                             /
 \  /                                                                        /
  \/                                                                        /
  /\               _ _____/\  __ _    ·B·B·S·    _ __/\  _____ _           /
\/  \                       \/                         \/                 /
    /                                                                     \  /\
   /                                                                       \/
  /	  To get hold of the LSD-Document disks the minute they are        /\
 /              Released you must call our deVine USA boards;             /  \
/                                                                             \
_ __ _ _ ___________________________________  ______________________ ___ ___ _
                                            \ \____________________________ _
      ·sKULLBUGGERY (US WHQ)·    FAAAAAST!   \  _________________________ __ _
     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~               \ \ 
       RinGdOWN>>   +1 706 541 9452            \ \      ·pLANET X uSA hQ·
__ _ ____________    +1 706 541 9458            \ \    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
           	 \    +1 706 541 9478            \ \  +1 414 964 7434  
  mONASTERY iDS   \    +1 706 pRIVATE             \ \  3 nODeZ rINGdown  
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~    \                               \ \  SYSOP: JOHN YAYA/LSD
 +39 41 527 4664    \  SYSOPS: BIKER/LsD            \ \  COSYSOPS: FISH,
  SYSOP: fAITH/LSD   \  COSYSOP:SKYLARK,FISH,        \ \  16800 DS HST 
  COSYSOP: tHE dOCTOR \  1.5 GIG ONLINE,              \ \  /X aMi-ExPRESS 
           lOBO        \  16800 HST`s, AMI-EXPRESS     \ \  (MC68030)
  68030 HST DUAL 21600  \  (6 NoDES + NEW #`s SOON!)    \ \  
_ ___ __________________/ \_ __ __ _____________________/  \________ ___ _____
__ _ ____________________  ____________________________  _____________ __ _  _
                         \ \			       \ \	
                          \ \·dIABOLICAL sABOTAGE USHQ· \ \dIABOLICAL sABOTAGE
                           \ \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  \ \ Has a LSD release
·mASTERBATION sTATION uSAhQ·\ \   +1 717 266 6436         \ \ Conference.	
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  \ \   +1 717 266 6300         \ \  Where you can 
   +1 305 552 1192            \ \   +1 717 266 1940         \ \  get all the   
     4 nODE rINGdown           \ \    SYSOP: SUBHUMANZ/LSD   \ \  LSD DocsDisks
      SYSOP: bLACKbEARD         \ \    COSYSOP:  FISH,        \ \ and past LSD
       COSYSOP: fISH             \ \    16800/14400 DUAL, HST / /releases, all 
        21.6 DUAL STANDARDs       \ \    /X aMi-ExPRESS      / /FREE DOWNLOADS        
         1.4 gIG hD oNlINE         \ \_______________________\ \__________ _ __
          /X aMi-ExPRESS (MC68040)  \  _____________  ________________ __ ___
_ ____ ___ _________________________/ /             \ \
_ _ ___ ________________    _________/               \ \ ·dEEP fREEZE uSA hQ· 
                        \  /                          \ \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 ·mEGa lO mANIA uSA hQ·  \ \    ·zION hIDEOUT uSAhQ·   \ \ +1 414 225 9333
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ \    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     \ \ SYSOP: dEATHISH
  +1 812 944 6866          \ \     +1 614 876 0807       \ \ COSYSOPS: FISH
   +1 812 949 4888          \ \     4 nODE rINGdown       \ \ 16800 DUAL,HST
    +1 812 944 1084          \ \     SYSOP: zION wARRIOR   \ \ aMi-ExPRESS 040
     SYSOP: rAD!              \ \     COSYSOP: fISH         \ \
      COSYSOPS: FiSH, ALCApoNe \ \     16.8 DUALS            \ \
       16800 DUAL STANDARD HST  \ \     850 mEGS oNlINE       \ \
	14400 HST                \ \     /X aMi-ExPRESS 040    \ \
 /X aMi-ExPRESS,A2000/030 PoWeR!  \ \                           \ \
__ _ ___ _________________________/  \___________________________\ \__ __ __ _ _

Text Inside this Production

$VER: LSD Documents disk Code Module v1.3 - Revision $3.97
LSD-Document Disk (AmigaDOS)

Updated by    : tHE rAPtOR/LSd
Original code : 2-Cool/LSd
Copyright LSd İ 1993-94. All Rights Are Reserved.

Usage  : "Menu.exe "
Example: "Menu.exe 047"


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