Under The Surface 1 (Packdisk) by Depth

in Break's - on YouTube - in the Hall Of Light - on Demozoo

Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

Depth (Series Publishers)



Packdisk Contents

ConquestTypecontained asYear
downloadErgens in Het KlompenlandDemo

added 4/08
UnlimitedTypecontained asYear

added 3/97
Desire & FairlightTypecontained asYear
downloadCracktro For FairlightCrack Intro

added 4/08


Direct Files

Files From Contents



                     _____   ______ _______  |||   ___   __
  PROBLEMS WITH     )  __ \ /  ____)  __   )(. .) (   ) /  )  THE TOP IS AT
  YOUR COOL A1200? /  / /  )  /_  /  / /  /_/c /__/  /_/  /  THE BOTTOM/THE
  TRY AND TYPE    /==/ /= /==___)/==/_(==/_ ==____)=__ ==/ BOTTOM IS AT THE
  'E' BEFORE THE /  / /  /  /   /  ______)/  /  /  / /  /    TOP!..........
  DESIRED DEMO/ /  /_(  /  /___/  /      /  /  /  / /  /  /\  OR MAYBE:
  WHATEVER?!   (________)______)__)     (___) (__/ (___) =CC= WE GO DEEPER?
                                                          \/  YOU CHOOSE!
                     PRESENTS A NEW CRAPPY ANSI-PACK... 

          PACKING & ANSI BY...........................CURT COOL!
                   (JUST WAIT TILL I GET A CODED MENU!)
                        AND THIS ONE IS CALLED:
                        * UNDER THE SURFACE 1 *

          '3'..UNKNOWN...........................TEXTURE MAPPING 
          '4'..DESIRE.....................CRACKTRO FOR FAIRLIGHT
         (It seems those small show-offs of texture-mapping are
          quite popular these days!). Check the disk for info
          txts about the ASSEMBLY and the SOUTH SEALAND parties!
          The txt about SOUTH SEALAND is especially important, 
          since the date has been moved from august to june... 
          And that is final, and nothing but the truth!