Utility Disk (Packdisk) by Thunderbolt Cracking Crew

  • Released: 1988
  • Categorized as: Packdisk
  • This release was supplied to us by Harleyman (10/2012)
in Break's - on YouTube - in the Hall Of Light - on Demozoo

Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

Also Credited Groups



Direct Files



                                  Utility Disk
                                 Brougth To You
                    Thunderbolt Cracking Crew   ©  TCC 1777
         F1  --> SpriteMaster II           F2  --> Image-Editor
         F3  --> BlitLab V1.1              F4  --> BitplaneFinder V1.0
         F5  --> SetKey V1.0               F6  --> Disk-Craft V1.0
         F7  --> TextEd                    F8  --> Bob-Editor
         F9  --> spriteEd BackPri          F10 --> spriteEd FrontPri
         DEL --> Sprite Super Imposer
         HELP = This Menue      SHIFT+HELP = GREETINGS      ESC = Reset
 SHIFT+  F1  --> ByteKiller V1.3           F2  --> HQC-Cruncher V2.0
         F3  --> HQC-Bootblock Remover     F4  --> C-Monitor V2.02
         F5  --> AmigaMon V2.5             F6  --> Exterminator
         F7  --> SysMon                    F8  --> GenAmiga V1.0
         F9  --> MonAm V1.0                F10 --> Set Atprefs
         DEL --> Sectorama
 NOTE!           ByteKiller Decruncher Source Is On The Disk !!!
 ALT+    F1  --> SpritMaster II Instr.     F2  --> BlitLab Instr.
         F3  --> BitplaneFinder Instr.     F4  --> ByteKiller Instr.
         F5  --> HQC-Cruncher Instr.       F6  --> Sectorama Instr.