FlipTrOo (Demo) by Therapy
- Released: 1995-01-23
- Categorized as: Demo
Credits and Features
If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.
Release Features
Title | Type | Author | contained as | Year |
Music (Noisetracker/Protracker) | The Dark Knight | 5/93 added 10/96 |
Contained BBS Info
Name | Phone | Country | Operated By |
Black Krypt | +32 (0)812-287-29 | Belgium | Alkaid, Mr. Hyde |
Warehouse | +32-81-221095 | Belgium |
Release Connections
Direct Files
- Therapy-Fliptroo (exec), 107820 bytes (CrunchMania Simple) (CRC:
Files From Features
- orgasmic-chipper2.mod (sound), 5908 bytes (see inside text)
Needs Xec library. Not released at Saturne '95 since that party was cancelled.This is an AMOS production
___ ______/\____/\_____/\___/\_____/\_____/\__| \ \ / | \ ___/ \ \ \ | \ \/ \/ : / \ ! / ! / ! / : / / \ / /_ __ \ \ __/ / /______\__|__\______/__\/ \__:___\__\ \ / A fast INTRO FlipTrOo /____\!smt/tpy /__/ The first HaLlucinated Tro For your Head
Text Inside this Production
In A WoRlD of IlLuSIon a CrEw Say YES! YES! YES! No! Heuuuu WelComE BaCk DeAr Mr.tHe FlY!! Do YoU NoW BloOb & BloOmY FrOm BloOb DeSiGn? A NICE HANdSHaKe & REgArD WitH LenS ThERaPy DivIsiOn - SaNiTy - ScOoPeX - SuBnOrMaLs - CyBeRpUnK - SaTuRnE SuSpEct - InTensE - BoOm DeSiGn - ChS - LEgO - MoVmEnT - Bob MaRleY! So ThiS Fast inTro W... read more