Credits and Features
If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.
Individuals and Guests
- Crash (DE) (Polka Brothers / Mainzelmaennchen Production)
- Fiver (aka Fiver2) (DE) (TRSI)
Release Features
Title | Type | Author | contained as | Year |
Music (Noisetracker/Protracker) | Virgill | 352048 bytes / crc D715F37E | 4/95 added 6/96 | |
Graphics | Fiver | a4/95 added 4/19 | ||
Logo | Noogman | a4/95 added 4/19 |
Direct Files
- Artwork-Greenday.lha (archive), 1662077 bytes (CRC:
Files From Features
- greentra (7bpl).iff (graphics), 164676 bytes
- Artwork-logo_(7bpl).iff (archive), 68676 bytes (CRC:
) - Artwork-logo_(7bpl).png (graphics)
- final amelotatism.mod (sound), 352048 bytes (CRC:
) (see inside text)
Boondocks BBS: ART-GND1.LHA P 360369 04-23-95 ARTWORK - GREENDAY 1/3 1th Place at the Democompo at the BBX Symposium in Hamburg. ART-GND2.LHA P 663500 04-23-95 ARTWORK - GREENDAY 2/3 1th Place at the Democompo at the BBX Symposium in Hamburg. ART-GND3.LHA P 647223 04-23-95 ARTWORK - GREENDAY 3/3 1th Place at the Democompo at the BBX Symposium in Hamburg. Guru's Dream BBS: ART-GND1.LHA P 359209 04-24-95 ARTWORK - GREENDAY 1/3 1th Place at the Democompo at the BBX Symposium in Hamburg. ART-GND2.LHA P 663100 04-24-95 ARTWORK - GREENDAY 2/3 1th Place at the Democompo at the BBX Symposium in Hamburg. ART-GND3.LHA P 646830 04-24-95 ARTWORK - GREENDAY 3/3 1th Place at the Democompo at the BBX Symposium in Hamburg. The Fortress BBS: ART-GND1.LHA P 381861 04-24-95 ARTWORK - GREENDAY 1/3 ART-GND2.LHA P 684984 04-24-95 ARTWORK - GREENDAY 2/3 ART-GND3.LHA P 668714 04-24-95 ARTWORK - GREENDAY 3/3 1th Place at the Democompo at the BBX Symposium in Hamburg. --===< another Cement City BBS: ART-GND1.LHA P 358888 04-24-95 ARTWORK - GREENDAY 1/3 1th Place at the Democompo at the BBX Symposium in Hamburg. iCON iNSOMNIA aINT nO pROBLEM tO mE!! lSD 01:35:24 -=- nODE: 1 -=- cPS: 3201 -=- ART-GND2.LHA P 662011 04-24-95 ARTWORK - GREENDAY 2/3 1th Place at the Democompo at the BBX Symposium in Hamburg. iCON iNSOMNIA aINT nO pROBLEM tO mE!! lSD 01:35:42 -=- nODE: 1 -=- cPS: 3201 -=- ART-GND3.LHA P 645740 04-24-95 ARTWORK - GREENDAY 3/3 1th Place at the Democompo at the BBX Symposium in Hamburg. iCON iNSOMNIA aINT nO pROBLEM tO mE!! lSD 01:36:00 -=- nODE: 1 -=- cPS: 3201 -=-