iff.aamukylpy (Graphics) by B.

in Break's - on YouTube - in the Hall Of Light - on Demozoo

Credits and Features

If you see an error in these credits, please tell us.

Individuals and Guests


  • B. (FI) (Dual Crew-Shining)


Direct Files



Death Row BBS:
DCS-AAMU.LHA P  38043  06-15-97  --------------------------------------------
                                 abduction97 gfx-compo contribution by 'b/dcs
                                 gained thirteenth place, was shown twentieth
AAMUKYLP.LHA P  55573  06-20-97  --------------------------------------------
                                 abduction97 gfx-compo contribution by 'b/dcs
                                 gained thirteenth place, was shown twentieth

Northern Palace BBS:
DCS-AAMU.LHA P  28430  16-06-97  --------------------------------------------
                                 abduction97 gfx-compo contribution by 'b/dcs
                                 gained thirteenth place, was shown twentieth
AAMUKYLP.LHA P  28430  22-06-97  --------------------------------------------
                                 abduction97 gfx-compo contribution by 'b/dcs
                                 gained thirteenth place, was shown twentieth

The Fortress BBS:
DCS-AAMU.LHA P  30112  06-16-97  --------------------------------------------
                                 abduction97 gfx-compo contribution by 'b/dcs
                                 gained thirteenth place, was shown twentieth

Uphold The Law BBS:
DCS-AAMU.LHA P  37419  06-16-97  --------------------------------------------
                                 abduction97 gfx-compo contribution by 'b/dcs
                                 gained thirteenth place, was shown twentieth

ASCII Art File Info (.diz file)

abduction97 gfx-compo contribution by 'b/dcs
gained thirteenth place, was shown twentieth