Bizarre '96

  • Country: Netherlands
  • City: Etten-Leur
  • Location: De Nobelaer
  • Party began on: 1996-09-07
  • Party ended on: 1996-09-08


       Bizarre96 Party Report
Bizarre96 Party Report
The Horror trip to Holland by
The Bizarre Party 1996 was held in Etten-Leur, a small Dutch town near the
city of Breda. We arrived at the partyplace at about 7.30 in the morning,
1,5 hours before the official opening of the party.
After buying some food and beer in the local shopping mall we got ourselves
some dope in a neat coffeeshop called FidoDido.
Returning to the partyplace, we had our first shock:
Dozens of 15-year-old little boys were brought by their mums and dads!?
However, we entered the party, paying 30 guildens. The partyplace seemed
quite nice to us, all the people were gathered in one hall. Next to it were
the sleeping hall, a nice cafeteria and the cinema, where all compos were
As there was still very little action at that time, we went outside again to
Acryl's car and had a couple of beers. We had quite a nice time then and the
party still seemed quite promising.
After a while all of us handed our contributions (2x gfx, 2x module) over to
the organizers and afterwards chatted here and there to some party attenders.
This soon got boring and we smoked some more in the local park with some
funny dudes climbing the trees all of a sudden (feeling like birds?)
Feeling hungry, we walked downtown (hoho) and had some frikandelen and
After walking back we had some more beers and went inside to listen to the
module compo. But surprisingly, they didn't play Jazz's tune, and we felt
they had sorted out all 4 channel mods. Other rumours say they only played
the first 15 tunes in the order they had been handed to them.
What a shit! You were not allowed to booze or smoke in the cinema. :(
The overall quality of the modules was VERY bad except for maybe 2-3 tunes.
We couldn't stand that penetrating music and left the compo to have a seat
in the cafeteria (where you heard enough of the music) and only went back
into the cinema room when Vic/Acme 's tune was played.
After the dissappointing module compo we stayed in the cafeteria and got
ourselves some frikandelen (again disgusting hoho) and shouted at all the
people coming out of the theatre. The stupid kids didn't even react, maybe
their mummies told 'em not to speak with strangers.
Some dude got a beer shower from Vic cause he robbed his chair =)
hehe he deserved it..
after fooling around we felt very tired and fell asleep in the partycar.
Unfortunately we slept a little bit too long and missed the gfx compo.
But Keith and Jazz who had seen it, mentioned that there were about 10
entries and only 3 of them were good (Acryl's, Cyclone's and a picture from
BenJ/imphobia). The rest of them were non-serious ugly non-quality joke-
The second day was of the same kind as the first day: little action in the
main hall (about 200-300 ppl were there, most of them playing Quake or Duke,
or running Fasttracker and making gabber shit or whatever).
The compos were PC intro and demo, ansi, and (quickly arranged) Amiga compos.
All the compos had very low quality entries, only the PC demo compo showed
some promising stuff. The winning demo from Trepaan attracted us most.
After having some fun outside the partyplace in Acryl's car again, there was
voting time.
The voting system was supposed to be something really special at the Bizarre
party. There was a 'big' network and everyone connected to it could vote.
Moreover the organizers provided a voting terminal.
In order to vote, you had to type in a number and a particular password which
you got when entering the cinema room for the PC demo compo.
Somehow we discovered that our handles were written totally wrong, but that
might happen to every organizer.
As Cyclone wanted to see the other entries of the gfx compo at an
organizer's computer, he asked and the organizer said 'no prob, wait a
moment'.. After 20 minutes or so he still couldn't display any of the pics
due to 'network problems'.
We didn't vote ourselves cause it was just too obvious we would win (hehe),
so we handed our password sheets over to some partydudes..
The prizegiving ceremony was coming closer and at that time we were really
pissed of that party.
There was NO PARTY atmosphere at all on both days. All the stupid suckas sat
around their computers all day long, playing DJ Bobo music at 120 decibel.
No boozing, no smoking, no fun, no action, no fights, no drunken people.
You can experience the same atmosphere when you visit the church on Sundays.
But we said to ourselves: 'at least we get the fucking money, so who cares?'
The results- and prizegiving ceremony started and there were nice surprises
how you could make easy bucks with absolutely NO talent at this party.
The most shocking fact was that neither Cyclone nor Acryl got under the first
three ranks at the gfx compo. We got quite furious and screamed some shit
towards the podium. (At least we didn't have to kiss the ugly fat organizer
girl hoho).
We tried to organize a quick wild compo (fucking the organizers' asses or
puking them to death) but we failed due to the lack of time..
What we could not understand either is how those stupid little assholes
seemed to even LIKE the event and have a great time..
Organizers: try to use a normal voting system or, if compos are faked in
such an obvious way, DISQUALIFY those fuqed up entries that don't deserve
Get the fucking pianos out of the sleeping hall (15 year old sons tend to
play 2Unlimited music on it and their bitch girlfriends even try to SING!)
Party networks SUCK. No decent party needs a party network. This was meant
to be a DEMO party, wasn't it? No stupid granny-meeting to play at.
To get it clear :
We will never visit your party again, NO WAY, ihr Schwuchteln.
AND don't start whining about our very critic point of view ...
 Acryl & Cyclone   ( Boozing Party Dudes ) 
P.S.: some people at the place were quite cool ( well must be around 15 or
      so ) , we would like to greet you but we almost forgot your names :)
Little preface:

At 11:30 I [mSW] arrived at the party place. Together with Krimson
and Sonic. It was a nice little travel by car, and meanwhile
we listened to the newest records of a-6-1 [Aces One] And I can say
that they sounded great. So if the piece is released make sure to
get it for yar collection!

Well we will keep ya up-2-date what happens today at this bizarre party.
The main stuff will be done by mSW^sOS!

11:57 - Waiting for Red Demon and Exile to arive at the party place.
        I have no idea when they will be here, becauz I haven't spoken
        to them for a week. Reddie called The Oase this week asking
        If I would be here, but he hasn't called back.

13:31 - Finally a fellow effect member. His name : Cloak
        Suddenly I was temptated to put my grafix inside an effect
        release. Cloak was begging me on his knees, so I satisfied
        his needs with a nice and cute picture.

15:55 - Entering my module and my grafix for the compo's. Deadline of
        the mods was 16:00 So I made it in time.

16:20 - Saw sum weird looking dudes wich I happened to know. Sum
        idiots like : Muad'dib / Pyxis / Satans Fire etc.

19:09 - Jups, we were the unlucky ones.... A major power failure, but
        thank god it only took 10 mins to fix the whole stuff.

20:00 - Went to the theater for the music-compo.. delayed!

21:00 - Finally the musics starts. But I noticed that they didn't play
        My module .( In the next catalog are the mods, and our personal
        ranks [Msw / Krimson]

    |     Name                 Crew               Satisfaction Level |
    | 01. Congo ^ Bongo      - The Rew / Nostalgia    4              |
    | 02. Won'T You Come     - Heretic / Destiny      7              |
    | 03. Victory            - Iceman / Blacktron     3              |
    | 04. Chaos Iv           - Dark / Metabolic       5              |
    | 05. Your Hands....     - Keith303 / R.Rhythums  5.5            |
    | 06. Stoned             - Mad Max / Explizit     6              |
    | 07. Loneyly Planet     - Basehead / Imphobia    7              |
    | 08. A New Era          - Armadon / Explizit     6.5            |
    | 09. Beyond Bizare      - Explizit               6.5            |
    | 10. Silent Moves       - Jello / Cygnus         6              |
    | 11. When Machines...   - 7Th Son / Maroon       5.5            |
    | 12. Sweet Water        - Seppe / W.Magic        4              |
    | 13. Chunk              - Vic / Acme             4              |
    | 14. ?                  - Dimension-X            1              |
    | 15. Losing Strenght    - Sigma / Fatal Error    5              |
    | 16. My Lost Paradise   - Morphine / R.Beats     6.5            |
    | 17. Sequence Session   - Zodsoft                5              |
    | 18. Bassie             - The Clan               5              |
    | 19. Beta Strenght      - Simm / Analogue        6.5            |
    | 20. Neural Moh#3       - Nectar / Tone!         7              |

        Well, just compare with the final results, listen yourself
        and see who was right the most!

23:00 - Time for the grafix compo... I thought, goes this also was
        delayed a LOT. So at

23:55 - The slideshow started. Most of the grafix where crap, but
        Since my module was skipped by the judges, I was happy to see
        at least my grafix at the big screen. And again, here cums sum
        personal grades, this time judged by mSW and sONIC

    |     Name                 Crew               Satisfaction Level |
    | 01. Cyberlogics II     - Celtic / Axis              4.5        |
    | 02. Fish Fish Fish     - Outlaw / Traid             1          |
    | 03. Dead Metal         - Necronomicon / Quad        6.5        |
    | 04. Sjakie Strandwacht - Anomaly / T.B.E.           2          |
    | 05. Win/Bmp Thand.Bmp  - The Axe / Impulse          6          |
    | 06. E.B.E.             - Skylla / T.B.E.            2          |
    | 07. Downset            - Abyss&Illusion / Cyclone   7          |
    | 08. Distance           - Msw / Sos                  Own Thing  |
    | 09. Buko!              - Mcryc / Acme               7          |
    | 10. Beast Slayer       - Primal / Nostalgia         5          |
    | 11. Weird Beauty       - Benj & Pl / Imphobia       6          |
    | 12. Halle              - Elliot / Reality           5          |

Well not too many heigh qualities here either. Sum idiots even
included sum crap ones AGAIN! Fuck those loosers, let them out
of the screen if they haven't got anything better to show. The
fun with those things are over, try to be original.

23:35 - Sonic had CRASHED my system!! ARRRGGGGHHHH, again I had to
        fix the mayor troubles. Damn, I will NEVER forgive him, thats
        for sure.

00:18 - Surprise movie. Well I ofcourse went together with sonic.
        Krimson went to the sleeping hall to get a nice nap. The
        movie was called : Independance Day. And sonic said it was
        a g[r]oovy Movie. Well, the effects were indeed very cewl.
        And the movie was even interactive!! Why?? Well, there was
        NO end at our tape, so ya had to make yar own ending of the
        movie ;)

04:17 - People around us are STILL playing the party-lamers very LOUD!
04:22 - I still haven't seen Red demon nor Exile, Perhaps they failed
        to get here due to a lack of money/time ?

05:59 - Sonic just stopped irc-ing, so I had time to type sum crap again.
        Well, we just took a final look at our intro/demo. Putted in me
        scroller, and now cloak is very busy debugging the stuff. I think
        that Oops is going to compete also. But only time can tell.

06:01 - The doors are open again, so we can get sum fresh air!!!!

07:04 - We can not get sum sleep in the normal rooms, everywhere are
        idiots busy to blow up there speakers

08:52 - Chatting in the irc with sum idiots. For example : Prodigy
        Iso / Dusty / Andabata / and even magic had a guest appereance.

10:14 - Just got back from the cinema, where was planned sum compo.
        But instead they showed 'Man's eye'. Very strange indeed, so
        we left again. And wait until the next compo starts.

10:19 - Woke up Krimson, this dude sleeps through 1kW like a little baby.

11:00 - The inserted amiga compo. Well, all went fine, just until our
        entry came [Under the effect label]. We had NO sound. Damn, so
        cloak had to rush to the organisers to get the things fixed again.
        It seems that bad luck follows our entries every year. Sum
        grades [Only by mSW this time]

    |     Name                  Crew              Satisfaction Level |
    | 01. Rootcanal           - Axis                     5           |
    | 02. Ventilator          - Dgf                      4           |
    | 03. Melons 2            - Smellon                  5           |
    | 04. Just For Fun        - Effect                   6           |
    | 05. Bagger!             - Bert,Sjaak,Punk          6           |
    | 06. Biz-R               - Oops!                    7.5         |

12:30 - Start of the pc compo. The whole theatre was filled with freaks,
        all waiting for bigs things to happen. But the biggest things
        were kept at home I guess. Again sum crap stipud funy demo's.
        And sum blockbusters. Here are the grade's. Meastro! [mSW]

    |     Name                 Crew               Satisfaction Level |
    | 01. Full Motion        - Spirit                    5           |
    | 02. Dea                - Analogue                  6.5         |
    | 03. Bagger             - Xl                        3           |
    | 04. Ravage             - Tbe                       Fucked Up   |
    | 05. Demos For Dummies  - Dimension-X               6           |
    | 06. Paroxysm           - Cheese Team               7.5         |
    | 07. Perfection         - Quad                      5           |
    | 08. Ripoff             - Acne                      2           |
    | 09. Noname             - Rubba Design              4           |
    | 10. Bulll!             - Trepaan                   7           |

15:00 - The online voting had been delayed goes the programm bugged.
        Finally they sended people out with disks to get the votes.
        So I said that they could use my computer also. So the girl
        and sum dude came to my with a disk. I copied the stuff, and
        started voting. Since we kept our lists it was easy to vote,
        and we vote FAIR! Suddenly sum other floordude came, and said
        that this vote programm was bugged to, and again, the girl
        left and came back with another disk. She putted it in the
        drive, a started copying. And prrr , prrr, prrr, prrr , yups
        one bugged disk. So she went back upstaires to get yet another
        disk. This one was luckily a good one, so the voting started.
        Lots of idiots came by, and almost destroyed my keyboard .(
        But hey live sucks. Meanwhile a had a chat with the girl from
        wich I do not know the name, only that she would have gone
        to Austria if she had nine weeks of vacation .)
17:02 - The price ceremony. Well, we expected that the results will
        be almost the same as the grades we had given them. And so the
        show begun. 4kb and ansi compo prices has been given away, and
        suddenly... amiga demo place number three.... EFFECT!! whooow,
        we had won sumthing. We sended Cloak to the stage to get OUR
        price. We expected sum cash, but instead we recieved a party
        T-shirt.. Hmm, how do we split that into 5 people?? But anyhow
        the price ceremony contiued. The music compo was here, and then
        it happened again. The cewl ones lost of the crappy ones. And
        the music that won was the music that had Krimson fallen asleep
        while it was playing during the real compo. This was faked as
        hell. But hey, then it was time for the grafix. And this was
        even more surprising. I guess if ya entered an empty disk ya
        had more changes of winning then if ya would entered a Rembrandt.
        Damn, this sucked even more. We were so shocked that we left
        the ceremony and started copying the releases.

17:30 - Still no stuff on the network. So we asked some floormanagers
        when the stuff would get online. Well, it was soon going to
        happen. Okay we said, we offlined Krimsons machine, and only
        mine was over.

18:02 - Well we were the only ones left at the place, everyone was gone
        home. So I went up and asked again when the stuff was ready
        to be copied. Well, they just finished copying the stuff onto
        a zip disk. So I asked for the disk, so that I could quickly
        copy it onto my system [Scsii zip kicks that parallel crap thing]
        but that wasn't possible, that disk must be delivered sumwhere
        else at once. The transfer was done, the disk went to sum other
        organiser, and he started talking for 5 mins. to sumone else.
        In the mean time I would have had plenty of time to copy that
        disk. But as nice as we were we waited, and waited.

18:32 - We want to go home, so Krimsons goes to the organisers hq. And
        asks for the last time if we can get the stuff that has been
        fixed and checked, so that we at least could have sumthing.
        NO!!!!!! said the dude a little bit angry, we will not give ya
        an exeptional behavoir. Ehhh?? we stood, and just before we could
        have anything if we had an EMPTY zip disk?? Very strange, so I
        went down to break down my system, when suddenly they became
        normal again and I could copy the stuff again. It were again
        the untouched demo's but we couldn't care less. As long as we
        can watch the stuff. Named or we don't give a
        shit. So we quickly transfered to demo's and got home.

18:44 - Said goodbye to the dudes, and hopefully we will see them again
        next year at biz'97

19:12 - We're kinda hungry so we stopped at sum The drive throuh
        was very busy so we parked the car and went inside. Well it
        was so crowded that we instantly went out again to go on with
        our journey home.

20:01 - Home at last. Installed my computer, looked sum demo's and
        fell a sleep.

                 Stuff we didn't see/or on the big screen.

           |     Name                 Crew                     |
           | 01. Embraced           - Circle Of Tyrants        |
           | 02. Die Logic          - Weird Magic              |
           | 03. Bloempjes & Bytjes - Maroon                   |
           | 04. Weird              - T.B.E.                   |
           | 05. 64                 - Inopia/Anomaly/Cygnus    |
           | 06. Slam               - Surprise! Productions    |
           | 07. Gravity Encounter  - Deadline                 |
           | 08. Hopeless           - Cronix                   |
           | 09. State              - Spirit *New Style*       |
           | 10. ???                - Trybit                   |

           |     Name                 Crew                     |
           | 01. Big Biz96          - Radical + Paranoid Man   |
           | 02. Tu-Biz96.Ans       - Gravnation               |
           | 03. Db-Biz96.Ans       - Dirt Bag / Explizit      |
           | 04. Br-Zooi            - Brain / Sound Alliance   |
           | 05. Eternal Love       - Atlantic / Gravnation    |
           | 06. Killerfish!        - Inopia / Blup / Outlaw   |
           | 07. Gr-Groen?          - Groenteboer              |

           |     Name                 Crew                     |
           | 01. Space.Com          - Laserdance / Nostalgia   |
           | 02. Zwembad            - Sentinel & Fear          |
           | 03. No Name            - Excalibur / Fatal Vision |
           | 04. Chiparitus         - The Watcher / Tuhb       |

Total conclusion :

        This was a very nice party. The network was very cewl, and we
        copied lots of cewl stuff. The place was big enough. Perhaps
        a bit warm, but hey, we survived Bizarre'94 so this was a piece
        of cake. The additional theater was the best thing that I had
        seen at a dutch party so far. It was big, comfortable, and the
        temperature was perfect. NIce movies, the only bad thing was
        that the end of indep. day was missing, but we can survive that
        I think. So this party will be in our top three for sure, and
        perhaps at number one.

Special greets : Tone, prodigy, iso, the rest of the amiga clan
                 pinda [ya lost from sonic!], deleon, the girl
                 with the thingy in her nose, the girl with the
                 vote disk at my computer, Red demon and Exile
                 who were NOT at this place [Were the hell were ya?]

Normal Greets  : Everyone at the party place

               Satisfaction level of Bizarre'96

Invitations to this Party

Invitation found inTypeAuthorYear
downloadBizarre '96 InvitationIntro
AGA Chipset required
added 1/16

Invitation Text


The party will be held on : Saturday 7 september 1996, and will last until
Sunday. The party will open in the morning at 10:00 and will continue till
the next day 17:00

The partyplace is located at :

"De Nobelaer"
Anna van Berchenlaan 2

The partyplace is very easy to find.

* By train :  - Take the train to Etten-Leur and get out.
              - Walk to the centrum (No
... read more

Reviews and Reports

downloadFriendchip 1Diskmagazine
AGA Chipset required
Clary - Cyclone - Dust - ...
added 7/17

Review Text

Bizarre 96

                Bizarre96 Party Report

                       The Horror trip to Holland by


The Bizarre Party 1996 was held in Etten-Leur, a small Dutch town near the
city of Breda. We arrived at the partyplace at about 7.30 in the morning,
1,5 hours before the 
... read more

Releases and Competitions


40k Intro/uncategorizedRankingAuthorYear
Celtic - Don-Cato - Groo
added 3/97
Mentat - Radium
added 3/99

Other Releases

Bert & Punk & Sjaak
added 11/15
downloadJust 4 FunIntro
Cloak - Msw - Probe - ...
added 11/15
40k Intro/uncategorizedCategoryAuthorYear
downloadMelons 240k Intro
AGA Chipset required
added 11/11
64k Intro/uncategorizedCategoryAuthorYear
downloadVentilatör64k Intro
Wozni - Znjetn
added 2/13