Gathering 1994 Party Invitation
Text Inside this Production

Everybody Loves Claudia Schiffer
Hi.... I - am - HAL....
Don't let me interrupt you...
pOrNoS makes BETTER lOve
Game Over - Insert credit to continue
Son-Ja did the music - don't blame me!
 D O N ' T   P A N I C
The bird was animated by Claudia
This intro has been infected with a virus
We surrender! Please don't kill us
Nice weather today, go out instead!
Something wonderful has happened...
Now, do exactly what I tell you:
Turn off the computer, it is a great feeling
Ok, ok,ok I am out of inspiration
Now these stupid little messages will wrap
Be seeing ya at the Gathering /Claudia

Info in general
Sound And Picture
Things and stuff
More Info
CreditS and exit


     THE GATHERING 1994                  
          --- * ---
         The Gathering
         is the
         five day
         high  power
         for all


General Info
This intro is the Official invitation
to The Gathering 1994. Here you 
should find everything you need to
know before attending the conference. 
The information has been compiled
from ideas and suggestions from The 
Gathering 1994 conference at The
Crusaders BBS, and experiences from the
two previous Gatherings. You do not
need a personal invitation to attend 
The Gathering. Anyone with a genuine
interest in computers are welcome!

Entrance fees
 NOK 200.* 
Non*Europeans and girls:

The Gathering 1994 will not be held at
Skedsmohallen. Instead we have
chosen Rykkinnhallen which is a brand
new sports hall located just a
few kilometers south west of Oslo,
Norway's capitol. One of the reasons
this hall was chosen is that it is made
up of two halls. If you like
the real party feeling, grab a table in
the large hall. If you like
things quiet, grab a table in the smaller
hall. The total available
space around the complex is around 4500m2.

Since we excpect the available space
to be limited, you will
unfortunately not be able to reserve
space for you or your group at
The Gathering 1994. Instead we will
give away seats on a first*come*
first*served basis.

Rooms for rent
Rykkinnhallen has four separate rooms
with two beds and shower for those
of you who really need a good nights
sleep. The rooms are primarily
intended for bus drivers and so on,
and the price per room is 200 NOK
per 24hrs. If you are interested in
renting a room, you will have to
contact Dr. Outtasight immediately and
order it. We also expect you to
pay for the room in advance.

To be allowed to enter The Gathering
1994, you must first fill out a
short registration form when arriving.
This form will then be punched
immediately into our database network
by our crew. After paying the
entrance fee, you will be given a badge
which is your proof of payment.
If you lose this badge, you will have
to pay the entrance fee again.
If the badge is destroyed, you will
be given a new one, only if the
badge number is clearly visible.
The database network will be available
to the attendants through a couple
of terminals where you can search
for names and groups.

Arriving before the 29th of March
If your only option is to arrive
before the 29th of March, you have to
call Dr. Outtasight well in advance.
We also expect you to pay in
advance. If you arrive before the
29th and have not called in advance,
you will not be let inside until
we officially open.

After getting some complaints about
the lack of variations in the food
available at The Gathering 1993, we
decided to hire a professional
catering firm. They will have around
the clock service in the cafeteria.
Instead of having just pizza five
days in a row, they will offer you
one different main course every day
in addition to pizza, fries, hotdogs,
burgers, softdrinks and other snacks.
All this at a resonable price.

 Sleeping Area

The sleeping area is made up of
a cluster of large lockers, each with
toilets and showers. The lockers
are of course located in the same
building as the main hall, but any
noise from the main hall should not
disturb you. The space is limited
and we will be using additional rooms
for sleeping if necessary.

The Gathering 1993 featured some of
the most excellent arcades, like
the fabulous AirHockeyBockey.
The Gathering 1994 will of course
also feature this together with
the usual amount of pinball machines
and video games.

Video Room
One of the most popular leisure 
ctivities at The Gathering is of
course the video watching. We will
run the same system as last year,
with a 6m2  screen and a six speaker
Dolby surround sound system. The
video room has no windows, so movies
will be shown around the clock.
You will not be allowed inside once
a movie has started.

Registrating for the Competitions
A special registration form is
used to keep track of the entries for
the competitions. Your entry will
not be allowed to compete unless
you have this form which also
includes an envelope to hold the disk,
and a receipt which you will be
given as proof of handing the entry
over to the arrangers.

Best Amiga Demo
A demo is defined as a stand-alone
executable program compiled or
assembled by the use of anything
from a hi-level compiler to pure
machine code.

The demo can and should utilize
the AGA chipset of the A1200/4000.
AGA demos will of course not work
on an A3000, and we do not expect
them to.

Entries not working on the
following models and which does not
comply with the rules for this
category will be disqualified.

Amiga A1200, Amiga A3000, Amiga
A4000/030 and Amiga A4000/040

Best PC Demo
A demo is defined as a stand-alone
executable program compiled or
assembled by the use of anything
from a hi-level compiler to pure
machine code.

The demo can and should utilize
the full potential of the graphics
adapter it is viewed on. It can and
should also utilize the full
potential of either Soundblaster
16 ASP and/or the Gravis Ultrasound
music card.

The machine used during the
competition will be a 486DX2 66MHz,
with a VESA compatible video adapter.
The sound must be Soundblaster
16 ASP and/or Gravis Ultrasound compatible.

Entries which does not comply
with the rules for this category will
be disqualified - without exceptions!

Best Amiga Intro
An intro is defined as a stand
alone executable program compiled or
assembled by the use of anything
from a hi-level compiler to pure
machine code, all contained in a
single file. The size of the
executable file before execution
must not exceed 40 kB. An intro
must have an exit routine that
returns to the operating system.

The intro can and should utilize
the AGA chipset of the A1200/4000.
AGA intros will of course not work
on an A3000, and we do not expect
them to.

Entries not working on the
following models and which does not
comply with the rules for this 
ategory will be disqualified -
without exceptions!

Amiga A1200, Amiga A3000, Amiga
A4000/030 and Amiga A4000/040

Best Module
A module is defined as a file
consisting of musical data. Modules of
any format can compete, as long
as a player is supplied with the
module. The module must use no
more than four channels. 

The module will be played for up
to 3 minutes unless the author has
an utterly good reason for playing
it longer.

Entries which does not comply with
the rules for this category will be
disqualified - without exceptions!

Best Picture
A picture is defined by a file
consisting of one frame of graphical
data. Pictures from any platform
can be entered, but a picture viewer
must also be supplied in case of
very special graphical formats. 

The maximum graphical resolution
is 1024 horizontal and 768 vertical
pixels, and the maximum number of
bits per pixel (bitplanes) is 24.

Entries which does not comply with
the rules for this category will
be disqualified - without exceptions!

Best Animation
An animation is defined by a series
of graphical frames viewed at a
certain frame rate. Animations from
any platform can be entered,
and an animation viewer must be supplied.

The maximum graphical resolution is
1024 horizontal and 768 vertical
pixels, and the maximum number of
bits per pixel (bitplanes) is 24.

Animations from any other platforms
than Amiga and PC, will have to
supply a machine to view them on.
This machine must supply a composite
video or a format suitable for video

Entries which does not comply with
the rules for this category will
be disqualified - without exceptions!

At present we are not able to give
you the exact competition price
list. All we can say is that the
prices should satisfy anyone. The
prices will include an Amiga A4000,
accelerator cards, soundcards,
an i486 PC and much more!

Viewing of the Competition Entries
As many of the competitions will have
a lot of entries and there is no
time to play all the modules and
show all the pictures, the primary
task of the jury will be to select
a percentage of the entries in each
competition to view/play for the finals.
These finalists will be shown
to the public. If the voting system
fails, the jury's votes counts as
the final result. The jury will therefor
view all entries in all the

The jury will consist of a technical
jury and 20 randomly selected
people from the party attendants. 
Pornos rules.

The arrangers will have absolutely
nothing to do with the selection
except to play the entries for the
jury in a closed room.

As far as it is possible, the name
of the author of the product will
not be shown to the jury. This is
to ensure that each product will be
judged by its appearance, not by
the name of the guy that made it.

The top three entries will be shown
again when the winners are announced.

At The Gathering 1994 we will try
a completely new system based on the
computerized system used at The Party.
However, our system will differ
somewhat in the sence that votes will
be counted automatically. When
paying at the entrance you will be
given either an Amiga or PC
formatted double density disk containing
a voting program. The program
is self-explaining and should be very
easy to use. If you do not have
a computer, you can either borrow one
or vote on paper. Once you have
voted, the disk has to be returned to
the arrangers for counting ofthe 

All this ensures that as many people
as possible has a chance to vote.
If the first system fails, the votes
of the jury will count as the final

Anyone who visited The Gathering
1993 knows that the electrical system
of Skedsmohallen did not manage all
those devices. This is also one of
the reasons we have chosen another
hall this year. Since 420 Amperes
was inadequate at The Gathering
1993, we now have a total of 1400A.

Official Party BBS
Most people feel that no party is
complete without a party BBS system.
At The Gathering 1994 a team from
SSD will be running the official party
BBS on an Amiga A4000. The system
will feature eight nodes, where three
are reserved for SSD and the rest
will be open to the public. One node
will most likely be available through
a dial-up modem. Unfortunately we
were not able to include the number
for this node in this information
leaflet before it was printed. The
number should be available at the
Crusaders BBS or at The Gathering
1994 FTP site.

Party Network
In addition to the party BBS, we will
also install a party network. The
network is made up of one large Novell
NetWare 3.11 server. If you bring
your NetWare 3.11 compatible server
system, we will hook it up to the
party network. If you have a computer
with an Ethernet compatible adapter
with either coax or twisted pair
connector, you should be able to connect
to the network easily.

Both the party BBS and the party network
will contain party releases as
soon as they become available. 

The security scheme at The Gathering
1993 proved to work satisfactory,
so the same system will be used at
The Gathering 1994. All guards will
be radio linked to the arrangers office.

Should any unwanted people try to enter,
they will be removed immediately
by the arrangers or the local police.

If you have valuables you are unable
to guard yourself, you may hand them
over to the arrangers office where
they will be stored in a deposit box.

Product availability
It is common to distribute the
competition entries at the end of the
party. At The Gathering 1994 we will
distribute all entries mainly via
selected swappers which you can
copy the disks from, and via the
Official Party BBS, The Crusaders
BBS and The Gathering 1994 Internet
FTP site.

A CD-ROM compatible with PC, Amiga,
CD32 and CDTV containing all the
productions released at The Gathering
1994, will be made available if
the demand for this is high enough.
The price will be around NOK 150,-

Audio/Visual Equipment
The audio and visual equipment is one
of the most important parts of
an arrangement like this. Delivering
a perfect picture to over 2000
persons is very difficult, and multiple
video projectors and an internal
TV transmitter will ensure that the
availability is more than adequate.
The sound system will be made up of
the existing 6000 Watts system
already installed in the hall, plus
a set of subwoofers. The existing
system is mounted in the ceiling, and
will therefor give you excellent
sound no matter where you are sitting.

Internal TV and Information System
The Internal TV and Information
System will be used for broadcasting
messages and information to you. If
you bring your portable TV set or
a video machine with a receiver,
you will be able to receive this
information together with live coverage
and much more. The TV transmitter
is based on a professional model
with a special aerial that gives
complete coverage anywhere in the
hall, without disturbing anyone
outside it.

1) Alcohol is not permitted on
   the premises in any way.

2) Smoking is not allowed anywhere
   in the building. You can smoke in
   front of the entrance, where a
   large ashtray will be set up.

3) Whatever you are responsible for
   breaking, you are responsible for
   paying or replacing.

4) Software piracy will not be
   allowed. According to European laws, it
   is illegal to be in posession
   of pirated software.

5) The arrangers reserves the right
   to change the rules at any moment,

6) THe PoRnos RulZ

Dealers Welcome
At The Gathering 1993, many hardware
and software dealers presented
their products to the ideal market
group - the users. At The Gathering
1994 we will try to get even more
dealers so that you will have a wider
range of products available.
Everything from blank disk to the hottest

If your company find The Gathering
an interesting market place, please
feel free to contact the arrangers
immediately. You will have the
opportunity to present your products
to thousands of potentional
customers, all with a common interest
in computers. Presenting your
products will cost you absolutely
nothing what so ever.

Safe Hex takes care of the viruses
Safe Hex International is a well
reputated institution of anti-viral
products, and will be present with
a team of virus experts. Through
a special deal between Safe Hex
International and The Gathering 1994,
we will offer you copies of the
latest anti-viral products for
absolutely free.

Travellers Guide
Since no map over the party-area
is included in this intro, you 
will have to call Dr.Outtasight
for more detailed information on how
to get to The Gathering.


The Gathering 1994 will be the
official release party for the new
CD from Bjorn "Dr. Awesome/Crusaders"
Lynne: "Montage" (Although it
has been possible to buy the CD earlier)

Bjorn will be present to sign CD's
and tapes as well as demonstrate
powerful use of Amiga+MIDI synths etc.

How to get more info
If you have any questions that
this information-intro does not answer,
feel free to contact The Gathering
Crew on any of the following addresses. 

We will gladly help you with travel
arrangements and answer any questions
you might have.

How to contact The Gathering Crew
Internet mail:

Internet FTP:

 Crusaders Productions
 Lovenstadveien 8a
 2006 Lovenstad

 +47-67-570555 (Address to "Espen")

 +47-67-570708 (09:00-16:00 local time)
 +47-943-41160 (24hrs, cellular)

 +47-63-833980 (2400bps/MNP5)
 +47-63-833981  (14.4Kbps/HST)
 +47-63-833982 (12Kbps/V.42bis)

The telephone number for Rykkinnhallen is:

From the list below you can see
"who does what" at The Gathering 1994.
If you have any questions while
at The Gathering, please contact the
person in charge of that field.

Main Coordinator:
 Dr. Outtasight / Crusaders

Financial Coordinator:
 Leviathan / Independant

Technical Coordinator:
 Shady / Crusaders

Electricity and Sound System:
 Johansen Lyd&Lys AS

Arcade Machines / Video Room:
 Arcade Action

Security Coordinator:
 Frode Aschim

Outdoor Soccer Tournament:
 Switchblade / Crusaders

PC Competition Coordinator:
 Dr. Byte / Exile

Intro coder:
 Claudia Schiffer/DA Pornos

Thanks to
The Gathering 1994 would like
to thank
Svanhild, Graphical Department,
Norwegian School of Management
Knut, Computer Center, Norwegian
School of Management
The Pornos, for doing an extremely
progg' info-intro.
(Especially Claudia Schiffer,
whom we all love!)

The printed version
This is if course the software version
of the information leaflet.
If you would rather like the colorful
printed copy for free, please
contact The Gathering 1994 crew at
any of the addresses above.


(p) 1994 Crusaders Productions
(c) 1994 Pornos

Hi all kids! My name is rolling!
I can speak german:
   Toilet paper
(A Swedish Joke)