Hiki Carpalo 50
Text Inside this Production

CIAB Interrupt is in use.
    Run intro anyway?
Kill that disturbing
  CIAB Interrupt?

                                                 _ /\
     dA  _:_____  _ _________   ________  _ ____ //  \  _________  _ ______
      ____|    ¬\__   __   _/___\____  ¬\_      \/    \/    _   ¬\      __/___
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    -\_____/-------sTZ!/6c---------\______/----\_________/--l_____/ _ ____/-----

                               presents: HikiCarpalo 50

        Drop the base. This is our last production under the HikiCarpalo Label.
         We have no idea what's gonna happen next. And we don't want to know.
          Since this is the 50th intro in our production serie, it really is
          time to refresh your memories by giving you a complete list of our
        music-related productions released until now. But not yet, so keep on.

         School's out dude(tte)x. It has been quite warm lately so we haven't
       been coping very well with the situations. That's why this production is
              a bit late. The next production will be released some day.

            On the following writerpages you will get some shit. Read on.



    Code & Animation........................................................Vesuri
    Graphics..........................................Naxahtaja & Piirakka Munalla


      _ _ .______.________ _____________ ______  _______. __________ _______
    ______!_     |        \_     _/    /_   _  \/  _    |_\_______  \__  __/____
    \     ¦/     | cG·dLT  /     \       \  \\    //    |  ._____/    /_____   /
                   __..____                            ____..__
                <÷>\_||___/   World Ejaculation '95!   \___||_/<÷>


             As usual, we'd like to tell you about our rave experiences.

    On  26th  May  we  went  to  Tampere  to eat some lettuces.  DJ.  Elliot Ness
    together  with  DJ.   Orkidea  were playing at a rave event called Flashback.
    First  they  entertained  us  with trancing ACiD-kuplutus.  Later on the BPMs
    rose  to  160-180  and  the party was really rocking!  It was quite a quality
    event  considering  that  it costed only 35FIM!  But where was Alex Nieminen?
                          Maybe he was caught in a Verkko?

    Last  thursday  we  were  kuokkavisiting  at  a  really  kickin' event called
    Jyväskylän  Lyseon Yö.  Or actually the disco part of the whole event.  There
    were  some  short  dicked  men  out  there, not to forget the pissa which was
    falling  to  my  mouth.   You  gotta lick it.  Because of the lameness of the
    organizers  Pekka Pou and Ruuvvi weren't DJing there.  At least they wouldn't
                      have played OffSpring or the Eläkeläiset.


    The next page will contain all information required to get in touch with us!!

    |                       Contact the Jormas by E-Mail                       |
    | Jormas Palautepuhelin                     jormas@trancentral.slip.jyu.fi |

    |                        Contact the Jormas by Mail                        |
    | Jormas MailHQ            Tervaruukinkatu 14 A, 41160 Tikkakoski, Finland |
    |                                                                          |
    | Jormas SwapHQ Puuppolan Vaari, Aittoniementie 18, 40270 Palokka, Finland |
    |                                                                          |
    | Jormas Fashiondesigns           Päivämiehentie 7, 40950 Muurame, Finland |
    |                         Kool T-Shirts with The Jormas! - logo! 45FiM/$10 |

    |                        Contact the Jormas by Modem                       |
    | Status   Board name             nodes Sysop + specialities               |
    | WorldHQ  LamerLand (open 21-07) - 1 - Naksahtaja                         |
    | EuroHQ   dEEP_tHOUGHT!          - 1 - Pillupoliisi                       |
    | HkiHQ    Bermuda Triangle       - 1 - Kurpitza                           |
    | FinHQ    Cosmo BC 5000          - 3 - Sadomasohuoralesbo                 |
    | JklHQ    SineStudio             - 1 - Pekka Pou                          |
    | LappiHQ  hARD dISK cAFE         - 3 - Liquidsoul, Specializing in music! |

    And coming up next: the complete music-related production list of dA Jormas!


         _:_______________|_                             _|_____  /\______:_
          |:::··          :         .J.O.R.M.A.S.         :     \/        |
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          |               .                               .             .:|
          |____/\  _______:_ _      .J.O.R.M.A.S.      _ _:__________..:::|
          :      \/       |_______________________________|               :

                          Greetings fly out to Suburban Base.

                  Now go out and enjoy the summer! We're outta here!


            JRm-hC01.dMS 04-08-94     ._________________    ______  _______
                                  THE |   _____ \_____  \/\  /\\____ \/  ____/
                                  |___|   |/  |  \_ _|  /  \/  \/ _|  \___  \|
                                  \   |   |   |   / \_  \_ \/   \_\_   \_|   \
            JRm-hC02.dMS 04-22-94       ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______
                                   nAX! |  Y  _  Y  _  Y _ _ Y  _  Y  _  |
                                     .__¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  Y  |  ¦  |  ¦__|.
                                   .::) |  |  |  |  _ (_  |  |  _  |__   (::.
                                  :::/  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦   \:::
            JRm-hC03.LhA 04-30-94       ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______
                                   nAX! |  Y  _  Y  _  Y _ _ Y  _  Y  _  |
                                     .__¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  Y  |  ¦  |  ¦__|.
                                   .::) |  |  |  |  _ (_  |  |  _  |__   (::.
                                  :::/  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦   \:::

            JRm-hC04.LhA 05-08-94      )\____   _____)\ )\      ___)\_______
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            JRm-hC05.LhA 05-14-94      )\____   _____)\ )\      ___)\_______
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                                   ·\_  /- x÷suppø!÷x -//____\kløaakki!\ \__/
            JRm-hC06.LhA 05-20-94  _ _ ___________________ ________________
                                  +-\\\\_ \_    \_ __ _/  Y  _/__ _/ _____/--+
                                  |  ___|  |  |  | \_  | \_/ | \_ \____  |[cp!
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                                  |::;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  l·_ |

          JRm-hC07.LhA 05-27-94  _ _ ___________________ ________________
                                +-\\\\_ \_    \_ __ _/  Y  _/__ _/ _____/--+
                                |  ___|  |  |  | \_  | \_/ | \_ \____  |[cp!
                                |.:|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |::·|
                                |::;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  l·_ |
          JRm-hC08.LhA 06-03-94     ._________________    ______  _______
                                THE |   _____ \_____  \/\  /\\____ \/  ____/
                                |___|   |/  |  \_ _|  /  \/  \/ _|  \___  \|
                                \   |   |   |   / \_  \_ \/   \_\_   \_|   \
          JRm-hC09.LhA 06-08-94      )\____   _____)\ )\      ___)\_______
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                                \\    ______)___/__ \ | \ \/ /_ i  _\__    _
                                 ·\_  /- x÷suppø!÷x -//____\kløaakki!\ \__/

          JRm-hC10.LhA 06-10-94  _ _ ___________________ ________________
                                +-\\\\_ \_    \_ __ _/  Y  _/__ _/ _____/--+
                                |  ___|  |  |  | \_  | \_/ | \_ \____  |[cp!
                                |.:|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |::·|
                                |::;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  l·_ |
          JRm-hC11.LhA 06-16-94 - -- --- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
                                - -- --- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
          JRm-hC12.LhA 06-22-94          _____  _____   ___________
                                        |©©©©© |©©©©©  |©©©®©©®®©©©
                                - -- ---|©©©®®_|®®©©©-|©®®®®®®©©®®©---- -- -
                                 ·-÷÷-· |®®®®®®®®®®©® |®®®©©_________ ·-÷÷-·
                                 JormaS |®®®©© |©©®®® |®©©©©©©©©®®®®® JormaS
                                 ·-÷÷-· |©©®®® |©©©®®  |®©©©©©©©©©®®® ·-÷÷-·
                                - -- ---|®©©©©----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
                                - -- --- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
          JRm-hC13.LhA 06-25-94          _____  _____   ___________
                                        |©©©©© |©©©©©  |©©©®©©®®©©©
                                - -- ---|©©©®®_|®®©©©-|©®®®®®®©©®®©---- -- -
                                 ·-÷÷-· |®®®®®®®®®®©® |®®®©©_________ ·-÷÷-·
                                 JormaS |®®®©© |©©®®® |®©©©©©©©©®®®®® JormaS
                                 ·-÷÷-· |©©®®® |©©©®®  |®©©©©©©©©©®®® ·-÷÷-·
                                - -- ---|®©©©©----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
                                - -- --- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -

          JRm-hC14.LhA 07-03-94          _____  _____   ___________
                                        |©©©©© |©©©©©  |©©©®©©®®©©©
                                - -- ---|©©©®®_|®®©©©-|©®®®®®®©©®®©---- -- -
                                 ·-÷÷-· |®®®®®®®®®®©® |®®®©©_________ ·-÷÷-·
                                 JormaS |®®®©© |©©®®® |®©©©©©©©©®®®®® JormaS
                                 ·-÷÷-· |©©®®® |©©©®®  |®©©©©©©©©©®®® ·-÷÷-·
                                - -- ---|®©©©©----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
                                - -- --- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
          JRm-hC15.LhA 07-24-94          _____  _____   ___________
                                        |©©©©© |©©©©©  |©©©®©©®®©©©
                                - -- ---|©©©®®_|®®©©©-|©®®®®®®©©®®©---- -- -
                                 ·-÷÷-· |®®®®®®®®®®©® |®®®©©_________ ·-÷÷-·
                                 JormaS |®®®©© |©©®®® |®©©©©©©©©®®®®® JormaS
                                 ·-÷÷-· |©©®®® |©©©®®  |®©©©©©©©©©®®® ·-÷÷-·
                                - -- ---|®©©©©----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
                                - -- --- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
          JRm-hC16.LhA 07-26-94          _____  _____   ___________
                                        |©©©©© |©©©©©  |©©©®©©®®©©©
                                - -- ---|©©©®®_|®®©©©-|©®®®®®®©©®®©---- -- -
                                 ·-÷÷-· |®®®®®®®®®®©® |®®®©©_________ ·-÷÷-·
                                 JormaS |®®®©© |©©®®® |®©©©©©©©©®®®®® JormaS
                                 ·-÷÷-· |©©®®® |©©©®®  |®©©©©©©©©©®®® ·-÷÷-·
                                - -- ---|®©©©©----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
                                - -- --- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -

          JRm-Epi1.dMS 08-07-94        ___ __________________ ____/\ _____
                                   ___|   |  _   \_  _   \   Y  _/  \  __/
                                  /   |   |  Y   /  _/ __/ \     \_  \_  \
                                  \_______|_____/___\   \___\/____//_____/
                                EPILESBIAN Music Disk from ASSEMBLY'94 [1/2]
          JRm-Epi2.dMS 08-07-94 EPILESBIAN Music Disk from ASSEMBLY'94 [2/2]
          JRm-hC17.LhA 08-10-94          _____  _____   ___________
                                        |©©©©© |©©©©©  |©©©®©©®®©©©
                                - -- ---|©©©®®_|®®©©©-|©®®®®®®©©®®©---- -- -
                                 ·-÷÷-· |®®®®®®®®®®©® |®®®©©_________ ·-÷÷-·
                                 JormaS |®®®©© |©©®®® |®©©©©©©©©®®®®® JormaS
                                 ·-÷÷-· |©©®®® |©©©®®  |®©©©©©©©©©®®® ·-÷÷-·
                                - -- ---|®©©©©----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
                                - -- --- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
          JRm-hC18.LhA 08-20-94         _____  _____   ___________
                                       |©©©©© |©©©©©  |©©©®©©®®©©©
                               - -- ---|©©©®®_|®®©©©-|©®®®®®®©©®®©---- -- -
                                ·-÷÷-· |®®®®®®®®®®©® |®®®©©_________ ·-÷÷-·
                                JormaS |®®®©© |©©®®® |®©©©©©©©©®®®®® JormaS
                                ·-÷÷-· |©©®®® |©©©®®  |®©©©©©©©©©®®® ·-÷÷-·
                               - -- ---|®©©©©----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
                               - -- --- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -

          JRm-hC19.LhA 08-24-94          _____  _____   ___________
                                        |©©©©© |©©©©©  |©©©®©©®®©©©
                                - -- ---|©©©®®_|®®©©©-|©®®®®®®©©®®©---- -- -
                                 ·-÷÷-· |®®®®®®®®®®©® |®®®©©_________ ·-÷÷-·
                                 JormaS |®®®©© |©©®®® |®©©©©©©©©®®®®® JormaS
                                 ·-÷÷-· |©©®®® |©©©®®  |®©©©©©©©©©®®® ·-÷÷-·
                                - -- ---|®©©©©----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
                                - -- --- ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- --- -- -
          JRm-hC20.LhA 08-26-94      )\____   _____)\ )\      ___)\_______
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                                 ·\_  /- x÷suppø!÷x -//____\kløaakki!\ \__/
          JRm-LEdZ.LhA 09-03-94       ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______
                                 nAX! |  Y  _  Y  _  Y _ _ Y  _  Y  _  |
                                   .__¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  Y  |  ¦  |  ¦__|.
                                 .::) |  |  |  |  _ (_  |  |  _  |__   (::.
                                :::/  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦   \:::
          JRm-Tb21.LhA 09-09-94       ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______
                                 nAX! |  Y  _  Y  _  Y _ _ Y  _  Y  _  |
                                   .__¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  Y  |  ¦  |  ¦__|.
                                 .::) |  |  |  |  _ (_  |  |  _  |__   (::.
                                :::/  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦   \:::
                                       J o R m A S t U R b o    # 2 1

          JRm-Tb22.LhA 09-17-94       ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____
                                 nAX! |  Y  _  Y  _  Y _ _ Y  _  Y  _ \_
                                     _¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  Y  |  ¦  |  ¦__/
                                   _/ |  |  |  |  _ (_  |  |  _  |__   \_
                                 .:|  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦   |:.
                                       J o R m A S t U R b o    # 2 2      |
                                 <- -- --- ---- ----- ---------------------'
          JRm-Tb23.LhA 09-23-94       ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______
                                 nAX! |  Y  _  Y  _  Y _ _ Y  _  Y  _  |
                                   .__¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  Y  |  ¦  |  ¦__|.
                                 .::) |  |  |  |  _ (_  |  |  _  |__   (::.
                                :::/  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦   \:::
                                       J o R m A S t U R b o    # 2 3      |
                                 <- -- --- ---- ----- ---------------------'
          JRm-Tb24.LhA 09-30-94     ·  _____t.H.E F.U.N.K.Y____
                                _ __!___./  _  \ _ ______ __ /  _ \ _ _____.
                                ____|   |   /   \ _   /  V  \  _/  \_ _____|
                                \   |   |_______/_/ _/_ \ /  \_\    /____  \
                                :\   ___|    _ __\    /__Y    \_\__/   ____/
                                | \__/  pRezent:  \__/   |_____/ _ ____/   |
                                |    JorMasTurbo 24 the Terminus Gabber    |

          JRm-Tb25.LhA 10-02-94     ._________________    ______  _______
                                THE |   _____ \_____  \/\  /\\____ \/  ____/
                                |___|   |/  |  \_ _|  /  \/  \/ _|  \___  \|
                                \   |   |   |   / \_  \_ \/   \_\_   \_|   \
                                JORMASTURBO #25 - PRODIGY'S OUT OF SPACE MIX
          JRm-Tb26.LhA 10-09-94                          ##########
                                          .:. .          ##  __  ##   _
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                                  _\_ \O   o/___/  / \/  \#  __  ## ___/_
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                                /__ ____\oO:._/   \__/     \#######  /    \
                                   ¥      _ _/_____\/_______\  _/__________\
                                   | R bAck with: Jormasturbo #26 viTUPÄSSi!
                                   l__________________ _ _/\  _ _
          JRm-Tb27.LhA 10-15-94    . ..__________________  _______________ .
                                  ·.:·_|  ____  \___  \  \/  ____  _/ ___/:.·
                                  .:_/ |  | (/)  / /  /_ \/  | \_  \____ \·.:.
                                  .:¦ \___  __/  |  ____  \  __ _/  _  \_tm¦:.
                                   :¦ZMb|   |\   |  |  /  /_ __  \ (/)  /  ¦·

          JRm-Tb28.LhA 10-27-94  . ..__________________  _______________ .
                                ·.:·_|  ____  \___  \  \/  ____  _/ ___/:.·
                                .:_/ |  | (/)  / /  /_ \/  | \_  \____ \·.:.
                                .:¦ \___  __/  |  ____  \  __ _/  _  \_tm¦:.
                                 :¦ZMb|   |\   |  |  /  /_ __  \ (/)  /  ¦·
                                     JormasTurbo #28 - Your Love Remix!
          JRm-Tb29.LhA 11-12-94  . ..__________________  _______________ .
                                ·.:·_|  ____  \___  \  \/  ____  _/ ___/:.·
                                .:_/ |  | (/)  / /  /_ \/  | \_  \____ \·.:.
                                .:¦ \___  __/  |  ____  \  __ _/  _  \_tm¦:.
                                 :¦ZMb|   |\   |  |  /  /_ __  \ (/)  /  ¦·
                                JormasTurbo #29 - All along the Watchtower!!
          JRm-Tb30.LhA 11-18-94  . ..__________________  _______________ .
                                ·.:·_|  ____  \___  \  \/  ____  _/ ___/:.·
                                .:_/ |  | (/)  / /  /_ \/  | \_  \____ \·.:.
                                .:¦ \___  __/  |  ____  \  __ _/  _  \_tm¦:.
                                 :¦ZMb|   |\   |  |  /  /_ __  \ (/)  /  ¦·
                                JormasTurbo 30:PouPou Baby · Needs 1Mb Chip!
          JRm-UL31.LhA 12-12-94                               _____
                                  ThE    _____  _____    _ __/  _  \
                                    .___/  __ \_\___ \_/\\ __   _   \____ _
                                  __|   \__\/  \  \/ _/  \/  \__|___/ __/_\
                                _/  \    _/____/__/   \_ \/   \_ __\____  \_
                                \    ____|pRESENTS\____/  \____/ \     ____/
                                     The Jormas : U·R·E·A L·E·A·K #31 !

          JRm-UL32.LhA 12-17-94     ____________________ _______________[cp!
                                .__|   _/ .   _/__  _/  Y   _/ __  _/ ____/
                                |  l   |  l   | \_   | \_/  |  _/  \____  \_
                                 Urea Leak #32 - Multitasking HC/Gabberdisk
          JRm-PiPO.LhA 12-24-94 .:·::.·:,. ¸  ¸.:·: ¸.¸:·.¸ ¸ _____ .¸.:.:::
                                dA:X-mAS'_____  _____    _ __/  _  \  . ¸·::
                                ·::'.___/  __ \_\___ \_/\\ __   _   \____·_:
                                :'__|   \__\/  \  \/ _/  \/  \__|___/ __/_\·
                                _/  \    _/____/__/   \_ \/   \_ __\____  \_
                                \    ____|pRESENTS\____/  \____/ \     ____/
                                X-mAZ pRESENT pART1-ThE PiPOS & TÖÖhi-iNTRO!
          JRm-UL33.LhA 12-26-94 .:·::.·:,. ¸  ¸.:·: ¸.¸:·.¸ ¸ _____ .¸.:.:::
                                dA:X-mAS'_____  _____    _ __/  _  \  . ¸·::
                                ·::'.___/  __ \_\___ \_/\\ __   _   \____·_:
                                :'__|   \__\/  \  \/ _/  \/  \__|___/ __/_\·
                                _/  \    _/____/__/   \_ \/   \_ __\____  \_
                                \    ____|pRESENTS\____/  \____/ \     ____/
                                X-mAZ pRESENT pART2·Urea Leak#33·X-mASPECIAL
          JRm-1995.LhA 01-01-95     _____ #####
                                    \___ ### ###_____  _  ______________
                                    __ /  ## ###___  \/ \/\____ \  ____/
                                 (f/  /  /## ###  /  / _   \  /  \____ \
                                  /  /  /### ###  \  \_ \/  \_    \_ /  \_
                                Jormas - Happy Newyear Intro - Needs 2mbchip

          JRm-UL34.LhA 01-06-95     ___:____________    _____     _______
                                  _/   |    \_   _  } _/   __}_ _/   _   \_
                                .-|    |     /  _    \_   _/   \_   _     /.
                                |:l_______  /___/     /___`     /___/    /:|
                                |·_/    /__·_/   __}_·_/   _   \_    /  }.:|
                                |:|   _/   \_   _/   \_   _     /  _    \_·|
                                |:l___      /___`     /___/    /___/     /:|
                                The Jormas:Urea Leak #34 Musicdisk. Mtasking
          JRm-aRSE.eXE 01-15-95                               _____
                                  ThE    _____  _____    _ __/  _  \
                                    .___/  __ \_\___ \_/\\ __   _   \____ _
                                  __|   \__\/  \  \/ _/  \/  \__|___/ __/_\
                                _/  \    _/____/__/   \_ \/   \_ __\____  \_
                                \    ____|pRESENTS\____/  \____/ \     ____/
                                |   The Jormas : A R S E n i c - d E M O   |
                                | created at THE JUHLA'95 ... AGA only!!!! |
          JRm-UL35.LhA 01-21-95     ___:____________    _____     _______
                                  _/   |    \_   _  } _/   __}_ _/   _   \_
                                .-|    |     /  _    \_   _/   \_   _     /.
                                |:l_______  /___/     /___`     /___/    /:|
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                                |:|   _/   \_   _/   \_   _     /  _    \_·|
                                |:l___      /___`     /___/    /___/     /:|
                                The Jormas:Urea Leak #35 Musicdisk. Mtasking
          JRm-mUNA.LhA 02-04-95                           _____
                                _________  ______ _______ \____) ___________
                                \_  _    \/  -___Y_   _  \_______\     ____/
                                |   /    /    /  \    /   \    _/_\     \
                                |    ___/\_______/___/    /____l _______/ ð
                                      The Jormas - Check the PENIS!     ·--)
          JRm-Tb36.LhA 02-12-95     . __  __  _ _  __  __
                                .---|(__)l  '( | )(__|`--.-----------------.
                                |.__|                  ¯¯  t®AnSUbAMbi·#36 |
          JRm-Tb37.LhA 02-18-95   .__ _ ________________ __________ _ ____
                                 _|  \_  _   \ __  _)   Y   _/  _   _/ __/
                                | |  _/  /  _/ \_   \  \_/ _/  _   _\__   \_
                                l__  \__    \___/   /___|  \___/   \___    /
                                JORMAS kiVES U .t·®'A·ñ.S·U'B·A.m·b'i·#.3·7'
          JRm-Tb38.LhA 02-26-95  thE fOonkEy                           ||
                                       _  __ ___. __ (_                ||
                                   ._)(·)í '( ' |(_l __)··           --||--
                                 - --- ¯ --- -  ` -- ----------->nUp!¯¯||¯¯
                                JORMAS kiVES U .t·®'A·ñ.S·U'B·A.m·b'i·#.3·8'
          JRm-Tb39.LhA 03-04-95       ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______
                                 nAX! |  Y  _  Y  _  Y _ _ Y  _  Y  _  |
                                   .__¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  Y  |  ¦  |  ¦__|.
                                 .::) |  |  |  |  _ (_  |  |  _  |__   (::.
                                :::/  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦  |  ¦   \:::
                                <-------------[tRANSUbAmbi 39]-------------'

          JRm-Tb40.LhA 03-11-95        ___ __________________ ____/\ _____
                                   ___|   |  _   \_  _   \   Y  _/  \  __/
                                  /   |   |  Y   /  _/ __/ \     \_  \_  \
                                  \_______|_____/___\   \___\/____//_____/ð
                                .-------------[tRANSUbAmbi 40]-------------'
                                `------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- ->
          JRm-Tb41.LhA 03-19-95     . __  __  _ _  __  __
                                .---|(__)l  '( | )(__|`--.-[tRAnSUBAMbi 41!]
                                |.__|                  ¯¯
                                `--- -- -  -A Huge Ever Growing Pulsating--.
                                  NeedS    Brain That Rules From The Centre|
                                1Mb CHIP!   Of The Ultraworld. Length 8:16 |
                                  <- -- --- ---- --------------------------'
          JRm-Tb42.LhA 03-25-95     ____________________ _______________[cp!
                                .__|   _/ .   _/__  _/  Y   _/ __  _/ ____/
                                |  l   |  l   | \_   | \_/  |  _/  \____  \_
                                T R A N S V E S T I I T T I P A M P U L A 42
          JRm-Tb43.LhA 04-02-95 ,,,____ ________,,, _ ___ ___ _ ___j\_____,,
                                ¼¼¼\__ Y T j . 7¼¼¼{ } . Y . Y ¯ 7 . 7 __7¼¼
                                cyc!·7 l _ ¦ ` j···¦¯7 ! ¦ ` j Y | ` ¦__ 7··
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                                 : . ¯¯¯¯¯7/¯¯¯¯  \__j   ¯¯7/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯7/¯ :
                                 | ¦        x×X is back with X×x        ¦ ¦
                                .:.|.....-÷«( tRAnSUBAmbi # 43 )»÷-.....:.|.

          JRm-Tb44.LhA 04-10-95      )\____   _____)\ )\      ___)\_______
                                __   \    //~\\   __ \| \    /  /\ ___ ø"/
                                ) \___\   \ i  \  V  /_ \\  // /  \  ___/__)
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                                \\    ______)___/__ \ | \ \/ /_ i  _\__    _
                                 ·\_  /- x÷-    -÷x -//____\         \ \__/
                                    \(     Jormas: TransuBambi #44
          JRm-hC45.LhA 04-17-95   .--- -- -  -   -
                                  |:·   _____  _____    ___________      .
                                 ·|.   |©©©©© |©©©©©   |©©©®©©®®©©©      .
                                 :¦    |©©©®®_|®®©©©  |©®®®®®®©©®®©      ::
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                                       `-- -          -   -  - -- -------'
                                ·J·o·r·m·a·S· ·H·i·k·i·C·a·r·p·a·l·O·#·45·!·
          JRm-hC46.LhA 04-23-95      ____ _ _ _______ __  ______ __   ______
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                                /   | /        _/  __/ \  _   |     \\    \ð
                                \_____\    /   \    \___\/____| /\___\____/
                                ·J·o·r·m·a·S· ·H·i·k·i·C·a·r·p·a·l·O·#·46·!·
          JRm-hC47.LhA 04-30-95                               _____
                                  ThE    _____  _____    _ __/  _  \
                                    .___/  __ \_\___ \_/\\ __   _   \____ _
                                  __|   \__\/  \  \/ _/  \/  \__|___/ __/_\
                                _/  \    _/____/__/   \_ \/   \_ __\____  \_
                                \    ____|pRESENTS\____/  \____/ \     ____/
                                |       The Jormas : HiKiCARpALO 47!       |

          JRm-hC48.LhA 05-14-95     ·  _____t.H.E F.U.N.K.Y____
                                _ __!___./  _  \ _ ______ __ /  _ \ _ _____.
                                ____|   |   /   \ _   /  V  \  _/  \_ _____|
                                \   |   |_______/_/ _/_ \ /  \_\    /____  \
                                :\   ___|    _ __\    /__Y    \_\__/   ____/
                                | \__/  pRezent:  \__/   |_____/ _ ____/   |
                                |    H i K I C A R P A L O    # 4 8   !    |
          JRm-hC49.LhA 05-23-95      ____ _ _ _______ __  ______ __   ______
                                 ___|  _________ _   \  \/    _/   \_/   __/
                                /   | /        _/  __/ \  _   |     \\    \ð
                                \_____\    /   \    \___\/____| /\___\____/
                                        H i k i C a r p a l o   4 9
          JRm-hC50.LhA 06-04-95                                 _ /\
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                                 ______|      __/______  \_    \/    _/_ _
                                ·\     |       \_    \/  _/           \\
                                .\\      _______/____/    \____\/      \---.
                                `--\_____/- jORMAs! -\_____/---/________\--'
                                         .  .     .-       .-- .--.
                                    -    :--: iki : arpalo `--.:  :    -
                                         ·  ·     `--      ---'`--'
                                - ---------------------------------------- -