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Run intro anyway?
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CIAB Interrupt?
The Jormas!
dA pHathaphuckingable
A little interactive multimedia
aural installation called:
HikiCarpalo 48
No Soul Guaranteed
Music by.........................Kippu
Code by.........................Vesuri
Fonts by..............Piirakka Munalla
Picture from..........Suomen Kuvalehti
Idea by..............Piirakka Munalla
As many of you have noticed -
this prroduction is one week late
Use the mouse
to control
your trip and
RMB to change
Two weeks ago
was May Day
the Judgement day
The Jormas were present at
a dance event called Dancabit
held at Messukeskus, Jyv|skyl|.
The whole event sucked like hell.
Piirakka Munalla got busted.
He spent a nice evening in jail.
The DJ played some awfully nice
rap, hiphop and discopoppis CDs,
not to forget Megadeth.
It sure was the worst
dance event ever!
One and half week ago the Jormas
were live at Korpilahti sidi.
The show was an excrement success.
All the 3 people were raving hard!
Maybe it had something to do with
the fact that our show started at
We had wonderful equipment.
We used a 25 inch television
as a strobe and some spot
lights to create some
atmosphere. And it sure
was kicking! The
JoRMaPlayer didn't
even crash..
Last weekend we had a
meeting at RuuviPipos'
place. Even Pillu-Pappa
was present! dA meeting was
absolutely fine. Everybody had
a good time. Party pictures will
be released later. Raato told us
some true stories about the killer
penises and Pillu-Pappa entertained
us with some pervertic jokes. Hihihi.
Harmony held their last house party
this spring called Solution. DJ Maniac
saved the night after Mark Copper had
tortured with some really groovy house
tunex! Maniac played some nice trance
so the event wasn't a total fuckup.
Yesterday we had almost the worst
meeting ever. Even Pillu-Pappa was
not present. We were all so tired
after the Solution that everybody
just sat down and took it easy..
Euroviisut sukks. We'd be happy
to represent Finland.
Tapani is nowadays
Pekka Pou.
Contact Us:
dA Jormas Mail HQ
Tervaruukinkatu 14A
41160 Tikkakoski
Puuppolan Vaari
Aittoniementie 18
40270 Palokka
The Jormas Fashion Designs
P|iv|miehentie 7 Viikkil|nraitti 7
40950 Muurame 40950 Muurame
Finland Finland
Call our boards:
Dial Hard
Deep Thought
Bermuda Triangle
Cosmo BC 5000
M| oon Tumi ja m| oon
ELITE! Ei oo ik|| mutta
p||sen mihin vaan..
Tahtoisin saattaa jokaisen
t|t| lukevan tietoon, ett|
min| olen ELITE ENT| SITTEN?
Min| teen parempaa musiikkia
kuin Clawz ENT| SITTEN? Julistan
kaikille vastaantuleville olevani
scenel|inen ENT| SITTEN? Olen Trsiss|
ja kerskus siit| kaikille
maailman humanoideille ENT| SITTEN?
......................En oo karhu?
Mulla ei oo finnej|, ei pulisonkeja,ei
silm|laseja, en oo n}rtti. Hei enmm|
miss||n jyv|skyl|ss| kulje, kork.
hesassa jos pit|| l|hte| johonkin..
tulkaa t|nne.. Siis m| tarkoitain
sit| ett| t||n||n oli hauskaa.. Hei
muuten, jos toi liittyy jotenkin
siihe yhteen saatanan hyv||n pilaan
mik| mulle koululla tehtiin t|s
v|h|n aikaa sit, onko toi jo
levinny noin paljon... COSMIC-
BABY VITTUUN.. Nojo.. en nyt
kuitenkaan kerro, toi on sen
verran laMEEEhh ...
Elitet ei k|yt| tollasta
sanonta.. elite sanoo
aina.. Roll on
babe.. ARRGHh.
Fuck off