mod.piss take 92
Text Inside this Production

piss take 92

idiosyncatris rules!!
kid kokane, still in 
the hood.............
f o r e v e r ! ! ! !

hello to everyone who
who likes this music 
especially hello to  
 f a z e ! of t s b  
for all the previous 
slaggings off!!!!!!!!
thankyou world!!!!!!!
by    w   a   t   t  
p.s. if you're readin
this and your not in 
the hood and i aint 
gave you a copy then 
you must have ripped 
this tune you lame   
fucker!!!, go and do 
your own tunes... eee
i dunno, whats the   
world coming to these
days... . .   .    . 

   w   a    t    t