Crazy Lines
Text Inside this Production

                                                                                                                                                            hi dudes !!!   S       welcome to another cool demo written by equalizer of       A supreme A    S (the supreme team !!!)      the credits for this demo go to :.......      equalizer     S  (at the keyboard!): all coding         thunderpig  for the really cool logo at the top of the screen         thanx to lord performer for the nice music (ich glaub du hoerst zu viel depeche mode ...wuerg!!..)        also i wanna send out some pesonal greetings to tino --- hope to see you at the ami-expo 89 in koelln             and of course to all other contacts and especially all members of supreme...(to lazy to write shitty greetinx !)    hey jan immer noch aufm vollkorn trip ?!?  versuch das zeug doch mal zu rauchen...har har ... AAAAAAAABBBBBBBCCCCCCCCDDDDDDAAAABDCA........          uuuuuuuoooooooaaaaaahhhh !!!!    did i really see this or was it a dream ?!?     i just saw the really cool rsi-mega-demo      i think its the greatest megademo written on this machine and i almost fell out of my seat when i saw the cool part with the vectorballs (its simply stunning !)    message to rsi:  keep on writing mega-cool-demos !!           hey guys out there, do you remember synth-sample 1   a few years ago written by a group called  tgm-crew  ??        now these cool guys are members of..of..of course    supreme  ... they have written synth sample 2 now and its really mega cool (yeah !!)   just try to get it and watch(hear!) it yourself ....         by the way, you want some technical stuff about this demo?   ok, it was coded in 4 hours n 45 minutes   and it takes the whole rasterscan without the pal range     the data for the silly line movements in the middle of the screen were created whith a litte basic proggy of mine      and...and.... (ok, ok ich weiss,das es nervt !!)  ...... verdammt ich muss mal... .......  .... ... ...... .... ok bin wieder da... hmm wo war ich gerade.. oh ja... lets come to another cool thing....... the latest project i am working at is intelligent sprite re-using... do you remember one of my first demos with 21 sprites flying around the screen in sinus movements ???    well in one of my next demos i will be proud to present 50(!) sprites on one screen (i think nobody did these much sprites on the amiga before !?!?)....       message to andy(elton):  hey haste wieder den harten stoff aus jamaica geraucht (zieht echt goil rein, gell ?!? ) .....ABAABCDAABABBBABABABABAB            im really bored of labering shit at my keyboard    but dont forget: ...... wir kriegen sie doch !!!!  (huh ??!?!?)........ watch out for futrher supreme productions ........   nu drueck schon endlich den elenden knopf            text will restart ...............................