Monster Demo
Text Inside this Production

we're back!FEDCAthe numero uno...Lcult!  this time withOa little demo called 'the cultMmonsterdemo'..  first the credits: 
codingNby deathhawk,Uall graphics by deathhawk, digitizing by deathhawk,Nmusic from the gamePcolorisCDEFB(i know it's very 
lameJKItoGrip music, but we do only haveH2 musicians..)KJBok, this demo wasn't designed to be a monster hit, it's only made 
to give you some important messages...    we need new original suppliers, spreaders and musicians! if you think you are the 
right one then write to me,QorRdirectlyStoTthe cult hq:  bjorn stensrud, fejordet, 2900 fagernes, norway. you may also call 
our hq at  476 360967 (outside norway)  06 360967 (norway)FEDCAif you want to buy a intro, demo or some graphics then 
contact me (address abowe). if you want to swap then write to me or one of the following addresses:CDEFBsteen andersen, 
hammerum fri og efterskole, 7400 hammerum, herning, denmark. (dadi) or jonas torgersen, ljabruveien 42, 1169 oslo 2, 
norway (eyejam) or bjorn stensrud, fejordet, 2900 fagernes, norway (beast) or plk 059830 b, 5500 trier, west germany. (bonzo)  
ok, that was the amusing part... let's go to the greetings (only the special ones, coz i haven't managed to get hold of any 
complete list..)JKIgreets to: clones, wizzcat, complex, digitech, paranoimia, cryptoburners, byterapers, razor 1911, arcane, 
exodus, hardcrack, cave, x men (uk), odyssey, crionics, alive, crusaders, oracle, ipec elite (uk), dynasty, escape, black monks
, supplex, epsilon, avenger, the band, italian bad boys, freedomforce and amiga industries, kefrens, triangle, acme factories
, visual arts, exel (uk), vision factory, trilogy, scoopex, it, red sector inc, sos, storm, cosa nostra, disknet and unique...
    that wuz it!   bye folks!KJB             +