Prevail Pack 92
Text Inside this Production

                I present to you.....PREVAIL PACK 92             No bullshit scroll, just because I don't feel like typing one     All you will see here is the standard scroller...               And now some nice credits......ACUTE did the coding and the designing of this pack     -     MSW did the nice music     -     STRIKER is the one who made the logo     -     SPEEDBOY / SANCTUARY is the one who made the loader (MegaFile)     -     RADAVI is the one who collected all the things on this pack, typed all the texts and spread the whole thing               Thanks to all the people who send me the things that are on this pack !                   If want your production on this pack, send it to:     RADAVI     -     P.O.BOX 7143     -     NIEUWEGEIN     -     HOLLAND          and you will get your disk back with my latest pack on it.                          Look on this disk for some advertisements and news which you can put in your magazines, pack-boxen, or things like that !!!                   Remember to press your right mousebutton and read the messages or the advertisements.    We greet : ABSOLUTE! (BEN+RACKLER) - ABYSS (KYLE+SKINDIVER) - ACROPOLE (TRIDENT) - ADDICTS (MORGUE) - AGNOSTIC FRONT (FUNKY+HOWIE) - AGOA (EAZY M.) - ALCATRAZ (MOP) - AMNESIA (MR.NEUTRON) - ANALOG (DYNAMITE+MR.KING) - ANARCHY (DANNY) - ANIMATORS (AGENT) - APOCALYPSE (CRYTON) - APPLAUSE (PHANTOM) - AXCESSORY - BALANCE (CESIUM) - BRONX (BLOODY+DOT+GART+SWAT) - CADAVER (DR.BACKUP+TYRANT) - CENTURA (KICKMAN+SERVAL+WIZARD) - CHROME (TORNADO) - CONSPIRACY (BLACK LABEL+U-DAZ) - CRUX (BLIZZARD) - CRYPTOBURNERS (IT) - CRYSTAL (PENTHAGON) - CYANIDE (ELESSAR+TDD) - D-29 (D-LITE+SWORD) - DAMAGE (DESECRATOR) - DEAMON - DELIRIUM - DESERT (HIGHLANDER) - DESIRE (DAZE) - DIMENSION-X (GEMINI) - DR.JOHN - DRIFTERS (EXTERMINATOR) - DUAL CREW (THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR) - DYNAMIC (CRUSADER X) - ELYSION (CONVEY) - EMPHASIS (NOMAD) - EMPIRE (BYTE-DEVIL) - ENERGY (COON-O) - EQUINOX (DARKY) - EREMATION (ELDORADO+SKULL) - ESKIMOS (CYCLON) - ESSENCE (SLAM) - FACH (ZEN) - FACULTY (SHARK) - FIRECREW (WARLORD) - FLATLINERS (RAINMAN) - FUSION (HALFAST) - GIANT - GRACE (VIRUS) - HEMOROIDS (STRANGER) - ICE (IVORY) - IMPULSE (RENEGADE) - INFECT (EKSEC) - INTENSE (FELIX+SUGAR RAY) - INTERACTIVE (DODGER) - INTERPOL (KILLRAVEN) - LAMERCREW (RATFACE) - LASERDANCE (CRIONIC+DEATHLORD+KAEL) - LEGEND (PINHEAD) - LEMON. (KR'33) - LIBERTY (INTERROGATOR) - LITANY (OMNISCIENE) - LUNATICS (MIXER) - MANITOU (MOSQUITO) - MARAUDER - MIDWAY (SPUTNIK) - MOVEMENT (KRIS) - NEWLOOK (FLASH KNIGHT) - NOMAD PRODUCTIONS (FAKE) - NUANCE (THOR) - OPTICAL (SLAM) - PANIC (MAX) - PARADISE (AGONY) - PARASITE (SPEEDY) - PIXEL - PIZZABOY - PLEASURE (FASHION DESIGN+GEMENI) - POLARIS (TIPO) - PRESTIGE (GENIUS) - PROFECY (MERY) - QUARTZ (NEUTRALIZER) - RAM JAM (GURGLE) - REFLEX (ACHE) - SALAMANDER (MADHATTER) - SANCTUARY (DEATHROW+DOH+HAWK+SPEEDBOY+TMA+ZOLTAR) - SANITY (TRASHER) - SCOOPEX (PSYCHO DEMON+COLORBIRD) - SCORPIO (CUBE) - SKINNY - SLAYER (HAWK) - SONIC - SPUTNIK - STELLAR (SHADOW) - SUBMISSION (DUX) - TALENT (OGIER LE PETIT) - TAURUS (TACCY) - THE ARMY - THE BLACK LOTUS (CRAZE) - THE DARK DEMON (DIRE) - THE ELECTRONIC KNIGHTS (MICHAEL+RED KNIGHT) - THE FLAME ARROWS (INKEY) - THE MAGIC GUILD (MERLYN) - THE OVERLORDS (PHANTOM) - THE SPECIAL BROTHERS (BROSS) - THE STOLEN DATA EDITING TEAM (BOB) - THEXDER - TRANCE INC. (BASSHEAD+CUBIK+FLYNN+TERMINATOR) - TRC - TROOP - UNION (AMIGAMAN) - VANISH/MINISTRY (CETERUS) - VICIOUS (RAVEDOWN) - WACKO DOM - WISDOM (ENORM+F.X.) - WONDERBOY - X-TRADE (DUFFY) - XTC (GLUEFOOT) - ZENON (GODFATHER+JH-PRO+TOHE)            There can be three reasons why you are not in the list...the first reason is that we do not know you.....the second reason is that the list is not updated.....and the third reason can be that you are just not worth mentioning............                                                               

            PREVAIL PACK 92              
  Sometimes I Wish I Was......CIRCLE   01                  @
  Chip'N'Dip Animation.......NOXIOUS   02                  @
   press your right mouse button for                       @
      messages and advertisements                          

         released on 04-06-1993         
     If you want your production on     
    this pack (I will send your disk    
    back if you want me to...) or if    
     you just want to swap with me,     
     write to the following address     
            RADAVI / EFFECT             
             P.O.BOX 7143               
         3430 JC   NIEUWEGEIN           
        ...also for joining...          
And now there will be some messages to  
the following people:                   
And remember, after the messages there  
are some advertisements.....            
             Message to DOXZ            
Yo Maarten !!!                          
No hard feelings ?!?                    
Good luck with your PC.                 
      Message to ZOLTAR / SANCTUARY     
AKIRA is echt goed !!                   
Hoe gaat het met AMITELLICA II ??       
Ben je nog van plan om 't af te maken ? 
        Message to KIWI / EFFECT        
Hidiho Kelly !     Succes met je examens
Als je klaar bent ga je toch wel meteen 
beginnen aan m'n nieuwe packmenu ?!?!?!?
     Message to SPEEDBOY / SANCTUARY    
Jawel Matthijs, ik wens ook jou succes  
met je examens !!!        Daarna heb je 
lekker veel tijd om een demo te maken !!
      Message to RAVEDOWN / VICIOUS     
Yo Bas, het was leuk om je gesproken te 
hebben on the phone. Vertel je me nog   
meer over dat project ?      See ya     
       Message to MAGIC / CYANIDE       
Jawel, bedankt voor die tape van dag 2  
Als je die video van The Party II hebt, 
stuur je die dan ook nog effe op ?   THX
       Message to HAWK / SANCTUARY      
He Mark, hoe gaat ie ?!?                
Weet je al of/wanneer je een BBS begint?
ik hoor 't nog wel, see you soon !      
      Message to STRANGER / EFFECT      
Yo Berry, wat is er mis ??              
Ik heb al een week of 2 nix van je      
gehoord ?    Is die tape nog aangekomen?
        Message to HIJACK / GRACE       
Thanks for the tape, I sent it back to  
you with a little delay, but I explained
that.       Hope to get something soon !
         Message to IVORY / ICE         
Thanks for contacting me !!!            
I hope to receive something from you    
very soon.                       See ya!
       Message to GLUEFOOT / XTC        
Thanks for contacting me !!!            
I hope to receive something from you    
very soon.                       See ya!
      Message to KAEL / LASERDANCE      
Thanks for contacting me !!!            
I hope to receive something from you    
very soon.                       See ya!
        Message to THOR / NUANCE        
Thanks for contacting me !!!            
I hope to receive something from you    
very soon.                       See ya!
    Message to GEMINI / DIMENSION-X     
Thanks for contacting me !!!            
I hope to receive something from you    
very soon.                       See ya!
         Message to CRAZE / TBL         
Thanks for contacting me !!!            
I hope to receive something from you    
very soon.                       See ya!
            Message to REBEL            
Thanks for contacting me !!!            
I hope to receive something from you    
very soon.                       See ya!
    For elite mailtrading, try this:    
          CRIONIC / LASERDANCE          
             4060 Viersen 1             
    For 5.25 and 3.5 swap, write to:    
               P.O.BOX 35               
             2800 Mechelen 2            
          Contact 4 da latezt:          
           Kastanjesingel 197           
           3053 HL  Rotterdam           
               for swappen              
            CUBIK/TRANCE INC.           
               P.O.BOX 64               
             8090 AB  WEZEP             
                           _    /_      
  /\  contact DODGER of I/\|=R/\\|i\/=  
 ///\4 funny elite swapping: ~         ~
///  \ Daniel Koschera, Wilh.Buschstr.20
~ ~~~~ W-4047 Dormagen-Zons, GERMANY !!!
   For 3.5 and 5.25 elite mailtrading   
            SERVAL / CENTURA            
            119 Rue Godefroy            
           59110 La Madeleine           
  fOr SwApPiNg ThE LaTeSt LeGaL WaReZ : 
         DeAtHlOrD/LaSeR dAnCe!         
             KAeKeNfLuR 36              
            2000 HaMbUrG 62             
  Contact DUX of SUBMISSION (ex.PANIC)  
      for cool friendship swapping      
   Robert Salzmer , Rathsfelderstr. 1   
        5500 Nordhausen , Germany       
     Include 2 disks with new stuff     
 Contact OVERDOG of NUANCE for Swapping 
              POSTFACH 5044             
            4440 RHEINE-MESUM           
         for swapping or joining        
            RADAVI / EFFECT             
             P.O.BOX 7143               
         3430 JC   NIEUWEGEIN           
If you like to have your advertisement  
on this pack, send it to me.            
The sizes are 40 characters by 5 lines. 
They are free ofcourse...               
         ...EFFECT memberlist...        
ACUTE       (PC-Coding, graphics, music)
KIWI                            (Coding)
MAVERICK                         (Music)
MSW          (Music, graphics, swapping)
NATIVE     (Trainermaking, gameswapping)
RADAVI            (Swapping, packmaking)
STRANGER                      (Swapping)
STRIKER                       (Graphics)

 	 	 	 	 contact us at:

 	       RADAVI	 	 	 	 	STRANGER
 	  PAUWOOGWEIDE 53	 	 	       P.O.BOX 48
 	3437 VW	 NIEUWEGEIN	 	 	     8090 AA  WEZEP
 	     (swapping)	 	 	 	       (swapping)

› 	 	 	 	  P.O.BOX 7143
› 	 	 	      3430 JC	NIEUWEGEIN

› 	 	MSW	 	 	 	 	  MAVERICK
 	    P.O.BOX 399	 	 	 	       LICHTEGAARDE 33
 	3430 AJ	 NIEUWEGEIN	 	 	     3436 ZS  NIEUWEGEIN
 	     (swapping)	 	 	 	      (module swapping)

 	      ...oO Look on disk for news and advertisements Oo...