Musician Wanted
Text Inside this Production

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* hit the bytes !          *
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*           welcome to the             *
*                                      *
*      - musicians wanted intro -      *
*                                      *
*                                      *
* why did we release this intro ? ob-  *
* viously because we need musicians... *
* so if you think you are the right    *
* one for this job  keep on reading... *
*                                      *
* we will begin with the story about   *
* cyborx but first the memberlist:     *
*                                      *
*   - nightmare        - time thrust   *
*   - tsa              - janbo         *
*   - stinger          - tombstone     *
*   - stingray         - aliex         *
*   - gonso            - fantasio      *
*   - wyper            - smash         *
*                                      *
* there is of course no rank order in! *
*  ...because we do not have ranks !!! *
*                                      *
*                                      *
* okay now to the story:               *
* cyborx was found by 3 of us - all    *
* were and are coders - in i990.       *
* we released 2 or 3 things which we   *
* should not name here - it is too     *
* embarrassing ! but we did also re-   *
* lease some trackmos - a dentro and   *
* some intros...                       *
* you may know their titles:           *
* doomsday  total deception  terminus  *
* nemesis and some other...            *
*                                      *
*                                      *
* it is of course unneccessary to say  *
* that there is big friendship in      *
* cyborx and we are normally very easy *
* to deal with.                        *
*                                      *
* if you are impressed now - you are   *
* not really. are you ? - then take    *
* your pencil  write a nice letter and *
* send a disk with some examples of    *
* your work to the address on the next *
* page...                              *
*                                      *
*                                      *
* here is the address:                 *
*                                      *
*       jan engehausen                 *
*       am schloonberg 3               *
*       3033 schwarmstedt              *
*       germany                        *
*                                      *
* by the way: it does not matter which *
*             country you live in as   *
*             long as you compose good *
*             music !                  *
*                                      *
*                                      *
* if you want to swap with us write 2: *
*                                      *
*       torsten guenther               *
*       hamburger str. 66a             *
*       3i70 gifhorn                   *
*       germany                        *
*                                      *
*      it could be that he gives       *
*      you the address of an other     *
*      cbx-swapper because of          *
*      too much contacts !             *
*                                      *
*                                      *
*  intros should be short and that is  *
*    why we stop here ! have a good    *
*           one ! see ya...            *
*                                      *
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               hello folks ! welcome to a new little intro by cyborx ! the credits first ! coding by: stinger     graphics by: wyper     music by: art of noise from c.p.u.       the idea and design for this intro came from aliex !      the screen is a bit too empty, so let us fill it... 
              aahh ! do you recognize this effect ?  we used it (a bit larger) in one of our trackmos (terminus)...     it is time for some handshakes. this time they are going to:    a.d.  acume  addicts  adept  agnostic front  amaze  anarchy  animators  arise  artefact  assault  awake  backlash  black monks  champs  chaos  crystal  dtect  damian  dark star  delight  design  devils  dreamdealers  dual crew  dytec  esg,242  exort  exult  fach  frogs  hardline  hysteric  interface  killtech  laser dance  leon  lsd  magic  mbyter  mexx  mr.x norway  nac  netzwerk  paf  paradise  paranoid  power  powerstation  principes  reality  rebels  risk  saints  sanity  shining  sos  submission  subzero  tdc  tech  tfd the dark demon  the electronic knights  the heartbreakers  thorion  treacl  triad  trsi  vanish  violence  visdom warlock  warriors  xtrade  xenox  xzess  zenith  ... and all we have forgotten ! a special hello to shike jebu and to all other members of power !  thanx for the cyborx flag in your last demo...     there is nothing more to say, so you better read the text above !              text restarts...