Abduction 96 Invitation
Text Inside this Production

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Abduction#96 will be held in 7-9th of
June, in Oulu, Finland.The party will
start at 10:00 (Friday) and end at
around 13:00 (Sunday).
The partyplace itself is a big school
called  Pohjankartano . It#s  located
less than 800  meters away from the
center  of   Oulu . Oulu  is a nice ,
relatively big city in the northern
Finland. You can get there easily by
bus, train,aeroplane or your own car.
There are a lot of nice fast  food
places, restaurants and  motels  all
over the city. Public transportation
works fine so that moving around the
city is not a problem.
The entrance fee is 100 FIM (about 22
USD). Girls get in for free as usual.
When you pay the entrance fee, you
receive a voting disk (it#s PC format
but at the partyplace there are PCs
for public use). The voting system is
very similar to the experimental
system we used last year (you liked
it!);  the audience is able to see
how the counting of votes proceeds,
because the current situation scrolls
on the bigscreen in real-time!
At the partyplace there are bathrooms,
electricity, sleeping places and
tables  for  everybody .  A 24h/day
snackbar sells food and freshments
The prices are low. There are a lot of
good security guards, so that it#s
very unlikely that nothing big and
valuable gets stolen or damaged.
There are two very high-quality video
projectors and two big screens.
The PA system is very powerful also.
We highly encourage you to take all
your computer equipment (microwave
oven is not computer equipment!) ,
girlfriends and friends with you.
Take your own electric cords with you
(especially if you bring a lot of
stuff), so that electricity is 100[
Bring banners, posters and T-shirts
which say who you are. It makes the
partyplace look better and other
people will recognize you and your
- break anything. If you cause damage,
  you PAY for it.
- use (or possess) drugs, alcohol,
  weapons (not even waterpistols!).
- smoke. Outside there is a special
  place for smokers.
- sell hardware without organizers#
- sell or distribute "warez".
We don#t forbid all the fun stuff just
because we are arseholes, but because
most of it is against Finnish law and
our insurance company#s and sponsors#
There are no exceptions. If you break
the rules we may take your ticket aw-
-ay and throw you out - even without
warning  you  first ( if  you really
fuc!* up).
Minor changes are possible (not likely,
though) and you will be informed about
them (see registration).
Friday, 7th of June
10:00  Doors open
16:00  Fast music competition
       registration ends
17:00  Fast music competition
18:00  Fast graphics competition
19:30  Organizers choose people for
       the jury (music/graphics)
20:00  Deadline for music/graphics
       Classic demos on the bigscreen
Saturday, 8th of June
0:00   Music/graphics competitions
       The best fast music/graphics
       competition entries are
10:00  Magic
       The Gathering tournament begins
       Anagram competition begins
       (Time to test your production on
       the competition machine)
17:30  Organizers choose people for the
       jury (demo/intro)
18:00  Deadline for demo/intro compos
20:00  Magic
       The Gathering tournament ends
       Anagram competition ends
Sunday, 9th of June
0:00  Demo/intro competitions
      PC intro
      Amiga demo
      PC demo
      (A short break for voting)
      Counting of votes
      Winners are announced
8:00  Re-run (top 3 of every category)
13:00 Doors close...
Use RMB or Spacebar to toggle the text
Fast music/graphics competitions will be
held on Friday afternoon.
Fast music competition rules:
In order to attend fast music competition,
you have to submit us an empty and error-
free disk (3,5" DD or HD, PC formatted)
before the registration ends at 16:00.
When the competition starts, you receive
a disk with a small number of samples.
The idea is to compose a song using ONLY
those samples. You have 45 minutes time.
All standard module formats (S3M,XM,MOD,
etc.) are allowed.
Fast graphics competition rules:
You simply draw a picture. The subject
will be given by us when the competition
starts. You have 45 minutes time. The
picture  can  be signed . All standard
picture formats (LBM, GIF, PCX, TGA,etc.)
are allowed.
A jury will check all entries and decide
who win. The best entries will be shown/
played after music/graphics competitions.
A special prize will be given to that
creep (or a bunch of creeps) whose
clothing (or lack of it) manages to
impress or shock the organizers most.
So find something extremely stupid or
funny to wear.
On Saturday there will be a Magic the
Gathering tournament. Those who have 
a ticket for Abduction#96 get in for
free. Read MTG.TXT for more informa-
tion about this tournament.
Last year there was an anagram compet-
ition. People liked it and  therefore
we arrange it again . The  rules  are
very simple:  On Saturday morning we
give you a word or phrase (it probably
has something to do with the party or
demoscene) and you use your imagination.
This year we tried something completely
different and arranged a voting.You were
able to vote for your favourite compet-
ition machines using WWW forms or email.
We expected that a lot of people would
visit the homepage of Abduction#96 and
vote. But ONLY less than 100 out of 1500
visitors voted. Shame on you, people!
We have made our final decisions now.
As you can see, we had to make a compro-
mise. Read VOTING.TXT if you want to see
some figures and explanations.
Competition machines are:
486DX4/120 and A1200/060.
486DX4/120 - specs
-  DOS 6.2
-  8 Megabytes of RAM
-  Fast videocard
   (PCI or VLB, at least 1 Mb)
-  Gravis Ultrasound Max (1 Mb)
   /SoundBlaster Pro 2.0
-  Several configurations
   (clean, HIMEM, HIMEM+EMM386)
-  580 kilobytes of free basememory
A1200/060 - specs
-  OS 3.1
-  2 Megabytes of CHIP RAM
   + 16 Megabytes of FAST RAM
-  Blizzard 1260 - 68060/50MHz
Since we are using a brand new A1200 from
Amiga Technologies, note this: one of the
hardware features, the DSKRDY line, which
was present on all previous drives used in
the A1200,is not supported by the mechanism
used in new machines. So, programmers take
note:  do NOT try to use calls to DSKRDY
In order to attend a music or graphics
competition, the author(s) of contribution
must be present at the partyplace. What
comes to the demo and intro competitions,
at least one member of the group must be
present at the partyplace.
In every competition a jury will decide
which contributions make their way to the
finals. The minimum number of entries
shown/played in the finals is fifteen(15).
All productions that compete must be
ready for distribution. We will up-
load all productions into popular demo
sites/boards as the party is over.
Therefore we hope that you submit us
your production with proper info-
texts and a FILE_ID.DIZ.
By entering any competition you give us
a permission to include your production
on Abduction#96 CD-ROM (if CD-ROM will
ever be made, who knows). Royalties will
be paid to the authors of best productions
(top 3?). All the profit - if any - will
be used to make Abduction#97 even cooler
You don#t have to support both Gravis
Ultrasound and Soundblaster, but it
is highly recommended. Real coders don#t
have problems with that.
We will announce the prizes as soon as we
know how many abductees and productions
(in each category) there will be. Anyway,
the prizes will be excellent (we#re
expecting 500+ abductees).
Organizers reserve a right to make changes
in competition rules if necessary.
Organizers also reserve a right to
disqualify a contribution if it is either
previously released or contains material
that may upset other people (e.g. racism).
PC demo competition rules:
-  the maximum size of demo in executable
   form is 4096 kilobytes
-  VESA 2.0 modes (up to 640x480x16,7M)
   are allowed, but 100[  VGA register
   compatible videomode(s) must be supported
-  pure animation files are not allowed
-  demo must not save anything on the HD
-  demo must work without any kind of inter-
   -action (except setup)
-  only the first 15 minutes of the demo
   will be shown
-  one must be able to quit demo by
   pressing ESC
-  demo must work without sound
   / a sound card, too
Amiga demo competition rules:
-  the maximum size of demo in executable
   form is 4096 kilobytes
-  demo must not save anything on the disk
-  pure animation files are not allowed
-  demo must be hard disk installable
-  demo must work without any kind of inter-
   action (except setup)
-  only the first 10 minutes of the demo
   will be shown
-  one must be able to quit demo by click-
   ing the mouse
PC intro competition rules:
-  the maximum size of intro in an exe-
   cutable form is 64 kilobytes
-  VESA 2.0 modes (up to 640x480x16,7M)
   are allowed, but 100[  VGA register
   compatible videomode(s) must be supported
-  pure animation files are not allowed
-  intro must work without sound
   / a sound card, too
-  intro must work without any kind of inter-
   -action (except setup)
-  one must be able to quit intro by
   pressing ESC
-  only the first 10 minutes of the intro
   will be shown
Graphics competition rules:
-  maximum resolution is 640x480, 256 colors
   out of 16,7 Million
-  pictures must be in standard LBM, PCX,
   TGA or GIF format
-  scanned, raytraced or ripped pictures
   are NOT allowed!
-  submit two versions of the picture (one
   WITH your signature, one WITHOUT it)
-  only one picture from one artist
-  picture drawn with Amiga pictures will
   be shown using Amiga; and pictures drawn
   with PC will be shown using PC
Music competition rules:
-  both 4-channel and multichannel modules
   compete in this category
-  all standard formats are allowed
   (such as S3M, XM and MOD)
-  the maximum number of channels is 32
-  only the first 4 minutes of the song
   will be played
-  only one song from one artist
-  Amiga modules will be played using Amiga
   (ProTracker v2.x); PC modules will be
   played using PC equipped with Gravis
   Ultrasound Max (1 Mb)
-  no MIDI songs
-  maximum size of the module is 1024kb
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All questions and comments about Amiga
demo competition can be directed to
the Amiga organizer, Karpow/Scoopex:
Mail:   Seppo Seppala
        Korpikylantie 245
        61980 Pantane
Phone:  +358-(9)63-2324183/Seppo
Email:  karpow@kauhajoki.fi
At the partyplace you can hook you
machine into the PartyLAN. The server
is Novell NetWare based and its HDD
(4 Gigabytes) is full of demo-related
material and extra stuff for network
games (no illegal material at all).
We try to arrange a lot of cables (thin
Ethernet) and connectors (BNC), but
bring your own cables, connectors and
network drivers - just to make sure
that you can get connected.
If there are any late changes concerning
the party, we inform all registred people
about them (using Email). Use the WWW
form (preferred) on the homepage of
Abduction#96 to register. You can also
send some Email to Makrus:(makrus@iki.fi)
if you can#t access WWW.
Homepage (Netscape Enhanced):
Abduction Organizing ry is a society
which consists of people who are
involved in this project. The Finnish
law forbids the society and its members
to gain any profit;  all the money and
Hardware we manage to raise will be
given away as competition prices (of
course we pay the rent, insurance fee
and possible damages first).
c/o Ilkka Jauho
Urputie 17
96190 Rovaniemi
Phone (home):
Phone (cellular):
Send some Email to makrus@iki.fi if you
want to get an answer fast. And if you
call us, try cellulars first because we
are not too often at home.
ABDUCTION#96 is sponsored by:
POMI Center Laatumikro Oy (main sponsor)
Telecom Finland Ltd
Novell Finland Ltd
Without their support there would be no
Abduction#96. Support them!
Organizers reserve a right to change the
rules if it is found necessary. We are
NOT responsible for your stuff, but we
have a lot of good security though. If
the happening gets cancelled by a fire,
riot, earthquake or similar, we don#t
have to pay your entrance fee back.
How to get abducted???
Jean-Pierre SAVARI
Bt C, Cite Georges-Clemenceau
98, rue des Orteaux
75020 PARIS
Music Concept
B.P 42
02880 CROUY
Enjoy CYBERIA !!!
Vote for us !