Leather Dream
Text Inside this Production

    welcome to the new
dentro from  parallax

       leather dream
   this dentro includes
       a new shocking
pervostory and couple
     of nice  routines
         wait and see

    finally it is ready       
    my first production for   
    this is going to be wet   
  coded       by      bandog  
  graphics    by      bandog  
  skull-pic   by     wesseli  
  music       by     top-azz  

that nice routine was running 
 in full frame rate and with  

          16 colors           
    the next one is called    
   or it can also be called   

      and now some messys     
  first i -bandog- have some  
  messys. so  here they come  
     sorry the horrible delay 
     i try to be faster mailer
     sorry that my calls are  
     always late              

     do not hurry so much and 
     do not play so much ice- 
     hockey. it is bad for    
     your health.             
turtle of byterapers          
     sorry but i do not want  
     to join your group.      
grendel of byterapers         
     nice call. i will call   
     your bbs some day.       
here is some messages writen  
        by warthog.           
reaper of digital artists inc 
  hi dude keep sending those  
  nice long letters and money.
daddy freddy of spirit        
     did you like those logos.
sledge of adept               
   where is your long letters.
   anyway keep sending.       
uncle jasu of shockwave       
      hi man where is your own
azrael of magic pixels        
            where is linneryd.
mr. uncut of addonic          
    it was nice to see you in 
    here heinola. did you like
    our little meetings.      
swantti of midnightsun        
      hi man have ever been in
      albertville. i have not.
zeus of zenith                
      i like your nice cracks.
korkeaveisu of kontio family  
     how is your foot. smells 
     like eleven years old dog
    find group to yourself and
        made more funny tunes.
rawer of morque               
   keep on composing i like to
   hear more of your tunes.   
   nice to see that your back 
devil of ex.complete death    
       just go to haircut     
   let me know first when you 
   gonna start swapping again.
     study for your life.     
darxon of morque              
     thanks for sending those 
     nice programs. nice call.
     good luck for your team. 
  that is all for this time   
next some hellos from top-azz 
block and meegosh of rebels   
everybody in brainstorm       
voyd of network               
dr.skull and bart and happy   
and others of black robes     
all members of parallax       
and the rest...               
geffen sends some special     
greetings to following guys   
bart of brb                   
blacksmith of elysion         
python of byterapers          
   contact me. dr.sykero rules
freaky angel of deathline     
mellow-d of deathline         
and hellos for all my contacts
tim shows his respect to      
following groups and persons. 
absolutely in no order        
rebels     - block            
brainstorm - topaz and  hover 
dual crew  - acid and ginky   
             dizzy and sj     
addonic    - darkcave         
wizzcat    - darkie and onyx  
network    - metal and voyd   
spirit     - worm             
complex    - guru and stratos 
majic 12   - shorty and mud   
trsi       - reebok * coroner 
digital    - rolerbeast       
lsd        - ford             
brb        - everybody        
silents    - dawn             
cytax      - gadget and moby  
pmc        - lord helmet      
rockstar   - groupless        
m. pixels  - azrael           
bacteria   - goldfinger       
reflect    - devil            
image      - scum             
dai        - reaper           
sonic      - murk             
morque     - stupidissimus    
amaze      - arcticfox        
exotic men - death            
world ind. - jam              
oh and next the story that you
have waited for all your lives
       the pervostory         
i was just made a bet with    
orion of stellar. we would try
to make more and more pervo-  
but nothing came to my mine.  
i was desperated. suddenly the
doorbell ringed. i walked to  
the door and saw a girl. she  
was dressed in red dress and  
she smiled. her car had broked
down and she wanted to use my 
phone. ofcourse i let her in  
and showed to her the phone.  
she dialed the number.        
meanwhile i went to livingroom
and turned the tv on. soon she
ended her call and came to the
living room. she asked could  
she wait for her friend to    
come get her. i let her stay. 
in tv there was sport from    
albertville. we looked that   
about five minutes when she   
asked could she set the video 
on and show her homemade-video
i agreed and she took the film
from her bag. film started.   
there was an empty room but   
soon a girl walked in. she was
naked. soon the girl who was  
in my place appeared to the   
screen too. she was naked too.
they started to lick eachother
in this position we will      
continue in my next demo.     
wait for it                   
      ***  goodbye  ***       
 call our bbs turpentine trip 
    -358-31-423767  hst ds    
 ** or contact us by mail **  
     tim       *    geffen    
poste restante * satak.tie 7  
sf-33950 pla   * sf-32200 lmaa
     more members  wanted     
    contact us for joining    
especially gfx- and music-guys