Mind Funk 052
menu text

    mac of the electronic knights     
             mind funk 52             
exstasy                          sonic
bbs intro                  toxic waste
no more interference             phase
intro                           esprit
crooked intro               exotic men
bbs dentro                     digital
intro                           avalon
crack intro                     legend
     released in week 25 of 1992      
 right mousebutton for messageboard!  
     messageboard - choose topic!     
  >  contact tek!                     
  >  credits                          
  >  greetings                        
  >  official tek memberlist          
  >  we want you!                     
  >  news and rumours1                
  >  news and rumours2                
  >  be there or be *                 
  >  official standard terms1         
  >  official standard terms2         
  >  a special (e-)fact               
  >  the pack-charts                  
  >  we about us                      
             po. box 1402             
            6470 buedingen            
             west germany             
             plk 158181 e             
            2900 oldenburg            
              red knight              
            oliver schaper            
            klewergarten 7            
           3000 hannover 91           
     mind funk pack selector v1.5     
   text, compacting:  mac             
     design, coding:  bifat           
        vectorballs:  iraner          
              music:  banana          
           graphics:  bifat+banana    
 friendly greetinx and hellos go to:  
silents, tsb, complex, hardline, axis,
 supplex, anarchy, aurora, crusaders, 
 gothic, infect, northstar, alcatraz, 
stb, skid row, triangle, rednex, tech,
sanity, contrast, byterapers, delight,
panic+agnostic front, trygon, awesome,
magician lord, phenomena, quartz, trsi
razor1911, sundance+hellrazor, rebels,
melon dezign, desire, surprise, gothic
zenith, paradise, nepomuk, megapowers,
mirage, frantic, parasite, interactive
(this list is in absolutely no order!)
       official tek memberlist        
           banana  musics, graphics   
            bifat  coding, graphics   
           iraner  coding             
              mac  trading            
           prince  graphics           
       red knight  sysop, trader      
            toxic  trading            
   we are seriously searching for:    
  decent coders, gifted graphicians   
          and fast traders!           
  so if you are a talented guy then   
 do not hessitate and get in contact  
        with our headquarter!         
 please include some examples of your 
    work, so that we can test you.    
> surprise were kicked out of trsi!   
> crionics are dead. all members went 
  to silents.                         
> 2 members from panic joined silents.
> stb releases the eurochart on 1.7.92
> tsb will release a musicdisk called 
  "wet dreams" and their "readers     
  digest" mag is still to come.       
> ex members of design formed a new   
  cru called gothic.                  
> commodore has just given out the new
  kickstart 3.0b to the developers.   
> sanity will release a demo entitled 
  "broken promises" on the prime"92.  
> "hardwired 2" will come out on video
  on the hurrican party in denmark.   
  afterwards it will be relesed as a  
> speedhawk left tsb to be mainswapper
  in silents germany.                 
> paf meeting for invited guests!     
> mirage prime92 on 1st of august in  
  riel (holland)                      
> conference by cult in holland in    
> arise party 8-9th august hellenthal 
  in germany                          
> beach party by dreamdealers-devils- 
  eoc1999 in france this summer       
> hurrican party on island samsoe (dk)
  26-29th of june                     
> rebels will also hold one in summer 
  in finland.                         
> meeting at hannover 8-9.8.92        
> quartz party in england (8-9.8.92)  
> demo:                            -1-
a demo is a multipart demonstration   
including music, various grafics and  
different code.                       
> intro:                              
an intro is a oneparted introduction  
to introduce a main topic or aim.     
> trackmo (or track-demo):            
a trackmo is a demonstration which is 
trackloaded featuring the same as a   
> megademo:                           
a megademo is a demonstration which   
has more than 2 big packed independent
parts loaded one after the other.     
   all terms deviating from these 4   
  global categories do not compound   
    to the official standard terms    
  and are consequently not valuable!  
  terms like pintro, gintro, dentro,  
 mentro, etc are invented, so do not  
  use them to characterize your own   
(only cool guys can use these terms!) 
   if you have better or more exact   
  deffinitions, then don't hessitate  
 and contact us for publishing them!  
only weirdoss invent terms! skip 'em! 
                we are                
   **********  *********  **    ***   
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       **      ******     *****       
       **      **         **  ***     
       **      *********  **    ***   
          ... and you suck!           
       all time greatest packs:       
 these are some facts and news about  
      what happens in our team:       
> we got no foreign divisions anymore,
  neither in belgium nor in denmark.  
> prince joined up and does graphics. 
> toxic (ex-design) is now our second 
> red knight (ex-awake) joined us.    
  he will trade and be co-sysop soon. 
> we might get a new coder soon called
  messias of ex hypnotic.             
> also dudes other crews asked us     
  if they could join. we will decide  
  about that when we have seen some   
  examples of their work.             

  Suddenly SHE was there.   The scenary was enlightened by colored spotlights
and the air was filled with artificial smoke.   The music was pumping through
the huge speakers on the stage just behind me.   METALLICA was heard by the
small crowd in this party-tent.   But there SHE stood two meters away from me
gazing in my direction.   I replyed her staring and after the song ended i
walked to the bar and ordered a glass of water - the worst i've ever tasted -
and SHE followed me and ordered also something.   We got into conversation
and talked quite a long time.   SHE was from a lil town about 30km from my
city and her name was Sabine.   17 and good lookin' i thougt to myself.
2.00am and the party was going to die, so we walked through the rain to my car
where we continued our conversation but closer this time.   2.30am and i
drove her home turning off the ignition key of my car.    SHE gave me her
number and called me the next day.   Now it seems as if i have to handle
two girls.   This life is turning to be interesting.   Out of the ordinary!
  I think it first gets complicated when zou got THREE.   He he, let's see
tonight is a nice party and i'm surching for the ultimate chellange.
  THree for one - traveling on the speed of love.   Nice game to play, try
for yourself and you will see!   Only thing that you can get every girl
you want, act smart and concentrate on your main aim - S.E.X. what else.
  Fuck AIDS!   Protect yourself - use virgins!   Ok, enuff advice now.
  Bye til next funky issue of one of the worlds pack/information series on
the lovely AMIGA.           Scotty or Whisky beam me up now!           warp...