MushRooms EveryWhere
Text Inside this Production

.oO MushRooms EveryWhere Oo.
..Bombastic Intro From Trance..
Code  : Maniac
Music : Maniac
Gfx   : Falken
Made To Relax Our So Loved Leader.
Cuz Warez Must B Released. It Was.
|On The 23 . 11 . 94
No Greetz ... Only FriendShip to :
.Bomb...Melon Dezign...Dream Dealers.

roam. Makes The Car
.Suck Suck. Makes Tabatha Cash
.BiP bIp. Makes The IBM PC
.Who Cares. ( Try Mouse Key Next Time )
Yes.. You Can Contact Us..
If Ya Wanna Be In The Dream Team
Delmare Yann, Resi. Nice Paillon
Bat A,          1 Place De Tende
06300 Nice                France
( But Definitly NO SWAP )
For BBS Up/Down Load...
IcArUs SpLasH  Holland +31-(0)8850-2508
ViCiOuS CiRcLe Usa-HQ   +1-813-799-4094
II StAtiC      Holland +31-(0)8863-2314
AlIeN nAtIoN   Holland +31-(0)8542-4839
.Trance Inc Will Be Happy 2 Receive Ya.
* mushroom everywhere *
...i know you want them again...
the code was done by maniac usin` a-zap
musak was done by maniac using qbtools
gfx created by falken ( imploda v4 )
now wait a while, cuz i decrunch
a little thing...
fast greetings ? ok ... 
heretia - outlaws - intense - mentasm
and just a 'speciale dedicace' to :
pib - schmoovy - mack - falken - gryzor
..Now, Here We Go With A Enormous Anim..
... DeCrUnChInG Is LoNg, I Know ...
.Why Donµt You Go Take A Coffy While.
.Youµve About 30 Seconds.
                      _    _       
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\     \/ _\  /_ \  /    \/   ( _  \
 \/  __)(_\\//_) \/ /\  / /) /__)_/
 /  / /   \/ \_  / / / / (/\/ \/ / 
 )_ \/ _)__)_/(_/__)/_/\_  /)___/  
   )/)/                  \/ \/     
.oO MushRooms EveryWhere Oo.
By Trance
Well... This Is The End...
.You Can Now Return 2 Deluxe Galaga.
...Iµll Probably Be At The Party 4 ...
...    Be Sure Youµll Be There     ...
... No More Silly Things To Say...
.oO Trance Inc Oo.
The 23 November 94
Someone Said That Show Must Go On...