Accede/Donut Fetish
Luc/Donut Fetish
Done by Crusaders
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The Gathering 1997 Information file revision 1.0
This year it will happen again...Brought to you by the experienced
members of the KANDU organization. One of the great events in the
history of the scene.............
The Gathering 1997 - it's a kind of magic!
Start: Wednesday 26. March 10:00
Sunday 30. March 16:00 : End
Entrance-fee: 300,- NOK
(approx. $50 US)
Check our web-page: for all the latest updates.
Chat with us on irc: #tg97 on euro-efnet
Mail us:
Vital stats
- More than 100 hours of partypleasure
- Many compos - classic and new
- Non-stop entertainment from the stage
- Network? What network? We got the worlds largest temporary network!
- A lot of hard(ly) :-d working crew members, there for your service
- The huge auditorium we promised you last year is now ready. 180 most
excellent seats for your videoextragavanzas
- Your normal overdose of coca-cola will be available for those late hours
- Better sound, better bigscreen and better presentation. New and improved!
- Some cool events will be taken care of by "Tekno"-magazine
- We will also have some utterly cool gaming contests sponsored by Nintendo.
They donated some ultrarad Nintendo64 consoles as the main prize in each
and every gamingcompo! Hone those killerinsticts for h2h combat!
Space and time coordinates
- The olympic hall of Hamar, Norway. More famously known as the Vikingship.
Built for the 1994 Winter Olympics, with over 12000 square meters of
rumbling space. With all these sport-activities fading away, we can use
it for something more important (to us at least).
- At TG96 about 2500 attended with
plenty of space for everyone, so we
can fit quite a few more in there.
- We open the podbay doors at 10:00, Wednesday the 26th of March, and
close the hatch at 16:00, Sunday the 30th of March.
- Note: at tg96 aliens did have the opportunity of free entrance. But
after "ID4", which really shook us up, aliens have to pay double fee.
Also, please leave your exoskeletons outside the hall, they smell to much!
- On the other hand, the alien species known as girls are still let in free
of charge, and we expect quite a lot of them.
Tribble-trouble if you ask me!
- All other bipeds will have to pay the fee of 300 nok (approx. $50 US)
to get in. Thats less than 3,- NOK (50 cents US) an hour!
Talk about a bargain!
- Purchase tickets within Norway by calling "Billett-Service" at 81533133.
People outside Norway should contact us for special arrangements to order
a ticket before you arrive.
- Tickets can also be purchased directly at the door without any previous
registration. You don't even have to tell us or mom that you're attending
TG97 before you get there. However, preregistration at our web site will
save you and us a lot of time at the entrance.
- You may register your entranceinfo and reserve tablespace through our
web. Please check back regularly at the web for updated information.
- is the spot to get all the updated info.
Loads of buses set up for TG97 is also listed here.
The party starts with the tour!
How to warpdrive there
- From Oslo, take E6 northbound (main road, you can not miss it).
Right before you drive into "Hamar", you will see a sign pointing towards
the ship. By this time you should be able to see it pretty easily.
- From Trondheim, pretty much the same idea, except you'll see the signs
exiting "Hamar".
- From anyware else, get to Hamar, or hit into E6 and follow it!
- If you go by train, get off (huh-huh, he said get off - B&B) at "Hamar
railwaystation". Take the bus or taxi from the station to the ship, it's
less than 800 meters away.
- If you arrive by submarine, please keep your seats upright and your
trays neatly folded in front of you. Check that the sub is not submerged
when you try to exit. And since the Vikingship is close by a lake,
not the sea, do give the captain my regards!
Party network
- TG96 set a new world standard for
party networking. With the help from
Accton and Lanco, TG97 will provide
even more connections (topping the
1500+ connections from last year),
More segmentation for higher speeds,
and an extremely fast backbone.
- If you don't have a network card,
high quality network adapters will be
sold at bargain prices.
- Information on how to get onto the
network in a proper, fast and cool
way will be provided for you by the
experienced network crew.
- Of course a highspeed internetlink
will be available for all of you.
Special happenings
- Quite a few artists and companies will release productions at TG97
Bjoern Lynne (Dr.Awesome/Crusaders) will release the CD called "The Void".
Andrew Barnabas (Nightshade/Crusaders) will release his newest CD with the
title yet unknown.
- Be Corp will have a small ymposium and present their little wonder -
the Be Box.
Amiga Demo
PC Amiga
Wild Demo
C64 Demo
PC 4K intro
Amiga 4K intro
Amiga/PC 64K intro (see compo rules for special note)
Amiga/PC fast intro
Music - one competion only (see compo rules for special note)
Text-mode demo
Useless utility
Java game
Java applet
For a complete set of updated rules for each competition, check the
web-page. For a preliminary set of rules, check end of this text file.
We will take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended TG96 and gave
us the necessary inspiration to endure the masochistic work of arranging a
party of this caliber again.
Very special thanks to:
- First of all, the wonderful people of HOA, which made us feel at home.
- The local fire departement for helping us in every possible way.
- The patient crew from ABB, which made a true AUPS (almostuninterruptable
power supply) for all sceners present.
- Masters (of disasters) for helping us sort out technical problems with
over 150 net cards in a few hours.
- All the sponsors of TG96 (no free ads here this time guys!) :-)
- All voluntary crew members who did the impossible, day after day for
nothing else than that magical experience.
- And at last to all of you sceners out there, who makes all the difference
in the world to us. C U at TG97!
How to get in touch with us
If you need any kind of help, or if you do have any questions on how, what,
when, where, try to get in touch with any of these individuals.
- Main Administrator:
Vegard Skjefstad - (+47) 90 11 99 66
- Registration Administrator:
Trond Michelsen - (+47) 93 05 45 93
- Network administrator:
Andreas Lund - (+47) 90 07 71 62
- Any general questions and comments
can be mailed to
Or..... by the eversopresent snailmail:
The Gathering '97
Stasjonsveien 56
N-2010 Stroemmen
The people on the top
Shady / Crusaders Dictator
Mike / Crusaders Registration
The Joker / Crusaders Coder
Dollar Bill / Crusaders GFX / DTP
Andy Floyd / ATC Network
Ferryman / ATC Network
Big-Papa / Crusaders Network
Jammer / ATC Power
Don Valentino / Crusaders Security
P-Man / Crusaders Stagemanager
Dr.Outtasight / Crusaders Stagemanager
IQ / Cryptoburners Internet
Tez / Crusaders Girls Info
Kinky / Crusaders Girls Crew care/PR
Wobba / Crusaders Compo
Angel PR
Nightshade / Crusaders Speaker
Motormouth / Crusaders Video-room
PC Demo
- Must work on a 486 DX2/66
- Must work with at least 570kb conventional memory
- Max 16mb ram
- DOS 5.0+
- VESA 2.0 complient and/or general VGA registers
- file_id.diz must be included
- Loopable only by choice (-loop parameter)
- Exit the demo at any time by pressing ESC
- All temporary files made during runtime must be deleted
- Gravis and Soundblaster support, and/or no sound support
- Max 5mb unpacked
- Demo will be shown maximum 15 minutes
Amiga Demo
- Can support CybergraphX compatible card
- Must work on an Amiga 1200 or Amiga 4000
- Must work with 2mb chip ram / 8 mb fast ram
- Must work with a 68030 or above
- HD installable/runnable
- file_id.diz must be included
- Loopable only by choice (-loop parameter)
- Exit any time with a mouseclick
- Max 5mb unpacked
- Demo will be shown maximum 15 minutes
PC Text Mode
- Max 80x50 text mode resolution
- Max 16 colors, no palette nor fontset modification allowed
- All 256 standard characters are allowed (state language code, ie. 437, 850)
- Max 2x1.44mb disks packed
- file_id.diz must be included
- Soundrules apply (see PC Demo)
- Must run on a 486 DX2/66
- Blink attribute can be modified to allow 16 background colors
- 20 pictures will be show 2x30 seconds (These will be picked by a jury)
- GIF, IFF, JPEG, LBM, ILBM, HAM8 and TIFF allowed
- Max 24bit color depth
- Max 1024x768 picture resolution
- State drawing techniques
- No color cycling effects allowed
- The competition version must not be signed by the artist
- file_id.diz must be included
- One entry per person
- 4 channel and multi-channel has been made one competition
- 30 modules will be selected by a jury
- Max 4 minutes
- Max 32 channels
- Any midi modules will be played on an AWE32 with standard instrument set
- S3M, MOD, XM, MID, IT, OctaMED, AMS and
- C64 SID's allowed
- Max 1mb unpacked
NOTE! Due to massive comments about having only one music competition
we have decided the following:
- If the modules picked by the jury is within a 40/60 split among
4ch and multichannel, there will be only one competition with 5 winners.
- If the split is larger, for example 20/80, there will be two competitions
with 20 contestants in each and 3 winners in each category.
A synthesizer will be given out to one of the contributers in addition to
the main prizes. This prize will be drawn randomly among all the
competitors which compete with a module.
- C64 standard model
- 64kb RAM (no wonder :)
- 1541 or compatible FDD
- Max 15 minutes
- If the entry need any obscure hardware, contact us for arrangements.
- We strongly suggest that the entry is somewhat computer oriented.
- If you have the opportunity we would like animations to be delivered on
s-vhs. That makes it easier for us. If not we will do it ourselves :)
4kb Intro PC
- Max 4096 bytes
- No dos extender allowed
- Exit with ESC
- file_id.diz must be included
- See demo rules for hardware requirements
4kb Intro Amiga
- Max 4096 bytes
- Exit with mouseclick at any time
- file_id.diz must be included
- See demo rules for hardware requirements
64k Intro PC/Amiga
- PC and Amiga will compete in the same competition
- Max 65536 bytes
- No dos extender allowed beside the intro. If you can squeeze it in the
- 64k, you're welcome to do it :)
- Support any soundcard and/or no sound option
- file_id.diz must be included
- See demo rules for hardware requirements
Fast Intro PC/Amiga
- See general demo rules
- Topic will be announced at the party
- file_id.diz must be included
Java game/demo
- You can pretty much do what you want to here as long as it's in the
spirit of the competition.
- Both binaries and source must be submitted
- file_id.diz must be included
- Entry must be applet executable, ie. from a browser
Java application
- You can pretty much do what you want to here as long as it's in
the spirit of the competition.
- Both binaries and source must be submitted
- file_id.diz must be included
- Entry must be applet executable, ie. from a browser
- If you can make something cool and spectacular using ActiveX this is
where to submit it!!!
Most Useless Utility
Have you ever made something so totally useless by accident or you tried
to on purpose? Then this is something for you. It doesn't matter if it's
something which uses forever to calculate a number or if it's a simulation
dog barker. All entries are welcome.
Other small competitions will be announced at the party.