Venlo Party Demo
Text Inside this Production

           use your slimy dick to control the space-ship........  simply the best???          this is the official party demo from vision factory released on our party in venlo!     we hope that this party will satisfy you!    we are just now at kevins place and have a little party!  people who are at this party are : kevin and stefan (tsh) of vision factory    peter, aki and alex of x-men and of course the best in talking shit unknown (oooogh, impossibleW8!!!!)      (remember man,  i got enough time but the amiga does not....... gueh gueh gueh)!!! it is really cool here and we will now leave to venlo to get there in time      we send greetinx to all our friends and contacts and a special hi from stefan and kevin of vision factory to sanna  W4 of x-men !!!   try to call our german bbs in germany   0931 25155W5 or try our other wellknown bbs in the states or write to            plk 021309-c        2300 kiel 17           west germany   sorry but we can not entertain you with more text because we have to start our trip now !!!               bye,bye                                                bye the way..... this demo was coded by unknown in 10 microseconds (megaseconds)..... and the graphics were made by esteban and the logo by dark lord of wizards inc. and the sound was made by walkman of it.