RaveTown 12
Text Inside this Production

Trance VU Player by Slam/Trance 1994!

|	T.B.C. Presents:       |
|			       |
|      -> RaveTown #12 <-      |
|			       |
|   Released at 12 April 1995  |
|			       |
|	    Credits:	       |
|			       |
| Coding, Fonts and Design by  |
|             Slam	       |
|			       |
|	   Music by	       |
|	     T.B.C.	       |
|			       |
|	  Graphics by	       |
|	  Terminator!	       |
|			       |

      Module Information:

     SongName: Ravetown #12
     Composer: T.B.C.
     Lengt   : 173.114 bytes
     Time    : 4.55 Minutes
     WorkTime: 2 days@1
   __________________  ________
  /           /      \/        \
  \______    /  __   /   ______/
    dLr /   /     __/   /
       /   /      \/   /
      /   /   /   /   /_____
     /   /       /          \
    Is lOoKiNg fOr sUmM cOoL
aNd fRiEnDlY CoNtAcTs WoRlDwIdE!

WrItE To:  .T.B.C./R.N.O.(DHQ)
           Kloosterlaan 32
           4871 TK Etten-Leur

DiSk(S) + lEttEr = 101% RePlY!!!@1

      Maltesholmsv. 135  
      165 62 Hasselby   


  RaveTown, VOTE for it!!!



 \              \     \       \
  \             / \   /        \
   \  /   \    /   __/   \______\
    \/     \__/     \    /    /
    /      /    \   /        /
          oF R.N.O.
   iS iN ChASE oF NEW kEWl ANd
 fRiENdlY CtXX All OVER dA glObE!
 WRitE tO: TBC / R.N.O.
           klOOStERlAAN ³²
           487¹ tk EttEN-lEUR
  diSk(S)+lEttER = 200% REPlY@1


For Swapping Legal and Illigal
	write 2:

        Nijenheim 6301     
        3704 BL Zeist

 Coders may send articles and/or
 sources for my soon coming 
	' Code Magazine '
  (Disk+Letter = 200% replay!)
Fast greets to all my contacts !@1

   RaVeTowN, tHe ReAl HaRdCoRe
      iSSue bY TrAnCe InC. 

          (C) 1995

       .T.B.C. thanxxs:

All people who liked the RaveTown
series!!!!!!!!!!! Thanxxs guys,
without you guys,there would have
been no RaveTown.......  

Welcome to RaveTown 12!!!!! Again it's .T.B.C. at the damn keys!!!!! As I already told you guys in part 11, in this part you'll find the greetings and all the messages! O.K., here are the messages......Radavi-Effect : Haven't heard anything from you for a looooooong time! Are you dead or something?! Dose : Hi buddy!!! As you can see, this are my last prod. for TRANCE inc., hope ya like them! Substance-R.N.O. : How's our musicdemo going??????? Slayer-Hardcore Aus : If you are reading this, contact me again!!!! I send your package back but I think the postoffice has got your package!!!!! Blockhead-Illusion : Haven't heard anything from you lately, didn't my package arrive?????? Sedulous-R.N.O. : Too bad for you this are the last parts of RaveTown....I know ya liked them!!!!! Keep on making those ASCII things! Evapor8er-R.N.O. : If ya didn't know yet, I stop swapping with you, it's nothing personal, but you keep sending me A1200 stuff while I only have a A500!!!!!! Phuture-Saints : Hope to hear from you soon my main man! ATR : Hehehe, I keep annoying you with RaveTown!!! But this are the last 3 parts, so it's for the last time I can annoy you with RaveTown! Hope ya liked my tape! That were all my personal messages, here come the personal greetings: Dose, ATR, Substance, Sedulous, Delirium,Kingsize-Stooped, Phuture, Scar, Andras Incze, Peter, Stijn, Radavi, Slayer, Blockhead, all in R.N.O., all in TRANCE, all in Saints, all in Illusion. Now the normal greetings: Spaceballs, Illigal, Legend, Bronx, Hardcore Aus, Effect, TRSI, Taurus, Pulse, Lego, Illusions, Abnormal, DCS, Defect, Intense, S!P, Score, Digital Delight, Interactive, Redline, Zite, Applause, Scoopex, Dual Format, Kefrens, Anarchy, Reality, Cryptoburners, Chaos, Andromedia, Mad Elks, Compact, Inflow and Speedy. Now press the right Mousebutton for the ADVERTS!!!!!!!!!!  . . . . .  . . . ....read them yet????O.K. now up to the final part of the RaveTown series!!!!! see ya all in part 13!!!!!!                        Scrolltext typing: .T.B.C., Music: .T.B.C., Code: Slam, Graphics: Terminator!                                                                                     													
NixMizMee sucks !! This one Rules !!MSW go home!!!