Scrolling Part
Text Inside this Production

 this is the joy-mgf-tjc mega-demo scrolling-part, full programmed by the one and only len.   murphy, my brother, says : all computerprogrammers or users are 'superlame',  yeah !!??                                                   rico loves animal , oh sorry i mean animals.       this is scroll-number 4 (four) and it will always be scroll-number 4 (four).           special message from murphy, still my brother, to morris   :   (see below)                  i still wanna drive your suzuki ts-50, coz you promised it, otherwise ........              if you don't count this scroll, there are only 177 scrolls scrolling in the memory.          phone-phreaking is great fun, so call me at (holland)  01234-6789.                          hahahahaha, did you really thought that you would get my private phone-number.               i think, cherry coca-cola tastes much better as (normal) coca-cola !!                        the sony walkman, where i am now listening to is of the type :   wm-bf28, rechargeable.    if i have finished this demo, i have to crack the strippoker game :  teenage queen.          call peter goossen, an atari st lamer, who hates an amiga, at 05202-26906 !!              special thanx to andre(w) of yes for sending the superb joy discocart.                      for chatting with some horny-bitches, call up the party-line at 06-32033010.                      the telebox is much cheaper to call, but first get your telepas at your videostore.   this is scroll-number 16. the next scroll is scroll-number 17 (i hope !!).                  hmmm, what to say in scroll-number 18, oh no, i mean scroll-number 17.                     after this scroll, there are only hundredandsixtyone scrolls to go........beuuhhh......       sword of sodan is a very great game, but mine will be better   (hehehehehe).               message to continental pirats union, our cooperation will be greeaat.......                 be sure, that you never buy a joystick from joreon (digital force).........                   message to henk, your mega-demo part is very great.....                                . also your parts daniel.also your part john.also your part mike.also your part len (hehehe)    i recommend to all of you, never make an intro with 178 scrollers in it.                   ofcourse you can use the joystick to scroll through all the 178 scrollers...              'jij wilt veelste veel weten', said random acces, which was ment for me !!!???!!!             random access couldn't and can't learn from joy-mgf, that's why they are making c-demos.   message to arjan (first in megaforce, now in quiver), i saved the 29th scroller for you...  also the 30th scroller.   also the 30th scroller.  also the 30th scroller.                 did you already get our newest crack : dragons lair, done by joy-mgf-cpu  (cpu-canada)....    if you translate dighead into dutch, you'll get : lulhoofd, which means :    eikel.        eikelsoft is a very fast swapper, he always has the newest stuff. he brought also my seka. joy members are : len (that's me), rico lemar, morris, beathoven, bas, genius and jayce.     mgf members are :  animal, pokie, mike, kraak vaak ??, walther and bram ???????             the jungle command has also members in their crew !!!!????!!!!                                in this scroll nothing special is written.    in this scroll nothing special is written.  if you know something about unix-systems, then contact me.         how ???????               i think, scroll-number 39 is very boring, what do you think ????                                oswald is a simple but nice game.       the same counts for soldiers of light !!!    you need 178 divide by 25 screens to see all the scrollers at once (that's 7.12 screens)        i don't like scroll-writing anymore.          i don't like scroll-writing anymore.       the half of 178 is 89, but this is only scroll-number 43...  only 135 scrollers to go.....     so, the moving sprites are put in now.   after about two hours i will continue writing..   i hate being a gardener, but if i want to earn something, i have to do something......    if you multiply 46 with 132 and take the sinus of it, you'll get  -0.743144825, yeah!           oliebollen taste well, but not if they are one week old!     beeuuh.....!.....           my father likes playing sidewinder, but he can't beat me   (hehehehehe).                        quickdialers are nice machines to play with, try this :  665654, 665654 !!!                    rico lemar, our phonephreaker likes chatting with horny-bitches,  who not ?????       some fast groupes at this moment are :  vision factory and beyonders, wow and quartex...    watch out you three !!!, we are also going to be very fast...!!!...?.                       it's winter, so i am wearing very cheap summer converse sportsshoes, price : fl 49.95..            programming 178 scrolls in one routine is very simple, everyone can do that.        i like copyparties, especially our own copyparties.....                                     a demo is good, a mega-demo is better but a tjc-mgf-joy mega-demo is the best......        tjc stands for the jungle command, mgf stands for magnificent force and joy stands for joy?   no note to frank van de loos (the criminal), coz he doesn't like that......?...             i hate groups who pretend being number one in holland.                                     digital force, fuck your horse. digital force fuck your elephant (dit rijmt niet!).            girls like playing with joysticks.            girls like playing with joysticks.            i hate number 61.     i hate number 61.     i hate number 61.   i hate number 61.         some values in this demo are calculated with my texas ti-36 solar pocketcalculator.      new beat, house and acid house music is great   !!??!!                                         aanvallen !!  aanvallen !!  oleee oleee !!  help... some soccer-fans dropped in, shit !!    do you also calculate your sinus-moves with the help of amiga-basic ???     i do  !!!       178 (hundredandseventyeight) is the world record scrolls in one demo !!!!   i hope !!     greetings to maverick and the beholder.       greetings to maverick and the beholder.         everyone who buys a goanna spirit jacket will be shot dead .....                          everybody who has really big tits and a cute ass, has free entrance at our copyparty !!!   greetings to andy's (wow) dutch cousin, called irene meier !!                                the world is existing on three c's :  corruption, crime and connections !!!                 joy  joy  joy  joy  joy  joy  joy  mgf  joy   joy  joy  joy  joy  joy  joy  joy  mgf  joy   rico says :  rico lemar is my name, phonephreaking is my game... i lead, others follow..   joy is the name, love is our game, if you ain't got no money, our love will be the same !       special thanxx to sascha (gurus) for sending your christmas cart with express !!!           i am just rockin to the rytme of a grovy heat in attempt raise your bodyheat...            just got express-post from bas (also in joy), with the proved charset.....                 the logo at the bottom of the screen is a preview of bas his newest charset....greeaat..    i send some personal greetings to :     skull, scum, shark, etonic and d.j. of fashion.    more personal greetings to :  joreon (dfi), mark (germany-wanderer group on c64).              ccf wants to be mentioned....                 ccf wants to be mentioned....               after this scroll, only 7 scrolls to go and  i am on half of all the scrollers.....          guus is nog steeds een aap  !!!               guus is nog steeds een aap  !!!             this demo is made in vroomshoop (aargh) on an amiga 500 with no external memory or drives.   i live in the dutch town, called :    vroomshoop    ....   yeah ????   ....                  vroomshoop is  :    small, boring, rotten, slow (the post), is random acces!      random acces, number eightyseven (87) in holland, so is this scroll !!!                  scroll-number 88 is special saved for last year !!                                          hehe , the half is reached.... but not the half of my life, coz i am only 17....             this scroll is special saved for next year, 1990  (ninty....ninini ninty...)                beter niks dan een msx !!                     st, weg ermee !!                             old one :   fuck your mother then your son will be your brother ......                      message to hans en mark from the final revolution :  how do you like your st !!           the year is 1989 and all lamers aren't dead yet..there are two left : butcher and surfboy.   butcher and surfboy are : gerben ijsselmuide and pascal van doorn members of mean machine?   iwan mag niet in cola-flessen plassen......   iwan mag niet in cola-flessen plassen......  message to mark scroder :  you are so lame that you'll probably get this demo in 1990!      coen will ook wat zeggen, maar dat mag hij niet  !!                                         message to patrick van heel :  how did you like it to play in willow .......                  celebration, this is scroll number 100.......beeuuh...........                            some greetings from bas to :  eric scheepers, guino wiemann and kent bakke (norway).        all lamers can now join a new group, it's called :    unanimous (leader is : no-fast man).    this scroller has not the same text as the scroller above !!!!!                             joreon (dfi) is very fast with sending christmas carts, but sending new software ?????      105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105   105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105 105   buy a free-wire telephone, so you can also phreaking when you are having a bath....?...    i am sleepy.   i am sleepy.  i am sleepy.     i am sleepy.   i am sleepy.  i am sleepy.      question to the web inc.   :   why can't you make intros or demos yourself ????             handshakes to the powerslaves :     jan, patrick, william, paul and the new programmer.     did you ever see the 2100 static shielding bag from 3m ??? it protects your disks from ??   178 scrollers in one demo, isn't that great ????    maybe........maybe......                 joy and magnificent force  :    brothers in crime and friends for life  !!!!               random acces, do you also have friends ??? .... i already thaught so !!!                   this is already scroll-number 113 !!          this is already scroll-number 113 !!           use your joystickie to scroll all scrollers up and down !!  no, not your dig, asshole !!!.  one of my christmas presents was a mouse-pad, which is very helpfull during mouse-actions  i don't know who has drawed this charset, but great thanx, mistirious graphic artist !      i sure know that random acces hasn't drawn this charset, coz if you see their demos .....    the jungle command, commando's in the software jungle !!!??!!!                              have you ever see a quality crack of random accass ???   i didn't ......!!......            greetings to my german nephew arne from (l)egal... you make great music, man !!!              have you ever heard the song alf from my nephew, it was on music invasion three !!       this scroll says nothing particular !!!       this scroll says nothing particular !!!          for contacting joy-mgf you need an adres and you won't find it in this demo !!!          scrollers are great fun, but not if you have already typed 123......    !!                 rene (the fly) from the firm  :     bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..........pats.....                  did you know that rene (the fly) from the firm makes about 4 copydisks each day !!!!        kees and kees, where are the photos from your magnificent birthday party  ???                or was kees (animal) hungry ??????            or was kees (animal) hungry ??????           i like discos, but not our local disco, called sixtyfive in vriezenveen !!!                 vroomshoop is the biggest town in holland, amsterdam the smallest !!!                       why did i make a demo with 178 scrollers in it  ????             why not ????             the telephone-number of joost honig (from the world famous 1001 crew) is  :  02267-3488.       ever heard about the pentagon, high tech performances ???     me either !!!                 you cannot send post by express in vroomshoop, you can only receive it !!!                  even the pope has an amiga !!!                even the pope has an amiga !!!                where the hell do i use business papers stickers from the p.t.t. for ????                   random accass, still holland's number one in fucking a good, old dutch cow !!              the dutch word for making love is vrijen, but the dutch word for fucking is neuken....       message to rudy(ie) ???  how many members has your crew, the magnum force ???                do you like those random access' demos written in that stupid language c !!  me either!    kees and kees houden van spuiten.   kees spuit auto's en andere kees spuit......miep..?       kees (pokie) loves mieps ????    i love girls ......!!!!....                             fuck those fuckin c64 lamers, called  bros !!     broos  !!!    boos !!!                     he bas (bros), did you know that lorry has never made love in her whole live !!!!             raybllan, don't ask such silly questions and don't deny that you are still a virgin !       he mad monks, sunriders and thrust, we'll be at your party on the 8th of april !!          i like the latest megademos from  :        ipec elite and that one from  vortex 42.           for a good swap, contact lars nap !!!!!       for a good swap, contact lars nap !!!!!   the jungle command, magnificent force and joy are already planning their second megademo!   tonight rico and i (still the great len!) are going to the nearest disco in tilburg..        maybe we'll date some girls...  (hehehehehehehe)     and more ........?...                  if you are a real good programmer and you want to trade some routines then contact me..        did you know that you could get hooked to sportlife chewing gum ???                    some  ingredients for sportlife chewing gum are :   sorbitol and xylitol...                 beathoven is a really good soundprogrammer, but he hasn't made this music.....                 beathoven is now busy with programming an acid-house music, for our acid-house demo!       playing games is much more fun then reading scrollers ......    so fuck off!!           .......aaaarghhh.........aaaarghhh.....plop..........aaaarghhh.........aaaarghhh.....plop...       why are some girls so ugly  ???               why are some girls so ugly  ???           it's fun when you invite some girls, for playing strippoker at your place .....                yes, you are still reading one of the 178 scrollers of the tjc-mgf-joy mega-demo !!       this scroll was full programmed by len....... the next scroll also....!!                 special fuckings to st  ein verhoeven for trying to sell rotten ataris instead of amigas..   don't try to go out in tilburg if you are wearing sportshoes, because that's impossible !  miep, miep      zegt kees, het beest !!            en lars zegt :  dat heb ik nu besloten   message to the agents : thanx for your crack to crunch, come to our party too !!!!            message to the jungle command :       you are so cool, dont freeze on your chair !!       we have to walk from the station to the party and this isnt cool !!!!!!!!      (?)                    urbanus said  :      nog een choco     !!!!!!!!            (keep smiling)         another cool thing we discovered today, is that the only way is up  !!!(?)!!!                   barking dogs don't bite       (or do they   ????)                                       another record has been broken by the almighty joy, 178 scrolls in one part !!                  wearing bigger shoes then your feet are, isn't funny  !!?!!                              but wearing smaller shoes then your feet are, isn't funny either !!                         this is the forelast scrolly ......           this is the forelast scrolly ......          178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178   178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178 178  ÿ this is len's part of the tjc-joy-mgf mega-demo !!!                                                             big scrollers are also fun !!                        call our hotline right now !!!, call one of our headquarters at :       (0)13-551628                                  don't worry  !!!!!      gewoon happy wezen, man !!                  (?)