The Party 1991 Invitation
Text Inside this Production

                                                                                              THE PARTY will be held in a   huge conference centre in Aars near Aalborg, Denmark. It will be a reality from thursday 26thof december at 1000 CET to     saturday 28th of december 1991 at 1500 CET.                                                  Entrance fee is 100 DKK.       NO forreign currencies will be accepted!!                     

                               How to get there.. well Aalborgis in the northern part of DK, so if you go by train, go to   Aalborg, where a FREE bus will drive non stop from Aalborg to THE PARTY, both the first day &the last day. If you come on dasecond day, then take the bus..Public Bus no. 51 (Aars)                                      Norwegians simply just take theferry from Oslo, Larvik or Kr. Sand to Frederikshavn og Hirts-hals.                                                         Swedes and Fins can ofcourse   just take the ferry from Gote- borg to Frederikshavn, or from Varberg to Greenaa, or maybe gothrough Copenhagen..                                          Englishmen can go by the ferry from Harwich to Esbjerg, and   then go by car to Aars or take the train to Aalborg.                                         Countries south of Denmark. Youcan ofcourse take the train to Aalborg, but if you go by car, its very easy. Because you justhave to drive to the northern  part of DK, and there are loadsof signs saying Aars, and stufflike that....                                                 When you come to Aalborg, therewill lots of signs for the FREEbus, so don't worry if the bus isn't there when you arrive at Aalborg station.                                              When you come to Aars, you willsee lots of THE PARTY signs, soit will be easy to find your   way..(unless you're blind!!)                                  

                               We have room for 800- 1000 peo-ple, but if more people come,  we'll open another hall!                                      Toilets & Baths are ofcourse   available.                                                    Enough electricity foreveryone,with a professional electricianto make sure that we get NO PO-WER FAILURES!!! (like on other parties..)                                                    Extremely powerful HI-FI equip-ment to garantee the perfect   soundquarlity for the music anddemo competition.                                             A 300 * 250cm big videoscreen  for the lates movies ( and it  will be used for the competiti-ons..)                                                        You will be able to hear all   sound from the big screen on   you own radios...                                             Infoscreens, genlocked onto MTV, the lates movies, demos- and graphics/musiccompetitions willbe broadcasted on a TV-transmitter, so that anyone with a TV, will be able to recive it.. so if you are going to use your TVas a monitor, then remember to bring along an antenna!!                                      To prevent THE PARTYplace to beas dirty as other parties, We  have a fulltime cleaning staff to ensure that everything is   neat and tidy...                                              Also a phoneline and HST modem will be available, to make surethat there will be plenty of    'new' stuff..(PD ofcoz! hm hm)                               But please dont expect that    everybody will get access to   this HST                                                      

                                FOOD! Who needs food when you have lots of fun. Well we thinkthat atleast one (or two) mighthave some interest in food.     So...                         A cafeteria will be open 24 hrsa day, here you will be able tobuy junkfood, snacks, candy andREAL food. We have arranged so that there will be sold a real meal twice a day.                                             Also a BEER/soda selling stand where you will be able to buy  drinks to humane prices!!!                                    

                                      Democompetition!                                            YEAH! The mainevent...        Well first the prizes:                                    Demo:     1st.  2000$!                   2nd.  1000$                    3rd.   500$                                         Graphics: 1st.   300$                    2nd.   200$                    3rd.   100$                                         Music:    1st.   300$                    2nd.   200$                    3rd.   100$                                         |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||                               The demos must be able to run  on a standard (1.2/1.3) Amiga  500 with 1/2 mb chip & 1/2 mb  fast. If not, bad luck!                                       Each coder can "only" compete  with one demo. And we would ap-preciate that the coder or one of the persons who made the de-mo are present at THE PARTY..                                 Also in graphics/music competi-tions, would we appreciate thatthe competitors are present at THE PARTY.                     Only one contribution from eachperson in these competitions..                                Graphics should be loadable    from Dpaint 4. Music MUST be   delivered as executeable files,so there will be no problems   with wrong players. Please dontcompose 20 minute tunes, we'll probably not have the time to  play the hole tune....                                        The music and graphics competi-tions will take place on the 27th). Democompeti- tion will ofcourse be on the   last day...                                                   Due to the fine prizes,the dead-line for democompetition will not be changed. Info about thaton THE PARTY.                                                 

                               If you want to make sure to gettables and chairs on THE PARTY,then let us know...            (This might be a good idea,coz loads of people already did it)                               Drinking and smoking is allowedinside the buildings!! Anyone  who cant behave will ofcourse  be thrown out till they can.                                    Real troublemakers will be   handed over to the police.                                    People who cause any damages,  will ofcourse have to pay for  it..                                                          Graffitti IS ALSO A CRIME!!!!                                  so, THINK! BEFORE COMMITING A  CRIME...                                                     Its suposed to be fun, so dont spoil it because of a stupid   act....                                                       Please note this is a "legal"  PARTY..                        

                               PARTYplace:                            MesseCentret                   Messevej 1                     9600 Aars                      Denmark                                               Organizors..                                                    ANARCHY DK                     Dr. Alexandrinesvej 4          DK-9600 Aars                   Denmark                        +45 98 82 16 93                                               Melon Dezign/CRYSTAL!          Kongebakken 40a, 3mf           DK-4000 Roskilde               Denmark                        +45 42 37 11 81                                             

                                       PARTY MANU BY:                                                 Melon Dezign                   ||||||||||||                                                    Code by                        Paleface                                                  Graphics/design by                   Seen                                                        Musique by                  Banana of T.E.K.                                                                                                                                          Thats it.. see ya!                                     

aah, welcome to 
the fabulous    
f0rst historien 
om de smaa s0de 
code by paleface
graphics by seen
music by  banana
first i think we
should kick off 
with some greets
what do ya think
neej, what about
the true! story 
of our sex.,.   
yee, were in    
crystal now rem-
ember! we were  
both in webels, 
but first seen  
got bored and   
then i followed 
him in quartsex!
but becoz of the
lame french tele
comm, we are now
no no no... not 
dat boring story
 we wanna some  
yo gee, got it!!
nana, lets get  
seri0se, well...
as we joined    
crystal we for- 
med a subdivisjn
-melon dezign!- 
and it consists 
of me and seen..
cut!!! who cares
i dont, but dats
becoz im a part 
of the story... 
well lets get a 
real story..    
guess who we met
last week!!!    
-the beach boys-
from anarchy dk 
freezing like   
hell.. oh milky,
you really look 
cute in ya small
a real hunk!!!  
oh no thats our 
little gonzo....
gaa nu kold din 
jyde... i wanna 
write now!      
hej porto et    
suce ma bite... 
tete de mort!!! 
like my french! 
-seen taught me!
hallo gonzo, tak
for laan af din 
kat!! du faar   
den snart...    
hva saa lem..   
 still reading! 
lets get them   
what they want  
no no no! not   
my lem, fool!!! 
paleface + seen 
send their very 
 special hellos 
  to following  
   groups and   
maestro,deedee 7
jesus jones,tron
-ikke til morten
fordi vi ikke   
maatte laane    
hans knallert...
and of coz one  
der var en lort!
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det var laekkert
lets get in the 
   see ya.      
