mod.Trapped In House
Text Inside this Production

Trapped In House

By Madbit/TMG

Wow man! Finally it's
Here!! This is my
PT-Module for the
MadHouse Competition!

It sure took a lot of
Time to finish, and I
Think its pretty cool
So I wont mind if you
Vote for this one!!!!

Date: 8-Nov-92
PlayTime: 4'08"
Greetz go to:

Parasite/DGV, TMV,
Alien/DGV, Medwyn/TMG
Lord Amen/TMG, PsiMon
And everyone else!
Oh, BTW: Call my BBS!
 *** MADBIT BBS ***
 Te: +54-1-786-3077  
Open from 23:30 to 7
  (Argentina Time)