Feedback 5
Text Inside this Production

*2                    ______      _____           
 ___________________\     \____/    /_______ 
 \___________ \_   __\     \__     ________/
  /  _______/  /   \________\/    /      \     
*2    ___                              ___
     `---[   *6FeedBack |ssue  #5   *2]---'
            *2 ___            ___
              `---[ *6Menu *2]---'
               -[ Welcome! ]-
               -[ Credits! ]-
               -[ ModInfo! ]-
               -[ Adverts! ]-
               -[ Messages ]-
               -[ ]-
               -[ .chart!. ]-

                   *2 ______      _____           
 ___________________\     \____/    /_______    
 \___________ \_   __\     \__     ________/    
  /  _______/  /   \________\/    /      \     

   *7        ___                ___
            `---[ *6Presents *7]---'

   *7 ___                              ___
     `---[*6   FeedBack |ssue  #5  *7 ]---'

*1   ..: *2released *6September the 1st *21998 *1:..

*7          ___________                   
    ______\___   __              *1 -----.
*7     __      /   \                     *1¦
*7      /     /\    \  e  l  c  o  m  e  *1¦
*7     /     //\_____\                   *1¦
*7    /______/              *1-------------'

  *6           Well, well, well..
            Long time no see ehh?

*7   Fishwave has his Seenpoint, Mop has his
    Rom, and I, sTRIFe, have my FeedBack!

*1      Ages has past since FeedBack#4...
 Didn't you start to wonder when FeedBack#5
 would arrive?  Well, ladies and gentlemen,
*4              we have arrived!


*4 More  than  one  year  after the release of
 FeedBack#4  (*34th  of July*4) we are back once
 again  with  *7FeedBack#5!  *4It really was now
 or  never,  as I'm leaving for the military
 in less than 28 hours.  Quite a frightening
             thought  for me.  

*5 When  you  are reading this I have probably
 been  in the military for days, weeks, hell
             maybe even months..

*4 I  really  don't  know what it will be like
 there, I'm kind of excited although there's
 this  voice  in the back of my head telling
 me  I should hit myself for being so stupid
        not refusing the military.  


*4 Nahh  hell!   I bet it will be really cool!
 An  experience  for  life!   And  IF  there
 sometime  will  be  a war, the first ones I
 will  kill  are all norwegians that refused
 to  go  to  military!  I won't let you lazy
 bastards stay home with all the women!  *7;D

*1 Ok,  enough military talk.  I remember when
 Skinner/Eltech was in the military and told
 me all the stuff that happened there...  It
 really  wasn't  tHAT interresting to listen
       too..  *4Haha sorry Skinner!!  *7;D

 *3Emap  Images *4should be warned though.  If I
 get  my hands on some missils in the army I
 will  send  them  right  to the emap.images
 headquarter,  *7bomb those suckaz for killing
       our dear Cu Amiga Magazine *5!!  

*1 It  really  is a shame about cuamiga, but I
 guess  its ok if this will make amigaformat
 better,  but then amigaformat rEALLY has to
 get  better!   If  Gateway really have some
 balls  they  should make sure cuamiga stays
 alive,  but  bluahh..   If  they  make this
 fucking  supercomputer  and  make  it cheap
  aswell, I guess that will satisfy me too.

*4 But  I  do  think  it  will  take some time
 before  you  get  to  see  FeedBack on this
 superamiga,  we'll  stick  to  the  classic
 amiga  as  long as there are mods to use in
               FeedBack*5...  =)

*1 Ok,  I  guess  I could tell you *4WHY *1it took
 more than a year to produce FeedBack#5, you
 must  be curious =) Ofcourse I have a whole
         bunch of good excuses!  *7;D

*1       - *4Not enough filled votesheets!
*1             - *5Not enough mods!
*1         - *7Too much to do at school!
*1  - *4So nice weather in the north of Norway
     that I just HAD to go on a 3 weeks 
              vacation there ;)
*1 - *5Too hard to code all the planned effects 
            I had in my head *1:) 

*1 I  am  infact  also  the hidden producer of
 *4Digital  Chips*1,  I always do the last touch
 on  every  issue,  but  now I haven't heard
 from  maze  for  a while so naturally I had
   the time to make FeedBack instead!  :)

*4 In  every  FeedBack  issue  there have been
 changes, but never have the changes been as
              big as this time.

*2 The  design  is radically redesigned, thanx
 to Rage who started it and soda who did the
 beautiful  finish!  We can all really thank
 Soda/retro-staff  for  this  FeedBack issue
    (and some of the following I guess).

*1 I  have  also  used  every  braincell in my
 brain  to  make  a  colour  routine for the
 text,  so  now  you can watch a lot of nice
 c*2O*6L*7O*5U*3R*4s*1.*2!!   *1Ofcourse  now  FeedBack  takes
 even  longer  time  to  make  as  I have to
 colour  all  the  text and make it cool(?)!


*4 Another  change  is that there are no chips
 this time, I only used mods as this is such
 a  special  issue  (*7well it is number 5 you
 know!!*4)  :D  To  celebrate  it  I made this
 issue  twice  as  big  as  usual concerning

*5 Ofcourse  if you want some really good mods
 these  days  they  tend  to  be  quite  big
 aswell,  so  maybe I didn't have a choice..

*4 Hopefully things will get back to normal in
 FeedBack#6, if you don't want the issues to
 be this big that is..   If you do so, then
                  tell me. 


*1 If  you  are  a  musician and would like to
 support  FeedBack#6  then  please  email me
 some  mods  at !  It
 would  be  great  to  come  back  from  the
 military  and  find  my  email full of cool

*4 You  can  also do it the good old snailmail
 way,  because I LOVE to get normal mail and
 tear  up  those  envelopes wondering who it
 could  be,  finding  tagged disks and other
  cool stuff!  Snailmail rocks!  Yeahh!  :)

*7 Ohh  dear  I  really  have  to  finish this
 welcome  text  soon now.  Because I am sooo
 sleeepy and want to go to bed, but there is
 so  little  time left until I leave for the
 military..  I am even starting to wonder if
*7 I  really  have got time to release this at
 all..   I  still  have  to  put  the  chart
 together  etc..  ohh nooooOOOOOoooo!  And I
 have  to spread this as well..  Ohh fucking
 shit  man!!  It seems I can't go to bed yet
   afterall..  *4Fucking military shit!  *1:)

 Just  a  few  hours before compiling this I
 realised  the  whole  thing was getting too
 big,  so  I  had to remove one of the mods,
 the   unlucky   person  to  be  chosen  was
 CyboMan/X-men  who  had  made  a mod called
 'Apathy Disorders#2'.  Sorry CyboMan, but I
 guess you will see your mod in FeedBack#6!

*4 The  colouring  and  stuff  in this welcome
 part is starting to look shitty, so much to
            do, so little time...

*3 I  really  would like to continue and write
 more  in  this  welcome  part, but I simply
 haven't  got  the  time.   I'm  a  fool!  I
 always wait with everything till the bitter
              end. ugh ugh..   

*4 I  hope you will appreciate the hard work I
 have  put  into  FeedBack  these  last days
       before heading off to the army.

*7   Enjoy FeedBack#5, and see you all again
        when I'm back from the army!

    *4sTRIFe *7oF *4aPATHY*1...    *5in the year 1998*1.

*2                    ______      _____           
 ___________________\     \____/    /_______
 \___________ \_   __\     \__     ________/
  /  _______/  /   \________\/    /      \     
             *7  _  _  _    .    _
          *6The *7| '7 '|_7 _|||_ (_'
              l_.l  l_.(_l|l_.._) 

           *2Codework*1........... *6sTRIFE

           *2Intropic*1.............. *6pIX

           *2Menu-gfx*1...... *6sODA & rAGE

           *2Packing & rest*1..... *6sTRIFE



*7  The following musicians have contributed

*2   - *6TheFoxII *2- *6Zany *2- *6Rolex *2- *6Pinocchio *2-
     - *6Boo *7& *6Jukebox *2- *6Radich *7& *6Trex *2- 
                  - *6Terry *2-

*1     Thanx to *6punisher *1for collecting a 
            *6LOT *1of the votesheets

*7              _____ __________ _____.
       ______\_  /_\  _     /      |_
       \    __/   /   \____/       _/
       /____\|____\______\ ________|
      *6 «-*1nM$!*6----------------------»

         *2 w E   d O N ' t   c A R e


*7 ________                            
  ___    \    ____        *6 ---------.
*7    /    \\  /    \  o d - i n f o *6 ¦
*7   /______\\//     \ *6      ---------'
*7           \/_______\           

*1    In this part you will find some info
     about the modules and their authors
     and maybe even some words from the 
             authors themselves


              *7  --[ *6Nasko *7]--
        *1 A real heavy *2techno-tune *1by

          *7 =]  *6Zany/Phuture303  *7[=


*1 It  was  made  for the tp6-music-compo, but
 somehow   it   has   never  been  released!
 Obviously  Zany wanted to release it now as 
            I got it in support!

          *2  fly_hi_on_a_pink_sky!


            *7 --[ *6Parkingplot *7]--

*1  A psychadelic *2fucking great*1 acid tune by
            *7  =]  *6TheFoxII  *7[=

 I  asked TheFoxII for some feedback support
 because  I  love his mods, and could hardly
 believe  it  when  he actually sent me some
 support..!!   This  mod  is  a bit big, but
            surely it's great..!!


             *7  --[ *6Reality *7]--
         *1 Another unreleased mod by

        *7   =] *6 Zany/Phuture303 *7 [=

 I got this one from tft/rno as he wanted me
 to   co-operate   on  a  musicdisk  he  had
 planned,  instead  I was a lazy bastard and
 just used it in FeedBack!  Forgive me tft??

          *2    Words from Zany:

*6  fly_away_while_listening_2_thiz_sucker!!

     *7     --[ *6Elemental Groove *7]--

          *1  Another *2great *1mod by

        *7     =]   *6TheFoxII   *7[=

 This  is the second of the three mods I got
 from  TheFoxII.   I gave the third mod away
 to  the  Implant  musicdisk by apathy, as I
 really  didn't  have  space for them all in
 FeedBack  and  also  since I'm such a jolly
 good   fellow..   :)  Some  sad  news  from
 TheFoxII was that these three mods were the
   last he would ever make.  So enjoy..!!


     *7       --[ *6Mind The Gap *7]--
        *1   This one is an oldie by

           *7   =] *6Rolex/Depth *7[=

 I  don't  know  how many times I have asked
 rolex  to  let me use this mod in FeedBack!
 Finally he realized that it was never going
 to  be  used  in the planned "Messed up" by
 Massive,  and handed it over to FeedBack in
            1998!  Thanks...  :)


        *7    --[ *6Contribution *7]--

      *2  Actually a really nice mod by

         *7    =]  *6Radich*1&*6Trex  *7[=

        *6     Words from Radich:
*7 Contribution  is  a kinda old module.  It's
 the first module we ever made completely on
 guitar  and then on protracker.  I think it
 worked out pretty well, considering all the
 cigarettez  and  coffee that we used during
 the  development  of  this module...  Well,
              listen *1and *7enjoy*1!


         *7    --[ *6Atmosphere *7]--
*1               a co-op tune by
               *6 Boo *1& *6Jukebox
                *1 -=*2talent*1=-

*7 This one was made for Feedback a LONG time
 ago but I never got around to including it!
 Now it is finally here!  It's a quite nice 
 and relaxing module, greets must fly to Boo
 who never complained although it took ages
         before I used this mod!  =)

          *7   --[ *6Mod.Ulator *7]--

  *1      Slow, nice, *2'diskmag-tune' *1by

       *7   =]  *6Pinocchio/Contraz  *7[=
 This   tune   was   made  specifically  for
 feedback#5, but I guess Pinocchio had never
 dreamed  of  the  fact that it would take a
 whole   year   for  FeedBack#5  to  finally
 arrive!   I think he had given up all hope!
    But hehe, we surprised you now ehh?!?
*2   Some well spoken words from Pinocchio:

*6       there's a time for joy in life.
      a time to leave your pain behind.
       there's a time for you to think
      a time to let your memories sink.

      *7      --[ *6My Happy Day *7]--

*1            A real *2hAPPy *1mod by 

        *7    =]  *6Terry/Apathy  *7[=

 Just like in FeedBack#4, the last module is
 made  by  Terry!   Now if this doesn't make
   you happy I don't know what will!!  :)

*1 Message  for  Terry:   *6Hey  please  get  in
 contact!   It  sucks  that  we lost contact
   when Korball disappeared!  :)   *2sTRIFe!


                   *7 The
          *6  _        _  _     _
           `_7 _|| /|_77 '|_ (_'
           (_l(_ll/ l_.l  l_.._)
                 *1 Section

*5   If you want to have your advert printed
       in *1FeedBack*5, just send us your
  advert, and we'll include it in the next

**** 0,5

*7   _______       ____.    ____    _______
 ._\  _  /_.___./    |____\_  \_._\  _  /_.
 |  ____/  |_  |    _|    _/    |_   |    |
*6 Bd!                                   L¹24
*2     for motherfuckin' powered swappin'
 write to the best friendshipper of poland:
*6             evan/apathy+sector5
               marcin szmidtke
            37-450 stalowa wola 7
*2         one hunderd percent answer!
  also for supporting apathy's dreams pack!


       *7 _______   ___ _____  _______
    *1 .-*7|   __  \ |   /    / |  ____/__*1-.
  *5 .-*1|:*7|   \    \_   \    \    \_    /*1:|*5-.
  *5 | *1`-*7|_________/____\    \ _______/*1--' *5|
   |*4 <-----------------*7\____\*4----------> *5|
   |       *1+ *5d  a  r  k  a  g  e *1+       *5|
   |                                     *5|
   |         *4punisher *1of *4darkage         *5|
   |           *3 jonas o'brien            *5|
   |             *3   sørby                *5|
   |            *3  3178 våle              *5|
   |               *5n*3o*7rw*3a*5y                *5|
   |                                     *5|
   `------>  *4for quality swapping  *5<-----'


*4 ___ .________ __________ .________________
 \_ \| __  | _)\__   ___ \| __\_ __/\_ ___/
 /   \  \  |  \/  |  \/   \  \/  |/\/  _)__
/   \    \ l   \      \  \    \  /  \  l   \
+---------------------------[*1eXC & DzG*4]-----
*3 Wanna release your chippies in our Pack ?
       Wanna join our friendly team ?
  Wanna swap some gfx or own-productions ?

       *1Then drop some lines to:

              *6 RAVEN of NUANCE
     *4sMail:     *6Webergasse 34
                89584 Ehingen
     *4eMail:   *

**** 2

*2           life's a piece of *6shit
   *2 you never know what you're gonna *6get

               *1 strife/apathy

             *7 torgeir amundsen
                glitregata 13
               3600 kongbserg


           *2 snailmail:  *61% *7answer
           *2 email:      *61% *7answer
           *2 phone:      *61% *7answer


         *5+=--                    --=+
           *7         Contact
              for fast swapping!
           Modules, trace and normal
        *5 ----------------------------
         *7        Espen Fossen
                  7520 HEGRA
     *5    ----------------------------

**** Not with 2,8 ...
*2  __  _____   ___ ____ __  _____  ____ ____
 .\_)_\_. /__( _/_  _/_\_)_\_. /_/ __/_ ._/
  |   |   ! |______/  !    |   !  !_____/ ¦
  ¦   |   :       ¬   .    .      .    ¬  |
  |   .                                   ¦
  ¦.    *6 Are you tired of tha old shitti *2 |
  |   *6short boring lettas, do want some  *2 ¦
  ¦    *6real nice big ones. Try me at :   *2 |
  |      *1 .------------------------.*2      ¦
  ¦      *1 | *7Firstarter øf Instinct *1|*2      |
  |   S  *1 | *7    Raymond Hedum     *1 |*2   S  ¦
  ¦   W  *1 | *7  Østre Kanalgate. 1  *1 |*2   W  |
  |   A  *1 | *7     N-1531 Moss      *1 |*2   A  ¦
  ¦   P  *1 | *7        Norway        *1 |*2   P  |
  |   ?  *1 `------------------------'*2   ?  ¦
  ¦       *6 !¡! 100% Friendship !¡!  *2      |
  |                                       ¦

          *7   _                 
            (_`   ¡_ , _  _  _ _
           *4     ·pix/Subspace·

           *1 ·contact for friendly.
             ·gfx^demo swapping·

             *7  ·eSPEn tERJESEn·
           ·lEIv eIRIKSSONS gT 11·
             ·5500 HGSD, NORWAY·
      *1 hI:
        *4 Hypah,Leia,CitizenX,Visitor,
         Felon,Fusko, Spdevil, Fudge.

****	4

       *7 _______ ________       ________ 
       / _____/_\__     \_____/ __    /
                  /      \       /   /   
           ______/\       \   ______/   
             \     \_______\     \
       _______\*1-pnk!h*7    /________\
         *6  new 20 contacts wanted

           *2     blaze/floppy
            *1 patrick kalinowski
                 polna 63/5
               21-200 parczew

              *7no FAKED stamps!
        *6 support my *1-sPEED- *6packmag

**	7

     *7         _  _     _  _     _
         \  /|_7(_'|  |_7| 7| 7(_'
          \/ l_.._)l_.l_.l_ll_|._)

       *2contact me for *6lovely*2 swap!  :)

         *1 ..veslepus of specter..
           *7  heidi c. amundsen
               glitregata 13
              3600  kongsberg
              *1 n o r w a y. 

       *6     _  _  _  _     _   _ 
     *7   .:*6 (_'| 7|_7| '|_ |_7 7 '*7 :.
      .:::*6 ._)l_ll_.l_.l_.l_. l   *7:::.
           *6   |

/**** 10

      *5         Hawk *1of *7Giants
               Niklas Jonsson
          *5        Bittinge
              715 92 St.Mellosa
            *7       Sweden
          *6  Joining either group
            *7     Magsupport

***	11

          *6 [÷]*2 .D.I.G.I.T.A.L. *6[÷]
           *1- ------------------- -
           *7Contact me for any kind
           of  swapping. Everybody
           is very welcome to send
           *1- ------------------- -
             *6 NEMES!S *1/ *2DIGITAL
              *130 Farrier Close
            Fatfield, Washington
            Tyne + Wear, NE38 8RW
           *1- ------------------- -
           *1- ------------------- -

***** 14

              *1   !*7Musicians*1!

              *4 Genetix*1/*4Vortex
           *5  15 Sycamore Avenue
           Harrington, Washington
                Tyne and Wear
                  NE38 9BH
             *4      ENGLAND

***** 15

     *2    for *7e-mail *2music swapping:
              *1 (yeah right.. )


***** 15½
*7       _.             _.       _
       7l__     _  ___7| ____  _  ____
       ||_)) ))_7l ))_Ll ))_7l 7) ))-
                ''          ll    ¯¯¯¯
*4 write for new extasy? techno tapes swapping

     *1 __  *2 budgie/absurd!+instinct*1   __
      \(_   *1   kamil kaczmarek      _)/
             boh. warszawy 1o5/3
               72-2oo nowogard
              *2     poland!

*4  answer is sure... I am not disk stealer.

*1     write also for joining to *7'absurd'
 *1           if you are skilled!.?


  *2                  _  .  _
                |  |_7 | `_7
                l_.l_. | (_l
    *1        live like there is no
                 *6 tommorow!

            *1 ..*7leia of apathy*1..
             *4nina  høegh-larsen
                hagaveien 11
              3320  vestfossen
               *7 n o r w a y*1.

          *2  _   _   _      |_     
           `_7 | 7 `_7 |_  | 7 | 7
           (_l l_l (_l l_. | | l_|
               |               ._l
**** 16

    *2         _   _   _      |_     
            `_7 | 7 `_7 |_  | 7 | 7
            (_l l_l (_l l_. | | l_|
                |               ._l

           *7    fOR tHE nEWEST *6dC*1:

         *2mAZE *1/ *6aPATHY *1& *6gIANTS
               *1sTIAN gUDBRANSEN
                 sAUHÅGÅN 12
                  2850 lENA

           *7aLSO fOR mODS aND oTHER
             *6     sWAPPING*1!!!
            *2gREETS tO mY *1fRIENDS*2!

**** 18
         *1..*2øPEN.yØUR.m!ND.!!!*1...:.:*7|  _ |
  *7 _____ *1:*7 ____ _     _________*1.:_ *7|  \\|
        |*1:*7/  _///_        ____/_//_|__ _|
   *7\ \  |/     /_ _____ _       | ___///|
    \ · !     /// _____//  ·    | \:    |
     \        :   \:   ||  :    |       |
      `------'|    | .:||__:____|       |
  *1 ......:  *7  l________|   l________j---'

             *137 Hayfell Avenue 
                 Heron Hill
                   La9 7jh
                 *7England*1, *6Uk
   *1.*7joining void uk, *5friendship swapping*1.
     *4 ############  ####  ###########  
      ############  ####  ###########  
             ####         ####   ####  
           ####     ####  ###########  
         ####       ####  ###########  
       ####         ####  ####         
      ############  ####  #### *1-DISK-  
 *4     ############  ####  ####       
              *7 -- *1SWAPPERS *7--
               *1 -- *7WANTED *1--
     *7 Wanna swapp *4100meg's *7Zip Disk's?
       *1Then diz addy is sumthing 4 u.
              *1  Neptunveien  33
                3055 Krokstadelva


         *6-> *7fOR fRIENDLY mODSWAP *6<-
               *2 Jerry*1/*6Rebels
               *1Stig Frydenlund
              S0re Skogvei 25a
             5037 SOLHEIMSVIKEN
                 *7N O R W A Y


*7          for some nice mailtrading
            and joining in poland

*4               cook *1/ *4instinct
*5             -------------------
*1                laczna 27d/43
                 64-920 pila
*5             -------------------
*4             also for supporting
                *1 -*7blah pack*1-

*7               _____.
        ______ )    |___  ______
       _\_ __/_\   ____/__\   _/_____
       \      /    \     /    \     /
   *1    «-*4nM$!*1-----------------------»
    *1 Grab ya keyboard and write *4Receiver
    *5 . *4 of Instinct *14 fast'n'friendly  *5.
     ::.  *1and/or elite swappin' NOW *5 .::
     ::::.     *1on this addy:      *5 .::::
     :::::·                      *5 ·:::::
     :::·     *7 Kresten Dinesen     *5 ·:::
     ::::.  *7Bybaekterrasserne 164F*5 .::::
     ::::::.  *7  DK-3520 Farum   *5 .::::::
     :::::::·  *7    Denmark     *5 ·:::::::
     :::::·                      *5 ·:::::
     ::::.    *4  DISK *1= *4ANSWER     *5 .::::


  O       *5 for friendly swap   *4          O
  O 1                                  1 O
  O 0       *7 CARP *1/ *7INSTINCT   *4        0 O
  O 0                                  0 O
  O %     *1       STEVEN     *4           % O
  O       *1 107 TINTERN ROAD *4             O
  O r     *1     CARSHALTON   *4           r O
  O e     *1       SURREY     *4           e O
  O p     *1      SM5 1QG     *4           p O
  O l     *1      ENGLAND     *4           l O
  O y                                  y O
  O       *5norsktoppen *7support  *4          O
  O         *5implant   *7support  *4          O
  O          *5retro    *7support  *4          O

*7              _____ __________ _____.
       ______\_  /_\  _     /      |_
       \    __/   /   \____/       _/
       /____\|____\______\ ________|
      *5 «-*1nM$!*5----------------------»

*4   for reaching strife in the military you
            can try this adresse:

  *5            Torgeir Amundsen
*1    Sambandsbataljonen/Heggelia Garnison
                Postboks 278
               9201 Bardufoss
*5                   Norway

*4   Write me a nice little letter on paper 
  will you?  reply for sure if we allready
             know eachother! *7:)

    ________       *1 -------------------.
*4     ___    \    ____                 *1 ¦
*4       /    \\  /    \  e s s a g e s  *1¦
*4      /______\\//     \                *1¦
*4              \/_______\          *1 ----'

*5    This time there are messages from the

   [*7     zANY*5/*7p303    *4 ]*5-^-*4[*7page*1  1- 2  *4]
   [*7   sTRIFe*5/*7aPATHy  *4 ]*5-^-*4[*7page*1  3-18  *4]
   [*7 cOPe*5/*7aPATHy*5^*7dEPTh *4]*5-^-*4[*7page*1 19-26  *4]


*1(Old) *7Messages from zANY/p303^rNO^vOID *1:)

                *4 2 aLL:
                *1 """"""
 *5 I've  stopped  swapping,  so  2 all cntx
  sorry,  i'm  totally  fed  up with, mail
  swapping,  but  u  can  reach  me on IRC
  Server:iRC.pOWERTECH.nO,        channels
  #Amigascne,    #Amiga_warez,   #Amigano,
  #Pixel,     #pHUTURE_303,     #Amielite,
  #sUNSHINE,  so  hopefully  we can have a
  chat there *1;)

               *4 LFO^p303
               *1 """"""""
      *5  dISKS coming 4 U soon!;)


        *4        tBC^rNO
         *1       """""""
      *5  dISKS coming 4 U soon!;)

*4               dT214^vOID
*1               """"""""""
*5        dISKS coming 4 U soon!;)

*1         Everybody tAKe cARe!*4;)


        *1  ...:  *7messages from  *1:...

      *4     ..: *1sTRIFe *5/ *1aPATHy *4:..

                 *5   -  -

    *1 ..: *4written the 13th of August *1:..



*1Hey  my  friend!   I  hope you will take good
care  of apathy while i'm in the military.  I
hope it won't be just stress, I hope you will
have  some  fun aswell.  Good luck with girlsaaa
and  school  and everything else you might be
into..  :)


*1Jaja,  så  det  ble  siviltjeneste på deg ja.                      
Jeg  har  hørt at siviltjeneste varer i 1½ år                  
jeg,  det  er jo skikkelig kjipt!!  Jeg håperaaa
militæret  blir kult!  haha..  Du skylder meg
en sending!!  :)



*1Tjenare..    Ja   nå   forsvinner   jeg   til
militæret.    Kind   of  strange..   I  think
Phoenix  will  be  a  hit  in the future!  Go
Giants!   :)  Jeg  var  i Stockholm i ferien.
Fin  by..   Det  var tilogmed 2 amigabutikker
der.   Var  bare i den ene, tricom..  der var
det koselig :)


*1Hei  gutten..  =) Sorry for at det ble så mye
delay og sånn tull med swappingen vår.  Sorry
for at Feedback IKKE kommer ut på lørdag også
:D det hadde bare ikke gått..

*1Hei  du..   Det  er  jo nesten tragisk at jeg
ikke  har  fått besøkt deg ennå når vi bor så
nær  hverandre..   :) Enda mer tragisk er det
vel  at jeg ikke har sendt til deg på gud vet
hvor  lenge.   Sorry!   Hey jeg fant bilde av
søstera  di på en cd-katalog med klassebilder
fra  alle videregående skoler i buskerud.  :)
Synes  hu  var  fin jeg!  :) hehe..  hadetbra
morten..  vi snakkes nok!

*1Hey  Nik!   or  sumthing..   I'm sorry for my
lame  delays..   heh..  but I visited skinner
this  summer and he said you were delaying to
him  or  something..   I'm  sure  Void  could
survive  if  you  just  give it some effort..
yup..  :)


*1Is  it  just me or were you a bit mad in your
last  letter??   hehehe..   Well I guess it's
better  to  get  the  madness  out  through a
letter instead of smashing all the windows in
your city etc..  :)

*1Hey  mate!  Too bad that I am leaving for the
military  now,  since  we  had  just  started
swapping   and  things  were  looking  good..
Well,   maybe  you  and  punisher  will  sort
something  out  in the meantime concerning dc

*1Hey mate how ya doin'!  =) I hear you're back
swapping  again  so  that's  good!  Stay away
from all them drugs'n'shit!  They won't do ya
no good..  :)

*1Hey  zeeball!   I  hope you won't stop making
all  your  funny  4k-intros  while I'm in the
military.    I   think   there   will   be  a
Kindergarden  in  september,  so why not make
some  intros  for  it this year too?  :) That
would be great!  :)

*1Veit  da  faen hva det nye handlet ditt var..
=) Uansett, gleder meg til "do the strife!"..
høhøhøh  host  host..   Hvorfor  skal du hele

*1tida  ødelegge mitt GODE rykte??  :D heheee..
vel,  høhøh..   jeg la inn ( + yngve ) på det
smells  greiene  i  tg-introen siden du tipsa
meg om det..  ;)

*4Soda/Retro staff 

*1Nå  er  det  så lenge siden jeg har fått brev
fra  deg  at  jeg  begynner nesten å savne de
gamle kule breva fra deg..  Jeg føler suget..
åhh..   ligger  det  ikke  et  brev fra deg i
postkassa når jeg kommer hjem på perm så veit
jeg   ikke  hva  jeg  kommer  til  å  gjøre!!
hmmss..   øhh..  få ferdig retro da..  nå som
jeg   har  supporta  og  greier..   kjipt  om
artiklene   blir   eldgamle   før   dem  blir
releaset!!   okeis,  vi se's vel..  du dukker
vel  opp  med flere pornobilder av meg på ett

*1eller  annet  party..   din jallajøde....  :)
Uansett,  må takke for den 'deilige' feedback

*1Hey  mate..  come on, it's not the end of the
world  although  instinct disappeared..  i'll
send  a  letter  when  I'm  finished  in  the
military..  to cheer you up..  ;)

*1Hva  har skjedd med deg da??  La meg gjette..
du  har  funnet  deg  en helt ekstremt deilig
jente som forguder deg og hun tar opp all din
tid!  Åhhh din heldiggris!!!  :)

*4Nork/Network  *5-  *1Hey  just  chill out down in
europe while i'm in the military mate!  :)

*1Synd det ikke går så bra med magget :(

*1he  he he!!  now I am punishing you since you
never  contacted  me..   I  will  delay for a
whole year!  Yeah!  hehehe..  =) tshh..

*1Hey  what's  happenin' in Endzeit?  Nå er det
vel  jazz/blues-festival i haugesund så du er
vel  bare  ute  og digger den fine musikken..
=) ser deg på tg'99 da vel?!?

*1Hey  there..   uhhms..   yeah  I remember you
wrote  me..   yesyes..   So  here's  a little
greet in return :D

*1Tuddeliduuh!   Håper du ikke er så altfor sur
på   meg  for  at  jeg  ikke  har  mekka  den
musicdisken..   noen  av  modulene  hadde jeg
allerede   fått   i   support  til  feedback.
grafikken  var jo ganske dårlig da..  men jeg
kan  kanskje  mekke  en  musicdisk når jeg er
ferdig i militæret..  :)

*1  Tjahh  har  ikke  fått  med  meg om du er i
mantra  eller  hva..   Men du får ha det fint
mens  jeg sliter i militæret..  :) Leste noen
flotte kommentarer om meg i noen brev fra deg
til punisher..  hahahaha..  du er morsom du..

*1Hei takk for sist!!  Det var ganske koselig i
Kabelvåg!!   Spiste  middag på det museumet..
og  så på noen seler..  Var innmari kult å se
på  powertoweret  ditt  og alt utstyret!  Jeg
skal  nok  ha  meg  litt  sånt etterhvert jeg
også..   Men jeg drøyer litt siden jeg skal i
militæret..   Satser  på  å  treffe på deg en
gang igjen da..  mens jeg er i militæret..

*1Hey   there!   I  noticed  you  contacted  my
sister!   hehe,  I  hope  she will answer you
while  i'm  gone!  but i don't think she will
manage  it without some help from me..  we'll
see..  :)

*1Phoenix er skikkelig bra!!  Hadde aldri trodd
du skulle få gitt ut noe såå bra!  heh..  stå
på!   nå  er  du  på  vei  inn  i kjendisenes
verden!!  øhh..  :D

*1Synd  at  du  aldri klarer å gjøre ferdig noe
da..  menmen..  sånn er det...  :)

*1Jaja  så  du  satser på depth isteden nå da..
kanskje  ikke  så dumt..  litt trist, men akk
sånn er nå livet..  :)

*1Pass  godt  på  rolex  nå  da..   mens jeg er
borte..  :D

*1Du  kan  godt  skrive litt oftere...  :) Bare
send et brev en gang da..  så vet jeg hva som
skjer..   Er  hjemom  fra  militæret  iblandt
serru..  Ser deg vel på tg99 da!

*1Hey  too  bad  both you and punisher released
dreams#15, hehehe!  Well it's not that awful,
I  think it's just funny..  :) I hope you and
zeeball  get to be friends and that apathy in
poland  will  get  better  and  better!  I'll
write when I come home from the military!

*1Hei jeg skulle jo ha skrevet til deg, men jeg
har  ikke fått rota meg til det..  uansett så
ser jeg deg vel på tg99!

*1hehehe..   hi  there  mate!  I have heard you
keep  asking  punisher  what i am doing since
i'm  not  writing  to  you..  i have seen the
letters  myself  too..   when i visited him..
don't worry, i will for sure contact you some
time!   Just don't leave the scene before i'm
finished in the military!

*1Hjæælp    nå    skal   vi   i   militæret!!!!
ratatatata!!!!!!   kaboOOOm!!   take  that ya
filthy   animal!!!!!    smack  smock!   håper
matte-xamen   og   sånt  fixer  seg  for  deg
etterhvert..   du er jo eGENTLIg ganske smart
da..   :)  det  er vel kjærlighets-sorgen som
kom  og  tok  knekken på deg..  men du har jo
meg!!   =)  heheheh..   :D  søren vi har ikke

*1fått  trena nok før militæret!  nå kommer det
til å bli hardt!  yikes!!  :)

*1Det   blir   vel  kjedelig  når  jeg  drar  i
militæret..   Da får du jo ingen å erte..  du
kommer  vel  til  å  erte mamma da..  vel jeg
kommer  jo hjemom iblandt, så da kan du sloss
og  erte  meg og knuse meg og fortelle om alt
som  har  skjedd  mens  jeg  har vært borte!!

*1Så  så..   Jonas  kicker deg nok ikke selv om
han blir boss..  tror jeg da..  :) Da skal du
i  allefall  få joine når jeg kommer tilbake!
;)  kjipt  at  jeg  stikker nå som henning og
psalt   og  du  er  i  kongsberg  distriktet!

*1menmen..   jeg skal skrive..  fra militæret..
om jeg får tid..  ;)

*1Yo!!   er  ikke  feedback  tøft nå!!?  Nesten
like  tøft  som norsktoppen jo!!!  :)) hehe..
Så  at  tg-introen  din har begynt å komme på
diverse  charts..  det er jo artig..  det har
aldri  noen  av  mine..  det er ganske rart i
grunn..  :)

*1Hey  thanx  for the great contact-letter!!  I
will  for  sure contact you when the military
shit is over!!!  yeah!


        *1  ...:  *7messages from  *1:...

      *4     ..: *1 cOPe *5/ *1aPATHy *4:..

                 *5   -  -

    *1 ..: *4written the 14th of August *1:..


                *7  Fra cope
                 *4  to ALL

*1 Going  away  to the army for a year, but if
 you still want to swap, send me some emails
           around 19.08.99. *5 -cOPE

              *7    Fra cope
                *4  til leia

*1Du må slutte å bade med Torgeir i undertøyet.
Han  har  det  fremdeles  gjemt  godt  bort i
skapet sitt han!  Ikke føl deg beæret over at
du  er  først  i  lista  mi.   Hva skulle jeg
gjort?   Sagt  hei  til Soda først?  Han tror
alle  hater han han, men det gjør vi jo ikke.
  fatt det.  soda.  gærnt sted egentlig.  
                *4  Fra cope 
               *5  til Strife

*1Du  må slutte med å si at jeg forandrer livet
ditt  hele  tida.   Join  en sekt, så kan dem
forandre  livet  ditt dugelig bra.  Hmm.  Når
jeg  tenker  etter,  så  skal du jo i armyen.
         Det er jo en slags sekt...

  *4                Fra cope
    *5            til Punisher

*1Du skylder meg en røyk.  tror jeg.  eller var
det   omvendt.   Jeg  skylder  deg  en  disk.
Haha...   ;)  Nei,  jeg  skal i militæret med
Torgeir  nå,  så da blir det lite swapping på
deg  og  meg.  Du har Audio Magic Cu cd'n til
      Torgeir.  Den er miiiiiiiiiiiiin.

      *4            Fra cope 
        *5     til Noodle/Haujobb

          *1     Where are you?!

            *4      Fra cope
      *5   til Hawk/Giants og di derre

        *1          Latmask*7.

*4                  Fra cope
  *5                til Point

*1Dom  som sier at andre kan kode, dom kan kode
            *7         dom


              *4    Fra cope
                *5 til Øystein

*1Du eksisterer ikke, domminhg.  Stryk deg selv
           fra *7Giants *1medlemsliste

*4                  Fra cope 
  *5               til Strife

    *1   Hei. Du har fått du, tror jeg. 


      *4            Fra cope
        *5          til Soda

*1Jeg  tør ikke kalle deg lamer, for da kanskje
du  skriver *7lamer email *1til meg.  Men jeg kan
kalle deg *7HANSON Fan *1og *7SPICEGIRLS FAN*1.  *4SODA
Likes   spice   girls*1.   *5Soda  Diggs  HANSON.
*1hehe....   ikke  ta det alvorlig.  Jeg skal i

*4                  Fra cope
  *5              til Tentacle

*1Har  aldri  sett  noen skrive messys til deg.
her  er  en.  Du lager ganske bra moduler du.
Mye bedre enn meg iallfall.  *7Keep Kuhr Alive.


*4                  Fra cope
  *5                til Rolex

*1Bra  du  er  tilbake  i  skenen  ;)  Synd jeg
stikker  for  et  år.   Skylder deg fremdeles
150,-  *7;)  *1Du  skal  få dem, om det så er det
sistte  jeg gjør.  Gi deg penger altså.  Ehh.
Altså.   Du skal få dem.  jeg vil gi deg dem.
                  *2 Liksom.

               *4   Fra cope
               *5  til Allan0n

*1Hei.  Håper jeg får en rævva tjeneste, så jeg
    kan sitte på irc hele tida.  Jeg og.


  *4                Fra cope
    *5             til Strife

*1Veit       du       liker       å       fylle
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssse  tekst  i feedbacken
din.   hah.   Nå  gir jeg meg, og tar med meg
    harddisken din samtidig.  *7heheheheh*1.


*7    ________        *1--------------------.
*7    \___    \ ._______                  *1¦
*7       /    \\¡      /  o r w e g i a n *1¦
*7      /______\\     /                   *1¦
*7              \____/  e w s             *1¦ 

*4    As usual there will only be norwegian
 scene news since there are so many 'normal'
        news parts in other mags/etc.

    *1       --[ *5Abigail Designs *1]--

*4    This mysterious groups organized by 
  Skinner is releasing small prods now and


*1            --[ *5After Eights *1]--

*4   They released two wild demos at tg98, 
 in one they make FUN of apathy..!!!  Hehe, 
         those silly bastards..  *7:D

*1               --[ *5Apathy *1]--

*4            Punisher is now whq!
     Strife and Cope are in the military
         Growl got kicked (*7again!!*4)
            Accede joined! (*7code*4)
             Evan joined! (*7swap*4)


*5     Apathy Memberlist as of 17-aug-97:

  *4        Strife*1......*7Coder, swap
  *4        Cope*1........*7Musician
  *4        Maze*1........*7Musician
  *4        Terry*1.......*7Musician
  *4        Rage*1........*7Gfx, ascii
  *4        Tentacle*1....*7Gfx
  *4        Punisher*1....*7Swapper,Whq
  *4        Evan*1........*7Swapper
  *4        Leia*1........*7Swapper, trader
  *4        Chriz*1.......*7Trader
  *4        Mr.X*1........*7Coder, swap
  *4        Accede*1......*7Coder
  *4        Zeeball*1.....*7Coder
  *4        Virge*1.......*7Coder
  *4        Dotty*1.......*7Coder, swap
  *4        mr.nO*1.......*7Editor, inet 

*1               --[ *5Contraz *1]--

*4 Chauple   and   Leia  will  almost   become
 neighbours   when  he  starts  on  his  new
 folkehøg-school  in  Darbu,  about 5km away
 from  Leia.  Unfortunately Strife who would
 then  only be 15km away from him is leaving
 for  the  military,  more than 1500km north
 from there! ugh ugh.. :)  Interresting?  *7=D

*1                --[ *5Depth *1]--

*4       -Allanon finished military! *7:)


*1     --[ *5Digital Corruption Demodiv. *1]--

*4   -They came last in the tg98 4k-compo, 
       better luck next year guys!  *7=)

*1            --[ *5Donut Fetish *1]--

*4     Not much is happening in this group
     anymore, most members have left*7...

*1             --[ *5Ems Design *1]--

*4 They are dead. All active members left for 

*1              --[ *5Ephidrena *1]--

*7  Loaderror*4, their coding genius is leaving
   for the *7military *4and will be there the 
               next 12 months

*1               --[ *5Giants *1]-- 

*4 Issue#2   of  their  mag  *7Phoenix  *4is  soon
 finished.   Hopefully the code will be more
 finished this time without bugs, making the
              mag even better!


  *1            --[ *5Instinct *1]--

*4   They are dead, punisher started a new 
  group called mantra.  Some members joined
   this new group, others just got kicked.

*1                --[ *5Iris *1]--

*4   Mj's mag *7Miracle *4is not doing too well

  *1             --[ *5Massive *1]--

*4    Felix (*7whq*4) is still in the military


  *1           --[ *5Planet Jazz *1]--

*4   Their demo Yo! Elephant was one of the
  higlights on the CuAmiga-Cd from May1998.
                  *7Hahaha *1:D

*1                --[ *5Rape *1]--

*4     -Fenriz is back from the military*7!


    *4     ._______.  *1Scandinavian                   
   *4    __¡_______¡_________           
   *5 .*4    _________        /            *5.
   *5 ¦*4 C  |       /       /  a  r  t  s *5¦
   *5 `----*4l______/       / *5-------------'
           *4    /_______/              

*7   The response to our scandinavian chart
    has not been overwhelming but it was
             fun making them.  


*4 Some  problems  did  appear.   Some  people
 obviously  don't know which contries are in
            scandinavia, they are


*4 We  all understand eachothers language, and
 sadly  finland  really  is  not  a  part of
 scandinavia,  I  don't understand a shit of
              finnish ehh..  :)

*1 However, some people have voted for finnish
 sceners,  and  since  we are not some cruel
 monsters,   we  won't  delete  the  finnish
 sceners  from  the  chart.   But  maybe  we
 should leave the finns outside next time??

*5 One special guy even thought all the famous
 polish  sceners  like  zig,  lazur etc were
 from scandinavia!!  (*4hi azzaro!!*5) :D   

*1 Azzaro  *4also  voted  his own SaveDaVinyl as
 the  best  musicdisk  in  the scene, he has
 probably  bribed  others  to  vote  for  it
 aswell ;D  he he he!  

*1 Not  to  mention  *7Soda  *1who  ONLY voted for
 norwegians!  Hello Soda, scandinavia??  Her
 lukter det nasjonalisme!  :)

*7 Rebb  *4voted almost only for finnish people,
 while *7starbyte *4thought punisher/darkage was
 a  musician!  :D  *7And Carp:  *4Speed is not a
 modpack!  :)


*5 Even  *4Nemesis/Digital  *5who  is from england
 probably  can't  understand  english, as he
 as well only voted for norwegians. hmmm. :)

*1  These guys did however carry out the task
             of voting flawless:

*4                  Angeldust
*4 I guess 17 filled votesheets won't make the
 chart  very  fair, but it really ain't that
 bad   I  think.   We  did  have  some  more
 votesheets but unfortunately guffaw managed
 to  delete  all  the  stuff  in  my hotmail
 account  when  I  was  on Summer Vacation..
                  ehh..  :)

*5 On  the following pages you will see who is
           the best scandinavian:

  *7                g r o u p
                s w a p p e r
               m u s i c i a n
             g r a p h i c i a n
                  c o d e r

*1 and the best global :
  *4        m o d p a c k  s e r i e
    *5   Best Scandinavian *1: *4g r o u p 

*5      1.  *4The Black Lotus*1___________*736
*5      2.  *4Spaceballs*1________________*721
*5      3.  *4Limited Edition*1___________*716
*5      4.  *4Ephidrena*1_________________*714
*5      5.  *4Instinct*1__________________*713
*5      6.  *4Ambrosia*1__________________*711
*5      7.  *4Andromeda*1_________________*710
*5      8.  *4Depth*1_____________________*79
*5      10. *4Subspace*1__________________*78
*5      11. *4Puzzle*1____________________*77
*5      12. *4Mellow Chips*1______________*75

      *5Best Scandinavian *1: *4s w a p p e r
*7      1.  Punisher/Darkage__________39
*5      2.  Hawk/Giants^Darkage^A!a___19
*4      3.  Splatterhead/Scoopex______13
*1      4.  tFt/Rno___________________12
      5.  Mj/Iris___________________8
      7.  CurtCool/Depth____________6
      10. Aztec/Setor7^Absurd_______4
      13. Mr.X/Giants_______________3

*5     Best Scandinavian *1: *4m u s i c i a n

*7      1.  Jogeir Liljedahl__________26
*5      2.  Magnar/The Black Lotus____15
*4      3.  Frequent/Ephidrena________14
*1      4.  Muffler/Haujobb___________10
      8.  Substance/Mono____________8
      10. Archangel/Rebels__________7
      11. Heatbeat/CNCD_____________6
      12. Coma/3le__________________5
*5   Best Scandinavian *1: *4g r a p h i c i a n

*7      1.  Pix/Endzeit^Rebels^Lsd____30
*5      2.  Bridgeclaw/Gods___________27
*4      3.  Louie/TBL_________________18
*1      4.  Fairfax/Andromeda_________15
      5.  Danny/TBL_________________12
      6.  Tentacle/Instinct_________9
      8.  Loaderror/Ephidrena_______7
      9.  Rodney/TBL________________6
      11. Zack/Endzeit______________5
      15. Soda/Retro________________4
*5      Best Scandinavian *1:*4 c o d e r    

*7      1.  Offa/TBL__________________19
*5      2.  Loaderror/Ephidrena_______16
*4      3.  Pg/Limited Edition________15
*1      5.  Slummy/Spaceballs_________13
      6.  Tabasco/3le_______________10
          Aivo/Mellow Chips_________10
      8.  Equalizer/TBL_____________9
      11. Major Asshole/Andromeda___6
      12. Rubberduck/The BlackLotus_5
      17. Scout/C-lous______________4

*5   Best Global *1: *4m o d p a c k  s e r i e

*7      1.  Save Da Vinyl/Mawi________14 
*5      2.  WorldOfChips/Iris_________13
*4      3.  Klub Diznee/Abyss_________12
*1      4.  Digital Chips/Apathy______11
      5.  Psychol/Appendix__________9
      6.  Trilobyte/Nuance__________7
      7.  MiracleChip/Ambrosia______5
      8.  RedPack___________________4
          Chips in Paris/Gods_______4
      10. Subculture/Phuture303_____2
      12. Marlboromatic/Rebels______1


           *7   that's all folks!

*1   thanx once again to all those who voted
                 this time*2! 

 I hope *6YOU *2will vote for the next issue of

            *1  ..:*7!*6FeedBack*7!*1:..

*7              _____ __________ _____.
       ______\_  /_\  _     /      |_
       \    __/   /   \____/       _/
       /____\|____\______\ ________|
      *6 «-*1nM$!*6----------------------»

         *2 w E   d O N ' t   c A R e
