Feedback 3
Please download the auto-starting disk image here.


         - cHIPs -
        hUBBa bUBBa
     Radio uten lyd #03
     mission impossible
        Synptom-t 4
      the impossible..
          - mODs - 
      Clearance Label
         Bad Vibes
   . ..fEEDBACk iSSUe #3!.. .    
        . ..wElcOmE!.. .         
        . ..cRedItS!.. .         
        . ..Adverts!.. .         
         . ..nEWs!!.. .          
        . ..Messages.. .         
         . ..Chart!.. .          
    .  . . A p a t h y . .   .   
           ..iS bACk..           
       p r e s e n t i n g       
        fEEDBACk iSSUe #3!       
   Released 24th of December!    
        Can you taste it?        
      fEEL tHe dIFFERENCe!       
      Our child is growing!      
 Yes! Apathy is back with, yep!  
    -----> fEEDBACK#3! <-----    
 It took some time, but I hope   
   you think it was worth it!    
  Atleast I feel rEAL good now!  
 So sit down, turn up da volume  
          and   eNJOy!           
 2 months and a couple of weeks  
          lots of tips           
         lots of support         
   This is the way we like it!   
 The Norwegian scene is starting 
       to wake up again!         
 At Kindergarden6, an amiga-only 
  party in Norway, 3 good demos  
   were released. We had not     
         expected this.          
  95 was a boring year in the    
  norwegian scene. 96 seems to   
  have been better. 97 will be   
  maxx!  Tg'97 will rule! yehh!  
 Suddenly people in Norway have  
 noticed our musicdisk-mag, and  
  are starting to support!  I    
  originally made this, because  
 everyone told me there were so  
 many musicians in Norway. But   
      not that many coders.      
Lots of musicians, but no places 
 to release stuff, so that's why 
 we're here! Keep on supporting  
        feedback guys!           
  Ofcourse the supporters from   
 other countries should keep on  
supporting, I'm just glad we got 
some norwegian support aswell! :)
   Maybe you have noticed the    
 changes in feedback by now? :)  
 New colours, aren't they cute?  
 A small button up there in the  
corner, I wonder what it does..  
 A new nice font..   More fading 
          and stuff..            
The modules are included in the  
 executable..   So feedback will 
 eat some more of your delicious 
         ram (yumyum!)           
 A big sorry to all of those who 
  never got feedback#2 to work!  
You must have been sooo sad!! :D 
  This was because I (sTRIFe)    
  forgot to include the stupid   
  ptreplay.lib which feedback#2  
  required. Now we have thrown   
  that stupid library down da    
    toilet!  Never again...      
 On the next pages you can read  
 all about the tragic incident   
that happened to me.. Yep, I got 
          > !bUSTEd! <           
 Do you swear to tell the whole  
truth and nothing but the truth? 
          .... I do ...          
 Damn..   Well..   yep..   sad   
 isn't it?  everyone gets busted 
  for stampfaking these days!    
  Nobody can be safe anymore.    
  I certainly did not expect to  
 get busted this soon. But yet,  
  I knew it would happen sooner  
or later. Lots of my other mates 
  here in Norway got busted..    
   And this is all especially    
cause of one fucking postoffice! 
     > Egersund Postoffice <     
 Guess those bastards decided to 
really get us and stop this. And 
  they did..  There are only a   
 couple of guys left in Norway   
taking the risk of faking. Guess 
  it's only a matter of time..   
 Well..  here's what happened to 
In the summer 1996 I was a happy 
 faker ( :D ) and sent out lots  
and lots of sends. I never wrote 
   my addy on the back of the    
envelopes, and thought this made 
     me safe. But nahh..         
  The post office men opened my  
envelope when tFt/rNo refused to 
 give them my addy. Would really 
 have liked to seen their faces  
  when they saw all that spread  
stuff inside..  lots'a ugly porn 
 pics and stuff..  :D  heheh...  
And I guess they found one of my 
  -for friendly swappin- notes   
  inside..   arghh..  stoopid    
strife!!  well..   nevertheless. 
    3 months after this send     
 dissappeared, I got a note from 
 my local post office which said 
I had to come pic up a send down 
 And you know..  My mum freaked  
 completely out!!  'What did I   
 tell you!?!?  I KNEW this would 
 happen!!  Now you've done it!!' 
 uhh..    And, the note said I   
  had to come down to the boss'  
 office down there...   uhhh...  
 Didn't like the sound of that.  
 The worst thing is, this bossie 
 is my fathers neighbour!!  :-/  
  Things were getting worse and  
 worse..   And on the top of it  
   all my mum told me what an    
aSSHOLe this guy was!! shit.. :D 
So I rushed down there the next  
day after school (had to get this
over with) and wondered what the 
 fuck to tell this boss-dude..   
 And I didn't really know where  
 this guys office was, so I went 
  abit around outside the post   
 office checking, and saw this   
 beardy guy in a window looking  
   straight at me..   urps..     
         > dA bOSs!!! <          
  Shit..   heheh..   So I went   
 inside and knocked on his door  
  and told him I was to pick up  
some fakn stoopid lettah.. (well,
  not exactly like that..)  :)   
 'Ahh yes..   Come in...'        
 he said..   'take a seat'       
 And then..   he leaned forward, 
 pulled out my damn lettah and I 
  noticed he was drooling like   
 hell from da mOUth!  Suddenly!! 
   All the lights went out!!!    
   ' gOt yA nOw yA bASTARd!!!'   
  dA bOSs yelled while pulling   
   out his bATTLEAXe from da     
   closet!!  ' yA aIN't gOt a    
     cHANCe yA little sHIt'      
 ' aH fAk yOu!' I said..         
 This obviously pissed him off,  
 as he suddenly chopped my right 
    hand off with his axe..      
 'mMmmm  yUMMIe!' he said, while 
eating one and one of the hands  
 'Can I have my hand back now?'  
          I said..               
 He looked at me..   and then he 
  swallowed the whole shit..     
  'nOw yA rEALLy pISSEd me off   
 mAn!!' I yelled!!  ' I hATe it  
  when people eat my hANds!!!'   
   In complete madness I did     
 something I've always wanted to 
 do..   I took the pentium which 
 was standing on his desk, and   
   sTUFFEd it up his aSs!!!      
  But this didn't seem to hurt   
  him..  Infact it looked as if  
 he really eNJOYEd it..  hMMmm!  
 :D   ahh well..   I think we'll 
 stop there..  this really got   
   out of hand..   heheh..       
   What really happened when I   
entered his nice office was that 
 the stoopid phone rang..  So I  
sat there waiting for 15 loooong 
     minutes..   hehh...         
 Finally he hang up and turned to
me again...   'yes..' he said..  
'I guess you know what this is   
all about'..     'yeah' I        
mumbled (I think I mumbled).. :) 
 'Yep..' he said..   'this is    
illegal'..    `it's just like    
posting the letter with no       
stamps`..  'The guys In egersund 
actually wanted to report this   
to the police, but we won't      
do that..' he continued..  'but  
if this happens aGAin!..'        
'it won't.. ' I answered  :D     
'yep, then I hope you will       
behave more like a grown up      
from now on and not do silly     
stuff like this...'              
'yep' I said..                   
  and then I payed the hUUUUUGE  
  fine I got!! (5kr/0.7$) and    
lived happily ever after (ehh).. 
   So, no more faking in this    
    house, and less swapping     
   activities I guess..   More   
   time for coding..   heheh..   
   Really too bad this had to    
 happen right now, because many  
   many new guys wrote me the    
 two weeks before this happened. 
  Well..  sorry guys!  I will    
  answer some of you though, I   
   just won't answer the guys    
 writin ' hi and hello' in their 
  letter anymore and standard    
   shit letters, unless their    
   stuff is really great!  :)    
   Well..  back to the music..   
   Feedback is this time 90%     
 Norwegian..   don't ask me why, 
 it just kinda happened..   lots 
of norwegians supported..  yep.. 
  A bIG thanx to the musicians:  
       pOw/sUNSHINe pROds        
       tERRy/dINx pROJECt        
     We also want to thank       
         cURt cOOL/dEPTh         
     bOO and jUKEBOx/tALENt      
 Because they also sent support, 
  but we didn't use it in this   
issue. There wasn't enough space 
       for everything..          
So look forward to some mods from
 these guys in fEEDBACk#4 along  
with lots of other cool stuff I  
             bet! :)             
Meanwhile just eNjOy feedback#3..
Lots of different music this time
so there should be something for 
  everyone to enjoy..   yeps..   
 Oki, guess this is the end of   
  this (looong) welcome text!    
Happy New Year Mates! (virus!? :)
 May you have a sMASHINg 1997!!  
  If you want to throw me some   
 tips or comments on feedback#3  
      you can email it to:       
also run and vote online at:     
 Ahh..   guess it's fINALLy time 
for a (well deserved?) vacation! 
 Finally finished with all those 
 stoopid test at school! aHHhh!  
Think they all went rather well! 
  Oki guys, waiting for lotsa    
support from all of you!  And dO 
          >vOTe fOr Us<          
 if you think we deserve it.. :) 
   Oki, hope you all get lotsa   
 cool christmas presents!!!  :D  
 Vote counting..Strife/Apathy :) 
                Terry/Dinx p!    
         ..mODULe iNFo..         
      ..'  hUBBa bUBBa  `..      
        `               '        
  Nice chippie by Maze/Eltech!   
     Chipped on 22/7-96...       
  The Digital Chips serie has    
  stopped, so MAze sent me some  
    new chips I could use in     
       Feedback#3!  Cool!        
   ..'  Radio uten lyd #03  `..  
     `                      '    
        Real cool  chip by       
  He told me he had used it in   
 an After Eight dEMo (!) aswell, 
  but yehh.. enjoy it anyway! :) 
   ..'  mISSIOn iMPOSSIBLe  `..  
     `                      '    
        Another chippie by       
          > mAZe/eLTEch <        
          Made 28.08.1996        
      ..'  sYNPTOm-t 4  `..      
        `               '        
      A remixed chippie by       
     > tERRy/dINx pROJECt <      
Included in a last minute change!
    ..'  The Impossible  `..     
      `                  '       
     Nice and quiet chip by      
    A bit old, but still not     
released in any prods.. I think. 
    ..'  Clearance Label  `..    
      `                   '      
         Cool module by          
        > iSAAc/cONTRAz <        
Yep, the guy behind the M-files! 
         ..'  pIPe  `..          
           `        '            
      Real cool  module by       
       > !rOLEx/aPATHy! <        
 Heavily inspired by Substance   
   and his monotonous tracks!    
       ..'  Bad Vibes  `..       
         `             '         
    > zANy/pHUTURe303^vOId <     
            iS bAck!             
      ..'  Holographic  `..      
        `               '        
       And Zany's brother        
  > pOw/sUNSHINe pRODUCTIONs <   
  is here with a bIIIg module!   
  Actually a bit too big to be   
  used in feedback but.. yehh..  
     ..'  pAn-a-sONIc!  `..      
       `                '        
And finally..  a rEAL nice&happy 
          mag-module by          
        > jERRy/rEBELs! <        
  It was intended to be used in  
 Rom, but this didn't happen, so 
       here it is!  eNJOy!       
          _     _ . _  _         
         (_'|_ 7 '||_'|_7        
         ._)l_.l  ||  l_.        
      f r i e n d s h i p !      
           c o d e r s !         
       ..strife of apathy..      
         torgeir amundsen        
          glitregata  13         
          3600 kongsberg         
           n o r w a y.          
      _   _   _      |_          
     `_7 | 7 `_7 |_  | 7 | 7     
     (_l l_l (_l l_. | | l_|     
         |               ._l     
  _________.  ________.____      
._\______  |__\_____  |   |___   
|  _____/  |      ____|  ____/__ 
|__________|_____| Sh1|_________|
          Rolex / Apathy         
           Thomas Vaags          
       Hulda Garborgs gt. 33     
            2300 Hamar           
       Module & normal swap      
    fOR uLTRA kEWL sWAPPING      
           wRITE tO:             
   .----[ tF7 oF rNO ]-----.     
   .                       .     
   .     Tom F.Taksdal     :     
 --:----Skaarabrekka 11 ---:--   
   :     4370 EGERSUND     |     
   |                       |     
   `-- -^ N O R W A Y ^----'     
           aLSO vHS              
         aLSO jOINING            
      tHE pERVERTED rAVERS       
  _________   __________________ 
 /   _____/___                  L
/___________  \    fOR fRIENDLY |
dwb/___________\  oR eLITE sWAP |
      ______           wRITE tO |
 _____\___  \   pOINt/aPATHY aT |
/__      /   \                  |
  /     /\    \    a. gUSTAVSEN |
 /     //\_____\   gARDKROKEN 4 |
/______/           n-6150 xRSTA |
 _____________           nORWAY |
/___________  \_                |
  /  ______/   /   rEPLY tO aLL |
 /____________/                 |
       ______     aLSO zIP-sWAP |
 ______\     \   aSCII oRDERING |
/__   __\     \ sUPPORT iMPLANT |
  /   \________\   aND fEEDBACK |
 /_________\   _________________j
      __                  __     
     | 7 sWAPP mEG hARDT | 7     
  ___| | ____   _________|_|___  
 / _ ! |/ _ 7  / _  7_  ___/__ \ 
   /   |  \_!_/ _/  |/  7|  \    
 ______!_     | \___!   |!___\__ 
        `---+-'  |   `--'        
 i'm pretty bored in the summer, 
 so send me something... or look 
 for me on IRC, nick aLLAN0n.... 
      -> tr0nders, unite! <-     
 < mikal krogstad, n7093 hovin > 
 hei til strife, baffle, fuzz,   
 amuso, sorteorm, ratleto, magz, 
 cope, zack, madsen, numen, mfn, 
 miraculix og alle de jeg glemte 
 For Fast And Reliable Module,   
Mag, Demo, Long Letter Swapping, 
Write To The Greatest (Heh, NOT) 
  --:> gROWl/aPt^aLs^vOId <:--   
           Kim Andersen          
     Nyvangsvej 133 - Vfr.426    
           8900 Randers          
   DISK + LETTER = 100% ANSWER   
     Golden handshakes To..:     
      and all the other..!!      
  Want to order ascii or swap    
  with a quality ascii artist?   
 Speed Devil/x^Ult^Fns^Sos^Eph   
     Morten R.Martinussen        
      Sandsliveien 263           
        5049 SANDSLI             
 ...i answer all letters i get :)
 Respects to. .   Epsilon Design 
 Mo'Soul,   Arclite,   Jedi Arts 
 Contra!, Save Our Souls,  Style 
 Divine Stylers, House of Styles 
 Whale, Atre + the forgotten!    
############  ####  ###########  
############  ####  ###########  
       ####         ####   ####  
     ####     ####  ###########  
   ####       ####  ###########  
 ####         ####  ####         
############  ####  #### -DISK-  
############  ####  ####         
        -- SWAPPERS --           
         -- WANTED --            
Wanna swapp 100meg's Zip Disk's? 
 Then diz addy is sumthing 4 u.  
      Mr.X Apathy^Giants.        
       Solbergterrasse 8         
       3058 Solbergmoen          
______  ____) ___/ _____.        
\____ \/ _______  \     |______  
_/   \  /   \_ |   \_   |     /  
       tRY hERE :                
       cATO hAGEN                
       gULLBEKKVEIEN 4           
       4120 tAU                  
       T      7 __  /   7  /     
       l__  __|__ _/|  __ /      
         T  7|  7  \|   7 \_     
         |  ||  |   7   |  /     
         |  |l__|   |   |_/      
    Wana $wap w!th a Norweg!an   
  __       TommY Lybekk       __ 
 /_/\_ _ Norden$v!ngen |9 _ _/\_\
 \_\/     2ooo L!||e$tr0m    \/_/
  World Over! No More Norwegians!
   ` A bird is a thing which     
     flyes. I can`t fly, but     
     my thoughts does. '         
    Contact the packer of        
    REMEDY. And live on with     
    the scene.                   
      BON of GIANTS NHQ          
         R. Nyheim               
        7650 VERDAL              
   GIANTS : We Are Huge !!!!!    
      Still in the scene...      
        kinda Cope/Giants        
          0ystein Hansen         
      Christine Straysvei 4      
          3600 Kongsberg         
  For swapping modules and music 
  and scene related stuff/warez! 
    Greets to all i know, and    
    Monica! (I love to change    
            my nick!)            
  i want a friend like skinner   
 for his contacts he's a winner  
     fast sends, hot warez       
       he does not swapp         
        like a beginner          
       skinner of eltech         
      kjell-espen johansen       
           storgata 5            
         8310 kabelvaag          
  valid until 5th of august 96   
(Skinner is in the military now!)
    ______)  /_________________  
 --/  _  /     /     /__/___  /- 
--/  / \/  /  /  (__/  / ____/---
-/_____/__/__/__/  /__/_____/--  
|                               |
| -) cHRIZ of eLEMENT^aPATHy (- |
|         -) pB  92 (-          |
|      -) 2o44 fROGNER (-       |
|         -) nORWAY (-          |
|                               |
|       pREPARE tO  eNTER       |
|      uNCHARTED tERRITORY      |
______  ____) ___/ _____.        
\____ \/ _______  \     |______  
_/   \  /   \_ |   \_   |     /  
:       fELIX^mA$$iVE^k!      :  
:                             :  
:       karsten fischer       :  
:      gamle hovseterv2d      :  
:          O768 oslo          :  
:           norway            :  
    Massive whq - Kinky nhq      
     Joining - usual swap        
              __.      __.       
  ___________/  |_____/  l___    
.-\_______ \__  |_____   ___/_--.
: _/   l____/_  l    \_  l    \_:
`-\____._    /__._    /__._    /'
   -dV$l____/   l____/   l____/  
          yngve dalland          
        co/Staale r0rlien        
         rykkesvegen 13          
            5700 voss            
           n o r w a y           
     -[ i`M sTILL aLIVE! ]-      
      Purple Haze ^ SAINTS       
           Sletta 41             
          1800  ASKIM            
          *ONLY ELITE!*          
      ====== GIANTS ======       
      Contact ZACK / GTS.        
      For cool`n`friendly        
      and fast swap.             
         ZACK / GIANTS           
         Arild Raulose           
         Julyveien 50            
         7500 STJORDAL           
      ====== GIANTS ======       
      _   _   _      |_          
     `_7 | 7 `_7 |_  | 7 | 7     
     (_l l_l (_l l_. | | l_|     
         |               ._l     
            a r e                
    s e a r c h i n g   f o r    
     m o r e   m e m b e r s     
  graphicians, chip-musicians,   
   demo-coders, etc...           
   s t r i f e  ( w h q )        
 o r   k o r b a l l (poland hq) 
    ,---____   _____  ____       
    | ,-\__ \,-\ | /,-\__ \_     
    | |  |/  |   _  |  `-__/     
    | l______l___l__l____|       
            |       .            
 Korball / aPATHy ^ Dinx Project 
     Niedzialkowskiego 47/8      
          41800 Zabrze           
 ________  ________  _____/\     
_\______/ _\______/ _\____  \_   
|    _/---|    /----|   _    /   
|____     |____     |___|   //\_ 
tEN!`-----'   `-----'   `------' 
[%] tEN! oF mASSIVe & eLEMENt[%] 
[%]     u-nIk of mASSIVe     [%] 
[%]     tRY tHE sWAP DUO!    [%] 
[%]     Tor & Tom Nygaard    [%] 
[%]       Huldrevn. 25       [%] 
[%]       1374  BORGEN       [%] 
[%]          Norway          [%] 
 ________  ____  ________   oO   
_\______/ _\__ \/ __/\   |_`--'  
|    _/---|   \  /   |   _/----. 
|____     |___|\/|   |____     | 
tEN!`-----'      `---'   `-----' 
   Are you looking for another   
   contact?Guess so or else      
   you wouldn't be reading       
   this.I can't promise you      
   0-3 dayz warez,but what I     
   can promise you is 100%       
   answer to everyone,and        
   friendly lettaz.Everybody     
   can safely write to me,       
   I'm no disk stealer!!!        
   Lars Selvig                   
   7650  Verdal                  
   Also for VHS swap!!           
+--                          --+ 
|   Wanna swap with a guy in   | 
      ->* Giants&Massive *<-     
    Try this cool address for    
    hot and fast mail trading.   
      Thrym / Giants&Massive     
          Espen Fossen           
            7520 Hegra           
  Also for trace, module pals.   
|         Swap or die!         | 
+--                          --+ 
   __/\___      ....__/\___      
   \____  \---.:::::\____  \-.   
   |/  |   \ .::::   /  |   \|   
   /   - .: \::::   /   - .: \   
   \___l____/..     \___l____/   
    To order or swap music:      
   | Raze / Ambrosia         |   
   | Thomas Petersen         |   
   | Norrebrogade 110, 2Th   |   
   | 8900 Randers            |   
   | Denmark..               |   
   |                         |   
   | Everybody is welcome..  |   
    fUCKINg uNITEd nETWORk       
        ________/\_ ___   .      
     /\/____/  / ./_\_ \_  \     
 .  /  ___/  _/ //   / ./\ .\\   
 | /_  /\/______/___/ // / | \   
      \/        tRm\__\/         
     Norwegian distributing!     
     For Amiga Swapping!         
        For 100% reply!          
 For a Cool Norwegian contact!   
       For Good letters!         
       Gubbstenveien 2d          
         N-7460 R0ros            
|                               |
| Coders and graphicians wanted |
|        in Astra Syntex        |
|                               |
|            Contact            |
|     Romeo / Astra Syntex      |
|       Skarpenordveien 9       |
|        3970 Langesund         |
|            Norway             |
|                               |
|        Or in France:          |
|                               |
| Okeanos / Syndrome & Astra S  |
|      26 Alee de Madrolle      |
|         18120 Mereau          |
|            France             |
         Hawk of Giants          
         Niklas Jonsson          
        715 92 St.Mellosa        
      Joining either group       
    -> fOR fRIENDLY mODSWAP <-   
         Stig Frydenlund         
        S0re Skogvei 25a         
        5037 SOLHEIMSVIKEN       
           N O R W A Y           
  _________   __________________ 
 /   _____/___                  l
/___________  \  fIRSTARTER/iN- |
dwb/___________\ EPENDED sEEKS  |
      ______     tHE wHOLE wORLD|
 _____\___  \    4 sUME kEWL fR-|
/__      /   \   IENDSHIPPERS!! |
  /     /\    \                 |
 /     //\_____\ fEEL iNTEREST- |
/______/         ED tO sWAP tH- |
 _____________   EN cONTACT mE  |
/___________  \_ aT :           |
  /  ______/   /                |
 /____________/  fIRESTARTER    |
       ______    dOKKVN. 4      |
 ______\     \   n-1511 mOSS    |
/__   __\     \  nORWAY         |
  /   \________\ 100% fRIENDSHIP|
 /_________\   _________________j
______  ____) ___/ _____.        
\____ \/ _______  \     |______  
_/   \  /   \_ |   \_   |     /  
:      nORk/mA$$iVE^tnc       :  
:                             :  
:   abraham sanchez gallego   :  
:      leon xiii n.5 3-c      :  
:        41oo9 sevilla        :  
:            spain            :  
Joining - usual swap - sfx swap  
        andreas thorsrud         
        sandvollveien 33         
         1743 klavestad          
         VHS & AGA Swap          
             ( oO )              
  !_______ _________ ________|   
  _\_____ \_    ___/__  __  /___ 
 /  ____/  /   /     / ____/   / 
  .                 -dwb^apt .   
 _|                          |   
 \|       aCE/sESSION:       |   
  |\    Bjorn  Kaarstein     |_  
  |      Neptunvegen o4      |/  
  |      3942 Skjelsvik     /|   
  |          Norway          |   
  |                          |   
  |    aNSWER gUARANTEED!    |   
  |                          |   
|    - Hyper of Apathy^dtk -   | 
|          Fjellmyr 1          | 
|        5500 Haugesund        | 
|            Norway            | 
 \                            /  
  \  100% rEPLY              /   
   \                        /    
   /       100% wannaswap   \    
  /                          \   
 (   100% friendship          )  
         ./   \___/   \.         
      |                   |      
      |   +47 624 20514   |      
     \__|     (___)     |__/     
        |    /     \    |        
        |  _( ----- )_  |        
  nO oNE cAN hEAR yOUR cRY iN    
      --> oUTER sPACE!! <--      
   ___                       ___ 
   \_ \__                 __/ _/ 
    )__ `.--.------.--.---' __(  
     T   |  |  __  l_ |  __  T   
    .|   l  |  `'  |  |  `)  |.  
   Open your mind,let us inside! 
          Noorderdiep 586        
   7876 EG Valthermond (Kap in!) 
          The Netherlands        
   ::::...               ...:::: 
 ___  \/  ____   ____  _||_  c__ 
(__|| ll ((__ll ll  ))  ll__ __))
-- ll ------------------cDr/e^d- 
    . Friendly Scene Swapping .  
          KELDON / GIANTS        
         kenneth fajkowski       
           arvesgarde 3o         
         417 44 gothenburg       
 | _____ ____ ___| _____ ___ |   
 |(_(__ (___((_(_|(_(-- (_(-'|   
 |:.                '---    `|   
     |   melfis/cider  _\/_      
     | bJORN jOHANSSOn \/\///    
     | rINGGERDSVEGEn 57 |       
     |S-28139 hASSLEHOLm |       
     |:...  sWEDEn     .:|       
     sWAPPINg and jOININg!       
 For any kind of swapping with   
 longs letter and hot stuff...   
 Also support to Paradise pak!   
        Marcin Banasiak          
       Dabrowskiego 87/4         
        58-105 Swidnica          
 hi: Qba.Mr King.Action.Scraby   
 Sixpack.Yoga.Speed Devil.Zibi   
 Pantera.Xtd.Hooligan.The King   
     _   _  .__.     _   _       
    / \_/ \ |  |    / \_/ \      
   /   _   \|  l__ /   _   \     
 ..a fRienDlY sWapPEr wHo iS..   
 .lOokiNg 4 sUm nEw cOnTacTS!.   
.eLiTe oR lEgaL dOes'Nt mAtTEr.. 
    ..1oO% aNsWer tOo aLl..      
        ..aLIENs  sHQ..          
      ..hENRIK sUNDBERG..        
       ..stROMSEg. 42..          
      ..s-961 67 bOdEn..         
S  E  C  R  E  T  L  Y  !     ** 
 :---------------------- -- -  * 
 !   >> CoNtAcT Us UnDeR: <<  .S 
C!                      ____  .  
 !Mr.Vain / Secretly!  /\   \ :E 
R! c/o Thorsten Will  /  \___\!  
 ! P.o.Box: 10 17 02  \  /   /!C 
E!  D - 44607 Herne    \/___/ !  
 !                            !R 
T! we are in need of coders!! !  
 !100% answer if u send a disk!E 
L!             ,,,            !  
 !            (o o)           !T 
Y!-- -+----ooO-(_)-Ooo---+- --!  
 :                            !L 
!.  GrEeTz To AlL OuR CnTx!   !  
*  - -- ----------------------:Y 
**    S  E  C  R  E  T  L  Y  !  
         5 Swallow Cres          
        Hamilton, Ontario        
         CANADA L9A 2M5          
       - AMIGA SWAPPING -        
         - 100% REPLY -          
   sYNDROMe ^ cRAZy ^ sECTOr 7   
  .  ....................... .   
     :                     :     
  :  :  contact...         : :   
   : :                     :  :  
  :  :      M a r c        : :   
   : :                     :  :  
  :  : Marcus Kaluschke    : :   
   : : Ostpreussenstr.30   :  :  
  :  : 31553 Sachsenhagen  : :   
   : :    Germany          :  :  
  :  :                     : :   
   : : for mod swap,etc.   :  :  
   .                          .  
   greetz to: jcs,cdk,case 78,   
      B-57 25 Britten Close      
        Hamilton, Ontario        
         CANADA L9C 4J8          
       - AMIGA SWAPPING -        
         - 100% REPLY -          
  ./          friendly           
 a8____    module-swapping:      
I8( o0 )                         
 Y8`--'  tue b. petersen         
  `|^^|   f0lfodvej 22O, v.37    
   `--'       23OO k0benhavn s   
    Y88b                denmark  
     I88I     [z]                
    .888'                   you  
  .d8P'             could also   
 a8P      try to reach me at     
I8I    fido: 2:238/53.17         
  `Y.       - nme / insanity -   
         Finlandsgade 71         
           7430 Ikast            
       - AMIGA SWAPPING -        
         - 100% REPLY -          
   For swapping, contact...    | 
                            __ | 
        __                 /_/ | 
       /-/ __  __  __ __  __   | 
  __  / / /_/ /_/ /-//-/ /-/   | 
 /_/_/ / / /_/ / / _- / / /    | 
 \____/ /_____/ /_//_/ /_/     | 
   Hakamaantie 4 B 10          | 
   94200 KEMI                  | 
   Finland                     | 
   disk & stuff = 100% answer! | 
   Greetz flies to...          | 
   Broom, Mice, Coolio, Rolex, | 
   SKS;), all the rest...      | 
       Pav 177b Clairvivre       
         24160 Salagnac          
       - AMIGA SWAPPING -        
         - 100% REPLY -          
   __/\___      ....__/\___      
   \____  \---.:::: \____  \-.   
   |/  |   \ .:::    /  |   \|   
   /   - .: \:::    /   - .: \   
   \___l____/..     \___l____/   
             ::      draw/azk!   
   |                         |   
   | for happy mail-trading: |   
   |                         |   
   |draw of ambrosia^azkiness|   
   | 8705       |   
   |     91-494 lodz 87      |   
   |         poland          |   
         UL.Pawia 37/19          
          59-300 Lubin           
       - AMIGA SWAPPING -        
         - 100% REPLY -          
   ___                      ___  
    _\\                    //_   
     -\\        /\        //-    
    . . \\     (o <     // . .   
     . .  \\___/''\___//  . .    
         -      --      -        
  . .oO  Eagle / Syndrome  Oo.   
         FONDRETON Mathieu       
      58-b Rue du Cheval Noir    
           67720 HOERDT          
     ..... -> FRANCE <- .....    
 Try it for getting an answer..  
             ( ... )             
         UL.Pawia 48/21          
          59-300 Lubin           
       - AMIGA SWAPPING -        
         - 100% REPLY -          
   ______    _____    _____      
  _\  _ /_  _\   /_  _\   /_     
 |      / \|   .   \|   \   \    
 |    |    \__ |    \__  \   \__ 
 l____|      /_|      /___     / 
      `-----/[dWb]---/ `------/  
      4 nice swap & join to      
    rave network overscan pl     
            write to:            
      madel / fire ^ r.n.o.      
           lekinsko 88           
        97-560 kleszczow         
 .                             . 
 .  Fiction           -Games-  . 
 .  Albert Jansen     -Games-  . 
 .  Troelstralaan 66  -Games-  . 
 .  6971 CT Brummen   -Games-  . 
 .  Holland           -Games-  . 
      |   . _ _ .l_  _  _|       
      l__ |( | )|(__(/_(_|       
        (_  _|.l_ . _  _         
        (__(_||(__|(_)| )        
   fAst EliTe aNd\FrieNdsHip     
       \                /        
   RecEIveR / LimIteD eDitIon    
 >>->    kResTeN JenSeN     <-<< 
 >>->BybAekTeRrasSeRnE\164F <-<< 
 >>->    / 3520 fAruM  \    <-<< 
 >>->   /___ DeNmArK___ \   <-<< 
              \   /              
  wRITe  tO kURE4kANCEr/rNo!!!   
 (wE oNLy nEEd cODERs, sWAPPERs, 
    sYSOPs aNd gFX-aRTISTs!!)    
          vENEKATu  11           
          33410 tAMPERe          
 sENd eXAMPLEs oF yOUr   wORk!!  
        aLSO   fOR  sOME         
  _________.  ________.____      
._\______  |__\_____  |   |___   
|  _____/  |      ____|  ____/__ 
|__________|_____| Sh1|_________|
  - fOr sUPPORTINg fEEDBACk -    
      ..sTRIFe oF aPATHy..       
        Torgeir Amundsen         
          Glitregata 13          
         3600  Kongsberg         
    aLSo fOr fRIENDLy sWAPPIn!   
    ..nORWEGIAn sCENe nEWs..     
 We have decided to concentrate  
 on norwegian scene news in this 
news part, as there allready are 
  so many other news parts in    
         other mags..            
     Dweeb renamed to Point!     
     Hyper joined!  (trace)      
 Hellrazor joined! (code, swap)  
       Growl disappeared.        
 Wiseguy left for astra syntex.  
    Trump joined as musician!    
    Apathy in Poland is born!    
       Members in Poland:        
       Korball....Swap, hq       
     Kismat.....Swap, editor     
We won the 40k introcompo at Kg96
        ..Astra Syntex..         
      Astra Syntex is dead!      
    The original members in      
  Porsgrunn decided that they    
would make a group for guys from 
    Porsgrunn only instead.      
       Their new name is         
      --> Donut fetish <--       
 They won the kindergarden demo  
 Cope joined as tripple member!  
 Allanons pic from tonstad party 
 was shown on tv on spider!  :D  
        ..Donut Fetish..         
  The famous Niggerjack is in    
 this group, so look forward to  
        some cool prods!         
   Ranked 3rd at kg-democompo!   
The future for this group doesn't
 sound tHAt great anymore, after 
what I've heard lately..  pitty! 
         ..Ems Design..          
Subgod joined! (code, gfx, swap) 
   Ranked 2nd in kg-democompo!   
  They released a cool demo at   
         tonstad party!          
Zack's gfx-pack Hemp is finished 
 and will be released as soon as 
     Zack has time to do it.     
 Bon was live on norwegian radio 
not long ago, singing a poem! :D 
The Remedy pack has got new code 
            and gfx.             
       Two-bit left them.        
  Sixpack is back swapping and   
    released Jurassicpack#4!     
        ..Image Dreams..         
 Image Dreams is a new Norwegian 
group! They released their first 
 production, an intro called 43, 
           at Fudge96!           
     Dr.Death/eltech joined!     
         Mj/Iris joined!         
 Rolex joined as double member!  
Repoman made a wild demo for tp6 
    Decoder joined as trader!    
Talent are working on a demo for 
  Ranked 3rd in kg-introcompo!   
   Ranked 4th in kg-democompo!   
   Squid joined as graphician!   
 Sektor renamed to Duck-Hunter!  
 Punisher renamed to pUNSh!  ;D  
  t h i s   t i m e   t h e r e  
     a r e   m e s s a g e s     
            f r o m              
    . ..sTRIFe oF aPATHy.. .     
             a n d               
     . ..pOINt oF aPATHy.. .     
        . ..mESSAGEs.. .         
          . ..fROm.. .           
    . ..sTRIFe oF aPATHy.. .     
Hey  Maters!   Can't  remember me
fuzzing  around  with  you  at kg
when you were sleeping??  heheh..
well..     keep   those   modules
floating  mate!  feedback#3 would
be nothing without your help..!! 
Heeey!   You're  rEALLy active on
updating  the  apathy  homepage I
see!   Maybe  yours should become
the  oficcial  one??   :) Too bad
you didn't compete at kg with any
ascii's, you could have won crash
dummies you know!!  :D           
Heyy..  Giants is biiig...  guess
it's  all  coz  of  you!  Without
you,  I  bet  giants  would  have
shrinked  into  nothing!   Har du
h0rt  om det svenske 2 passasjers
flyet som styrta pe en kirkegaard
i   Sverige??   til  naa  har  de
funnet  462 omkomne!!  haw hahw..
hihahahohoh..  ;)                
Really hope eltech will survive!!
You  guys  had  so much going on!
Heard  the  Dnf  guys  didn't use
your  module in theyr demo...  at
kg   they  were  making  up  some
stupid  excuse to tell you later!
:D :D heheh...                   
'veit du hva sklude er???' :) var
det  ikke  det du gikk og sa da??
:)  Bare  mekk ferdig Implant du,
coz  det  ser  skikkelig bra ut!!
Blir nok koolt!                  
jAhh..   da hip hop dude!  didn't
like   kinderegg   ehh??   well..
hehh...   yehh it suxx..  but the
2k sucked more!!  :D hulabula!   
hEEyyyy!   cool  meating  you  at
kg!!   Look forward to seeing you
at  tg97!!   We'll  kick some ass
there!!!   Just  remember to drop
the  get  rom fonts..  :D hehhe..
bummer..    but  who  cares  ehh?
your   demo  was  cool  atleast!!
-Purple Haze/Saintz              
SKal  jeg mekke intro da??  jepp!
fixer  sikkert  no!   Hope  I get
this  finished  in  time then, so
you  can spread to all your modem
buddies!  yehh..!                
Jaja...   so  no cope is with you
guys..   Lets hope this makes him
a  bit more active!  yehh..  that
darn  girl!!   :D  Really miss my
sends ehh?  Well, I won't be that
speady  anymore..   hehh..   life
sux...  :)                       
Hey my new fABIEDOOBIe friendship
swapper!!!   Lets swap forever!!!
yehhh!   Evahlasting friendship!!
Hope  you  can teach me some more
cool coding stuff as I will use a
lot  more time on coding from now
on...  yep!  bibi!               
hey  my friend!!  sorry for being
so slow..  but..  well..  I guess
you  just  have to get used to it
some  from  now on..  But I guess
the  other  Apathy  swappers  are
great, so no worrys ehh?  :)     
Are you going to send me the rest
of those asm demos soon or what??
:)  Your  inet  pages  are  cool!
Well, guess we have enough apathy
pages now so..                   
yEhh  hello!   Do  you write long
letters  to  anyone  at all??  or
just  'hi and bye' to everybody??
hehh..  well..  stay famous!  :) 
And  you're  still alive I hope..
Or   maybe  you  all  died  in  a
nuclear   meltdown   in   France?
ehh..   Nuclear  power  suxx man!
:) Anyways, we'll keep on helping
eachother I hope..  yep!         
Hola   dewd!    How's   life   in
Holland?     In    Norway    it's
snowing..   yep..   hehe..   Snow
sux  man!   hehe..  You guys keep
on  pulling  the max out of amos!
I wonder how many that really now
that     you    are    the    old
there..   now  I  guess everybody
knows!!   heh..   Didn't  come to
kindergarden   ehh?    well,   to
bad...   coz  it  was great!  see
you at tg97 then!?               
Have  you kinda been cutting down
on  swapping  activities lately??
Maybe   it's   just   me..    But
kickdown  seems  to  be  released
more  and  more  seldom..  :( not
good..     come    on!!     start
releasing it often again!!  yehh!
Hey   my  polish  friend!!   That
scope   musicdisk  you  sent  was
great!    thnx!    Hmm..    guess
that's  ages  since  now..  sorry
for    delaying   man...    but..
Yehh!   bALLAh lAIKa!!  your mods
are  funkey!!!  da one and only!!
trump!!    Master   of  da  funk!
yahh!   sorry  for  being so dAMn
slow nowadays mate!!             
ehh..   var  det  tabbe av meg aa
skrive til deg eller??  du svarer
jo  ikke jo!  vel..  send as soon
as  pos  eh?   support  would  be
Ja    sats   paa   astra   syntex
istedenfor du!!  hAhHAhAhHAHAhHa!
whaahahHAhAhHahA!   :D great move
dude!!   well..   too  bad..  you
never  liked  apathy ehh??  Guess
you need to concentrate on school
and stuff..  so oki..  bibi!     
I  saw  you  at  kg...   you were
lying     on    ten's    keyboard
sleeping..   heheheh..   I was so
kind  not  to  wake you..  I just
took  a  look  at you to see what
you  looked  like..  heheh haha..
Jeg  som  hadde  trodd  du var en
skikkelig  r0lpete fyr..  heheh..
men  du  var  jo  normal..  koolt
det!   kool  dialekt oxo jo!!  :)
jehh..     eventyret   ditt   var
skikkelig  bra ass!  :) thanx for
da great new colours!  heheh..   
ohh..   it's  been  a  long while
since last time you heard from me
now  I  guess..  Really feel like
writing  you  a  letter soon now!
yep!    hope  you  will  keep  on
supporting, as you mods and stuff
are the greatest!  yehh!         
-Accede/Donut Fetish             
You guys are great!!  the problem
is the name changing!  While I've
heard   of   you  guys  you  have
changed  the crew name 4 times!!!
and  I bet this won't stop!!  coz
donut  fetish..   well..  it just
doesn't sound megakool..  heheh..
Hey  dude!   Lots  of productions
from  you  guys, and that's cool!
keep it up!                      
Where are you??  or maybe it's my
turn  to  send??  I thought I had
sent to you.  Well..  Hope we get
in  touch  again, as your letters
were  long  and friendly!  That's
the way I like it!  yehh!        
Basjis..    rart   ord??   hehh..
joa..   fasttrackerII  man!!  why
don't  you just use protracker on
the   ami??    isn't  it  better?
hehh..   well..   Looking forward
to  tp  when  tha old school guys
will return!!  yehh!             
Hei..  ja jeg veit..  jeg skylder
deg mASSe disks!  You'll get em..
some  day..  Maybe I'll just give
em  to ya at tg??  :) we'll see..
will  you send soon?  guess not..
heia..   Darn  many groups you're
in   then!    that's   no  good..
that's  boring, isn't it??  maybe
not..  I wouldn't know..         
hEy!!!        you're      back!!!
skitkoolt!!!   I  was  real happy
when  I  got  that  send from ya!
Nice  to  have  you back..  du er
akkurat  som  cope  du..   damer,
damer.     blahhrg..     chippies
forevah!  bibi!                  
bAhhsj  du bruker lang tid..  but
I guess you're in the military or
something.   well..  if you don't
want  to  swap more, then I guess
it's  ok...   I  already  have so
many  swappers  now..   but  it's
kinda  sad  when people dissapear
Venter   meg   et   nytt  Miracle
snart!!  jippi!!  det blir koolt!
Miracle#2!  yehh!                
-Speed Devil/X                   
So  you  think I spread shit bout
you   ehh??    heheh..   well,  I
don't..   you're  cool!   it  was
just   that  one  joke..   hasjis
basjis...  :)                    
Hvor     er     du     tOMMy?!?!?
tOMMYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyy???      come
on!!!    skriv   snart   a!!!!!!!
savner  deg!!  :) kom ikke engang
til  kg!!   uhhf...   ringte  axl
deg??   han  sa  han skulle det..
Om  du  har  leavet  scenen, then
tell me ehh??  I don't wanna kick
you!!!   you  were  such  a  cool
dude!   hehh..  I wILL come visit
you again!  gUARANTEEd!  :)      
-Coolio/Grasshopper  yeah I guess
I'm  kinda slow.  :) And now that
I'm  busted and everything I will
be  even  slower!!  ohhnooo!!  :D
so  you  have  access to internet
aswell?   cool..   well, be seing
-Death/Indy   Den   siste  apathy
logoen du mekka er faen meg bra!!
digg!   dumt  at  jeg kicka deg..
ehehh..   sorry!   :) Hope you'll
make some more cool logos!       
-Psycho/ex. apathy  Are you going
to  return  to  the scene soon or
what?!?   I  miss  you..!!   Come
back  and  make  more  cool  pics
man!!     getting    another   hd
shouldn't  be  THAT  difficult..?
send soOn!!                      
-Bon/Giants hehehehe..  tjenare!!
skikkelig     radiokjendis     og
greier!!   heheh..  det var koolt
det!!    gleder  meg  til  remedy
kommer igjen!!  yehh!            
-Skinner/Eltech  Where are you?!?
wonder  if  you're  still  in the
military  in Kongsberg..  weren't
you  suppose  to visit me lots of
times?!?!  2 times only suxx!  :D
we  were  supposed  to  skate and
have    phun,    but   you   just
disappeared..  :( well..  hehh.. 
-Cope/Apathy^depth   yEhh!!    da
cope  dude is back!!  cool!  make
more  chips!!  support feedback!!
no??   din late alkis!!!  akkurat
som tracky du!!  :D              
-Wise/Apathy So our page has been
there     since     the    summer
vacation...     heheh..     cool!
well,  now we have several apathy
homepages it seems..  hehh..     
-Dixie/Apathy  Jo  hei  du..  ble
ikke   noe  party..   synd  det..
jajamensann..     smoke    kills!
basjis..  tjollahopps!           
-Tft/rno blahhrg..  got busted by
your  postoffice..  uhh..  well..
guess  I  deserved  it!!  :D hope
you return to the scene soon!    
-Zerox/Gods   Gods  rules!!   why
didn't   gods  compete  with  any
demos at tg??  sux..  make a cool
demo  for  tg97  then!!   that'll
rule!!  yehh!                    
-Mr.Vain/secretly  Sorry  for not
answering  you  mate..  And those
modules  you  sent,  I guess they
were spread all around the scene,
coz  I  had  heard  many  of them
earlier,  so  it  would  be kinda
stupid  to  use them..  but thanx
for wanting to support anyway!  I
guess  I  will  have  to send you
your   disks   back   some  day..
-Thrym/Giants^massive  Sorry  for
at det ikke ble noe mere swapping
mellom  oss!   men  jeg  har bare
ikke tid til alle..  i hvert fall
ikke etter at jeg ble busta..  :(
jaja...  du overlever vel..  :)  
-Spin   Dizzy/Giants  Hola  dude!
har  ikke  tid  til mere swapping
med deg heller..  uhhff...  well,
keep  on  makin cool mods!  guess
you  will be supporting implant!!
that would be cool atleast!      
-Jay/Ultima^Void     Where    are
you?????????   are  you  dead?!?!
get  back  into  the  swappin biz
man!    don't   just  leave  like
that...  huhh..  Live life to tha
max in England dude!             
-Mosquito/Hemoraiders^nah Er ikke
vi  venner  da??   skal  ikke  du
svare da??  come on!!  brevet med
masse  stygge ting som jeg skreiv
var  jo  bare bullshit..  :) svar
da mann!!                        
-Hyper/Apathy   Keep  on  tracing
kool  pics!!   oxo fikk du fjerde
plass    i    demo-compon   dah..
hehehe..  koolt det sikkert..  :)
folk ledde..  tjihii...          
-Rabl/Void  Hulabula!!   hehehe..
I'll  write  you  a  messy  too!!
although  I don't swap with you..
hehehe..    wouldn't  expect  any
answers from cope in a while, coz
he's    rEAL    lazy!!    bahh...
friendship  rules!!   yehh!  have
you  got  the code to that polish
void amos-intro?  I'd like to see
that..  :)                       
-General Lee/eltech tjihii...  :D
yehh  my  man!  spread feedback#3
then!   bummer  with  fdb#2..  So
you're in tha sign jomfru aswell!
heheh..  jomfrus rule!!!  :D     
-Isaac/Contraz   tjohoo..   thanx
for  tha  support!   At tg97 I'll
say  'hi'  if I meet you, and not
just stand looking at you like on
tg96..  :D hehehe..              
-Evol    hey..    ehh..    jahh..
heyhey...  :D                    
-Indie/finesse  Tjenare grabben!!
finesse  rules!!   can't  you get
deone   to   make   us   a   cool
feedback-picture  with  a  logo??
that'd   rule!!!    yehh!   never
heard  any  of  your  mods mate..
-Case78 Hmm..  youre kinda famous
I guess..  I'm not..  hahh,,.  :D
-Exl  Get yourself an aga machine
mate!!  :)                       
-Nork Hula!!  how's life??  guess
it's  kinda  bad,  as  I  haven't
answered you..  :D               
-Pinx  Ballah laika dude!  poland
is   cool!   heheh..   norway  is
cool...    everything   is  cool!
what a wonderful life..          
-Growl/ex.   apathy  Come back to
the  amiga  scene man!!  pc is no
cool..   I  have  p133..  it sux!
no phun..  amiga forevah!        
-Keldon/Giants      Thanx     for
spreading   this  and  collecting
votes!!   sorry  for  not filling
your   votesheet,   but   I  hate
votesheets!!!   :D lookin forward
to your pack!!                   
-Frenzy/Element    Hula    dude!!
cOWABONga!!  viste ikke at du var
en  skate  freak,  men  det er jo
d0ds-digg!    waiting   for   yar
megacool demo!!!!  :)            
-Ten/massive  Hey..   I'm the guy
that  asked  if  I could see your
mag..   I really wanted to ask if
I  could  copy  the source, but I
thought  that would be kinda lame
to  ask,  so  I  didn't..   now I
regret..    can   I  pleeze  have
it!?!?!  :D heheh...             
-Bj0rne/Define   Can't   remember
your  new handle and group name..
you  change  so  darn often!!  :)
anyways..   maybe you can get the
feedback source, if you have lots
of modules and stuff just waiting
to   be  used  in  a  musicdisk..
we'll see..                      
-Mr.c/ex   illusion..    hehehe..
heheh..  ja saa sto vi her da....
heheheh..   :)  tralaa..  skal vi
dra  i leikebuttikk igjen eller??
0hhh...  hehehihaiahh!  :D       
-PIx/Subspace  Ahh come on..  are
you sure you haven't got the time
to  make  a  cool  logo  for us??
just  a pic, and a nice logo over
it..  :) feedback#4!  :)         
        . ..mESSAGEs.. .         
          . ..fROm.. .           
     . ..pOINt oF aPATHy.. .     
        . ..28-11-96.. .         
Hi again, my dear scenemates!!   
'What??'  I  hear  you  mumbling,
'who  the  hell's  Point/Apathy?'
Well, did I hear someone  say the
word ex-Dweeb??  Congratulations,
you  just  guessed  it!   I  just
changed my handle...'But why??' I
hear you screaming! I'll tell you
why; because I figured that since
I'm  now  getting  more  seriosly
involved in the scene,  it's time
to change my  image just a little
bit.  And you can't expect to  be
taken serious when you  go around
calling  yourself  a  dweeb,  can
you?  Some  people have  told  me
that I  should  have  kept my old
handle, but I don't really give a
damn;   my  name  is   now  Point
whether you like it or not!! Hehe
...don't worry,  you'll  get used
to it! :)                        
Now  as I've  cleared that  thing
out, I guess it's finally time to
welcome  you to  this third issue
of Feedback..Suppose I'll have to
write you guys  something in this
issue to,  as I've did in the two
previous...haha...whatever.. :)  
But  first  of  all  I'd  like to
inform you about a new project of
mine,  it's some sort of an ascii
mag  which  is  going to  be very
good, HONEST!!  And it's not only
going  to   be  aimed   at  ascii
artists,   it's   something   for
everyone... Even your GRANDMOTHER
will  enjoy  it!! :-)   (ehhh, is
that a good thing??   I wonder..)
Anyway, I don't have enough space
to  tell you all  about  it  here
(right,  Strife??),  but I sat up
all  night   writing  an  article
about it yesterday,  which I will
send to  all  major  diskmags  as
soon as possible. So whenever you
receive   new  diskmags   in  the
future,  look out  for an article
   'Ascii Heaven?? Hell yes!!'   
You'll find  everything you  want
to know about it,  and probably a
lot more... And as if that wasn't
enough,  I'll  also  put up  some
info about it at my  Apathy Page:
So if you can't wait for the next
issue of Showtime,  maybe  you'll
find  it  on  the  homepage quite
soon..Haha...Oh, btw: Strife will
probably  be  angry  at  me  if I
don't   inform   you   about  the
OFFICIAL   Apathy  homepage   too
(mine is a FAKE!), take a look at
Ahhh...that should keep everybody
happy for quite some time... Or??
Nope,    there's    still    more
commercial stuff for you in here;
the Implant musicdisk which I and
Mr.X  have  been  working  on for
quite   some   time   is   almost
finished,  I think. Maybe it will
even  be out when  you're reading
this (depends  on how  long  time
Strife needs to finish this issue
of  Feedback),  but probably not.
But  we   still  need   loads  of
adverts, messages and news before
we can ship it. And we need music
for the next issue aswell...  But
what we  need most,  is SPREADERS
and  COLLECTORS  of the votesheet
and   the    mag    itself.    We
especially  need  people  outside
Norway,  but infact we could need
some more in here to.  Because if
we  don't  get  spreaders,    the
charts  will be totally  crazy...
and  we don't want  that, do we??
Hehe...   I don't,  atleast!   So
get  in touch  with me  via usual
mail or email (addy  below) for a
deal,  oki?  And don't  forget to
mention  how  many  swappers  you
       subj.: Alexander          
Well,  what more is it to be said
before I go on  with the personal
Hmmm...Nowadays I'm in the middle
of my  half-term exams,  or as we
say in Norway:  'Juletentamener'.
In fact I just arrived home after
a   succesful   (errm..)   German
session, he he...Whups...what was
that  thing about  cases  again?? offence Germans,  but I
don't like your grammar rules! :D
Tomorrow  it's  ordinary   school
except for a project in English..
And  guess what  the theme  of my
project is?  The Amiga Scene,  of
course!  Man, that will be REALLY
hard to get info about..I mean, I
wish I  knew at  least ONE person
who's involved with it! :) Haha..
prepare  yourselves  to  give  an
interview on  irc some day in the
close future... =)               
Whoah,  now I've probably written
more  than  all  of  you  WANNABE
'elite'   dudes  writes  in  your
boring  standard  letters!   Man,
what's  wrong   with   the  scene
today?  Friendship  rules  guys!!
Well, don't  get me wrong, I also
swap  fast 20-line  letters  with
some dudes,  and  that's allright
aswell.  But you can say what you
want,    there's   NOTHING   like
receiving  a  long  and  friendly
letter  once in  a while.  So for
some serious long-letter swapping
(just ask Hellrazor!  Hi mate!!),
write to me at this address:     
      Alexander  Gustavsen       
          Gardkroken 4           
           615o 0rsta            
And fast-swap dudes too, I answer
everybody!!  In fact,  I've NEVER
stolen  a  disk  from anyone  who
contacts me  in my  entire  life!
It's  TRUE!! So what the hell are
you waiting for?                 
If  you've  got a  zip-drive  you
should  also  contact me for some
cool  zip-swapping.  95  megz  in
every  sending,  that's something
else, ehh??   Btw,  I don't steal
zips either.. :-)                
Fuck,   I've  almost  written  5k
already,  this  is  almost like a
small letter!!  Haha... Guess I'm
really  in  the mood  for writing
today...maybe my  subconciousness
tries  to   compensate  for  that
short essay I wrote at the German
exam today?? Hmm..:) Anyway, here
we go, it's finally time for the:
      PERSONAL  MESSAGES!!       
       (:    :)        
In alphabetical order...   You do
know the alphabet, don't you?? :)
Have  you  gotten  your zip drive
yet? I'm looking forward to start
swapping mods  and stuff on zips,
zip  swapping RULES!  Send  soon,
Adonis/Impact DK:                
I  told  you that  new  system of
yours  weren't going to work out!
There's  no  way  you can  do all
your  swapping on only  ONE day a
week!!  Hehe... Seems like you're
having   another   delay   now...
Hurry up! :)                     
Contact me as soon as you get out
of the army,  we never really got
started  with  swapping,  did we?
Hmm... Looking  forward  to  hear
from you again!                  
What  has  happened?  You were so
fast in the beginning!  I thought
I'd finally gotten a  FAST polish
swapper... Or maybe it's the post
who  has  fucked  up this time? I
sent you a  send in the middle of
September. See you later...      
CandyMan - Kopervik, Norway:     
Hi,  nice hearing  from you again
after the holiday. Don't spend to
much   time  in   front  of  that
Playstation,  it  will  make  you
think  Amiga games sucks!  (Well,
they  do  too...)  Svar snart da!
Sad   you  had   to  reduce  your
swapping activities. :(  But take
a  look  at  the  article  I have
written  about  that   ascii  mag
which I mentioned earlier in this
messy   text,   will   you?   And
recontact  me if  your interested
to  be  a part  of the project...
Auf Wiedersehen??!               
What's the problem nowadays?  You
used to be the  FASTEST contact I
had!!  Man, you've changed... :-(
Hope things get better during the
winter! See you...               
Any   new  releases  from  Erotic
lately? Keep me up to date, mate!
Hope   you   liked   the   Apathy
releases  I sent you last time...
Well, you're back from your delay
you said, so keep those  sendings
Ok, I placed you over Leia at the
memberlist on the homepage....But
now SHE's complaining! Haha..what
shall I do?  Hmmm... You two stop
fighting,  or I'll place you both
beside  one  another at  the VERY
BOTTOM!!  Den  satt  tenker  jeg,
ehh?? :-)  Blahhrrg... Anyway, du
er litt treig naa  for tida, syns
jeg.. Faa  raeva i gir og mekk en
sending til meg!                 
Where the  HELL (he he)  have you
been lately?  I heard you changed
handle  to Raptor?  There's a guy
in Void Poland too who  uses this
handle, isn't it?? Whatever... :)
But  please answer me soon,  I've
been  waiting  for your  send for
almost six  months  now!  Har  du
gaatt helt i dvale  eller?? Ingen
andre jeg swapper med  heller har
h0rt    fra    deg    siden   f0r
sommerferien. Whuuuaaah... Was it
too   hot  in  HELL   during  the
summer, maybe?? :-) Snakkes!     
Nice  swapping   with  you,   I'm
always  happy  when  I  get those
envelopes stamped in Randers, DK.
Hope you have a new Ambrosia prod
for me  in  your  next  send, you
guys  are really improving!!  See
you in another letter.. :-)      
Whoah, I'm looking forward to see
the demo A!A will release at TP6,
your prods are getting better and
better.  Hmmm... How's  your c-64
doing, then? Nostalgia really set
in  on  me  when  I  heard  you'd
bought one of those old  machines
...He he he... See you soon!     
Got  your letter yesterday,  nice
to hear  from  you  again. So  it
seems the post fucked up, is that
so? Man, those BASTARDS!! :) Hope
it wasn't  because  of  my  faked
stamps... Hehe... Hey,  I'm  just
trying  to  save the environment,
ok?? It's called RECYCLING... :) 
I thought  you said you'd send to
me  'tomorrow' when I  spoke with
you on  irc... Well,  that's more
than one week ago now! Hehe... No
harm   done...   I   can   wait!!
Congratulations with  the results
at Saturne party, by the way! You
got first in the wild compo,  and
your  group  first  in  the  demo
compo,   ehh??    Whoah...  Can't
complain  about that!  Apathy won
the  Kindergarten intro compo, by
the  way...  He he he...   sounds
impressive  unless  you  saw  the
other intros..It's a step forward
anyway :) Oh, and thanx a lot for
letting us use some  of your mods
in  Implant,  and  send some  big
thanx  to  Okeanos  too!  See you
Haven't  heard from you more than
once since you joined Vajrayana..
What have they done to you???! :)
No,  serious:   Are  you having a
delay, or has the post fucked up?
I sent to you last  time in June,
haven't  heard   anything  since.
Didn't you get my send?          
Fiction - Brummen, Holland:      
Were  you  going to  answer me or
what?  If not,  then  why did you
contact me  in the  first place??
Hehe...well, send soon please! :)
Firestarter - Moss, Norway:      
FIRE!!! FIRE!!! Uhhhm... :-) Hey,
Raymond,  nice to see that you're
back in business again!! And good
to  hear  that your  delay  had a
logical  explaination  (have  you
managed to  get hold of a  proper
powersupply  now,  btw?).  You're
sendings are good, you're letters
are  long and you're fast!!  What
more can I ask?? Hehe..Keep it up
Keeping a  low profile  nowadays,
are  you? I  think  I would  too,
after what happened with the post
and the police. Glad to hear that
they  didn't  get  anywhere  with
their charge atleast,  and I hope
that you'll be  back in  business
soon!  Thanx  for  the email  you
sent me  the other day,  I've got
to  answer  it  now... I've  been
planning   to  do  it  all  week,
but I  just keep forgetting it...
Damn!! :D                        
Where the heck are you hiding out
nowadays?  Haven't heard from you
lately... The summer is over, and
there are no babes  at the  beach
any longer (in Norway, atleast..)
So what's your excuse THIS TIME??
Hehe...only kidding, send soon!! 
Are  you still in  the scene,  or
what?  Someone told me you bought
a  PC... You're deleted from  the
memberlist I think,  since nobody
has heard from you lately... Btw,
I sent you a letter  this summer,
but  I  think  I switched  you're
sending  with  the one  to Rolex.
Hehe...At least Rolex got yours..
:)  Anyway,  if you have returned
to the scene after you  sold your
Amiga this summer, please contact
me, oki?                         
Thanx for your letter matey, I've
got to answer it soon... The only
problem  is  that  I  don't  have
anything  new  to  send  at  this
moment... Why are all my contacts
DELAYING right now?? Only got one
send today.. :(  Well, I'll write
you a letter this weekend. Hmmm..
Why is it  that you  Swedes greet
each  other with 'tjenare',  what
the  fuck  does  this  mean?   It
reminds of the Norwegian word for
'servant',  but that's not a very
polite thing to call friends,  is
it?? Haha...see you! :D          
Hawkeye - Northern Norway:       
Have  you quit swapping  or what?
Thanx for the christmas card last
year btw,  haven't heard from you
since!   Man,  that's  a  fucking
YEAR!!  You'd better  have a GOOD
excuse...hehe... :)              
Yoohooo,  how's  Norway's  finest
friendshipper  doing   nowadays??
Have  you  finished  reading that
letter  I sent  you  last  time??
Haha... That's  a  new unofficial
world  record you know,  will you
manage (or  bother)  to  beat  me
next time?? You  know, it was too
bad  that  I  sent  your   letter
yesterday,  coz today  I'm REALLY
in  the mood to write! I could've
written   another  fucking  55K!!
Hehe... Then the letter  would've
been more than 200K!! But I guess
you've  got enough  reading stuff
for a  couple  of  hours  anyway,
so... Hehehe... I'll find another
victim  instead!!  I'll make  him
read  until   his  eyeballs  fall
out!! Or something like that.. :)
Til slutt noen kloke ord:  'Desto
h0yere oppe du er,  desto hardere
faller   du...'    Tok  du  den??
Hihi..jeg kommer til aa mobbe deg
for det der sa lenge du lever! :D
Grown  tired of the  scene again?
Cheer  up  mate,   and   do  some
sendings! People are  putting you
on  their delay-lists you know...
And   you're  an   Apathy-member,
you're  supposed to  be FAST  AND
FRIENDLY,  didn't you know that??
Hehe...god jul!                  
Velkommen i gjengen!! Hehe... I'm
waiting for that zip, you know...
Gee... I  must  say  I  was a bit
worried last  time when  the send
to  you  took  so  long... I  was
certain that the Post  Office had
discovered  my  faking, and  kept
the  zip... In that  case I would
have to  stop faking  AND pay you
150 spenn for the lost zipdisk...
Whaeaea! :-) Hmm... You've Got to
send me that demo/gagtro  you did
for DTK at  KG,  haven't seen  it
yet... Leia told me  it was  sort
of funny,  he he he...  Btw, I'll
probably join  DTK  just  for the
fun  of  it,  under  my  previous
handle...    So  it's  Dweeb/DTK,
then... Gfx-man... He he... :)   
Telling white lies, are we?? :) I
thought  you  said  on  irc  that
you'd already sent the send to me
...That is TEN days ago!! Hmmm...
Or  maybe I  misunderstood... Who
cares,  btw?  Looking  forward to
see  the  final  result of  Night
Train, you  only needed  two more
votes last time I spoke to you...
Hi,  nice  talking  to you on the
phone  the other  day... He he...
Was it yesterday? Nahhh...I don't
remember...   Anyway,  that  idea
about  Xmas-Feedback  was  really
cool, but I suppose it's a little
bit short notice for Strife... Or
maybe  not?   If   a   technofied
version of Jingle Bells or  White
Christmas   is  playing   in  the
background as you  read this,  it
wasn't!! Haha... I'll write you a
letter sometime, maybe even today
...If   this  writing-itch   keep
lasting through the day...Hehe...
You've got  to  get  yourself  an
Amiga soon though, #amigascne and
#amigano isn't really  the SCENE,
you  know... Swapping rules!! :-)
And  besides,  you'll  never  get
those ascii's right on a  fucking
peze! He he he..saa du likte ikke
mitt nye handle, altsaa? Jaja,   
jeg kommer til aa staa paa mitt  
helt til du blir LEI'A aa mase...
Ho ho ho..   blahhrgg... ....  ;)
Hey,  weren't you suppose to step
in for Bon and his swapping while
he was in the army??  I have only
heard from you  ONCE, man!!  Hope
you   haven't   quit  the   scene
again... :-/                     
I'm spreading  the votesheets for
your  pack  PARADISE,   but  most
people think it's  boring to fill
in  so many swapper categories...
Well... I'll just keep on pushing
them  until  they  do  it,  ehh??
Hehe... Well, in  that  case  YOU
must   help  me  to   spread  the
Feedback and Implant sheets..I'll
scratch  your  back,  and  you'll
scratch  mine,  isn't  that  what
they say?? Ciao..                
Implant is really improving, keep
up the work.  Hope we'll  be able
to use  more than  16  colours in
the next  issue,  because  it was
kinda  hard  to draw  that gfx...
Hmmm... I'll try to do  the final
touches this weekend, oki? Hehe..
Zip'en  din  kommer  snart,   med
masser av nytt stoff!!           
Purple Haze/Saints:              
Greets  to  you,  you're  fast as
always... It  doesn't  matter  if
you're  letters  are  short  when
you're THAT fast...No-letter swap
is ok,  as long  as the  speed is
high... Yep... Naar det gjelder d
derre ascii'ene  du  requesta, sa
kan jeg gj0re Easy Pack,  men nye
PH og  STS  logoer blir det  litt
verre  med,   for  jeg  har  ikke
funnet opp noen ny  style ennaa..
Er vel paa tide aa gj0re det snar
tenker jeg. Skal sende avgaarde e
sending saa snart jeg faar noe   
nytt aa fylle diskene med...     
HI,  nice hearing from you again,
it's been a  while.  I must say I
miss  you're  fast  sendings  and
nice letters, but I'll  just have
to live with it as long as you're
moving into a new  house and  all
that... Hehe... Whoah, impressive
poem you had in that last letter,
Ha ha ha...  You've really got  a
talent! Honest! The 5 dollars are
coming up your way!! :)          
Receiver/Limited Edition:        
Do  you know what I  read in some
recent issue of Newsweek? Smoking
improves   your   memory,   fact!
It is  something  about  nicotine
stimulating   the  stuff  in  the
brain  that  keeps track of  your
memory...or  whatever...  So STOP
harassing  me!!  I've  got better
memory than you!!  And btw, there
was  something more I had to tell
you...damn... What was it?? Gotta
lighten   up  another   smoke,  I
guess.. :)  Haha...see you!      
Remi Johnsen - Narvik, Norway:   
Hmm... Another delay??  Hey,  kom
igjen  da vel og SEND SNART!!  Du
pleide jo aa vaere saa rask f0r..
Hmm... Now  you're  a  member  of
Massive to, ehh..?? Are there any
of the Apathy members who are not
double or triple members?? Hmmm..
not  many  at  least...  Well,  I
wrote  you a letter  yesterday or
something,  just haven't  sent it
yet...I will tomorrow, I guess.  
Rabl  told me that he finally got
a  send from you  (is your handle
BudaWarrior now??) ... Maybe I'll
get  a send  too  from  you soon,
ehh?? It's  almost  been a  year,
you know...                      
Support  for  Jurassic Pack,  you
say ehh??  Well,  oki... :-) I'll
send you that info stuff about my
ascii-mag project, guess it's not
really an ARTICLE... More like an
infoletter or something perhaps..
But I hope you include it anyway,
coz I need all the  support I can
get  for  this project... As time
goes by  you'll  probably receive
an   article  once  in  a   while
exclusively  written for Jurassic
Mag... Hehe...this  info stuff is
just something  I  send around to
all mags,  of  course.  But  hang
on,  I've got a  few things on my
mind  that  I'll  probably  write
down one of those days  when I am
really in the mood for writing...
Yep,  and  then I'll think  of my
friend  in  the  JP  staff  who's
always in need of more articles..
Yeah, I'm talking about YOU!! :-)
'You're in the army now, oaaaoa,'
haha...errrmm...Well, hope you're
having  a  nice time out  in  the
dangerous, cold and scary forest!
And  soon you'll come  out like a
MAN!! :D  Hey, by the way, I read
some article by you quite a while
ago, in the VG discussion group..
In fact it is VERY long time ago 
now, I think... But I just wanted
to say that it was a bloody  good
text...  But  are  you  SURE  you
didn't  exaggerate  just  a  TINY
LITTLE  BIT  when  you  described
your equipment?  Because I REALLY
didn't  know  that you were doing
RAYTRACING on your 64meg  machine
...or was that 128meg? He he he..
Gotcha, you  didn't  expect ME to
read  that article,  did you?? ;)
Ha ha... Send me a letter as soon
as possible!!                    
Speed Devil/X^LKR^moremanymore:  
Joined any new groups lately?? :)
Hey, isn't it sort  of a  problem
for  you to  fill  out votesheets
when you can't  vote for your own
groups and stuff??  He he...well,
you can  always vote for Apathy!!
Blahhrrg...Just kidding, but what
was that you said about the Post?
It's not MY turn to send,  is it?
I  sent to you  last time 10th of
September (well, I write it down,
OK!!?  Is there  something  WRONG
with that??? He he he..), and the
last   letter  I've  written  was
number 13...have you gotten that?
Well,  who  cares...  One  of our
sendings  obviously  got lost, so
I'll  send  you a  'half' sending
soon, and  then YOU  can add some
disks too... Yep... See you!     
Grrr... You're SLOW nowadays, too
bad  you  can't  fake  or  lowpay
anymore...Wouldn't it be great if
swappers got some  kind of a deal
with the post office so that they
could send  for free??  Hmmm... A
bit unrealistic, perhaps! Hope to
hear from you soon,  and I really
hope that  you get these  messyes
before  deadline of Feedback, coz
I've  written fucking  20k now...
and it  would all  be  sort  of a
waste  if  they  didn't get to be
included  in  the pack... Hehe...
I guess I'd better hurry and send
you an  extra  sending,  although
it's  your  turn...  I've  got  a
couple of votes and adds too, you
know... Well,  hope  to hear from
you soon,  and  I need  to know a
little  bit more about  that free
space&email at Moonlit's server..
Say,  maybe we should join forces
on  that  homepage  stuff,  it is
kinda lame  to have two different
ones!! Talk to you later..       
TfT/Rave Network Overscan:       
How's the shape?  Are you through
with  the   army  now??   Suppose
not... You said you should resume
swapping in November in your last
letter, though... Well, I haven't
answered your last sending anyway it's  my turn... Figured it
didn't matter since you're in the
army...I'll do it whenever I have
the time.. The post office called
me down in August  because of one
of  your  sendings... I  got  the
contents  without  revealing your
name, but they  kept the envelope
as EVIDENCE... Shhh...the Post in
Egersund  are   quite  aggressive
nowadays,  it seems... :-/   It's
time  for you to  move to another
city!! :D                        
Whoah,   you're  fast  nowadays!!
Cool, some  quite  nice  sendings
too. I especially enjoyed some of
the  raytraced  stuff   you  sent
lately... See you later!         
Where the  hell have you been for
the last  ten months or so? There
was a  period around easter where
I thought  you'd  get back to the
scene,  but  now I  haven't heard
anything from you for more than a
half're on everybody's
delaylists... Hummm... Skjerp deg
litt da, for faen! :)            
Trendy Dealer/Ram Jam            
Will  I ever  get another sending
from  you?  Hmmm... I  was  kinda
hoping so... :)                  
You left Apathy to be more active
in  Astra Syntex,  right??  Hehe,
too bad Astra died.. :)  Will you
put up that ascii request door on
your BBS please? I need requests!
Oki,  hope to hear from you soon,
you said last  time that you were
BACK in the scene....didn't you??
Come on, I can't wait forever! :)
Phew,  finally I'm finished  with
this! It  took longer time than I
expected... Luckily I haven't got
too many contacts yet...  Hehe...
Or  I'd  be  sitting  here  'till
tomorrow... And so would you,  at
least if you're one of those guys
who read  all the messages,  even
those which are not to you. Maybe
there aren't even ONE single note
to, that last option is
REALLY  pathethic!!  So why don't
you get in touch with me NOW, and
then  you  can   read  a  message
written  exclusively  too  you in
the next issue  of Feedback!  :-)
Shit,  I'm getting tired  of this
writing,  think I'd better cut it
right here  before I say too many
stupid things... OOoops, should I
have   done   that   EARLIER?!?!?
Nahhh... :-)                     
             Signed: Point/Apathy
   Oki guys!  Here's a new       
        nORWEGIAn cHART!         
  We got 32 votesheets this time 
 and some radical stuff happened 
 in the chart..  Jogeir is still 
 at the top though, unbeatable!  
  The this times greatest-chart  
  is the votes we received for   
          this issue...          
 All time greatest is the votes  
 from this issue AND the other   
           tHIs tIMEs            
1.  Rolex/Apathy........ (37 pts)
2.  Mj/Massive.......... (29 pts)
3.  Strife/Apathy....... (27 pts)
4.  Speed-devil/x....... (25 pts)
    Dweeb/Apathy........ (25 pts)
6.  Chriz/Element^Apt... (20 pts)
7.  Purple Haze/Saints.. (18 pts)
8.  tFt/Rno............. (17 pts)
9.  Hellrazor/Ems^Apt... (15 pts)
10. Felix/Massive....... (13 pts)
11. Fisherking/Massive.. (12 pts)
    Skinner/Eltech...... (12 pts)
13. Dr.Death/Eltech..... (11 pts)
    Wiseguy/Giants...... (11 pts)
15. Ace/Session......... (10 pts)
16. Cesium/Session ..... (9 pts) 
    Hurricane/Clan^Void. (9 pts) 
18. Electrip/Opium...... (8 pts) 
    Mr.X/Apathy^Giants.. (8 pts) 
20. Accede/Donut Fetish. (6 pts) 
21. Maze/Eltech^Massive. (5 pts) 
    Whooper/Destiny..... (5 pts) 
23. Mystra/Ram Jam...... (4 pts) 
    Sixpack/Gods........ (4 pts) 
    Loaderror/Eph^Donut. (4 pts) 
    Pow/Sunshine prods.. (4 pts) 
27. pUNSh/xFACTOr....... (3 pts) 
    Spin Dizzy/Giants... (3 pts) 
    Thrym/Giants^msv.... (3 pts) 
    Malakai/Giants...... (3 pts) 
    Malakai/Giants...... (3 pts) 
    Volcryn/Independent. (3 pts) 
    tEN^mASSIVe^eLEMENT. (3 pts) 
    Ren/Depth........... (3 pts) 
    Psalt/Donut Fetish.. (3 pts) 
36. Bon/Giants.......... (2 pts) 
    Zack/Giants......... (2 pts) 
    Zapotek/Chalice..... (2 pts) 
    Tracky/Apathy^hmr... (2 pts) 
    Nitron/Halfmoon..... (2 pts) 
    Hyper/Apathy^dtk.... (2 pts) 
42. Allan0n/Depth....... (1 pts) 
    Robotronik/EMS ..... (1 pts) 
    Flipper/SceneSoldier (1 pts) 
    Chunky/UHF^rno...... (1 pts) 
    Zany/p303^rno^void.. (1 pts) 
    Pix/Donut Fetish.... (1 pts) 
    Vanilla/indy........ (1 pts) 
    Subgod/HMP^EMS...... (1 pts) 
    Grimlock/Grotesticle (1 pts) 
    Sunscream/Apathy.... (1 pts) 
52. Romeo/Donut Fetish (-12 pts) 
           tHIs tIMEs            
1.  Jogeir/Vd........... (76 pts)
2.  Travolta/Spaceballs. (23 pts)
3.  Superted/Grotesticle (17 pts)
    Vinnie/Spaceballs... (17 pts)
5.  Zany/p303........... (16 pts)
    Dr.Death/Eltech..... (16 pts)
7.  Rolex/Apathy........ (14 pts)
8.  Whiskas/Hypnorok.... (13 pts)
    Jerry/Rebels........ (13 pts)
    Don-Cato/Talent..... (13 pts)
10. dR.Awesome.......... (12 pts)
    Cope/Giants^Apathy.. (12 pts)
13. P.o.w/Sunshine prods (11 pts)
12. Interphace/Andromeda (10 pts)
    Archangel/TRSI.Rec.. (10 pts)
16. Brainbug/Talent..... (9 pts) 
    Chris meland/abyss.. (9 pts) 
18. Lizard/Tbl.......... (8 pts) 
    Mr.Man/Andromeda.... (8 pts) 
20. Trump/ems^apt....... (7 pts) 
    Maze/Eltech^Massive. (7 pts) 
    Timmy/Rebels........ (7 pts) 
    Jason/melon......... (7 pts) 
    Fro-d/Contraz^dnf... (7 pts) 
25. Mr.C/Subspace....... (4 pts) 
    Jorun/Grotesticle... (4 pts) 
27. cONROY/eMS-dESIGN... (3 pts) 
    Boo/Talent.......... (3 pts) 
    Solo/Depth.......... (3 pts) 
    Frenzy/Hypnorok..... (3 pts) 
31. Tracky/Apathy....... (2 pts) 
    Eagle/Independent... (2 pts) 
    Shorty/Spaceballs... (2 pts) 
    Spin-Dizzy/Giants... (2 pts) 
35. Braintumor & Heywood (1 pts) 
    Vegard/scoopex...... (1 pts) 
    Junkhead/Iris....... (1 pts) 
        aLL tIMe gREATESt        
       nORWEGIAn  sWAPPERs       
1.  Chriz/Element^Apt... (79 pts)
2.  Strife/Apathy....... (75 pts)
3.  Rolex/Apathy........ (67 pts)
4.  TFT/Rno............. (63 pts)
5.  Dweeb/Apathy........ (54 pts)
6.  Speed-devil/x....... (47 pts)
7.  Skinner/Eltech...... (45 pts)
8.  Purple Haze/Saints.. (42 pts)
9.  Mj/Massive.......... (41 pts)
10. Dr.Death/Eltech^Ats. (38 pts)
    Fisherking/Massive.. (38 pts)
12. Felix/Massive....... (27 pts)
13. Bon/Giants.......... (24 pts)
14. Hurricane/Clan^Void. (23 pts)
15. Maze/Eltech^Massive. (21 pts)
16. Wiseguy/Giants...... (20 pts)
17. Ace/Session......... (19 pts)
    Hellrazor/Fun^Ems... (19 pts)
19. Mr.X/Apathy^Giants.. (16 pts)
20. Cesium/Session ..... (13 pts)
21. Romeo/Astra Syntex.. (12 pts)
22. Zerox/Gods.......... (11 pts)
    Repoman/Encore...... (11 pts)
    Thrym/Giants........ (11 pts)
25. Firestarter/Indy.... (10 pts) 
    Accede/Astra Syntex. (10 pts)
    Sixpack/Gods........ (10 pts) 
28. Zack/Giants......... (9 pts) 
    Electrip/Opium...... (9 pts) 
30. Spin Dizzy/Giants... (8 pts) 
    Cope/Apathy......... (8 pts) 
32. Zapotek/Chalice..... (7 pts) 
    Chunky/UHF^rno...... (7 pts) 
    CyberStorm/Ats...... (7 pts) 
35. Mosher/Massive...... (6 pts) 
    Malakai/Giants...... (6 pts) 
    Volcryn/Independent. (6 pts) 
    Mystra/Ram Jam...... (6 pts) 
38. Loaderror/Ephidrena. (5 pts) 
    PSycho/Digital...... (5 pts) 
    Godfather/Inferno... (5 pts) 
    tEN^mASSIVe^eLEMENT. (5 pts) 
    Whooper/Destiny..... (5 pts) 
43. Pow/Sunshine prods.. (4 pts) 
    Shai-Hulud/Hmr...... (4 pts) 
    King Arthur/TMG!.... (4 pts) 
    Tyneo/Giants........ (4 pts) 
    Ceedex/HDF.......... (4 pts) 
48. pUNSh/xFACTOr....... (3 pts) 
    Tracky/Apathy^Hmr... (3 pts) 
    Darren/Scoopex...... (3 pts) 
    Ren/Depth........... (3 pts) 
    Psalt/Donut Fetish.. (3 pts) 
53. Hyper/Apathy^dtk.... (2 pts) 
    Thunderbird/Indy.... (2 pts) 
    Nitron/Halfmoon..... (2 pts) 
    Jogan............... (2 pts) 
    Flipper/SceneSoldier (2 pts) 
    Robotronik/EMS ..... (2 pts) 
59. Don-Cato/Talent..... (1 pts) 
    Lord Red............ (1 pts) 
    Allan0n/Depth....... (1 pts) 
    Zany/p303^rno^void.. (1 pts) 
    Pix/Donut Fetish.... (1 pts) 
    Vanilla/indy........ (1 pts) 
    Subgod/HMP^EMS...... (1 pts) 
    Grimlock/Grotesticle (1 pts) 
    Sunscream/Apathy.... (1 pts) 
        aLL tIMe gREATESt        
       nORWEGIAn mUSICIANs       
1.  Jogeir/Vd.......... (168 pts)
2.  Zany/p303........... (56 pts)
3.  Superted/Grotesticle (43 pts)
4.  Vinnie/Spaceballs... (41 pts)
5.  Dr.Death/Eltech..... (34 pts)
6.  Interphace/Andromeda (31 pts)
7.  P.o.w/Sunshine prods (30 pts)
8.  Travolta/Spaceballs. (29 pts)
9.  Mr.Man/Andromeda.... (28 pts)
    Rolex/Apathy........ (28 pts)
11. Whiskas/Hypnorok.... (26 pts)
    Maze/Eltech^Massive. (26 pts)
13. dR.Awesome.......... (24 pts)
    Cope/Giants^Apathy.. (24 pts)
15. Don-Cato/Talent..... (23 pts)
16. Jason/melon......... (19 pts)
17. Spin-Dizzy/Giants... (17 pts)
18. Lizard/Tbl.......... (16 pts)
    Boo/Talent.......... (16 pts)
    Brainbug/Talent..... (16 pts)
21. Archangel/TRSI.Rec.. (14 pts)
22. Jerry/Rebels........ (13 pts)
    Reece/Giants........ (13 pts)
    Vegard/scoopex...... (13 pts)
25. Trump/EMS^Apathy.... (10 pts) 
    Braintumor & Heywood (10 pts)
27. Chris meland/abyss.. (9 pts) 
28. Tim/scoop^nsl....... (8 pts) 
29. Timmy/Rebels........ (7 pts) 
    Fro-d/Contraz^dnf... (7 pts) 
31. Eagle/Independent... (6 pts) 
    Tracky/Apathy....... (6 pts) 
    Solo/Depth.......... (6 pts) 
    Acidhead/X.......... (6 pts) 
    Jorun/Grotesticle... (6 pts) 
36. tOMAS^sESSION....... (5 pts) 
    Braintumour......... (5 pts) 
38. Mr.C/Subspace....... (4 pts) 
    Mystra/Ram Jam...... (4 pts) 
    Fuzz/TRSI........... (4 pts) 
    Blockhead/Illusion.. (4 pts) 
42. Redferne/??......... (3 pts) 
    cONROY/eMS-dESIGN... (3 pts) 
    Caramel/Fascination. (3 pts) 
    Frenzy/Hypnorok..... (3 pts) 
46. Radiance/Iris....... (2 pts) 
    Shorty/Spaceballs... (2 pts) 
    0YSTEIN eIDE........ (2 pts) 
49. Junkhead/Iris....... (1 pts) 
    Yebo/grt............ (1 pts) 
    Kenna/Th!nk P!...... (1 pts) 
       Voters this issue!        
      Discman/Donut Fetish       
       xHALe/Donut Fetish        
      Lammah mannen/Prixima      
          Vega/Ram Jam           
       Purple Haze/Saints        
      32 Voters all in all!      
Since it's now more than 6 months
 since the release of feedback#1 
 (whheee!) I guess everyone that 
  have voted earlier, can vote   
So start filling out one of those
new feedback votesheets nomatter 
  how many times you have voted  
          earlier!  :)           
  You can also vote online on    
          internet at:           
          cHECk it oUt!          

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