Feedback 1
Text Inside this Production

mods/mod.X Intro
mods/mod.that bitch - 1
mods/mod.that bitch - 2
mods/Mod.Thief From Acraba
mods/mod.strife's theme
mods/mod.3 stages
mods/mod.Apathy Disorders
         - cHIPs -
          X Intro  
      That Bitch - 1
      That Bitch - 2
    Thief from  Acraba
    - Strife's theme -
          - mODs - 
          3 Stages
     Apathy Disorders
   . ..fEEDBACk iSSUe #1!.. .    
        . ..wElcOmE!.. .         
        . ..cRedItS!.. .         
        . ..Adverts!.. .         
         . ..nEWs!!.. .          
        . ..Messages.. .         
         . ..Chart!.. .          
 ! .  . . A p a t h y . .   . !  
        p r e s e n t s          
       fEEDBACk iSSUe #1!        
     Released 25th of June!      
 Hellows!  Whoever you are, I    
 want to give you a warm welcome 
 to Apathy's first serious prod! 
 I hope you will enjoy it!       
 What do one write in these      
 welcome text?  Does anyone      
 really read them?  nAh, those   
 sentences sucked, coz they are  
 faar to often written..         
 What would you like to read in  
 a welcoming text? What is so    
 speacial bout this text?  Why   
 am I writing all this bULLSHIt? 
 I've probably lost half of you  
 already, because of my boring   
 introduction..  err..   Well!   
 In this lazy time of Norway's   
 scenelife, Apathy is here with  
 a prod, to make everybody happy!
 What's happening in the         
 Norwegian scene today? Where    
 have all the old guys gone?     
 Where have all the flowers gone?
 Have they become grownups, have 
 they abandoned the amiga for the
 pc, or has Funcom taken them    
 all?  Who knows, but it doesn't 
 look good!  But maybe 1996 will 
 be a different year?  Lets hope 
 so!  Maybe it's time for some   
 new groups to enter the scene.. 
 Well, why bother talking more   
 about this?  We can't go around 
 weeping forever, start doing    
 something!  Don't sit on the    
 fence waiting for everybody     
    ! mOVe  yOUr  aSs !          
 Now you're probably wondering,  
 is this a musicdisk or what?    
 Well, maybe it's not?  It       
 certainly isn't like the        
 ordinary musicdisks, but who    
 cares?  I prefer this one..     
 And the best of all, it         
 multitasks!  Don't kill the     
 system, it rules!               
 nAh, I'm tired of this crap-    
 text!!  Aren't you??            
Anyways, I want to thank everyone
that have supported feedback!    
Thanks guys!  Keep it up!  And!! 
If we don't get any -feedback-   
on this prod we'll never release 
it again, we'll come sHIt on your
amiga etc etc!!  And worst of    
all!!!  We will nOt improve      
ourselves for the next gathering,
and we'll release more phunny    
shit!!  ANd who knows?  With the 
REAL active norwegian scene      
today, we might even get first   
place!!  What a catastrophe!!    
 Maybe you think this prod sux?  
 Well, too bad!  We worked hard  
 on it, we had phun making it..  
 So if you think it sux, then I  
 think YOU should release        
 something better!!  heh...      
 I want to say hi to all my      
 friends in the scene, all       
 Apathy members, and even to     
 those who might think there's   
 a war between us, there's not!! 
 Friendship rulez!               
 If you would ever want to quit  
 this prod push both mousebuttons
 (gently), or smack da esc button
 The code in this prod is not    
 100% finnished, but I wanted to 
 release this now, or else I     
 might have thought it sucked,   
 and never released it!!  But    
 here it is!  Take it or leave it
 Pepsi- the choice of a new      
 Mac-   the noise of a wrong     
 Ibm-   the toys of a dead       
 Win95- the choice cause of bad  
 aMIGa -for those with rEAl      
 Well, I guess this was Strife's 
 little welcome text for you!    
 And now I must say:             
  Being the one responsible for  
  putting this all together has  
  been one hell of a job! pUkE!  
  I REALLY admire all others     
  who release prods like this!   
  I have now realized, that      
  things like this aren't made   
  just like that!  So to all     
  others who release stuff I     
  want to say:                   
  Keep it up, we rEALLy like it! 
  Atleast I do..!  And everyone  
  else as well I bet!!           
 When you sit and make this stuff
 you start wondering:            
 Will people ever see this? Will 
 people ever read this??  Will   
 people ever listen to this?     
 And you never know, until one   
 day, when you're famous...      
 But what do you do then?  You   
 regret having wasted your youth 
 on a computer..  Life's strange 
 ehh?   Soon we will all be nerds
 having our kids telling us how  
 to operate the computer..       
 Life is too short to vaste...   
 Have phun, live life to the     
 max, and then you can die..  :) 
 Am I famous now??               
 A p a t h y                     
     w E                         
         d O n ' t               
                 c A r E !       
 Vote counting..Strife/Apathy :) 
  More credits and module-info   
                follows -->      
 This musicdisk is actually      
 based upon the code for Digital 
 Chips, coded by Preacher/ex.    
 But I improved the code heavily,
 (wouldn't you say?) :). So now  
 the code isn't much alike the   
 one in Dc, but anyway, thanx to 
 Preacher for the inspiring Dc-  
 code!  And thanx to Skinner for 
 giving it to me!  I will never  
 forget it mate!                 
  Moduleinfo follows...          
 X intro:                        
  X intro is a really nice chip  
  by Raze/Ambrosia. It was meant 
  to be in a Scalaris intro, but 
  this didn't turn out, so Raze  
  said I could use it instead.   
  Thnx mate!                     
That bitch 1 and 2:              
  These chips are made by cope!  
  There's such a ugly girl at    
  our school, and I guess that's 
  what they are all about. Quite 
  small these two.               
Thief from Acraba:               
 A phunny chip by cyboman! :)    
 Yess indeed..   heheh...        
 Strife's theme:                 
  Cool chip by cope. Yeps,       
  what more is there to say?     
  Keep those chips comin cope!   
  Yet another chip by cope! This 
  guy is a chip maniac!!  :)     
  A module/chip by cyboman! Since
  the size wasn't that big I     
  used it in this number of      
  feedback. Have to fix a        
  decrunching routine!!  fast! :)
 3 Stages:                       
  A module by Tracky/Apathy! I   
  wanted to include on of his    
   many modules, and I just      
   chose this one because of the 
   size. And I think it's a bit  
   cool too ofcourse!  :)        
 Apathy Disorders:               
  Yet another module made by     
  Cyboman!  I think he made it   
  for our coming mag/chart, but  
  since the release date of that 
  is waaay into the future, I    
  decided to use it now. And I   
  must say, I really like this   
  module!!  Don't you??   There  
  will be more of this kind of   
  modules in the next issue of   
  Feedback!  yeps!!  I think..   
 I would also have liked to      
 include som of Rolex/Apathy's   
 modules in this issue. But since
 I want to keep the size of the  
 musicdisk small, I saved em for 
 the next Feedback!  Look forward
 to that!!   Hi Rolex!  :)       
 Ok, I guess that's it for the   
 credits. But I would REALLY like
 to get some modules by YOU for  
 our next issue of Feedback!!    
 So send some of your modules to 
 me, or send em thru some of my  
 swappers or other Apathy members
.oOo..We need your support!..oOo.
     - ---Moduleinfo--- -        
   . ..Cope/Apathy^Giants.. .    
           Coming up!            
  ....hEy!!   wAke up!!          
  - one - two - three - four -   
   Get yar woman on da floOr?    
        - That bitch 1 -         
   This is a chip which I made   
  during a depressive period in  
  my socalled life. There was a  
  girl at school I didn't like,  
  but she was following me every 
  where I went... Bah... Bitch!! 
   Simple... That's what it is.  
  (It's also about my teacher..) 
        - That Bitch 2 -         
 Also made during that depressive
  timeperiod. (My neighbour hung 
 himself...) Uhm. This is a SHORT
   one... VERY simple. BTW, the  
 bitch is nice to TALK to... And 
 she's got SOME nice friends. :D 
       - Strife's theme -        
 Sorry, I didn't get cope to     
 write any info bout this one!!  
          - [Repsils] -          
This chip was made last year when
I was sick. I know It was stupid,
to go outside in the winter, when
I were still sick. SHUT UP!, you 
      bastard you, sTRIFE!       
 Some say It's my best. I prefer 
 reel pink elephant. But I like  
   this one too... Fever roolz!  
                 ____  ___       
  _______________)  /__) /______ 
 /__  /    /__  / ____/    /  / \
/  _ / /  /  _ /  /  / /  /  /  /
\___/  __/____/_____/_/__/\_   / 
   /__( [stF]    [dWb]  \_____/  
 - fOr fAST'n fRIENDLy sWAPPIn - 
      ..sTRIFe oF aPATHy..       
        Torgeir Amundsen         
          Glitregata 13          
         3600  Kongsberg         
    Apathy - wE dON't cArE! -    
   Are you looking for another   
   contact?Guess so or else      
   you wouldn't be reading       
   this.I can't promise you      
   0-3 dayz warez,but what I     
   can promise you is 100%       
   answer to everyone,and        
   friendly lettaz.Everybody     
   can safely write to me,       
   I'm no disk stealer!!!        
   Lars Selvig                   
   7650  Verdal                  
   Also for VHS swap!!           
  ____/\___ ___/\___ ____/\___   
  \   _   / \   ___ \\___ ___/   
  /:.`-'  \ /:. ____/ /:.   \    
  \___\  _/ \_  __)ehc\_  __/    
       \/     \/        \/       
    Musicians can write to ..    
       ROLEX of APATHY ..        
        Thomas Vaags             
    Hulda Garborgs gt. 33        
         2300 Hamar              
  Trance, jungle, rave, acid,    
     ambient, house, etc ...     
      Also for VHS swap !        
    fOR uLTRA kEWL sWAPPING      
           wRITE tO:             
   .----[ tF7 oF rNO ]-----.     
   .                       .     
   .     Tom F.Taksdal     :     
 --:----Skaarabrekka 11 ---:--   
   :     4370 EGERSUND     |     
   |                       |     
   `-- -^ N O R W A Y ^----'     
           aLSO vHS              
         aLSO jOINING            
      tHE pERVERTED rAVERS       
   | aPATHY - wE dON'T cARE! |   
   | fOR eLITE oR fRIENDSHIP |   
   | oF aPATHY aT tHIS aDDY: |   
   | aLEXANDER     gUSTAVSEN |   
   | gARDKROKEN   nUMBER   4 |   
   | n-6150 0RSTA,    nORWAY |   
   | aLSO fOR aSCII-oRDERING |   
   | aNSWER tO dISKSENDERS!! |   
______  ____) ___/ _____.        
\____ \/ _______  \     |______  
_/   \  /   \_ |   \_   |     /  
:       fELIX^mA$$iVE^k!      :  
:                             :  
:       karsten fischer       :  
:      gamle hovseterv2d      :  
:          O768 oslo          :  
:           norway            :  
    Massive whq - Kinky nhq      
     Joining - usual swap        
 For Fast And Reliable Module,   
Mag, Demo, Long Letter Swapping, 
Write To The Greatest (Heh, NOT) 
  --:> gROWl/aPt^aLs^vOId <:--   
           Kim Andersen          
     Nyvangsvej 133 - Vfr.426    
           8900 Randers          
   DISK + LETTER = 100% ANSWER   
     Golden handshakes To..:     
      and all the other..!!      
  Want to order ascii or swap    
  with a quality ascii artist?   
 Speed Devil/x^Ult^Fns^Sos^Eph   
     Morten R.Martinussen        
      Sandsliveien 263           
        5049 SANDSLI             
 ...i answer all letters i get :)
 Respects to. .   Epsilon Design 
 Mo'Soul,   Arclite,   Jedi Arts 
 Contra!, Save Our Souls,  Style 
 Divine Stylers, House of Styles 
 Whale, Atre + the forgotten!    
  _________.  ________.____      
._\______  |__\_____  |   |___   
|  _____/  |      ____|  ____/__ 
|__________|_____| Sh1|_________|
    - fOr fRIENDLy sWAPPIn -     
      ..wISEGUy oF aPATHy..      
        Erland Andreasen         
       2435 Braskreidsfoss       
 cALL oUTEr sPACe: +47 62420514! 
        (oPEn 20:00-12:00)       
______  ____) ___/ _____.        
\____ \/ _______  \     |______  
_/   \  /   \_ |   \_   |     /  
       tRY hERE :                
       cATO hAGEN                
       gULLBEKKVEIEN 4           
       4120 tAU                  
       T      7 __  /   7  /     
       l__  __|__ _/|  __ /      
         T  7|  7  \|   7 \_     
         |  ||  |   7   |  /     
         |  |l__|   |   |_/      
    Wana $wap w!th a Norweg!an   
  TrackY/Astra Syntex^ApathY^Hmr 
  __       TommY Lybekk       __ 
 /_/\_ _ Norden$v!ngen |9 _ _/\_\
 \_\/     2ooo L!||e$tr0m    \/_/
  World Over! No More Norwegians!
   ` A bird is a thing which     
     flyes. I can`t fly, but     
     my thoughts does. '         
    Contact the packer of        
    REMEDY. And live on with     
    the scene.                   
      BON of GIANTS NHQ          
         R. Nyheim               
        7650 VERDAL              
   GIANTS : We Are Huge !!!!!    
 :                            :  
 :  wanna swap with a REALLY  :  
 :  friendly musician?? Then  :  
 :                            :  
 :      Cope/aPt^gTS^cS!      :  
 :                            :  
 :       0ystein Hansen       :  
 :       Chr. Straysv.4       :  
 :       36oo kongsberg       :  
 :        n o r w a y.        :  
 :                            :  
 : is the one to write to.... :  
 : saa det saa! fleskep0lse 2 :  
 :  alle kjente..... derfor!  :  
 :                            :  
       - OFTEN IMITATED          
       - NEVER EQUALLED          
  * MADE IN NORWAY!              
    YOUR POSTBOX!                
        SKINNER OF ELTECH        
        STORGATA 5               
        8310 KABELVEG            
        TEL: +47 760 785 96      
    ______)  /_________________  
 --/  _  /     /     /__/___  /- 
--/  / \/  /  /  (__/  / ____/---
-/_____/__/__/__/  /__/_____/--  
|                               |
| -) cHRIZ of eLEMENT^aPATHy (- |
|         -) pB  92 (-          |
|      -) 2o44 fROGNER (-       |
|         -) nORWAY (-          |
|                               |
|       pREPARE tO  eNTER       |
|      uNCHARTED tERRITORY      |
      ====== GIANTS ======       
      Contact ZACK / GTS.        
      For cool`n`friendly        
      and fast swap.             
         ZACK / GIANTS           
         Arild Raulose           
         Julyveien 50            
         7500 STJORDAL           
      ====== GIANTS ======       
 ________  ________  _____/\     
_\______/ _\______/ _\____  \_   
|    _/---|    /----|   _    /   
|____     |____     |___|   //\_ 
tEN!`-----'   `-----'   `------' 
[%] tEN! oF eNCORE & eLEMENt [%] 
[%]     u-nIk of eNCORE      [%] 
[%]     tRY tHE sWAP DUO!    [%] 
[%]     Tor & Tom Nygaard    [%] 
[%]       Huldrevn. 25       [%] 
[%]       1374  BORGEN       [%] 
[%]          Norway          [%] 
 ________  ____  ________   oO   
_\______/ _\__ \/ __/\   |_`--'  
|    _/---|   \  /   |   _/----. 
|____     |___|\/|   |____     | 
tEN!`-----'      `---'   `-----' 
  *=--                    --=*   
         Thrym / Giants          
       for fast swapping!        
       Modules and normal        
           Espen Fossen          
           7520 HEGRA            
    | If You Are A Crazy         
    | Musician Then Contax       
    | Me For Lazy Swap..:        
      Raze of Ambrosia           
      Thomas Petersen            
      Norrebrogade 110, 2Th      
      8900 Randers               
      Denmark.              |    
      No Stamp Fakers !!!   |    
 ________  ________  _____/\     
_\______/ _\______/ _\____  \_   
|    _/---|    /----|   _    /   
|____     |____     |___|   //\_ 
tEN!`-----'   `-----'   `------' 
[%] tEN! oF eNCORE & eLEMENt [%] 
is seeking more  contacts around 
the globe  for swapping & ansi's 
         Tor E. Nygaard          
          Huldrevn. 25           
          1374  BORGEN           
 ________  ____  ________   oO   
_\______/ _\__ \/ __/\   |_`--'  
|    _/---|   \  /   |   _/----. 
|____     |___|\/|   |____     | 
tEN!`-----'      `---'   `-----' 
______  ____) ___/ _____.        
\____ \/ _______  \     |______  
_/   \  /   \_ |   \_   |     /  
:      nORk/mA$$iVE^tnc       :  
:                             :  
:   abraham sanchez gallego   :  
:      leon xiii n.5 3-c      :  
:        41oo9 sevilla        :  
:            spain            :  
Joining - usual swap - sfx swap  
     _   _  .__.     _   _       
    / \_/ \ |  |    / \_/ \      
   /   _   \|  l__ /   _   \     
 ..a fRienDlY sWapPEr wHo iS..   
 .lOokiNg 4 sUm nEw cOnTacTS!.   
.eLiTe oR lEgaL dOes'Nt mAtTEr.. 
    ..1oO% aNsWer tOo aLl..      
        ..aLIENs  sHQ..          
      ..hENRIK sUNDBERG..        
       ..stROMSEg. 42..          
      ..s-961 67 bOdEn..         
              __.      __.       
  ___________/  |_____/  l___    
.-\_______ \__  |_____   ___/_--.
: _/   l____/_  l    \_  l    \_:
`-\____._    /__._    /__._    /'
   -dV$l____/   l____/   l____/  
    dr.death/elt^astra syntex    
          yngve dalland          
         5690 lundegrend         
           n o r w a y           
  _________.  ________.____      
._\______  |__\_____  |   |___   
|  _____/  |      ____|  ____/__ 
|__________|_____| Sh1|_________|
  - fOr sUPPORTINg fEEDBACk -    
      ..sTRIFe oF aPATHy..       
        Torgeir Amundsen         
          Glitregata 13          
         3600  Kongsberg         
   .oOo. - A p a t h y - .oOo.   
-Apathy is a fairly new Norwegian
-Chriz/Element joined as double- 
-Dweeb joined as ascii artist,   
 graphician and swapper!         
-Psycho joined as graphician!    
-Growl joined as swapper!        
-Interface renamed to Sunscream! 
-Death was kicked!               
-WiSe joined as internet freak!  
  Strife......Whq, coder, swap   
  Dweeb.......Gfx, ascii, swap   
  Sunscream...Gfx, ascii         
  Chriz.......Swapper, trader    
   But that's all the news I     
   bothered collecting!  :)      
   fEELIn lAZy!!  Ohh nOo!       
   sHIt!  Have tO release this,  
        faaast!   ;)             
  Well, maybe there will be      
  more news next time, wait'n    
  see..   Those who want news in 
  here should send...            
        . ..mESSAGEs.. .         
          . ..fROm.. .           
 ..gROWL oF aPATHy^vOId^aLIENs.. 
Well, finally diz first issue of 
        --> Feedback <--         
is released, & i really must say 
that it is quite nice. Well, the 
graphics is ok, and the music is 
also very nice. Well, ok. I dont 
want to forget Strife, so i also 
think da code is ok, heh..!!     
Hmm. What more can i write Bfore 
i let to greetings fly out on da 
Well, yeah..!! As zum of U know, 
then i left the scene some time  
ago. This was becoz i needed the 
money for a PC..!! Well, atleast 
i thought i needed the PC, but i 
found out that the Amiga is the  
most precious thing you can own. 
Now i have bought myself a new   
Amiga, and now i will stay on da 
scene for quite a while. The new 
computer i will buy will be the  
new Amiga Walker.!! Well, i know 
it looks like a vacuum-cleaner,  
but i think it is cool.!! I will 
keep the A1200 if da Walker is a 
total flop, heh..!! Who knows,   
they have fucked up Bfor, so why 
not now..!!                      
Well, ok..!! I will offer all da 
money in my fortune to give some 
hot chocolate 2 my friends in da 
My chocolate must be given to..> 
Aliens           - Millennium    
Ambrosia         - Cyboman       
Chaos Bros.      - Dr.Avalanche  
                   Black Devil   
Erotic Design    - The King      
Freezers         - Dave          
Giants           - Fugazi        
Insanity         - Hille         
Italian Bad Boys - Badcat        
Jewels           - Keldon        
kingdom          - Deature       
Kinky!           - Devistator    
Limited Edition  - Reciever      
Mobile           - Apeman        
Pacific          - Groover       
R.n.o            - Fiction       
Ram Jam          - Fashion       
Rektum           - Hotstepper    
Scoopex          - Gangsta       
Syndicate        - The Phantom   
                   Fatman John   
Void             - Rabl          
Why              - Enchanced     
And ofcoz also 2 the ones i have 
forgotten here..!! Well, maybe U 
will be remembered next time..!! 
Bfor i continue, i will announce 
that i very soon will start to   
release my new pack..!! It will  
be called LAMERS EMPIRE and will 
include graphics by CYBOMAN/A!A, 
Code by STRIFE/APATHY and music  
by various talented musicians    
like Raze/A!A, Cyboman/A!A, MLM/ 
Aliens etc..!! Well, watch out & 
enjoy as soon as the first issue 
will be out..!!                  
 Well, enjoy this first issue of 
 our new prod..!! Watch out 4 da 
 next issue..!!                  
       C U ALL IN DA FUTURE.     
        . ..mESSAGEs.. .         
          . ..fROm.. .           
    . ..sTRIFe oF aPATHy.. .     
Hey!  Look who got my first      
message! Yeps, who else could it 
be?  I just want to say that I   
love having you in Apathy!! And  
I'm sorry for not including any  
of your mods in this issue! Next 
time mate!!                      
Don't know if you will ever see  
this, but hey!  I'll write some  
anyway!!   :D  Know what I've    
heard?  Your name isn't Rolf, but
Ralf!  And you never told me..   
Well, now I know so who cares?   
heheh.  I'll send a letter soOn! 
So..  How do you like your new   
fabiedoobie group?  :)   Better  
than hemoraiders atleast I hope! 
hehe, nice sends! koOl chatting  
on the phone with ya, although   
it was a VERY short chat! hehe.. 
Hey my Danish friend! How's the  
pack graphics going?  Hope       
cyboman doesn't have to draw     
them over again.. heh heh..      
Keep those sends floating!       
Hmm..   I bet this slideshow     
you're planing will be GREAT!    
But, hehe, I don't think I'm the 
right coder for it, or?  heheh.. 
Who knows..  Are you planning on 
leaving the scene?  ohh no!!     
You know, I've been skateboardin 
some lately!  err..   but, can't 
say I managed to do more than a  
couple of ollies..  ehmm hehe..  
I wonder, is there something     
special bout skateboarders? They 
seem to be leaders of groups..   
Me, you, bon..  ?  :)  hehe..    
Hey hey, your number of swappers 
seems to be increasing, FAST!    
kOol, for you!  Don't leave the  
scene more ehh?  hehe  ;)        
Soo..   Isn't it the kool hip    
hop dude?  hehe..   tagger du    
saa er du faen meg teit!!  :)    
Bare Egil band er vist oppl0st!  
hahaha, no, I loooove tags! But  
not those ugly oned you used to  
do..   muhahah..   ....see ya!   
Spreading rumours are we?  hehe, 
well, all I can say is:          
     - fRIENDSHIp rULEz! -       
Nothing else my friend!  So send 
soOn!  D-lays sux!  :)  And      
there's a bug I have to fix on   
Dreams before you release it...  
Where are you??!!  Know what??   
Actually you're not my fastest   
swapper..  :)  heheh..   It was  
REAL cool to see yar place! Have 
to do that again some time!!     
sOon!!  :)   Be seeing ya!       
Heyy!  Hmm..  Didn't even have   
time to fill out the votesheet   
ehh?  nOt goOd!  but who cares?  
Actually I kinda care, so fill   
it soOn..  Didn't even comment   
on the preview I sent of Feedback
...Didn't you like it at all?    
Apathy, massive and eltech ehh?  
hehe..   Well, I think Apathy has
a bit more status than massive   
now..  :)  When is that message- 
senter coming??  I'm waiting     
Err..  didn't I say to you 'lets 
speed up our swapping a bit`?    
Hehe, well.. take your time then 
Guess that's ok too..  What do   
you think of this then?  Why did 
you leave us?  :)  Send soOn!    
Thanx for supporting Feedback!!  
coOl! Maybe I'll use some more   
of your mods next time, or??     
Well, we'll see..  Have quite    
many other mods too for the next 
issue, but there's always room   
for more!!  hehe..   Love yar    
mods and chips mate!             
Waiting for your mag, and all    
the other stuff!  That'll be     
cool! Can't wait!! But shouldn't 
I've had it already?  d-lays. :) 
No swede jokes this time, hehe.. 
Err..  I should have sent to you 
for a long time ago, but seems   
like I never did it..  A small?  
delay, sorry! Is there coming    
any new Implants? I may have     
some modules for it which will   
work..   So tell me if you want  
em..   See ya!                   
Wowh!! Void is certainly growing 
these days!  But where are you?  
You haven't died of cow-sickness 
over in England there I hope?    
Hey you mega swapper! Another    
message for you..  bet you get   
em all the time, so nothing      
special bout this or? What can   
I write to make you remember     
this messy?  You suck!!  muhaha! 
Kiddin!  :)                      
The redline demos are quite      
cool! I like em!!  When will YOU 
release anything of your coded   
stuffs mate?                     
-SpeedDevil/X+toomanygroups! :)  
Hey! You're a friendly swapper   
afterall!  I would never have    
thought that..  hehe..  So how   
do you like the chart?  Wonder   
how high you finally will get    
when I count the votes..  heh..  
-Accede/Astra Syntex             
Wowh!  You should have been a    
graphician instead of a coder!!  
heheh.. Draw more `nice'         
drawings on the envelopes! rulez 
Hey! Just talked with you on the 
phone now, and know what? You're 
bored!!  wowh! 030 50mhz and he's
bored guys!!  Hd formatting is   
phun!!  :)                       
Hey my friend from Holland! Will 
you ever send some of the old s2 
releases? I wonder...   Doesn't  
seem to help even how much I ask 
for em..  well well..  Oki, so I 
was at the top just becoz my     
group starts with A..  knew      
there was something fishy!!  :)  
Yeah?  Are you gonna send again? 
Or did you only want to send     
once?  whatever...               
How is the homepage going?  I    
have a feeling it's not going    
that well..!!  :)  hope I'm      
wrong, hheheh...                 
Hey mate!  Will any icons from   
you reach me before the release? 
Only time will show..   Anyways, 
enjoy feedback!  Hope you've     
found your bike!!                
Rolex is dissapointed coz you    
haven't answered him yet(aren't  
you rolex??)  hehe..  pc ehh?    
Well, watch out!!  That thing is 
DANGEROUS!!  Keep it away from   
your amiga, or it might throw    
itself over her and kill her coz 
of pure envy!!  :)               
Sure you're not Alien/vd??  :)   
OKi, oki..  won't bug you more   
with that..  just send soOn      
will ya..   and tEn is that bb2  
coder you talked bout ehh?  :)   
OKi, a message to you too..      
Although our swapping hasn't     
quite taken off yet, will it     
ever do?  And now the BIG        
question: WHEN will miracle come 
??   hmm..   werrl, see ya!      
-Cyberstorm/Astra Syntex         
I wanna swap!!  Hope you answer  
my send!!  Ofcourse you will, or 
I'll come EAT your amiga!!  Err. 
Hi hellrazor/fun!!  :)           
-Punisher/Xfactor^demon p!       
Hey, ofcourse you got a message  
too!  Hope to see some finished  
prod from you guys soon! That'll 
be coOl!!  See ya!               
Heyyy!!  Wie gehts?  Offne dein  
Mund und ich will in ihn pinkeln 
!! hAahAHahAh  kiddin!!  Deutsch 
rulez!!   :)  Kickdown doesn't   
execute the files on my machine, 
it just reloads the pack.  :(    
Sorry for the BIG delay!!  Hope  
you won't delay as much as I did 
so send soOn!!                   
Fast greets to my friends on irc:
Frenzy, Zack/Giants, Substance,  
Decoder, Hexorcist, Mr.c,        
ussj, can't remeber anymore      
right now, but greets to ALL the 
others too!  Why not check out   
#Apathy on irc..   :)            
  Messys written by              
       Strife/Apathy in June     
 If you wanna swap with me then  
find my addy in the addy section.
        See ya guys!             
   bESt nORWEGIAn sWAPPERs:      
1. Chriz/Element^Apt.... (23 pts)
2. Strife/Apathy........ (20 pts)
3. Dweeb/Apathy......... (10 pts)
4. Bon/Giants........... (9 pts) 
5. Skinner/Eltech....... (7 pts) 
5. Speed-devil/x........ (7 pts) 
5. Rolex/Apathy......... (7 pts) 
6. TFT/Rno.............. (6 pts) 
7. Fisherking/Massive... (5 pts) 
7. Felix/Massive........ (5 pts) 
7. Zerox/Gods........... (5 pts) 
8. Dr.Death/Eltech^Ats.. (4 pts) 
8. Thrym/Giants......... (4 pts) 
9. Accede/Astra Syntex.. (3 pts) 
9. PSycho/Apathy^HMR.... (3 pts) 
9. Cope/Apathy^Giants... (3 pts) 
9. Mr.X/Apathy^Strange.. (3 pts) 
9. Romeo/Astra Syntex... (3 pts) 
9. Repoman/Encore....... (3 pts) 
10. Maze/Eltech^Massive. (2 pts) 
10. Hurricane/Clan^Void. (2 pts) 
10. CyberStorm/Ats...... (2 pts) 
10. X-ite/Independent... (2 pts) 
10. Wiseguy/Apathy^ATS.. (2 pts) 
10. Purple Haze/Saints.. (2 pts) 
10. Hellrazor/Fun^Orange (2 pts) 
11. Volcryn/Independent. (1 pts) 
11. Zack/Giants......... (1 pts) 
11. Mj/Iris............. (1 pts) 
11. Ace/Session......... (1 pts) 
    bESt nORWEGIAn mUSICIANs:    
1. Jogeir/Vd............ (19 pts)
2. Zany/p303............ (16 pts)
3. P.o.w/Surprise p!.... (11 pts)
4. Dr.Death/Eltech^Ats.. (10 pts)
5. Maze/Eltech^Massive... (9 pts)
6. Vinnie/Spaceballs..... (7 pts)
7. Two Bit/Giants........ (5 pts)
7. Rolex/Apathy.......... (5 pts)
7. Mr.Man/Andromeda...... (5 pts)
8. Tim................... (4 pts)
9. Superted/Grotesticle.. (3 pts)
9. Blockhead/Illusion.... (3 pts)
9. Travolta/Spaceballs... (3 pts)
10. Whiskas/Astra Syntex. (2 pts)
10. Tracky/Apathy........ (2 pts)
10. Acidhead/X........... (2 pts)
10. Spin-Dizzy/Ats....... (2 pts)
10. Lizard/Spaceballs.... (2 pts)
11. Cope/Giants^Apathy... (1 pts)
11. Don-Cato/Talent...... (1 pts)
11. Kenna/Th!nk P!....... (1 pts)
11. Jason................ (1 pts)
  ..The voters in this issue..   
   Speed Devil/X^Fns^Sos^Eph^Ult 
     8 Voters all in all.        
         Thanx guys!             
  I hope we will receive more    
 votes for the 2nd issue so the  
 chart will be more precise.     
 Hmm..  Three Apathy members     
 have topped the swapper chart.  
 Don't ask me why?  I guess we   
 are just such great             
 friendshippers :)  heheh.. Well 
  Chriz is more a hotstuffer I   
 think, and he has just joined   
 But anyways, if you think the   
 swapper chart stinx then come   
 on and send YOUR votes for the  
 next issue!  And if you think   
 it rulez, then send votes       
 anyway!  :)                     
 Ok, I hope you enjoyed our      
 small Norwegian chart. I think  
 it was about time the Norwegian 
 scene got a chart as well. This 
 one was just a minor one, but   
 I know other groups are         
 planning some bigger ones. But  
 filling big votesheets is       
 boring so we kept it small.     
 Rolex/Apathy started to wonder  
 how much money the sceners have 
 conned from the post office.    
 Maybe there will be a chart for 
 that as well, next time..  :)   
 Until then...      ...bye!