Text Inside this Production

Single coder. Nowadays has enough time
for codin' coz' he's unemployed.
   [ He likes beer and hard sweety [
[[[[       alcoholed drinks.       [[[[
[ Hardcore Techno his favourite music [

Single gfx-man. Unfortunately studies.
His academy is far away from home. At
weekends can pixel some Gfxs, hasn't
enough time. His monitor is a BW-TV,  ]
but sometimes can draw at Color TV.  ]]

Callisto's younger brother. First he
composes with synthesizer, after types
the song into Amiga. Likes the synth
and techno musics. His musics will be
published soon.

When arrived the party place his first
thing was a cold beer. During code
he drank and listened to the tapes.

He likes to create with Imagine, but of
course hasn't got enough time. He likes
hard tekkno and instrumental musics.
His favourite is Ennio Morricone.

Write the next address,
if you want contact with
the coder.
H-9027 Gyor
Ipar str. 31.
Address of gfxer and swapper.
Gfx and Swapping:
H-6917 Nagyer
Poste restante


  We reached the end of the contusion.
    We hope you like our first prod.
 press any mouse button to pause scroll
     or both button to skip scroll.
            First let's see
       the accessories-lists ...
   The tekknics what helped us...
 - A500
 - A500 plus
 - 3.5 inchs external drive
 - Color TV sets
 - BW mega monitor
 - Fisher CR-W225
 - ...
 Most used sotwares...
 - Deluxe Paint v4.02
 - Filemaster v2.2
 - ...
 The foods and drinks...
 - Kokke-koule
 - Kiwi-syrup
 - Battery-acid
 - ...
 - Gyor-biscuit
 - 1 tonne apple
 - ...
 The most used words...
 - Fuck!
 - Fak!
 - Yeah!
 - Oh, no!
 - Shit!
 - Yeeeeeeeeeees!
 - Kul!
 - Why?
 - My god!
 - ...
 Some of worst sentences...
 - Asshole post-er!!!
 About these things from the
 the demomaking.
 Ok,now we write our own texts ...
 Please stay calm maybe we speak
 for you!
Yeargh! Visitor's typing ...
First I'd like say hi for everybody,
and thanks for you for seeing this
First of all I write about the demo
and the team.
This demo was a very hard work 'coz
we're learning and we haven't got
enough time and enough member to
coding, pixellizing, and etc...
The team now has four members called
 - Callisto ( kode )
 - Exalt    ( mjuzsics )
 - Pollux   ( mjuzsics )
 - Visitor  ( 'rafics )
So, it's very hard work...
    But we want to show you
    We are a hungarian crew.
Ok, something about me...
I'll be 19. I study in Budabest at
a milltary college, near my home
260 kmetres ( eh! ). The school is
hard for me, a lot of bullshit
subjects what I hate. But it's too
long how I study here.
My favorite musics are the modern
arts called: Kraftwerk, Laserdance,
Koto, Tangerine Dream, etc..
I love the tekkno musics but there
are a lot of shits who want to be
tekkno team but they aren't that.
I like the classical musics,too.
Ennio Morricone, Jeff Wayne, Orff...
Of'coz the computer ( Amiga rules )
musics are a piece of my life.
Now I'm listening ' To Be On Top'.
Wraphie! It's megakul.
Ok, ok, ok!
At last.. I hate the smoke and those
men who think the life is smoke and 
Now, I write the message for my
friends and some teams.
Let's see...
Callisto = Psyhosis
Hi dude! Finally we done it!!!
Have a haircut couz the August is
near. It was joke. I afear of we'll
lost without you. In summer we going
to have a biiig party, ok?!
Thanks your neverending patience for
me when I drawed. Thanks!!! I want if
you'll happy with your girl-friend.
Thanks your moral-support.
Pollux and Exalt = Psyhosis
Make soft and hard music!!! You're
kul gajs.
Thanks for all! We want you to our
team. Yo! We got our 29.03.93.-
letter. Goose'll answer to you.
How many days have to left???
Thanks for your  moral-support.
The tapes are kul, I'll send tapes
for CD's copying.
Thanx your stuffs! Sorry for the
delay but i haven't got enough time
( nowadays ), but I'll send stuffs
soon. I hope you like this demo.
ADT = Absolute
You are great! thanks you to take my
poens to
Yesterday I listened your musics.
They're very kuuuul! Please write.
You're my favourite. Your progs are
very evenful.
You're also my fav.! The intromusics
of the 'Overload2' is extasy!!! Yea.
That's all. I can't write more text.
To everybody
The Amiga Is The Best
And We Must Forever
Love That!
And all of Hungarian teams and men.
We must to show we are, and we'll be
End of text from Visitor.
        === Twin Peaks Rules ===
Hi guys and girls! 
I'm Callisto, the second who decided to
typing, what is sufferly for me, because
my new Amiga has shit german keyboard.
I prefer like the USA keyboard.
Otherwise it's my third Amiga.
My first machine has become a total
loss development, because I made a RGB
short-circuit. The second has exchanged
for a brand new Amiga500 Plus.
About me...
I'm 20 years old. I like synth
musics (Koto, Chris Huelsbeck,
Laserdance, Vangelis, Art of Noise,
Kraftwerk, Tangerine dream, etc...)
and techno musics (Interactive, t99,
2unlimited, chimo bayo, l.a. style,
techno cop, most bass,etc...)
I fucked up hate disco musics,
but has some one what I listen
with pleasure.
In this year I'll take final exams.
I hope it'll be succesfull, but
I'm fearing for it now. But my 
exams coming after 2 months.
About demonstration...
I suffered a lot of coding, because
I'm a beginner.
The programming continued fast at
26 of december in 1992, when i arrived
to Nagyer for Goose' and Visitor's
Here started a party with 3 members.
Unfortunately I'll back at home at
3 of January, because Goose and Visitor
are going to Military Academy.
At the party I made the credits and
end parts.
Now I wish thanx for everything to Goose
and Visitor.
Thanx to their parents for boarding,
lodgings and patience. Thanx!!!
Today is the first day of 1993.
At dawn Goose and me awoke the
We popped up to Goose's relatives.
We drank lot of champagne and
Napoleon cognac. Goose was K.O.
The night and dawn were cool.
We felt good!!!
And now coming my messages...
I haven't know you, but I heard
only goods about you. If you want
then be Psyhosis member!!!
I possible then send example work.
Hi, Adt/Absolute!
If you didn't lose my tapes as
my best techno, I'll carry a lot
of more.
I wish the best to Absolute!!!
The Sledge Hammer is better
step by step.
Hello Jester/Sanity!
I like your musics.
In my opinion you're one of the
best musician on Amiga.
I hope our swapper'll get in
touch with you.
I would see all productions of you.
Hello Kyd/Balle productions!
The best demo is the Hardwired.
It brought many innovations into
Amiga scene.
I'm waiting for second part!
You're my ideal coders.
Don't leave the Amiga World!!!
Yo Lemon point!
I like your style! At least
have other different "color" 
demos on Amiga.
Hi Frontie!
I hope you feel good at the army!
I know it's impossible, but who know.
Some golden jokes...
-Say grandfather why jumping grandmother
 in the garden?
-Shut up! Rather feed the munitions!!!
-Grandmum! Why is stinking in the room?
 Grandmum! Grandmum!! Grandmum!!!
          Well, that's all!!!