Embrion 3
Text Inside this Production

             - [  e  m  b  r  i  o  n  ] -             
                _______ __ ____ ______                 
              ._\ __  /_\ \   /_\  __/__.              
              |   \__/             \_   |              
              |           \/        /   |              
              |___________/     \ ______|              
              ...Sleeping and dreaming...              
  Dark,  winter night.  White quilt of snow covers your
body.  Reflections of moonlight in ice-shinning pillow.
Your  cold breaths creates foggy clouds of water vapur.
They   rising  into  the  air.   Shapeless  wonders  of
physical  creation.   Try to touch them.  I know - it's
  Dreaming in EMBRIONIC pose.                          
  Lock  harder  your  eyes.  Imagine warm, gentle hands
massaging  your tired body.  Slipping on your skin from
head  to  feets.   Slowly,  to act with tact.  I know -
your body starts shaking.  Yes!  Sharply coldness isn't
a   reason.    Something  different.   Maybe  pleasure?
Sweetness.  Clammy lips.  Desire.  Mmmmm...            
  THEY  always  told  you that dreaming is bad.  Liars.
Scurvy liars.  Poison dripping on floor from their ugly
mouths.  Pools of bitter liquid.  You're drowning.     
  Argggggghhhhh   -   vibrations   in   air.    Signal.
Awakening.  Morning!  It's monday alarm.  So...        
  Wake up fucker!  One - two - three.  Move!  Open your
eyes  and  very loud scream!  What's up?  What i see in
your  eyes?   Fear?   There's  no time for fear!  Dress
your  grey  clothes and eat synthetic food.  Breakfast?
Only  scornful  smile  on your face of a kind.  Faster!
Look  at  clock and...?  O phuck!  While openning doors
you're  closing  gates to wonderland of dreams.  Become
machine  -  an  organic  robot.   Load a program and go
  Feelling the weight of dark sky falling on your back.
Pain  of  being.  Run stupid, run!  It's your only hope
and best escape...                                     
             All the time it snows around.             
  This  THING  you're now throughtlessly clicking on is
third  edition  of  EMBRION  [chip  paque]  from Veezya
workshops.   Move  your  pointer here and there.  Enjoy
sounds  and  masturbate  your  silly  brain.  Again and
  If  you're interested in support EMBRION with effects
of  pro-tracker'ing  -  your music creativity - contact
us!  Only one phuckin' rule:  mods size max.  5okb [not
crunched!].   So shake dust from your brain spirals and
send  something  to  our  members,  especially to me or
  I'm  CRUISING  on  THE MORNING TRIP.  Trying to reach
mystical  G-SPOT.   COLOURS around me.  It's just 1000%
of  NEW  SCHOOL.   I'm MOVING and step by step i become
MACHINERY.   Yes!   Everything  is  a  loop.   My sweet
ALIENation.  I love this WILDLIFE.  End is near.       
  It's  time  to  say !phuck oph! boring reality.      
  Hey, looser! Wait for EMBRION #4! It's worth of it!  
                              yourz kempy/veezya+k0re. 
musique creations:  otton / veezya + hv                
                    state / veezya                     
                    curtcool / depth                   
                    dagon / gel design                 
                    gorzyga / decree [                 
graphique pixels:   otton / veezya + hv                
                    thorin / veezya                    
code binaries:      clever / veezya                    
irracional editing: kempy / veezya + k0re.             
azkee lines:        twister / veezya                   
support work:       all of you!                        
  On  the wings of winter wind are flying greets to our
friends from these groups:                             
absurd  +  anadune  +  apathy  +  amiga euro + appendix
bla^bla  +  decree  +  embora  + euforia + floppy + gel
design  +  giants  high voltage + iris + linear + k0re.
mantra  +  mawi  +  moons  +  mystic + nah-kolor + nasa
nemesis + oasis kids phase truce + potion + pride + psb
rave  network  overscan  +  sector 5 + sector 7 + t13n!
taski + thefect tng + twilight + union + whelpz        
and to all forgotten...                                
special transmission [decoded!] for:                   
- pyder - you're great person - fascination in my eyes 
- yaneq - army, you'll see how easy to kill...yourself 
- atrey - veronica is a very lucky girl, guess why =)  
 [ news ] veezya [ news ]                              
 news updated [01.02.98]                               
-rabi  was  kicked  out  with his activity and " high "
intellectual level                                     
-state's musique disque is planning soon               
-state module was passed intel outside'98 music compo  
 selection  [2]                                        
-gordon was kicked out [unactivity]                    
-kempy [swap, ascii, edit] joined                      
-embrion#3 ;) realised                                 
-ptasznik has changed handle to twister                
-dj.hash [music] joined actual memberlist:             
 kempy...........ascii, swap, edit                     
 thorin..........swap, organize                        
 twister.........swap, ascii                           
 we are searching good graphician - contact:           
 thorin-veezya                otton-veezya             
 arek jalowiec                mariusz otto             
 nowiniarska 12/27    or      dabrowskiego 3/8         
 oo-235 warszawa              o5-4oo otwock            
 poland                       poland                   
 [o-22] 635-o2-5o             [o-22] 719-4o-99         
                  |             \/ |                   
               n       e       w       s               
            ___    ________ _______ _______            
           .\  \___\  __  /_\     /_\  ,__/_.          
           |  _ \_    \__/   \       \___   |          
           |   \             /\        \/   |          
                  |               _|                   
ABSURD: [xx.11.98]                                     
- cooper joined as grafician from appendix             
- sante joined as coder and swapper from fabiness      
- marc joined as musician and swapper                  
- adonis joined as swapper                             
- max joined as tracer from fabiness!                  
- haze has been kicked                                 
- opal was kicked due to lack of communication!        
adonis    - swapper                            denmark 
aztec     - ascii-artist and swapper            norway 
bta       - coder                               poland 
budgie    - whq, ascii-artist and swapper       poland 
cooper    - graphician                          poland 
jumbo     - friend and swapper                  poland 
marc      - musician and swapper               germany 
max       - raytracer                         slovakia 
popcorn   - musician                            poland 
punisher  - nhq and swapper                     norway 
sante     - coder and swapper                 slovakia 
[latest spasmatic moves]                               
'phrase' 64k intro released at satellite'98            
'react' 64k intro released at gravity'98 [2nd]         
ANADUNE: [xx.12.98]                                    
- azzaro left group                                    
- mr. acryl left but rejoined                          
[memberlist] - amiga section                           
acryl     - hq, coder                                  
norman    - swapper                                    
dordan   - graphician                                 
andy      - net oriented man                           
APATHY: [xx.11.98]                                     
- rolex left for depth!                                
- accede joined as coder from contraz!                 
- strife and cope went to the army!                    
- growl was kicked!                                    
- punisher took over the organising of the group!      
- evan is the new polish headquarter!                  
- carp joined as swapper from strobe!                  
- mr.x left for mantra!                                
- pestilence joined as swapper!                        
- thung joined as ascii-artist and swapper!            
- ravrot joined as coder!                              
- dotty was kicked!                                    
- virge was kicked!                                    
punisher   - whq, packer, swapper               norway 
strife     - coder, swapper                     norway 
accede     - coder                              norway 
dotty      - coder                              poland 
ravrot     - coder                              poland 
virge      - coder                              poland 
wizzball   - coder                             england 
zeeball    - coder, phq                         poland 
mr.no      - editor, inet                      belgium 
rage       - graphician                         norway 
tentacle   - graphician, musician               norway 
chriz      - musician                           norway 
cope       - musician                           norway 
maze       - musician                           norway 
terry      - musician                           poland 
leia       - pr boss, designer, swapperine      norway 
carp       - swapper, gbhq                     england 
evan       - swapper, packer                    poland 
pestilence - swapper                            poland 
thung      - swapper, ascii-artist              poland 
COOLGANGST: [01.10.98]                                 
- kylo joined as a graphician                          
- szczotek joined as a graphician & musician           
- mardok left from the amiga scene                     
- dekruz joined as a coder & swapper                   
- scooba joined as a graphician                        
- sensei joined as a asm-coder                         
- juen joined as a coder                               
dekruz     - code, swapp                               
juen       - code                                      
karp       - code                                      
kylo       - gfx2d                                     
pyromaniac - gfx3d text                                
roger      - msx                                       
scooba     - gfx2d                                     
sensei     - code                                      
swonyo     - hq, gfx2d, text, swapp                    
szczotek   - gfx2d, msx                                
DARK TEAM [xx.12.98]                                   
- juen joined as coder                                 
DECREE [05.11.98]                                      
aragorn - graphician, swapper, text-writer             
ash!    - coder, swapper                               
bear    - coder                                        
dez    - coder, text-writer                           
gorzyga - [hQ], msx, swapper, gfx-manager, text-writer 
roover  - swapper, text-writer                         
rork    - graphician                                   
spider  - graphician                                   
stazi   - musician, swapper                            
terrix  - coder, text-writer                           
x-ball  - musician, ascii-maker                        
ENDZEIT: [06.09.98]                                    
- maq left endzeit to be only a member of floppy       
- blaze (swapper) left endzeit                         
- bonzaj joined from plastic as a doublemember         
- zig left endzeit                                     
blaze      - coder                                     
bonzaj     - 3d artist                                 
chip       - coder                                     
damion     - organizer, generation-editor              
e-moon     - coder                                     
noogman    - graphician                                
pezac      - coder                                     
pix        - graphician                                
prospect   - coder                                     
psycho     - musician                                  
rokdazone  - organizer, generation-editor              
the ripper - generation-editor                         
virgill    - musician                                  
x-ceed     - musician                                  
zack       - graphician                                
EUFORIA: [xx.11.98]                                    
- new group founded by juen                            
- flame joined as coder                                
- dbol'97 joined as coder                             
dbol - code                                           
juen - code, org                                       
flame - code                                           
FLOPPY: [xx.11.98]                                     
- informer joined as coder                             
[latest spasmatic moves]                               
'eniac4k' 4k intro released at the party'98 [10th]     
GARBAGE: [30.10.98]                                    
- twister joined as swapper and ascii maker            
- zero joined as designer                              
- vincent vega joined as modem-trader                  
- fighter for future joined as ascii maker             
- kia joined as graphician                             
- exor joined as swapper                               
- music  subgroup  [grbmes - garbage  music electronic 
section] going to be realised                          
b0b                 - modem-trader                     
cyrnox              - tracer                           
estrogen            - musician/organiser               
exor                - swapper                          
fighter for future  - ascii maker                      
kia                 - graphician                       
luka                - coder                            
pleban              - text writer/corector             
twister             - swapper/ascii maker              
vincent vega        - modem-trader                     
zero                - designer                         
grbmes  [memberlist]                                   
deep baze                                              
GIANTS: [10.10.98]                                     
- mr.x left to become a mantra only member             
- apollon joined as a musician                         
- guffaw joined rno as a double member                 
aln        - graphician                                
apollon    - musician                                  
guffaw     - spreader, mag support                     
hawk       - whq, org                                  
hellrazor  - code                                      
leia       - editor                                    
magicsn    - code                                      
maze       - music                                     
matarazzo  - graphician                                
nobrain    - sysop, code                               
orhan      - graphician                                
oystein    - musician                                  
paddywack  - graphician, musician                      
robotronik - code                                      
rustybrain - phoenix co'ed                             
spin dizzy - musician                                  
stan       - code, graphician                          
trump      - music, code                               
wiseguy    - sysop, phoenix main'ed                    
wizard     - code, musician, graphician                
zwetdrug   - graphician                                
[latest spasmatic moves]                               
'pheonix' mag issue 2 released                         
HIGH VOLTAGE [xx.01.99]                                
- simmon joined as graphician and swapper              
- amifan joined as text writer and little graphician   
- dj. csl joined as swapper and text writer            
amifan         - text writer                           
dj. csl        - swapper                               
dj.m           - swapper, 'coma' hq                    
exor           - swapper hq                            
lisaros        - swapper                               
otton          - co-hq, swapper, musician              
simmon         - swapper, text-writer                  
venom          - swapper, text writer                  
[last spasmatic moves]                                 
'coma' #5 diskmag released                             
IRIS: [xx.09.98]                                       
- digger became a coder                                
- junkhead left rebels and rejoined                    
- despite disbelief in the group, notman changed handle
  to nutman ;)                                         
bandy     - graphician                          denmark
darkhawk  - worldorganizer, editor & swapper    denmark
flower    - musician                            denmark
hastur    - coder                               denmark
hexagon   - coder                               denmark
notman    - musician                            denmark
ransom    - raytracer                           denmark
talpa     - coder                               denmark
tricktrax - coder & musician                    denmark
junkhead  - musician                             norway
mj        - editor, swapper, trader              norway
thrym     - raytracer                            norway
digger    - swapper, coder & plhq                poland
gilo      - musician                             poland
[latest spasmatic moves]                               
'swift' demo released at the party'98 [7th]            
'tinnitus' 40k intro released at the party'98 [7th]    
'dansktop' m-disk released                             
'buack 64k intro released at gravity'98 [6th]          
'screampack' swapperspack released                     
LINK124: [xx.12.98]                                    
- blaze joined                                         
- budgie left for linear                               
- yaneq left for linear                                
- revi left for k0re.                                  
- link is dead                                         
LINEAR: [xx.11.98]                                     
- yaneq joined from link124                            
- budgie joined from link124                           
MANTRA: [xx.11.98]                                     
- loaderror joined as graphician and coder             
- tft joined as swapper                                
- pix joined as graphician from rebels                 
- coma joined as musician and swapper from 3le         
- kollaps left to become independent                   
- haze joined as swapper and trader                    
point       - whq, coder                         norway
punisher    - whq, swapper                       norway
chauple     - coder                              norway
fenriz      - coder                              norway
loaderror   - coder, graphician, ascii-artist    norway
mr.x        - coder, swapper                     norway
angeldust   - graphician, musician, swapper     germany
budgie      - graphician, ascii-artist, swapper  poland
pix         - graphician                         norway
coma        - musician, swapper                  sweden
rebb        - musician                          finland
zixaq       - musician                           norway
receiver    - raytracer, swapper                denmark
firestarter - swapper                            norway
haze        - swapper, trader                    norway
tft         - swapper                            norway
MAD WIZARDS: [08.11.98]                                
- azzaro joined embassy as double member               
- acid left the group                                  
- pzyhall  were  asked  for  leaving  due  the  lack of
- jacko rejoined                                       
aln!       - coder                                     
azzaro     - swapper, packmaker [hq]                   
belos      - editor                                    
enter      - coder                                     
fame       - graphician                                
grass      - musician, graphician                      
hash       - musician                                  
insane     - graphician                                
jacko      - graphician                                
jim        - swapper, packmaker                        
lovelace   - graphician [dkhq]                         
mcr        - swapper, editor [phq]                     
pestilence - swapper, editior                          
phaser     - swapper, trader, editor                   
protas     - musician                                  
psion      - code [nlhq]                               
starlight  - coder                                     
timer      - musician                                  
zoltan     - tracer, 3d modeller                       
[latest spasmatic moves]                               
'drowned  offshore'  demo  [with venus art]  released  
 at satellite'98 [2nd]                                 
'astrosyn   2'   video   demo   invitation  released at
'audiofrequencymodulator'   64k   intro    released  at
'poser' videodemo released at satellite'98             
'save da vinyl' pack issue 15 [last] =( released       
'oaid' 4k intro released at satellite'98 [1st]         
'pacou' 4k intro released at satellite'98 [2nd]        
'e4' dentro released at satellite'98 [4th]             
'automatic for the people' demo released at gravity'98 
'diao' 4k intro released at gravity'98 [4th]           
NAH KOLOR: [08.10.98]                                  
- acid left for being a k0re. member only              
- ghenesis was asked to leave the group                
- raze rejoined the scene and nah-kolor                
- mr.wolf isn't and never wasn't our member!           
- fame rejoined as graphician                          
- norby rejoined as fun member [psx section =]         
- spark joined as 3d modeller and graphician from phase
- ridler joined as tracer and graphician               
- traitor has dropped nah-kolor and amiga scene [little
  reincarnation at satellite'98 =]                     
amiflash       - web designer/tracer             poland
blaze          - organizer/swapper/packmaker     poland
caro           - graphician                      poland
case           - phreaker/internet courier        italy
daze           - musician [pc]                   poland
dreamer        - musician/founder                poland
estrayk        - musician                         spain
fame           - graphician [pc]                 poland
fra            - tracer                           italy
hate           - swapper [pc]                    poland
hedgehog       - coder                            italy
inc            - coder [pc]                      poland
klod           - coder                           poland
magic          - organizer/editor/founder [pc]  holland
metal dezigner - coder                            italy
norby          - fun member                      poland
orbital        - graphician [pc]                 poland
protas         - musician                        poland
qba            - musician                        poland
qix            - swapper                         poland
raze           - musician [pc]                  denmark
revisq         - musician                        poland
ridler         - 3d modeller/tracer/graphician   poland
ripper         - coder                           poland
sleve          - coder [pc]                      poland
spark          - 3d modeller/graphician          poland
stun           - musician                         italy
unreal         - graphician [pc]                hungary
visual         - organizer/graphician [pc]       poland
warpig         - graphician [pc]                hungary
[latest spasmatic moves]                               
'shema' 64k intro released at gravity'98 [2nd]         
NUANCE: [xx.xx.98]                                     
- hbe joined from ebs as coder                         
- kalikone is serving in the army for a year           
- nemes!s/digital joined as double member, and as      
  mained of w!ld                                       
hbe         - coder                                    
kill`o`byte - coder                                    
kalikone    - swapper                                  
nemes!s     - editor                                   
phlexible   - editor                                   
quark       - musician                                 
x-poole     - co-organzier, musician                   
raven       - organizer, graphician                    
OLD BULLS: [xx.11.98]                                  
- sabe reactivated group                               
- zabora joined as swapper, asciimaker and webmaster   
- aruan joined as musician                             
RNO: [xx.01.99]                                        
- kure4kancer renamed to kure =)                       
- punisher  joined  as swapper and he's quadruple      
  member of apathy, mantra and absurd                  
- romeo  joined  as coder and  now he's double member  
  of donut fetish                                      
- talmir joined as coder from dark fire                
- guffaw joined as swapper                             
acidhead    - musician, graphician, raytracer     [nor]
angeldust   - graphician, swapper                 [ger]
chosen few2 - graphician, swapper                 [ger]
cie         - musician                            [ger]
craid       - coder, graphician, co-whq           [ger]
guffaw      - swapper, trader                     [swe]
kure        - whq, musician, swapper              [fin]
lunar       - raytracer                           [pol]
madel       - phq                                 [pol]
punisher    - swapper                             [nor]
romeo       - coder                               [nor]
roz         - musician                            [fin]
talmir      - coder                               [fin]
tang        - musician                            [fin]
tft         - nhq, swapper                        [nor]
tls         - musician                            [ger]
tmu         - sysop                               [fin]
tod         - sysop                               [fin]
xedos       - coder                               [ger]
yaneq       - ascii maker                         [pol]
zubzbaze    - musician                            [nor]
[latest spasmatic moves]                               
'newschool' 40k intro released at the party'98 [8th]   
4 tiny cracktros by xedos released at [10.09.98]       
SPIRAL: [23.09.98]                                     
- timer formed spiral - new handle - el chupacabra     
- bump joined - new handle - hallucinogen              
el_chupacabra  - goa / detroit / ambient / electronic /
dance / trance                                         
hallucionogen  -  electronic  dance  /  goa / detroit /
TRESORE: [xx.10.98]                                    
cosmic aka stakka - trader/whq                  poland 
stan              - music                       poland 
revi              - hq, ascii, gfx, swap, music poland 
zebool            - music                       poland 
trzezwy           - music                       poland 
antiloop          - music                      england 
daproo            - code                       lovakia 
delora            - swap                        poland 
[latest spasmatic moves]                               
'sluttishsounde' m-disk released                       
'old10mhz' 64k intro released at gravity'98 [11th]     
TULOU: [xx.10.98]                                      
musli          - founder                        sweden 
altruist       - sysop, ascii                   sweden 
sauron         - gfx                            sweden 
joker          - gfx                            sweden 
addeman        - gfx                            sweden 
bloodstone     - gfx                           finland 
razorback      - gfx                            sweden 
lempkee        - gfx                            norway 
reflect        - music                          norway 
trone          - music                          sweden 
temal          - music                          sweden 
spectral       - music                          sweden 
dr.strangelove - coder                          sweden 
daredevil      - Coder                          sweden 
todi           - coder, webmaster, ascii        sweden 
[latest spasmatic moves]                               
'take  bath with tulou 2' demo released at the party'98
'omnipotent' demo released at hackersnight'98 [3rd]    
VIRGE [18.11.98]                                       
- group started in 17.XI.98                            
math        - coder, org.                              
pyromaniac  - 3d graphician                            
roger       - musician, swap (only music), org.        
WHELPZ: [09.11.98]                                     
-city   and   natas   were  kicked  out  due  lack  of
cahir      - coder                               poland
delora     - swapperine                          poland
dr.oczkins - coder                               poland
dyziotox   - musician                            poland
khax       - raytracer                           poland
Konus      - raytracer                           poland
lunix      - graphician, asciimaker              sweden
maxsoft    - musician                            poland
m.s.druid  - graphician                          poland
ravrot     - coder                               poland
revi       - co-organizer, asciimaker            poland
sword [?]  - editor, writer                      poland
thorr      - organizer, swapper                  poland
trzezwy    - musician                            poland
[latest spasmatic moves]                               
'frozen' pack#4' released                              
'engine' 64kb intro released at gravity'98 [10th]      
'4k' intro released at gravity'98 [1st]                
                     |_\        /_|                    
                   r       e        s                  
               ________ ________ _______               
              .\___   /_\  __  /_\  ,__/_.             
              |   / _/     \__/   \___   |             
              |   \                 \/   |             
                      _          _   twr!              
                     :/          \:                    
[results from CONVENTION'998]                          
 amiga/pc demo competition:                            
1. "Pelle Hjalmar" by DONUT [pc]               140 pts 
2. "Robbo" by SPACEBALLS [Amiga]                50 pts 
 music competition:                                    
1. "Sad But True" by Jogeir Liljedahl/NOISELESS 80 pts 
2. "Jay-walk" by Boo/SPACEBALLS+TALENT          60 pts 
3. "Loop" by Awex                               50 pts 
4. "1998" by Cman                               40 pts 
 graphics competition:                                 
1. "Maim On Mars" by THC/POSTMORTAL PROD.       50 pts 
2. "Forest at Convention" by Mollan             30 pts 
3. "Final Revenge of Saturn" by Mollan          20 pts 
4. "Burnt To A Crisp" by THC/POSTMORTAL PROD.   10 pts 
5. "Romance" by Boo/SPACEBALLS+TALENT            0 pts 
 wild competition:                                     
1. "Meteor Strikes Trailer" by Mollan          180 pts 
2. "Brotherhood of Momtajul" by THC+Deviant    120 pts 
3. "Teveslave by Onslown                        30 pts 
4. "Grav Ned Loff" by Donut+Remark               0 pts 
re-edited/spreaded by Blaze/NAH-KOLOR+FLOPPY           
[results from KINDERGARDEN'98]                         
Please  note  that  there  aren't full results from the
multichannel competition. These will be announced later
at party www site.                                     
Place  Entry  Group/Handle         Name         Points 
   1      6    Contraz         Retrospectacular     100
   2      1    Spaceballs      The Family Robot      70
   3      5    Ephidrena       Norsktoppen 3 Intro   28
   4      4    Depth           OnaNina               21
   5      2    Apathy          Baad Bwoy              5
   6      3    Apathy          Very Best Demo         4
   1      3    Spaceballs      N2O                   64
   2      5    Contraz         BrainBox              61
   2      1    Triumph         Kindergarden Intro    61
   1      1    Planet Jazz                           48
   1      1    Ludde & Co      Race                  38
   2      2    Team Karbis     Flur-S                30
4 Chn                                                  
   1     11    Cobolt69        C9H13N_PT.2           35
   2     20    Pinocchio       Jutta                 29
   3      5    Muffin          D-flight              23
   3      6    Duckhunter      Golden Shackles       23
   5      8    Frequent        Purple Ajah           21
   6     21    Timmy           Just like that        16
   7      3    Zixaq           Grandma goes Goa      14
   7     12    Isaac           Environment Mirrors   14
   9      9    Tentacle        En fin gitar og et      
                                               rtt  13
  10     19    Team Karbis     Pissemaur              9
  11      4    Tecon           Global Trash'98        8
  11     17    Surreal         Jizendu                8
  13      1    Dj Hasj         Green Triangle         7
  13     15    Kure4Kancer&TFT Aromator               7
  15     13    Cheetah         Aladdins Lommelykt     6
  16     18    Dr.Sound        Hypnotic               5
  17      2    Rebb & Punisher Traffic Jam            4
  18      7    Stoney          Popeye Punk            3
  19     16    Filuu           Wo Bist Dum            2
  20     10    Dj.Monthy       X-Pand                 0
  20     14    Optic           Delerium               0
   1      3    Frequent        Radiumhospitalet      29
   2      9    Gainx           Save the rainforest   26
   3     15                           18
   4     11    Optic           Fluidity              16
   5      6                           14
   6      5    Loaderror       Beret-Lpet           10
   6     14                           10
   8     10                            7
   9      2                            6
   9     12                            6
  11     13                            5
  12      1                            3
  12      4                            3
  14      8                            2
  15      7                            0
  16     16                            0
   1      1    Frequent        Formater hardisken    31
   2      3    Stoney          Ond gravemaskin       21
   3      2    Dj. Snag        Dexters Gabboratory   18
   4      6    Pinocchio                             15
   5      5    Tecon           Garaber                8
   6      4    Team Karbis     Gun.Smoke              7
Graphics Animation                                     
   1      1    Isaac           Mbafa-Giraffen        36
Graphics Handdrawn                                     
   1      6    Cheetah         Brainlights?          62
   2      5    Optic           It came from Planet     
                                                Jazz 47
   3      7    Enok            (@)-what              34
   4      1    Stoney          Gla'ku                 8
   4      3    Tech            Mon-Go Delux Edition   8
   4      4    Veslepus        Garfield               8
   7      2    Matarazzo       Moonlights             4
   8      8    Dran            The Bridge to Nowhere  3
   9      9    Stoney          Some cows are pink     2
Graphics Raytraced                                     
   1      1    Ford Fairline   Wood George           37
   2      3    Flash Gordon    Lego                  27
   3      2    Flash Gordon    Superteddy            17
   1      3    Cyberstarr      SASCII                28
   2      2    Speed Devil     Contraz               26
   3      1    Aztec           Myriad                22
   1      2    Isaac           Utekveld p Kvalmen   48
   2      3    Flash Gordon    Wildcompo             23
   3      1    Team Karbis     Ikke Bare Rabarbra    19
 [results from THE PARTY'998]                          
     party was held at messecenter in aars, denmark    
 amiga demo                                            
 - - - - -                                             
 1. Alien 2 by Scoopex                                 
 2. XIII by Oxyron                                     
 3. WildLife by Abyss                                  
 4. ??? by Dual Crew And Shinning                      
 5. Substral by Ephidrena                              
 6. Raybong by Loveboat                                
 7. Swift by IRIS                                      
 8. Juusto 2 by Thain (ind.)                           
 9. Take A Bath With Tulou 2 by Tulou                  
10. Power by Robo                                      
11. Baglons Ingenor arbejde by ???                     
12. QAPMOC by Nose Bears                               
13. Julemandens Sidste Ferie by Loonies                
 amiga 40k intro                                       
 - - - - - - - -                                       
 1. 1000% by Scoopex                                   
 2. The Morning Trip by Loonies                        
 3. Cruisin II by Abyss                                
 4. G-Spot by Loveboat                                 
 5. Colors by Cromatics                                
 6. Moving by Darkage&Scoopex                          
 7. Tinnitus by Iris                                   
 8. Newschool 40K Intro by Rave Network Overscan       
 9. Machinery by Boomers                               
10. Eniac4k by Floppy                                  
11. Theorema by Darkage                                
12. Lem by Ninja Gefilus                               
 C=64 demo                                             
 - - - - -                                             
 1. Triage III by Smash Designs                        
 2. The Quark by Breeze                                
 3. Coma Job 2/3 by Oxyron&Crest                       
 4. Despair by Oxygen                                  
 5. "We hate PC's" by Spiders-Crew                     
 6. 8 Bits by Neoplasia                                
 7. Brak MZ1453 by MZ1453                              
 8. Jamaica Dream by WOW                               
 9. A Smooth-Scrolling Debut by Jinx                   
 pixel graphic                                         
 - - - - - - -                                         
 1. Hina by TMK                                        
 2. f l u x by Made/Bomb                               
 3. Killer Animal Reign by Cyclone/Abyss               
 4. Men in Black and White by Jamon/Juice & Pink/Abyss 
 5. X in OiL by Cougar/Sanity                          
 6. Family Love Morality by The United States Of       
 7. Disbelieving Thomas                                
 8. dior by Hellfire/Haujobb                           
 9. Devs by Moniq/Cromatics                            
10. Pixels are a kind of Magic by X-Man                
11. Simple? by Bifrost of Loonies                      
12. MouthFull by Bandy of Iris                         
13. Wild Nature by Judas/Endzeit^Abyss                 
14. Sequential Jesus                                   
15. Fear Me by Inferno/Quad                            
16. Supa, Knulla, Hiss by Wide/LSD                     
17. Elvstone on lsd by Thypyroo/Spantobi Family        
18. Ze Wittle Fwuffy Wabbit... by Gafkhan/Cromatics    
19. Inca Spirit Laika of Loonies of Laika of Loonies   
20. E.L.E. by P/Aesthetica                             
20. Scarface by SAcrilege                              
22. Sail Away by Danube                                
23. Face by Noogman&Chip/Endzeit                       
24. China Remix by Curt Cool/Depth                     
24. Peacefull morning by DCS+RNO                       
26. China Remix by Fame/Nah-Kolor                      
27. Dreamfox by Guinevere/Magic                        
27. Carrie on by Cheesy/Subscure                       
29. Exploding Sheep by Exploding Sheep                 
29. Love by Kombo                                      
31. Der Gik En Bus Klokken 2 by Fasix/Cromatics        
31. Give Me A Break by Sunday                          
33. Moonboots by LoveLace/MaWi                         
33. Killing my dreams by Mr.HD/Expulsion               
33. Jah Live by Cori/DAL                               
33. No title by Mystic                                 
33. The Inner child - Das Kind in Dir! by Nazgul       
38. Hmm_What? by Mini/Dumb                             
38. The Partido by Simon                               
40. Japanese sunglasses by Manko/The Drifters          
40. Funk Soul Brotha by Graffito                       
42. Kompekrokodillettantisk... by Svend-bonk af de gule
42. Sunset by Andreas                                  
44. mr and mrs man by Weez/Loop                        
 - - - -                                               
 1. Suburbs 2100 by 3D Addict                          
 2. understick by kRafton of NOMAD                     
 3. Wheels in motion dental by headache of cromatics   
 4. Out Of Gas by Christer of Ips                      
 5. Windows 98 ' Lax-on by theMOOSE of 2Stupid         
 6. Space Cab Freek... by thypyroo of the spantobi fam.
 7. Formula One by suurland                            
 8. Poisoned King by Ransom of IRIS                    
 9. 10 mbit by Delta 9 and The Madman                  
10. Impression by Linex                                
11. Tubular Bells by FirimaR of ECC                    
12. Sompko by Quickspace of exposure                   
12. Titan by dok                                       
14. The Beginning by Wario of Smurfs                   
15. Leaving Space by Rachael of Rouge                  
16. Mercury by beatomen                                
16. Underwater Base by Sniper                          
18. Sleepy Owls by Flux                                
19. Hovercraft by Myst of Katana                       
20. Y-A-R-T-S by Alsace of Zikes                       
21. Aquarium by damien76 of Ips                        
21. Fire! by Ego5                                      
23. Caddy by The_Baptizer of Zap Intelligence          
23. bowling svab by Grandalf                           
25. CAT SPEAKER by Thumanji                            
26. The Elevator by Skywalker of Uniwarez              
 C=64 graphic                                          
 - - - - - -                                           
 1. Hasenzaehnchen hat Angst by rAYDEN0/AlphaFlight    
 2. Haunted by Sander                                  
 3. Machines by AEG                                    
 4. Donnernde Kataun by Cyclone                        
 5. Technocracy by Deekay of Crest                     
 6. Sunday morning by Hardsequencer                    
 7. 2 planets by katon of Lepsi                        
 8. Mindbluster by sebaloz                             
 9. Jimmi Hendrix by Iceman                            
10. GEN 13 by ZEALOT / Out of Order                    
11. Little Devil by exile                              
12. Fantastic Zool by TUM                              
 - - -                                                 
 1. no title  Sumpen                                   
 2. no title  Rebels +hashmiton                        
 3. no title  2 Stupid                                 
 4. no title  Spantobi family                          
 5. no title  TUM                                      
 6. no title  trinity / Rbi                            
 7. no title                                           
 4channel music                                        
 - - - - - - -                                         
 1. Junk Freaks by Moby/Sanity & Pink/Abyss            
 2. Austin powers by Muffler of Loveboat               
 3. Daydown by Virgill of Haujobb                      
 4. 21 Groove Street by Reverant                       
 5. Life goes in patterns by Hi-flo of Damage          
 6. no title by Dualcrew - Shinning                    
 7. Groove du monde by djzip and beek                  
 8. analogia nostalgia by tristan of aesthetica        
 9. Meditation by fby                                  
10. Fried Funk by Timx of TiD                         
11. Extender by PuRyX of Maximum                       
12. Pleasure dome by nutman of IRIS                    
12. Cyberspace Cruising by Curt Cool of Depth          
14. Paranoid by Spook of Kahvila ^ Orchid of Spook     
15. Mind Trip by Punnik of Knip'N Plak                 
16. no title by maktone/superstars^x-pression          
17. Rampage by Tricktrax of IRIS                       
18. toch WEL Grolsch by Jay & Bassie                   
19. evening prayer by frequent/ephidrena & mj/iris     
19. Banana_addiction by Zixaq of Ephidrena and Bifrost 
21. Synthetic Flowers by beatomen                      
22. qop                                                
23. Kimbrergarden Funk by Magus                        
24. Welcome to the future by dIS of Nukleus            
25. Pznutt by pinocchio of Contraz                     
 Multichannel music                                    
 - - - - - - - - -                                     
 1. ratzbatzfatzfatz by salt of KOLABORE               
 2. Shape Shifter 2 by Sierra of Smash Designs         
 3. Superboat by Loveboat                              
 4. Some other world by Neophire of RBI                
 5. vikings by loonie of analogue music                
 6. All your ways by Method of Trinity                 
 7. El Diablo... by Dan Dryer of UMP & Smash Designs   
 8. Good Morning Aars by Oxygener of Superstars        
 9. Knock down your brains by darkxceed of Quad        
10. Come to me by gday of Quad                         
10. In her majesty duties by silverstance98 of         
12. Olen nainen by Speedo perkele / Loveboat           
13. KHAMOS by Adam of Dualcrew - Shinning              
13. Pannical Affection by beatomen                     
15. Symphony of Sorrow by burtil of BasicBoys          
16. Deep Down Below by DiGiSTORM of Logic              
16. Planned Spontanity by Zixaq of Ephidrena and       
18. Head Rush 604 by Aurum                             
19. The Projector age by Projection                    
 C=64 music                                            
 - - - - -                                             
 1. Just parking by Rorschach of Padua and NoName      
 2. Compomusik by Alien/WOW                            
 2. Salsa Cafe by G.Hultink & E.de Hoog                
 4. Gamblin' Around! by Draken                         
 5. Dreamin' by Viscid/Neoplasia                       
 5. Klanghammer by Taxim of Tempest                    
 7. devilish by bzyk of samar lepsi                    
 8. Unfinshed Bag Of Cheese by Bordeaux of Active      
 9. Compo tune by  Heinmck / TUM                      
10. Da Groove by St0ff/Neoplasia                       
10. Das Schweigen... by Fantastic Zool/TUM+Smash des.  
12. O2B by rambones                                    
13. The lost super... by rAYDEN0/AlphaFlight 1970      
 4k web                                                
 - - -                                                 
 1. Abyss - ficken, poppen usw. by poet/abyss          
 2. Fr Kjs f Wb! by Kalle Kool of Zap Intelligence 
 3. C64/4ever by cydo                                  
 4. Draculas P98 Page by Dracula                       
 5. no title by Karma                                  
 6. Ahead of J-COP by Smack                            
 7. ZzzZzzz.. by jemo of Sommerset                     
 8. Gekkos 4kb webpage by Gekko                        
 Wild classic                                          
 - - - - - -                                           
 1. SCHLEUDERTRAUMA by Gott/Elitegroup                 
 2. McTheParty98 by salt&anti&maxx&bine/CER            
 Useful monitor                                        
 - - - - - - -                                         
 1. Super Users Ashtray by Dexter of 2Stupid           
 2. Mobby Dick II House's by snagrot                   
 Video demo                                            
 - - - - -                                             
 1. The Real Life After... by zonk and beyond of HYBRIS
 2. Drive by Fruiting by flunkium of iN-SeCT           
 3. Jamooh 2 by Exposure                               
 4. REAPER by Arthus                                   
 5. Bad Wafers by Yodel                                
 6. Deeper Impact by DreamForce                        
 7. X14 PSX by Orange                                  
 8. Sneak attack by Cyclops of Fuel & Quad             
 9. Psychotic freak by Peter terp                      
10. Man On A Stick by don doh                          
11. brAinwAsh by METRiC & Looman                       
12. Party Machines by MBB and BenJam                   
13. Extra terrestrial sight by Cheesy+Dreyer           
13. Fingers by bert                                    

                  _\               //                  
                 |                 /|                  
             m        o        d         s             
          __ ____ _________ ________ _______           
        ._\ \   /_\       /_\____  /_\  ,__/_.         
        |          \\    /    \/      \___   |         
        |   \/      \   /               \/   |         
        |___/    \___\//_____________________|         
           /______\                 |twr!              
                 |__              __|                  
             5% nerve             curtcool             
             6% nerve             curtcool             
             basta1               dagon                
             basta2               dagon                
             likeastupididiot     state                
             son@@c x-d@tro       state                
             space cowboy         state                
             suspiral progresive  state                
             on rite              otton                
             chipsong.2           gorzyga              
             progressbar          gorzyga              
             harddrave            gorzyga              
    [ 386.614kb, 12 song, 30.07 min. for listening ]   
END.  5% nerve             curtcool   
  6% nerve             curtcool   
  basta1               dagon      
  basta2               dagon      
  likeastupididiot     state      
  son@@c x-d@tro       state      
  space cowboy         state      
  suspiral progresive  state      
  on rite              otton      
  chipsong.2           gorzyga    
  progressbar          gorzyga    
  harddrave            gorzyga    
                  _\ _  _____________                  
                   |\\\/             |                 
                 a          d          v               
                _______  ________ _________            
              ._\_____ \_\____  /_\       /            
              |   ___/     \/      \\    /             
              |   \/                \   /              
                   |_                |_                
                    /________________| |               
  support 'embrion' chippack and 'strefa mroku' diskmag
   very friendly swap, ascii requests and much more... 
 ................       ........./ ............. kem/k0
 :       :  ....:.......:       /..:  .....    :.......
 :                ............\/      :  .:    :       
 :.......:        :........:  /:      :  ...........   
 .       :...............:   / :.........:     :.......
 :   .   .                                     .   .   
 :.......:   .  k     e     m     p     y  .   :.......
            kempy / veezya + k0re. + twilight          
  przemek kowalczyk  kopernika 13/14  34-100 wadowice
                       p o l a n d                     
                       __                   __         
                    ___\/_               ___\/_        
       .------------\  /\/---------------\  /\/--.     
       | join^swap:  \/     music swap:   \/     |     
       : thorinveezya      stateveezya              
        arek jalowiec      marcin bialobrzewski :     
       . nowiniarska 12/27  kollataja 83a      ..:     
         oo235 warszawa    o54o2 swider      : ..    
         (o22) 635o25o    (o22) 77974o8            
                            |                     ..|  
           ____    ____    ____    ____    ____    |  
         ,-\___\ ,-\   \ ,-\   \ ,-\___\ ,-\__ \   |  
    ,---{   `-' )_   ___)_   ___)   `-' )   |   }---'  
    |.  `---.___|`--._|  `--._| `---.___|---___|      
    |.                     .                          
    |_______________________| Ac!D/dGs               
           .for friendly & music swapping.             
                       .try to.                        
                 .otton of veezya+hv.                  
                .ul.dbrowskiego  3/8.                 
                    .05-400 otwock.                    
                      ..........       .......         
                   ...:        :       :  ...:         
              .....:           :..  ...:  :.           
   ____      _:____     ___  ____:__:______:_   __     
 _| ___|____|   __ |___|    |   __      ___  |_|  |___ 
 |_______       ||     |____|   ||____ |___|      |   |
 |_   |_| __  |_________    ___ |    |___|   ___       
   |______||__|        |____| |_|        |___|  |______
    ...................:        :..............az0!/l12
    :.                                             .:  
 :...:  s       p       i       r       a       l  :...
   goa/detroit/ambient/minimal/trance/electronic dance 
 if you want to join spiral music group send your work 
    el chupacabra/spiral         hallucinogen/spiral   
       michal baczek                tomasz rzoska      
     wybickiego 16 a/3              norwida  12/6      
      82-200 malbork                82-200  malbork    
                  !we are techno factory!              
                   -   m a n t r a   -                 
                 __.__    _____.     ____              
              ._/  |  \__.\    |_____\_  \_.           
            .-|   \_/   _|     _/    _/    |-.         
              contact me for joining mantra,           
             or for swapping the latest stuff          
                    punisher of mantra                 
                      jonas o'brien                    
                      huvikveien 32b                   
                     3222 sandefjord                   
    ___|     __|__  ___|___ ___|___ ___|___ ______ _   
   |_______ _______|   |   |   |   | __|__ |      \|   
        ___|       |       |       |___|___|       |   
       |                               |     kem/k0    
           give me a signal that you exist !           
                    write a letter !                   
                simmon of high voltage                 
                  szymek paluchowski                   
                     gralska 30                       
                   34-123 chocznia                     
  change your point ov view because dreaming isn't bad 
 _                                             _       
 |----   _         __         _______        |----   
 |       |    _    |||       _||  _____._______|      _
 |_______|____|____|||_______|||_______|       |______|
   support s-f, fantasy, rpg, paleo mag - STREFA MROKU 
  Kempy / Twilight   Coach / Twilight   Yoyo / Twilight
 Przemek  Kowalczyk  Krzysztof Twardy  Grzegorz Jurasze
  Kopernika 13/14     ul.orska 59/4   ul.Katowicka 27/
  34-100 Wadowice    47-400  Racibrz   47-400 Racibrz
            ___     ________    ___    ______          
         ._/  _)_.__\___   /_._/  _)_._\  __/__.       
         |      _|    _/  /  |      _|  \____  |       
           ---------- i.r.i.s -----Bd!/L24-         
         digger/iris            scene since 1995       
         tommy jankowski  these years thaught me       
         zajazd 4                       a lot of       
         09-100 plonsk              but I'm sure       
         poland               I'll never give up       
           -- when it comes to friendship --         
                         (      ((  O  ))      )       
                 ________ __________|      | yQ.la!    
               _|    __  |    __    |      |__         
              |        |     __            ___|______  
              |      _______|  |     __     |        | 
              |_____|          |____|  |             | 
                                       |             | 
    grupa "provocator activity team"   |             | 
    poszukuje writerw. jeli jeste   | p.rovocator | 
    dobry i chcesz pisa artykuy do   | a.ctivity   | 
    magazynu "provocator" pisz do:     | t.eam       | 
     - yaneq - / pat+rno+linear                      
      janusz hylinski  wieczorka 9  63-760  zduny    
     .........: _ :.........................   .....   
     : .________|____    ._______________. :...: _ :   
     : |________|   /    |_______/_______|_______| :   
     : | ...... |________| ..... \____, ..... ,__| :   
     :...:    :............:   :........:   :......:   
            a t r e y  /  i n d e p e n d e n t        
              a l e k s a n d e r   b o r o           
            o s m o l i  s k a   1 4 / 1 8 m 8        
          9 8 - 2 2 0     z d u  s k a   w o l a      
                __.__    _____.     ____               
             ._/  |  \__.\    |_____\_  \_.            
           .-|   \_/   _|     _/    _/    |-.          
                for traditional swapping               
                and mod.ordering service               
                     coma of mantra                    
                    daniel johansson                   
                    stenstaliden 1 b                   
                   68136 kristinehamn                  
                tasty stew to chosen few               
                    (that was new! =)                  
        the hooligan.tiger.ash!.marc.darkhawk.nme      
        4 nice ^ crazy swapping, now write to me:      
           .__      _#P                              
       ______"__  P    _____           bD!/dGs      
    .__\_    \  *m     \    \   ______      ____    
    |   /____/    JF  _ ___\__  \__\_    \ ____\_  \   
    |     __ __   7          /      /____/_\   _/ _/   
    |____/        j__       /____.             \    \. 
             _a*@@0 _ __/     l______________\____| 
         .                                 .      
         |                                      |      
         |___        kLa-ra/amIGA eURO          |      
         .__/         mADA sTYCZYNSKa           |      
         |            nARKOWy  29 m 5          _|      
         |            83-12o  sUBKOWy          \.      
         |              - pOLANd -              |      
         |                                      |      
        _|__          aNSWEr foR aLL!         __|_     
    .___ _____  _________ _____  __ __ _____   _____   
    |   / ___/\/ _  / . /\\_  /\/ // // ___/\ / .  /\. 
    |  / /\ _\/ // / __/ /_/ / /_ _// /\ _\// _  / /| 
    | / /__/ / // /  \_\// _/_// /\/ /__/ // // / / | 
    |/______/____/_/\_\/____/\/_/ /______//_//_/ /  | 
    |\______\____\_\ \_\\____\/\_\/\______\\_\\_\/___| 
    |..:.fOR fRIENDLY & Amiga sWAP wRITE To:.. 
    |..                                   ....: 
    |. . ..       .gORZYGA oF dECREE.         . .| 
    |.  . .          Marcin Gorzycki          ....| 
    |..   .   ul.witochowskiego 1 m 126    .. .| 
    :. .  ..         01-318 Warszawa        . . ..| 
    :..  . ... ..    (022) 664-91-26  ... ... . ...| 
    ...............        .............| 
    ....1oo% anSwer For aLl disK sEndeRs!....| 
                 for warez swapping:                   
      guffaw/t13n!^giants^rave network overscan        
                   magnus henriksen                  
                     stationsgatan 2                   
                        511 54 kinna                   
    ______ ___ ___ _____ ______ ______ ______ ______   
   .\   _/_\  |  /_\__ /_\ ,__/_\   _/_\__  /_\    /   
   |   ___/ /\ \_   \____ \_  ___/  /_/\_ __ \_ 
   |     \         /     /  /   /    \        / _/   / 
                         write 2:                      
                   bartosz ptaszynski                  
                      robotnicza 2                     
                    14-53o  frombork                   
                  for swap or support:                 
         'unknown' diskmag - articles, adverts         
'embrion' chippack - chipmodules, adverts, messys, news
                .____\\       |                        
       ________ |             |   e  v  a  n         
      _\   ___/     ._______  |           ____         
     /    __/_______|      /     _________\   \____    
    /____           |     /______\__          \\   \   
        /_________  |           __    _________\    \  
                 /___________.  \     \         \____\ 
        yQ.l124              |_________\               
                |         ____|                        
           for kool mailtradin' drop your mail here:   
                marcin szmidtke                        
                37-450 stalowa wola 7                  
          __     __________  _____                     
  __      \ |    \ _       ||    /____________         
 |:..  ____ |     \\  .  .:||                 |k!p,  
 |_   `---( |      \\______||____/.     .   .:|       
 tommy derent                   - really friendly swapp
 aleje planu szescioletniego 35/6          - 100% reply
 85-806 bydgoszcz            - high quality mailtrading
 poland                                    - code swapp
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     for paranormal swapping activities you can write  
     on this little addy:                              
tomasz bator . os.xxx-lecia 9/17 . 32-200 miechow . pol