Remedy 7 Mag
Text Inside this Production

 _______________________________ ________________________________ ____       
 \____        /\_    __________ | _____    ____________   \      |    |      
  |   l_  ___/__|    __/____/  \_/    |    __/____|    |   \____ l    |      
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  l____l\_____/ l_________/     |_____l_________/ l________/__________|      
                       I S S U E   #   0 7                                   
     Code         :      WIZARD    /   GIANTS and MORBID                     
     Graphics     :      ZACK      /   GIANTS                                
     Music        :      TWO-BIT   /   GIANTS                                
     Packing      :      MALAKAI   /   GIANTS                                
                RELEASED :   20-07-1996                                      
        /\____    __ _____   ___   ______   \  \  \                          
        \//\  \___/  __\  \__/ \   __\   \   \  \  \                         
          \ \     \_ \  \   \   \  \  \   \  /___  /                         
           \ \__\__/_____\___\___\_____\____/_____/                          
               " REMEDY ", new pack by GIANTS.                               
                  Packed by: BON.                                            
                   Send support to :                                         
         Bon/GIANTS    , R. Nyheim, 7650 VERDAL, Norway                      
         Malakai/GIANTS, K. Myhre , Løkkenv.11, 7650 VERDAL, Norway          
                    GIANTS : WE ARE HUGE !                                   
                  ____        _____  ___              \      |               
         ________/   _\__    /     \/   \           /\ \     |    /          
     ___/_       \__/ ¯  \__/      /     \__        \ \_    _    /           
  __/   ¯ \      /          \            /  \  ---   \_ \æß/ \      --       
 /  \        JURA / Redline                  \_        7  _ \ \_             
(            Julien Ruzzene                /\_ \_    __L¤_o  \_ \  uUU)      
|       39 rue de la pillardiere     \__/_/\\ \_/   (°_).. , ¡_\ \ / /       
(         45600 Sully Sur Loire       /_/¯  \\       \_X__/| | / // /    _   
|                FRANCE            /_/¬¯     \\ uUU\   __| | | \// /    //   
¬\            \___/            ___/¯¯_____    \\  \ \_/ /_/ /  .__/    / |   
  \_      \___/¯|        /\___//|¯  Æ#####&   |\\  \____\__/ ____  \  |  /   
    \__     |   ¬\______/   ¯¯¯ |  Æ#######&  | ¯_     / /  /    \  | \  |   
       \___/       ¯¯¯¯¯        | |#########| | (°)   ( |  (        |  | |   
         ¯¯                     | |#########| | /(_)   \| ° \       |  | |   
                                | |#########|(_)/     __\\___\     Z\_/ /    
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 \    l__   __/    \_\_______.  \                                            
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|94\__________\_____\_____________\ |                                        
`---------[ wE aRE hUGE ]-------çdr-'                                        
        - 500 MB of modules                                                  
        - 250 MB of JPEG's                                                   
        - 150 MB of GIF's              Contact HURRICANE / CLAN /  VOID      
          FUGAZI of GIANTS                                                   
           Robin Forsberg                           Lars Selvig              
         Norrtullsgatan 37B                      Major Coldevinsgt.          
         S-82637 Soederhamn                        7650 VERDAL               
               SWEDEN                                NORWAY                  
     _______  __  ______________ /   /                                       
    /  \ __ \/  \/      / ! \   Y   /                                        
   / !  \\_  \ ! \_  __/     \    _/                                         
  /      \  _/    \   \       \   \                                          
 /   ¡____\ |__¡   \__/___¡    \___\                                         
/____|   !  |  |____\ trk |_____\                                            
         !  !                                Contact COPE of GIANTS          
        - Strife of Apathy -                                                 
                                                Øystein Hansen               
 Seeks more fast'n'friendly swappers          ChristineStraysv. 4            
                                              3600 KONGSBERG                 
  My addy: t.amUndSen                            NORWAY                      
          glitRegAtA  13                                                     
          3600 kOngSberG                                                     
     Especially Blitz2-coders!                                               
         For an elite & friendship mailtrading, try to contact...            
         Also for Mods-trading - - ---> Hardfire of Intense & Ngc            
         Support my Burnpack !                      Johan Roirand            
         And Our Chip-Pack CHIP'S             35 rue de la Comete            
         >Disk+Letter=100% Answer<   44230-St Sebastien-sur-Loire            
         Musicians Welcomed <--- - -                       FRANCE            
         Greetz 2 my contacts in:FP/Desire-Depth-Flt-Pagan-RamJam            
         AnarchyPC-SuperNova-Nova-Movement... & 2 da independents            
|       :_______                          :_______ _                         
¦       |      /_______ _ ________ _      |      / /                         
: _ ____|     /_______///__  ____///___ __|     /                            
·      _|_ __/            /  \/¯      /  _|_ __/        ^s y n d r o m e^    
·      \_   ¯\_______    /_______    /   \_   ¯\_                            
.  _ ___|     |.--¯\____/-----.\____/_____|     |                            
  -----.l_____|:              `----------.l_____| -for supporting the        
       `-------`                         `---------------.                   
  gangsta__        .-------------------------------------` Kickdown-packmag  
        _\/_       `-------------------------------------.                   
        \/\/                  __________           :_____:_ _  write to:     
              :____ _________/_        /_______    |      / /                
·       ______|___ \    _____  \_     /       /___ |     /  Kestrel/Syndrome 
.   _ _/     ____/  \_      /   /   _/\_     /  _ \|    /:                   
.   \ \      \|¯     /_____    /_____/\_____/   ¯\ \_  / :     J.C. Meyer    
:      \    ________/.--¯\____/----------./_______\   /  :     Lehmsiek 1    
¦       \____/.------`                   `---------\_/---` 25876 Schwabstedt 
|       `-----`                                                 Germany      
. .                                       . .                                
 |        For rapid and overwhelming       |                                 
\_/           trading via mail            \_/                                
 |         contact a veteran in the        |                                 
 |              AMIGA scene.               |                                 
 |                                         |                                 
 |          Mosher of Massive              |                                 
 |             Roar Fossen                 |                                 
 |             Hyllbergv.7                 |                                 
 |              7520 Hegra                 |        SUPPORT                  
 |               Norway                    |                REMEDY !         
 |                                         |                                 
 |  Greets fly to: GODS - Neo - Razor -    |                                 
 |  Giants - Passion - Avocado -           |                                 
 |  NaH Kolor/Trsi - Static Bytes -        |                                 
 |  Ram Jam - Eltech - Fanatic and the     |                                 
 |  rest i couldn't fit in.       Bye!     |                                 
 |                                         |                                 
|                                    |                                       
|     FoR fAsT n' HoT mAiLtRaDiNg    |                                       
|        CoNtAcT tHiS cOoL gUy       |                                       
|                                    |                                       
|           Try this add :           |                                       
|                                    |                                       
|           ThRyM / GiAnTs           |                                       
|            EsPeN FoSsEn            |              REMEDY                   
|            HyLlBeRgV.7             |                    HELPS              
|            7520 HEGRA              |                         YOU!!         
|              NoRwAy                |                                       
|                                    |                                       
|     I do aga, modules swap and     |                                       
|          normal swapping.          |                                       
|     Everybody gets an answear.     |                                       
|                                    |                                       
|    Norway, land of the VIKINGS.    |                                       
|                                    |                                       
         __¦___________       ________.           ____________¦__            
       ._\  __________/_____._\_ _____|________ ._\__         __/_.          
       |  \_______________  |    \_______    _/_|                 |          
           ¦                                                  ¦              
           ¦   swapping...                                    ¦              
          stein hofve , Jmiddelthunsv4 , 3600 kongsberg , norway             
                      FOR NORMAL+MPEG SWAPPING! '96                          
                                 PL 62                                       
                           FIN - 15141 LAHTI                                 
                            ALSO BEGINNERS                                   
                        DISK+LETTA=ANSWER RULEX!                             
     _ _______________________  ________  ________  __________ ___           
     _ /    \\  _ __ \\      \\/       \\/       \\/    \\    Y  \\          
    _ / _ _  \\ -/__\ \\ _ _  \\_ _ ___ \\_ _ ___ \\_ __ \\   |   \\         
   _ /  -/_\  \\_ __  // -/_\  \\///___\ \\///___\ \\/  \ \\       \\        
    _\    _   //-\__/ \\   _   //        //        //\__/ // |     //        
     _\__/ \__/________/__/ \__/\________/\________/______/__A_____/*Csa-D*  
              If you need contacts, don't hesitate to write:                 
                               Juha Lehtonen                                 
                               Ruotintie 310                                 
                            FIN-44220 Suolahti                               
                       Legal Amiga-stuff 100% reply                          
    ________ ________ ________ ________ _ ______ ________ ________ ______ _  
  .-\  ____/-\__    /-\  ____/-\  ____/-\\\__  /-\  ____/-\__    /-\  __///  
  |_   __/ |_  /   /_    __/--    __/--   ____/     __/ |_  /   /.  \__  _|  
   /____!shp/__\   \\\_______/\\_____//\_______/\\______//__\   \|_______\   
   for quality swapping:   hellos must go to: appendix, axis, damage,        
   --------------------    flying cows, scum, giants, scoopex, balance,      
   dave/frs^p303           gods, vacuum, mystic, fanatic, trsi, haujobb,     
   po box 1138             anadune, oxygene, nah-kolor, ram jam, artwork,    
   42224 czestochowa       old bulls, massive, honoo, passion + others       
             _____          _____        _____        _____                  
            /\ ___\     ____\ ___\    ___\____\    ___\_   \                 
            \ \\ __\   /    /\\__\\  /___ /\\  \  /___ /\ \ \                
             \ \\__\\ /  / / /\\  \\//  // / \  \//__ / /  _ \               
              \ \____\  / / /\ \____\  // / \____\__// / \____\              
               \/____/___/ /  \/____/__/ / \/____/__/ / \/____/              
                    \____\/       \____\/      \____\/Malakai!               
                              Kjell Åge Myhre -100%reply to all              
                                Løkkenv. 11   -4 Amiga swap                  
                                7650 VERDAL   -Contact me now coz my         
                                 No(r)way      goal is to get over 130       
                      ____                 ____                        ____  
                     /__ /\  ____         /\   \    ____              /   /\ 
  ____              //_ / / /\ __\     ____ \ _\\  /\   \            /__// / 
 /\ __\      ____  //_ / /  \ \\_\\   /__ /\ \\_\\ \ \\ \\     ___  //_// /  
 \ \\  \    /\   \/___/ /    \ \\ \\ // // /\ \___\ \ \\/ \ ____  \/___/ /   
  \ \\__\  ____\ \\___\/      \ \___\/ // /  \/___/  \ \___\__ /\\ \___\/    
   \ \___\/   /\\_\\           \/___/__/ /            \/___/ // / \ \        
    \/___//  / /\___\              \___\/                //_// / \___\       
        //_ / /\/___/                                   /___/ / \/___/       
       /___/ /               Hurricane/Clue/Void        \___\/+Malakai+      
                                 Lars Selvig       -4 amiga swap             
                                 7650 Verdal                                 
     _______  __  ______________ /   /                                       
    /  \ __ \/  \/      / ! \   Y   /                                        
   / !  \\_  \ ! \_  __/     \    _/                                         
  /      \  _/    \   \       \   \                                          
 /   ¡____\ |__¡   \__/___¡    \___\                                         
/____|   !  |  |____\ trk |_____\                                            
         !  !                                                                 
          ROLEX of APATHY                      Lundos/?????                  
   * Modules, games & ownprods *       *Games Swap and Scene Stuff*          
           Thomas Vaags                        Trond E.Lund                  
      Hulda Garborgs gt. 33                      P.Box 82                    
            2300 Hamar                          7650 Verdal                  
              Norway                              Norway                     
 _______________________________ ________________________________ ____       
 \____        /\_    __________ | _____    ____________   \      |    |      
  |   l_  ___/__|    __/____/  \_/    |    __/____|    |   \____ l    |      
  |    \       /|    \_    /    |     |    \_    /|    |    /   l     |      
  l____l\_____/ l_________/     |_____l_________/ l________/__________|      
             This issue of REMEDY includes messages from:                    
                       BON      of GIANTS                                    
                       KESTREL  of SYNDROME                                  
                       STRIFE   of APATHY                                    
                                TO ALL !!                                    
I will serve my millitary-service from 10th of April. My duty will end in    
December, so you will not hear from me MAY/JUNE/JULY. From August I will     
start my normal swapping again. Also sorry for sending no disk(s) this, but  
I just have any spare time to copy over 100 disks. You will get your disks   
back in August. When Im back in business.                                    
Well, I have to leave you now. Still have fun and remember Friendship really 
Take care and stay cool.                                                     
See you innn August!!!!!                                                     
Best regards                                                                 
                                   - BON/GIANTS -                            
Action of Damage:        Hi Action! Still don't got the identification-      
                         mark from Germany. Hope I will get it soon, ok?     
                         C ya...                                             
Angelwings of Syndrome:  Na, alter! Hast jetzt auch endlich 'ne Turbokar-    
                         te?!??!! Naja, besser is' das!                      
Anfobia of Massive:      Howdy! Thanx for contacting. Hope we will have      
                         a nice swap-time. C ya...??                         
Asimov of Mad Dogs:      Hello Asimov. Well, hope you write soon again,      
                         perhaps with a Mad Dogs-release? However, I will    
                         spread it. Write soon...                            
Black Dragon of Honoo:   Yo! Paper-letter rules! Friendship-swap, too!       
                         Hehe, since I have got my new HD I am also col-     
                         lecting mods... so send some, if you want!          
Bon of Giants:           Hi Bon! Hope you are still happy to have joined     
                         Giants, aren't you? Send up comming prods from      
                         your division...                                    
Candyman of Giants:      Hey, delaying again because of the fucking army?    
                         Hope you may soon quit this fuck job! Write soon!   
Chris of Gods:           Hello Chris! Hey, were is your sending? Still not   
                         back from England? Hope you write soon again.       
Chucky of Sardonyx:      Na, schon weiter gekommen mit eurer CD? Hoffe, daß  
                         das Teil voll einschlaegt!! Erzaehl' mir von L.A.,  
                         wenn du zurueck bist...                             
Clever of Phuture 303:   Moin! Yep, '96 scheint bei dir ja echt aetzend an-  
                         gefangen zu haben. Kann ja nur besser werden. C ya  
                         at the Symposium?                                   
Codac of Syndrome:       Hello Codac, the unbeatable... hehe! Hope you can   
                         finish all prods in time... but you will, as you    
                         are a coding machine!                               
Coolio of GrasshopperD:  Hey, hope fucking the wife of the salesman with     
                         clothes was cool... hehe! RTL rules... Milka, too!  
                         Daumendick, Easternegg!! With Ganze HAsselnuesse!!  
Decoy of Passion:        Howdy! Was nice to meet you at the TP5. But why are 
                         you delaying? Too busy with your job? Write soon.   
Denis of NHD:            Hey Denis! What's up? Quitted the scene, or didn't  
                         got my sending? Write soon...                       
Devestator of Salamand.: Hey, du Arschloch!! You have contacted me, and now  
                         after I have answered you, you haven't written      
                         again. Sucker!! Die soon...                         
Doomsday of BZR:         Na, du alter Arsch... hehe! Wie war das? Ich        
                         schreib' bald wieder? DAs war vor einem halben      
                         Jahr! Solltest dich vielleicht in Doomsd-el-ay um-  
Exon of Riot:            Moin Maik! Hey, was is' nun mit deiner neuen Tech-  
                         nik(Farbkopierer!). Write soon...                   
Fiction of RNO:          Hi! Thanx for contacting me. Hope we will have a    
                         nice swap-time. Write soon...                       
Gangsta of Scoopex:      Na, alter Gauner... hoho! Hab' den Typen wegen den  
                         CD-Roms mal angeschrieben. Hoffe der schreibt mir   
                         bald zurueck. Nochmal danke fuer den Tip! C ya...   
Ghandy of Gods:          Howdy Lars! Na, was is' los! Delaying ohne Ende,    
                         oder was?! Nochmal danke für den Tip mit den 10-    
                         Pf-sendings. Geht ja wirklich...                    
Groover of Pacific:      Howdy Groover! Thx for cool Vodka-drinks-tips!      
                         They rule! But why mix it up with something? With-  
                         out it is not so sweet! Hehe...                     
Guille of Syndrome:      Hi! Na, wie geht es dir? Hast du nun endlich mal    
                         Warsteiner oder Becks getrunken? Sonst koennen      
                         wir vielleicht ja mal Bier-Dosen-swap machen?       
Hotstepper of Rektum:    Hi Hotstepper! Nochmal thx fürs contacten! Ausser-  
                         dem danke fuer die asciis. Werd' ich vielleicht     
                         sogar benutzen... C ya!                             
Horror(Independent):     Hey, what happened? Why haven't you written since   
                         4 months now? Hope yu write soon again. C ya...???  
Hardfire of NGC^Intense: Howdy! Thx for answering finally. Hope we will have 
                         a nice swap-time. Stay cool...                      
Immortal of Freezers:    Hi! Thx for answering. Yep, TP5 wasn't that good,   
                         especially if you compare it with the TP4. Anyway,  
                         hope to get some new Freezers-prods from you soon.  
Iro of Depth:            Na, alter Zocker! Was is' los? Kein Bock mehr auf   
                         swappen? Haengst wohl den ganzen Tag vor der PSX,   
                         hehe. Naja, c ya...                                 
Kaos Master of Techn.:   Hello! Thanx for contacting me. Hope we will have   
                         nice swap-time. Hey, give me some news from your    
                         friend about The Charts. C ya...                    
Marc of Sector7^Crazy:   Yo, thx fuer die coolen mods. Techno rules, aber    
                         kannst ruhig auch mal ein paar andere mods schic-   
                         ken. Naja, man sieht sich... auf der Symposium?     
Maze of Eltech^Massive:  Howdy! Well, thanx for contacting and the nice      
                         chip-tunes. Think I will use some soon. C ya...     
McDon of Intruders:      Hey, delaying, or what? Hope you write soon again.  
                         Stay cool... write soon.                            
Miko'63 of Iris:         Hi! Hey, what's with your pack? Hope to get the     
                         newest issue soon from you. However, hope you write 
                         soon again. Stay cool...                            
Mr Big of Zoom:          Howdy! Well, always nice stuff and cool letters.    
                         Keep on doing it! C ya...??                         
Mr King of TRSI:         Hi! Haben uns leider nicht auf der TP5 getroffen.   
                         Naja, ich denk' mal wir sehen uns auf der Symposium.
                         Und... schreib' mal oefter...                       
Mike of Mystic:          Hey, nothing heard from you since... I don't know.  
                         Hope you write soon again... stay cool!             
Noodle of Haujobb:       Hehe, Daumendick! Mit ganzen Haselnuessen... Milka  
                         rules. Anyway, was cool to meet you at the TP5.     
                         C ya... stay cool!                                  
Norman of Anadune:       Hi Norman! Well, Foundation is a cool demo! I like  
                         the design. But it isn't much better than Inflic-   
                         tion(was great anyway). Ok, c ya... stay cool!      
Okeanos of Syndrome:     Hello! What's going on? Hope you music-disc is soon 
                         ready. Will spread it like hell... hehe! Syndrome   
                         rules!!! C ya...                                    
Paperboy of Mobile:      Hey m8! What's up? Haven't heard anything from you  
                         since a long time :( !! Hope you write soon again.  
Phase of Crazy:          Moin! Sorry, daß ich nicht sofort alle 10 discs zu- 
                         rueckgeschickt hatte. Aber, den Grund kennst du ja. 
                         Naja, hope to c ya at the Symposium!                
Rabl of Void:            Moin Rabl! Well, nice intro from Void. You are on   
                         the right way. However, hope Joke is fine, isn't    
                         she? Anyway, you wanted to send me a Foto of her.   
                         Send one! C ya at the Symposium...                  
Rahow of Les Shadocks:   Hi! Well, cool idea with this chip-tune-disc. But   
                         we will take all ever released in KD. Anyway, think 
                         we should talk about this after the SP96. C ya...   
Raptor of ZM8:           Howdy! Sorry, you are not allowed to join Syndrome. 
                         But we only want members in France,Germany. So, no  
                         chance! Anyway, stay cool... write soon...          
React of Monk:           Hello Joeri! Hey, I am waiting for Trinity. Hope    
                         it's soon ready. Anyway, write soon, stay cool!     
Rooster of Honey^Morbid: Howdy Rooster! How's life? Have seen in NoSense     
                         that you are high ranked in the Swappee-charts.     
                         Keep on doing it... c ya!                           
Skinner of Eltech^Void:  Hi! Hehe, have you already begun playing Ambermoon? 
                         Hope my clues have helped you, haven't them? Any-   
                         way, if you have problems, ask me!                  
Skull of Eremation:      Howdy Didier! Sorry that you did not got my last    
                         sending. Post suxx! Anyway, hope you write soon     
Spawn of Psychotek:      Hey, what's up dude? Hope you write soon again. Any-
                         way, saty cool!!! C ya...???                        
Splatterhead of Fanatic: Hi! And, what's the next group you join? Hehe...    
                         Anyway, always cool stuff you send! C ya...         
Speed Devil of Giants:   Well, thanx for contacting me. Hope we will have a  
                         nice swap-time... C ya!                             
The King of Illusion:    So, you like Kickdown. Ok, hope you always spread   
                         it! Anyway, stay cool, write soon!!!! C ya...       
The Ripper of Da Press:  Howdy! So, what's the problem with the mag-part of  
                         Kickdown? Tell me, what you would like to have op-  
                         timized. Oki, c ya...???                            
Trendy Dealer of RamJam: Hey, what's up with The Charts? Have heard that     
                         there won't be a new issue? Anyway, write soon...   
Trasher of Bomb:         Na, is' cool in Bomb, was? In so 'ner zukuenftigen  
                         PC-group... hehe! Egal, Artwork rules! Naja, hope   
                         you write soon again. C ya at the Symposium???      
Tos of Silicon:          Hey, what's up. Recontacting me... and nothing!     
                         Nice joke... hoho! Write or die!!!                  
To all:                  First, sorry to those I have forgotten. No time!    
                         Anyway, here is a list of delayers. If you know     
                         one, please tell him that I am still waiting for    
                         a sending.                                          
                             Chris of Gods                                   
                             Denis of NHD                                    
                             Devestator of Salamander                        
                             Doomsday of BZR                                 
                             McDon of Intruders                              
                             Mike of Mystic                                  
                             Spawn of Psychotek                              
                             Tos of Silicon                                  
                         However, if you want you may contact me for cool    
                         mail-trading! Advert you will find surely in the    
                         Advert-Section. C ya...                             
To all of my swappers:                                                       
   Hey mates!  This is Strife, hangin at the gathering'96. We have released  
   a 'great' intro!!!   Check it out, not..      Sorry for some d-lays       
   lately, I'll speed up.                                                    
Greetz to:                                                                   
            bON/gIANTS                       tRACKY/aPOLLO^aPATHY            
            cOPE/gIANTS                      iNTERFACE/aPATHY                
            tFT/rNO                          jAY/uLTIMA^vOID                 
            sKINNER/eLTECH                   cHRIZ/eLEMENT                   
            mAZE/eLTECH                      cHUNKY/uHF                      
            rOLEX/aPATHY                     wISEGUY/aPATHY                  
            hEXORCIST/aLMAGEST               sTYLES/s2                       
            fISHERKING/mASSIVE               cAVIT/iNDY                      
            mR.X/aPATHY                      mALISON/cONTRAZ                 
            aBO/iNDY                         dEATH/aPATHY                    
            sPLATTERHEAD/fANATIC             hAWK/9dESIGN                    
            cOOLIO/gRASSHOPPER               mR.C/aLMAGEST                   
            mOONCHILD/hALFMOON               dR.DEATH/eLTECH                 