Powerpack 28
Text Inside this Production

yep    yep       ohhh    yeahrr     after   the  great     vanilla ice     concert  in   munich   i   complete  this  pack      and    this   time  no  greetz  or   good  text/scroller    coz   only  the   song   stop  that   train  is  in  my     head   so  only  some   words  of   this  great  song   but    by  the  way    the  new  album  called    extremly  live      from  vannila   ice  is  very  cool  so   go  in  the  shops   and   buy   it     yep   yep   big   hellos  to  all      rap fans  around  the   world   soooooooooo                        yo, vip, lets kick it!      stop this train coz i wanna get off                         ðall the following packs are with the complete greetzlist so look forward to packs from     duke    dr zuse    willow    yakuza     and from me   tc         the other members are:     sx apollo        kid      rat theðÿð tripper ripper      poncho      marder     t0x0     aztec    dj    o k  beginn the same shity scroller                           p s  see ya all on the next vanilla ice concert yep  yep      the risk inc