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showing 1 matches from 101715 total entries
Title Group Category Year
downloadBetter Dead Than AlienTGM-Crew
Exciter - Lord Performer Artworx
Crack Intro
in family
added 2/95

Members and Subgroups of TGM-Crew

(no subgroups)
Member NameTask(s)Known as Member in YearCountry
ExciterMusic Artist, Texter, Graphics Artist, Swapper, Founder1987-1988 Germany
ExolonGraphics Artist1987-1988 Germany
GarfieldCoder, Texter1988 Germany
Hobbit (aka The Hobbit)Coder, Texter, Graphics Artist1988 Germany
Lord Performer ArtworxCoder, Music Artist, Texter, Graphics Artist1988 Germany
NomadGraphics Artist1988 Germany
The FateSwapper1988 Germany
The FrogCoder1988 Germany
Topas (aka Blitter Splitter)Coder, Texter, Swapper, Founder1987-1988 Germany
ZyronTexter, Graphics Artist1988 Germany

TGM-Crew Is Greeted In

Stock Market, Sonix Dreams