

About Amonia

A Bergen based crew that came about when members of Edge contacted the Lynxor crew about merging. They met and formed Amonia.

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Members and Subgroups of Amonia

(no subgroups)
Member NameTask(s)Known as Member in YearCountry
$dff180Coder, Texter, Graphics Artist1991-1992 Norway
AceGraphics Artist1990 Norway
Blade (aka Underlord)Music Artist, Graphics Artist1991 Norway
BozoTexter, Packdisk Editor, Swapper1990-1991 Norway
Buzax (aka Blaze)Texter, Graphics Artist, Packdisk Editor, Swapper1990-1992 Norway
CokeCoder, Texter, Graphics Artist1991-1992 Norway
Digiman (aka Slimeball)Music Artist1990-1991 Norway
GandalfGraphics Artist1991
GhostGraphics Artist, Swapper1990-1991 Norway
GirtonCoder, Texter1990-1991 Norway
LamebrainCoder1991 Norway
Never MindSwapper1990 Norway
NordgaardGraphics Artist1991 Norway
NorgarSwapper1991 Norway
PoseidonGraphics Artist1991
RetaliatorCoder, Texter1991 Norway
RubberduckCoder, Music Artist, Texter, Graphics Artist1990-1991 Norway
ShogunGraphics Artist1991
SpiracleCoder, Graphics Artist, Swapper, Modem Trader1991 Norway
TomCoder, Graphics Artist1991-1992 Norway
Tough OneCoder, Texter, Packdisk Editor, Swapper, Organizer1991 Norway
VultureTexter, Graphics Artist1990-1991 Norway